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  1. E

    It has been I am back.

    It has been I am back.
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Kelley, I took out his mitten after 1.5 month coz he likes to put hand in mouth. My boy also scratch his face once in a while but he recovers fast and well.
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    Gleneagles Baby

    Hiya, I will also be delivering my 1st baby boy at Gleneagles this coming April'07. I have not gone for the hosp tour yet but have decided to sign up for a 2 bedder. Any concern if I go for the tour after i signup for the hosp package? My gynae is Dr Tanny Chan. I have just finished reading...
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Cherryteq: Thanks! Will pop by on weekends to take a look. Sadly Great World is a little inaccessible. The wallables are cute but don't know the gender of babe yet so don't know which to order. Anyway, I have yet to buy anything for the babe or the nursery. sigh!
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    page up: I should be signing up for the weekend aqua fitness at KKH coz i have been having backaches and pelvic aches when I sleep on my sides. Anyone has this problem? Does anyone know where to get maternity pillow?
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Hiya, I also realised the area near the belly button is hairy. Showed my hubby and he commented I am hairy than him } To the potatoe gang, sadly I do not know the gender of my babe yet. Will be going for a detailed scan in week 21. Do you all know yours already? I thought of going for the...
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    I also have a craving for potatoes. Couldn't resist the fried ones but realised it may not be healthy for me/my waistline caused of trans fats so in the end switch to baked potatoes with tuna and bacon bits toppings. Really yummy!
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Hi Ixora, My gynae prescribed the Neuro Gain BP Plus fish oil when I was 12 weeks preg. Have been taking 1 per day since then.
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Hi JL, I am wearing boxers too. Bought for my hubby byford boxers from robinson and they are very comfy. Not tight at the thighs. Maybe you wanna try byford boxers. How many months are you now?
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    rainbow: Hi, I am in my 15th week too. I do have heavy discharge too but apparently that is normal. I am put on omega, iron, calcium and frolic since week 12. Initially was so unused to the ritual of taking so many pills in the morning but now am used to it. I have also asked my gynae for...
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Hi, I would like to join in this thread. Been to the gynae today and am 12 weeks 2 days preg. Gynae is Dr Tanny Chan from Gleaneagles. EDD is 06 april 2007.
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    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    Hi Paulyn, Can you share why the change of gynae? A little surprise coz we both had the same gynae and I am still with him.
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    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    Hi, Does anyone of you experience the following sensation at 6-7 weeks: In the evening after a small meal, the heart beat very fast and the stomache feels like bursting and pushing downwards?
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    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    Hi AngelBee, I am preg again after a year from last incident. Didn't really time it just came naturally. Went for sec scan today and gynae mentioned that the baby is growing. A little relief but still a little paranoid.
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    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    Hi Apex, I looked on the bright side. Since I am still young and left it to nature to grant me another. I had my hubby's support and everyone's encouragement at home to see me through the ordeal. Imptly, you must maintain a positive attitude and stay healthy.
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    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    Hi Paulyn, I am in my 5th week going to 6th week. Going for my sec scan on monday.Hope everything's fine since i am quite paranoid from the 1st preg. Hi Apex, I had the same experience as you last year. I suffered from a missed abortion. Didn't have any bleeding too but baby just stopped...
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    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    Apex, More likely to be the sac size. Didn't hear him mention anything about fetal pole or heart beat in my first scan. That's why this coming monday's scan is alittle nerves wrecking. Paulyn, Good to hear that. He is very approachable and encouraging. You are into your 8th week?
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    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    Last scan was this monday and doc said 5th week and the length is 14.5mm. Next scan would be coming monday. Was wondering if can detect heart beat.
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    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    Hi Paulyn, Mine was referred to by a friend. What's your take on Dr Tan so far? Anyone knows by which week will be able to feel baby's heart beat? Going for my sec scan this monday and am a little nervous since the last scan was unable to detect heartbeat.
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    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    Hi Pinkypink, I am 30. Do I know you... getting curious. I crave for sweet stuff since my taste bud is getting very bland. Can't stand savoury food! Nowadays, go to the hawker don't really know what to eat. Anyone has this problem? The after food feeling is yucky.
