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  1. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    All mUmMies, <font color="aa00aa">Hi JovAN's mUmMy</font>...I M bAck.....hihihi how are the mummies here?? me busy with work &amp; 2 kids oooooo CNY soon le =p
  2. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    OFM, oOoOoooo i c.....
  3. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    morning Ladies, oOOoooo izzit near the MRT station de?? also selling bread rite? hihi
  4. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    Welcome ssmummy, errrm e creative cakes @ sun plaza?? hihi is new open de?? locate at which floor mil stay SBW but so far never see got this cake shop oo haha
  5. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    MOrning mUmmies, feiming, ooOOooo where u move to?? wat lobang u want to get a cheap n got beds?? hihi
  6. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    Hi All mUmmies, hihihi long time never come in liao,, because i never received any e-mail frm this thread so i tot this thread no activate le..pai shey..... All mummies here so fAr so gOOD???
  7. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    bbcutie, kekkke same as u lor hahha u also naughty.... WoooOOOoO u X & Y also come out liao oooo haha if still don't understand then what is yr next step to explain ne???
  8. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    Morning Ladies, oOOoOOoooo kekke BD = Baby Dance = Make Love = Siao Kan rite??? LH surges i juz leave it as 14 days i also not sure wat is that.... Nana, Beautiful Princess, U can use e below Ovulation Calendar to as a guide line to find out yr most Ovulation Day & buy a ovulation...
  9. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    Morning Ladies, hehehe yUp It works for me tOo Yvonne, U want to have 3rd?? kekkkeke U no need lah u alrdy got one boy & one girl so the 3rd boy or girl also never mind
  10. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    FeiMing, Yup, my boy discharge on last Sun..So need to sun him on the morning,,,on Wednesday go polyclinic to blood test the jaundice level still a bit tis Sat need to go test again if lower down liao then no need to test again.......
  11. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    MOrning Ladies, Linda, oh ya...i forgot i got yr hp number ne kekekeke memory short liao must add in some memory liao haha,,,,ya juz check her passport is writen there is 30days.....Thanks You ya....... Yvonne, kekke 17 July 07 is mine EDD date oooo....Congratulations to u...
  12. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    Hi all Mummies, But i was more worry abt e G6PD, althought PD say he can live a normal life..cannot give traditional medicines, mothhballs, fave beans etc.. they will make the red blood cells break down.. Hi Linda, Juz wan to double check with u tat, yr CL is stay 30 days then go back...
  13. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    Morning mUmMy, bbcutie, kekeke i never shouting only hold my hubby & keep calling daddy pain daddy pain.... yalor fast hor Doc Don Wong also say tat, wah so fast hor can birth somemore, i say NO hahaha.....My hubby booked for me is 2bedded ne also is near the door the 354A. My bills is...
  14. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    Hi All Mummies, Thanks all the Congras ya hehe halo i discharge today but without my SON Zheng Xian ....Becasue he got Jaundice & G6PD ne so PD say have to observe for one week maybe next Mon... Okie here is my birth story kekeke... on 8 July 2pm+ start got brown discharge, but no...
  15. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    nana, My MIL let my girl try eat porridge at 8mths old, but it depand on yr girl want to eat or nt, slowly train de..hehhe starting my girl only eat a little bit lor....but b4 eat porridge she is drink e brown rice mixed wif milk make it thick de.....
  16. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    Linda, Yvonne, hehhe my girl also delivery at KKH far only eat one meal there nia & forgot the taste liao hahhaha becuase i discharge on the next day....Sometimes cannot compare de like what we pay is what we get right?? Unless u r lucky lor hehe
  17. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    Hi Esther, OpzzZz wat is UTI?? hOw is yr Jovan now?? Really feel heartpain for u also, because when see our bb is sick, & really hope that the sick is on us nt bb....Wish Jovan recover soon..U take care ya =P
  18. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    Linda, Oh ya hehehe so now u hv lesser time for yr 2 older kids lor?? Will they jealous & make some funny things to let u noticed them?? nOw i told my girl must sayang didi when he is out then she will come to touch my tummy kekke
  19. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    Hi Linda, hehehe Welcome back ya mth will be my turn to ML liao ....Time really fast ne hAiZzZzzzz
  20. M

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    morning ladies, hehhehe i stay Opp e condor ooooo so i cannot rise my hand hahaha...Gathering must fast & before mid of July if not ME & Yvonne will be confinement one mth ne, then Gathering will be at September liao
