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  1. R

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    caymom, Now no newsleh. Dunno good news or bad news. The mgr that interviewed me also go "MIA" since Thursday. Actually I've been contemplating to contact him on his hp. Hee hee But even if I do get the position, it'll be months before I'll move :P
  2. R

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    Glayz, how to bake with the steel pot? Over the stove???? Interview, Thanks Twinklets! Yes I've gone for it this morning. Waited all alone for 30 minutes. Tot I kenna bluffed abt the interview. Haha. Anyway, whatever I've studied din come out. I got so worried about the technical...
  3. R

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    Day out on 9 Nov, I took lousy pics today. Not much actually... Riz definitely had lots of fun, especially going down the slide for the umpteenth time. The moment we got back home, he knocked out on the floor. He was totally exhausted. And he drained out my energy too... Now, I need a very...
  4. R

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    bbrooster, Don't worry... some old wives' tale say that mummies who are not at their best during pregnancy only means her beauty is meant for the bb to be pretty or handsome! So smile and cheer up Shane, Paiseh lah, i dun like to trouble pple kind leh... See where u gals eating see if I'm...
