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  1. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Rose Congratulations on your FET- I know you've had a long time to wait which has been hard.. now just relax and imagine that embryo implanting! All the very best of luck to you this time! ML
  2. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Helpme They say the MS is worst for twins. Hopefully you will feel better soon. My obst said it can last to 16 weeks, so hopfully you are nearly there! Mine is also worst during the day- more in the afternoon and early evening...
  3. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Everyone I have been very bad in keeping up with the posts at the moment. I'm starting to feel a little better with the morning sickness, but then yesterday I was right back to my worst (think it was something I ate). When I saw my doctor last week she said that the MS tablets don't...
  4. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Shazzer and Rose Thanks for asking. I'm ok I supppose, but dreadful morning sickness to the point where I'm taking sick days or leaving work early. The drugs don't seem to be working as well as they were and now I'm ill from around 2.00 each day... It really is horrible- you feel like...
  5. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Rose Just thought, if you are worried about detecting your LH surge buy some oveulation sticks you pee on from the chemist- I think they are meant to be the most accurate (apart from a blood test). Best of luck for the upcoming FET! ML
  6. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Stardiva So sorry to read your news. Glad to see you're Ok and feeling more positive about your other baby- this one definitely is strong and a fighter as someone else said. Take care Tigg3r I hope the MS medication is starting to work and you can drink more fluids. One of my...
  7. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Shazzer I'm soooo sorry. I feel awful. I really hoped this would be Ok. Take care of yourself OK. The positive thing is you know you can do it, so we will look forward to hearing your good news soon. Take care. Rose I took the Selenium after my transfer, during the 2ww. I think...
  8. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks Michelle!
  9. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Everyone I had my scan this morning and the Dr was able to see a good heartbeat and only one little baby in there, so I'm very happy indeed! More happy as I already have my son, so twins would have been a big addition to our family! He said it looks about 8 weeks, so is growing well...
  10. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hopes I was taking a morning sickness formula which had vitamin B6 in it (Blackmores), but it didn't work at all. I went to a GP in Oz to get the Moxolon but when I came back to Singapore I found out my clinic CARE gives the same drug- it's worked wonders for me and I haven't puked since...
  11. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Everyone Back in Singapore after the break- so happy to be home and HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Getting very nervous about my first scan Monday- I'm about 7 weeks today, so they should definitely be able to see something- and hopefully a strong heartbeat/s... Just very anxious, but...
  12. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Haaa! I've been getting quite a bit of discharge since the ET but I assumed it was either the projesterone or the vag. inserts coming out. Sorry to be gross, but I am pleased that mine is still wet rather than dry- last time the inserts were coming out during the day in my panties and were...
  13. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hopes Know how you feel! I have one test left over from last time and I was seriously thinking I might do tomorrow morning, but think I'll wait to Friday morning now... as I;ll be back in Australia I won't get the results until late afternoon there- the waiting is going to be horrendous...
  14. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Shazzer, Rose, Hopes and Alone Thanks for sharing your symptoms on the 2ww... less cramping now, seems to come more in the afternoon and I think it's the progesterone that's making me tired. Not long to go for me now, blood test tomorrow afternoon and then results Friday. Getting nervous...
  15. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Everyone Thankyou everyone about the cramping posts! I'm hoping this will be right and it's actually a good sign sometimes (sounds like a lot of you preggy sisters also had- thanks for mentioning!). Mine are still on and off, but very light... Now I also feel quite nauseous... trying...
  16. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi For all those in the 2ww with carmping, spotting etc I just found this link which may answer some worries... m
  17. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Shazzer and Rose I know exactly how you feel guys... I had AF like cramping over the weekend, very moodly, and today it's back a little- I'm D10 PET... dreading test now on Friday now as I feel quite worried about the result... Such an awful feeling!
  18. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Yuli- how big is your follicle at day 14? Can't remember exactly, but think day 10 I was was about 10, day 12 15.5, then day 14 about 19? They say sometimes you can skip a cycle which is very frustrating! Hang in there!
  19. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Yuli I don't know abut others, definitely best to take it easy, as so much is invested in this, but when you think about it, how many women get pregnant, go out, party, do strenuous excercise etc and then find out they're pregnant! For me, my first pregnancy was natural (so a bit...
  20. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hopes Thanks so much for your note. Yeah, I know in my heart that it will be OK if it's just my son, but having had a sister, someone to grow up with, I've never considered I will only have one. My son is very outgoing and I know that he will have lots of friends. I think I'm possibly...
