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  1. B

    Please beware of Corinne Jewelry in Marina Square

    I like to warn you all about the above mentioned. Had a very bad experience with them and really wouldnt recommend anyone to buy from them. Bought a white gold bracelet for my mum's 60th bday. As I was quite tight on budget, I was really glad that I managed to get one for $344 after discount...
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    WTB : Preloved Combi Well Carry Pram

    Hi all, Im looking for the above, please PM me if you have it. Thank you!
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    (2011/05) May 2011

    Hi mummies, I'm a silent lurker, I gave birth to my boy on 18th may. Would like to check if any1 know of any nanny to recommend in tiong bahru area? My mum has been the main cr giver for my 4 yr old dotter but her health isn't very well these days. I'm gng back to work in aug or if I...
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    (2011/05) May 2011

    Hi Mummies, Good afternoon! I've been lurking around all this while, so glad to see all of you! I'm expecting my no.2 on 29th May, I have a lovely dotter who'll b 4 this year. Realise there are many mummies who'll be expecting no.2 too! Although this is the 2nd time, I feel like I've...
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    Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

    Hi Everybody, It's friday! Have a gd day! Clarissa, Thanks for the invite =) I cant make it cos we usually go my mum's plc on sundays. Another time ok? Enjoy urselves! Hi CryBaby, Not firm yet. Still waiting for HDB to do 'screening'.u? new blks too? Nana, Will PM u shortly.
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    Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

    hi jessica, hee... finally posted my 1st msg here. I seldom read the posts here. thanks irene.
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    Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

    hi mummies, im new here. been a silent reader for this thread. i live in jln rumah tinggi, will be moving to jln membina once reno has completed, =) like to find out if there's any gd PD ard our area? went to Edmund at TBP, though he's comical & such, i dun reali feel comfortable. HB...
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    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    yvonne, there was this list circulating some time ago, with our real names, contact no, email, etc. I forgot where i saved it liao, anyone has it? Angel, Mei2 or Renz was consolidating it i tink. My actual name is Eileen. Jus prefer the way Elyn is spelt. Dear all, so far I've nv used a...
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    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    Jess, We should meet up one of these days! Smtimes me & Julia will go jalan jalan tgt with bb, either Anchor point or ikea. =) Btw, me just say say onli lah, u gals go ahead. If I'm gng I'll tk train =) Thanks thanks
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    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    Hello everybody! Wah, so many ppl gng to the gathering!!!! I would love to go too but dunno whether possible anot. We went PS Swensen when we were abt 5 mths pregnant rite? Tis time we def need a BIGGER place! Jessica, I live very near Jules. I go to her place very often to try out the...
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    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    hello mummies! Been a while since i last post. Been a silent reader, happy to see all our babies progressing n movin on to semi solids = ) Pita, thanks 4 e info. I'm so tempted to bring rox now! But she cant crawl nor sit on her own yet. Too early 2 bring her? Yvonne n angel, ur bbs r so...
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    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    peck & en hui, ur boys like so grown up in e fotos! If i dunno both of u, i would have tot they r older than 6 mths! Btw they look fabulous, make me so tempted to bring rox to one. Slurpee, no problem at all. Do drop by more often n share w us. Yvonne, thanks 4 ur kind comments.
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    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    Hi everyone, Good morning! Rox would be 6 mths old on 3rd Jan. I wanted to wait till then to start her wif cereal. However these days she has very low interest in her milk! Can tk 70ml & last her 4 hrs kind! I got worried so started last Sun. She loves it loh. Tis blur mummy, forgot...
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    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    amber, ash is doin 7pm to 7am?! Wow. Rox feeds every 2 hrs in e day n her max capacity is 100ml. No matter wat we do, she refuses to tk more. = ( at nite, she wakes up abt every 3 hrs. On a bad day, every 2! I will also start semi solids ard e same time. Will try with once a day then c how it...
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    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    Bcube, hope u & R will get well soon! Jewel, ur gal is so pretty! Peck, im so looking forward to feeding cereal! oh my,time flies man... work tom =(
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    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    Mornin everyone! Peck, hope ur helper will get well soon! Ice Goh, my aunt in law fed Rox tau suan when she was abt 1 mth old! I saw it & when I confronted em (MIL & aunt in law were tgt), they deny it! I was so angry even went to smell Rox's mouth to confirm! Yes, to them they wil tink...
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    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    leobaby, =) i noe i shuldnt b complaining. I'll keep trying.
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    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    peck, how come like tht hor? Does he have a blocked nose? Cos I realise Rox will be like tht if her nose is. I will then place her head higher with more pillow. Leobaby, thanks alot! Rox doesnt like water leh. But im at my wits ends, will try everything.. Hehe
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    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    leobaby, 18 mths isnt tht bad leh. My colleague's son still wakes up for milk! he's almost 3! his dad believes it's habitual. They normally give very diluted milk. I just pray I'm not creating a bad habit. But if she's hungry I cant deny her mah
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    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    Dorami, wonder wat's with them hor? Last nite i tried to swaddle her cos was so desperate when she stirred continuously at ard 430! She managed to slp till abt 6 plus, not bad. Will try again 2nite. peck, i dun mind! Berry, it's gd tht ur MIL is willing to change! I mentioned to her b4...
