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  1. T

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Dear all There is a book fair organize by the Public library,so there get ready ur cash and buy cheap books for ur baby! Starting this fri, ends on sun
  2. T

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    hihi.. Do try and error.. some babies like Barney, some like Hi5.. Ernest like Brainy Babies, Barney and Hi5.. Think it is a music thing that cost him to like it so much.. I prefer him to watch the Brainy Babies coz the show teaches him things like colours and matching.. But of coz nothing...
  3. T

    SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

    Wow... Love all the work that you gals did I am making one now, as a present for my friend Hope it turns out well
  4. T

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    i have a survey on hand that can earn urself some voucher for diaper for babies who wear mama poko or huggies.. but seems like a bit too late to sent her the names already.. never mind.. will let u all know abour any other survey if i have any..
  5. T

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    to leo.. haha.. he look so cute.. gathering on 8dec'07 sorry got to pull my name out.. got to work till body to change shift with me.. all my colleague going to KL... SOB SOB.. any babies using mama poko or huggies mah?
  6. T

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    My weight can't go down too.. feeling so sick of being fat.. Ernest still drinking my BF but my weight don't go down ler.. Plus feel so hungry after his feed.. Let's have a contest of who lost the weight most hao mah???think the contest will inspire each other to lose weight
  7. T

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    i want to guess too!! Augleo sent me ler.
  8. T

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    arghh.. SO sick, getting fatter and fatter. How about we come up with a contest of who lose the weight most? This way, we can motive each other to lose weight?
  9. T

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    kelley, the price i got for the blender the price don't seems very good ler.. bestD and Hnorman about the same price too.. might as well get it outside.. i try to look around for a better price will let u gals know.. dreamygal.. I am more than willing to let u carry ernest.. but beware...
  10. T

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    my share of baby ernest naked pic.. shhh...don't tell his dad. keke sorry image too big can't upload..
  11. T

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Chicken Pox yup, rather relieved tha it is not chicken pox.. me sure can't sleep.. but i think should be quite ok if got it.. got medicine for anti-itch plus apply calamine lotion should be quite ok.... handheld blender. i manage to find a store who is willing to sell me the blender at MOQ...
  12. T

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    hi mummies! Ernest don't have any chicken pox. but it seems like he got some skin problem. Think I will bring him to go see a doc tomorrow. Will still be going for the kindermusik on Sun.. Handheld Food Blender. there are a few models of the blender on the market. I am still looking...
  13. T

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    hi mummies.. MIA for a long time.. dream gal , please do let me know if u got the transfer.. sorry too so long to do it. MILK STRIKE Ernest seems to be on milk strike too. There was this documentary on sun on babies, saying that babies around 5-6 mths, their taste bud will change. Hence if...
