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  1. C

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    hi usaginoko, I am sure when you first wanted to be a sahm is because you believe you will be the best caregiver for baby, you want to take care of her and witness the milestones she achieves. I agree fully that being a sahm is not easy, I was a sahm when my hubby posted overseas. perhaps you...
  2. C

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    ace, My girl only started recently, how do you make your boy drink enough then? Also like to ask mummies here, if your babies has problem falling asleep? My girl needs to latch at night before she can sleep. At other times, she will cry and cry very hard, before she either accept milk...
  3. C

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Hello mummies, These few days when baby latch, she will pull at the nipple and suck again, then pull again. SHe does this repeatedly. Any babies doing this too? I wonder what it means, she is full? I started her on Bellamy rice cereal, but she took a few mouths and start fussing so I...
  4. C

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Hi yi chin, thanks for sharing. My #1 dont have problem as i bottle feed her since day 1. That time, i dont know how to latch baby so i express breastmilk for her. I think baby will drink from eventually hor. I got worried as her milk imtake is not much and thus she has less than 6 wet diapers a...
  5. C

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Hi mummies, My #2 was borned on 31 Dec, I guess she is the youngest baby in this thread? She is just 4 months and I returned to work recently. I used to latch her in the day and my husband feed her with bottle at night. So I went to work recently and we found that she has been refusing the...
  6. C

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    hello mummies, My baby's edd is 13 Jan 2012. My second baby. My girl was born in 2007. Gingerleaf, do I know you from the 2007 thread? When I went for my appointment last fri, Dr said baby looks girlish, so maybe a girl. hubby and I are happy, girl or boy is the same. I drank...
  7. C

    (2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

    HI angel, Sorry I cannot go for the playdate anymore. My friend gave me NDP preview tickets, so I am bringing my girl to the NDP show. Sorry about that.
  8. C

    (2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

    sandwiches it will be then! see ya!
  9. C

    (2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

    HI Angel, I only let Natalie go diaperless at night after she has been dry for quite some time, maybe 2 or 3 months? She will still have accidents once in a while though. 3 of us will be coming for the play date this sat. I will bring sandwich, does all your children eat ham and...
  10. C

    (2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

    toilet training, Natalie is the one who tells me, she is a big girl and she does not want to wear diaper to bed at night. So we let her wear underwear to bed and so far, she is ok. Guess its true that the children will let you know when they are ready. Angel, Playdate. Count me in, i...
  11. C

    (2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

    hi Mummies, Talking about cleaning the ear, I did not clean Natalie's ear. REcently, she told me she has 'big piece' in her ear and want me to take it out. She will say big piece when her nose is stuffed with 'things' and she will start to dig her nose. I wonder if its the ear wax that...
  12. C

    (2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

    hi mummies speaking about milk bottles, last nov, we told natalie, she is a big girl already, she should drink milk in a cup. Then, we still gave her NAN 3. She took a sniff at the milk and refuse to drink it. So from then on, we gave her fresh milk (warm up) in a cup for breakfast, after nap...
  13. C

    (2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

    Just to share, since I just came back from Oslo There is no stress at all in the Norwegian education system. They only start ABC at grade 1 (7 years old). Emphasis is on interaction among friends, outdoors, outdoor survival skills, playtime. Homework? Only one piece of worksheet for the...
  14. C

    (2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

    darmae Yes, I am back! Really, 4 years? Oh dear, then I am too late. Maha Bodhi is a good school too. Justme, The properties around Tao Nan is over $1m at the moment. We cannot afford it. I think, we need to stay at the address for at least 1 year.
  15. C

    (2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

    Hi darmae I just pm u.
  16. C

    (2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

    hi dArmAe Thanks a lot! Maybe we can meet somewhere at your convenience, date n time. =) Yes, I understand, firstly, even if I get the membership, I might not get the recommendation letter, even if I get the letter, I might have to go for balloting, esp under Phase 2B. Hubby n I are...
  17. C

    (2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

    Angel, YOu are right! Joining the Huay Kuan for 2 things, 1, trying to get into AiTong or Tao Nan, 2, maybe can sign up for courses for Natalie to learn more about our heritage. But seemed like nobody knows people who are members.
  18. C

    (2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

    Mummies, Anyone of you are already members of the Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan or you know of anybody who are? Hubby and I are thinking of signing up as members and we need two people to recommend us.
  19. C

    (2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

    Angel, I am back! heheh... yes I will be working. So will start Natalie on childcare soon in June. Been to the Northpoint playground yesterday. Natalie had a lot of fun. She was dashing about "chasing" the water. You have to be prepared to bring on set of clothes to change for yourself too :0)
  20. C

    (2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

    Angel, I hope Natalie can fall asleep by herself too. Whenever we bring her to bed, she will ask for water, ask for hugs, ask us to cover her with the blanket, then when nobody go inside the bedroom to see her, she will start crying, she can cry for a good 1 hour. In the end we give in and...
