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  1. S

    Premature babies support group

    Hi mummies, Thanks so much for all your well-wishes. Now I am a bit freer cos I have a confinement lady to help me look after the twins... My mum told me to rest well these 2-3 weeks as my c-sect wound has not healed properly yet and my body is still weak. . . Hehe, I think the 'real test'...
  2. S

    Premature babies support group

    oops... typed wrongly, i delivered my twins at 36 weeks (not 37 weeks as mentioned in the previous posting)
  3. S

    Premature babies support group

    Hi mummies, i am back to share my birth-story with you... Delivered my twins last wk at 37 weeks. They weighed 2.1 kg each. I was a little nervous before the cesearean op. It was v cold in the operating theatre. I was so happy and relieved when i heard my 1st baby cry ... followed soon...
  4. S

    Premature babies support group

    Dear Mummies, Thanks for all your replies and words of encouragement ... they made my day!! My gynae did advise me that it is better to deliver at 37 weeks as it is considered full-term. But because my bump is getting very heavy and my legs more swollen, he agreed to deliver me next wk...
  5. S

    Premature babies support group

    Hi Mummies, Happy New Year to all of you and your loved ones! Hope you remembered me... I posted here in October when my gynae informed me that I had cervical funneling in my 23rd wk of pregnancy. I had high chances of preterm labor and early delivery. I was put on bed rest and only got...
  6. S

    Premature babies support group

    Hi Mummies, Thanks for all your warm wishes and sharing all your experiences and advice. Really appreciate the time you took to post the messages, find out more info for me and provide me links to other websites...I must learn to be strong like all of you. Trying to rest in bed more and...
  7. S

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Hi Mummies, Thanks for all your warm wishes and advice. Really glad to hear from all of you. Trying to rest in bed more and minimize walking about at home (except to eat and go to the bathroom). Will update you all with my progress. My gynae wants to see me in 2 weeks time for another...
  8. S

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Hi Fi Hozali, Thanks for your advice and warm wishes. Really really appreciate it. Have been feeling quite sad and worried since yesterday's check-up. I am not on any medication at the moment, except for the usual folic acid and iron pills. My gynae said that bed rest is not needed at...
  9. S

    Premature babies support group

    Hi Mummies, I am currently 23 weeks pregnant with Twins. This is my 1st pregnancy. I went for my ultrasound today and my gynae told me that my cervix has started to open up by abt 2cm... The term they used was 'funneling'. Anyone heard about 'funneling'? ... Is it the same as 'dilation'...
  10. S

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Hi Mummies, I am currently 23 weeks pregnant with Twins. This is my 1st pregnancy. I went for my ultrasound today and my gynae told me that my cervix has started to open up by abt 2cm... The term they used was 'funneling'. Anyone heard about 'funneling'? Please share with me your...
  11. S

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Hi Mummies, Thanks A+Cmum, Lil' twin stars, Fi Hozali and Best_Twins for all your feedback and useful advice on the Strollers. Really appreciate the time and effort you took to post the feedback Meanwhile, here's wishing all Mummies a good day ahead
  12. S

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Dear Mommies, Hi! I am new to this forum and I am glad I found it. I am currently 20 weeks pregnant with Twins. This is my 1st pregnancy. My husband and I are thinking of purchasing a twin stroller. Can you recommend us a brand and model which is suitable for twins? So far, we have...
