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  1. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    happy piggy 2007 , new year , new hope , new perspective ... everything new huh !!
  2. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    hi girls : enjoy your break and spend some precious time with family . merry christmas , happy new year to all .
  3. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    a pat from me on little wayne's head . ...." U will be alright , u are a strong boy " ...
  4. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    hi little pony / blessedmm : guess both of u been through some really tough times huh .... hv little tears flowing in my eyes when reading ... did not log in as frequent as i want to and probably missed a lot of sessions .. umum ... hope to see wayne and all blessedmmm's little ones some day...
  5. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    puppylove : i doubt bbsitter will stimulate / play with the child under their care as much as a mother will do ... as long as the child is always clean , meet their basic needs , i am fine with it ( is up to individual ) . i am a bit ' ah q ' , trying to make myself feel comfortable , let my...
  6. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    hi all : this forum consists of very creative mummies , joker mummies , very confident mummies , very responsive mummies , each time when i log in ... for sure could find something interesting to read , learn , laugh .... and admiring the photos of cutie pies and cheeky boys here ... plus the...
  7. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    hi all : have not really share with all my son's pic .... finally , managed to capture Jing Yuan's smile recently with hubby's mobile phone .......he is two months and two weeks old Jing Yuan says " Hello " to all mummies here and to all the ger ger and boy boy born in Sept !!
  8. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    My son : FM 8 wks plus 150 ml - 175 ml Interval 3 - 4 hours
  9. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    e-ling amabel very cute leh , vertical turn horizontal , if wait longer , probably she will turn back , :> . my son will scream until his face as red as tomato with little green circle around his mouth when he gets really hungry , once pop his milk bottle into his mouth , the 'opera' stops ...
  10. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    ilovebabies : ya , me found babysitter , dunno good or bad , just based on instinct and a short 20 minutes conversation , have to give it a try , so , will bring my son over around mid nov , a trial day care for two weeks , if she is ok , then she will take over and i will bring my son home...
  11. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    hi gals : thank you for sharing your baby 'work load ' with me and how u manage with hubby and those around you . talked to hubby and get him to switch role with me for a day , i got the rest i needed and my poor son , when i came back , he wasn't dressed properly , diaper too tight ...
  12. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    hi gals : just one quick question .... does your hubby / mother in law really help you with your baby in terms of ... 1) Night feeds / Bathing 2) Changing nappies 3) Take over for half day and you can go out and get your hair / facial / shopping done . Meetup with friends ......or they...
  13. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    princessemma : infant care cost a bomb ( at least to me ) , there will not be one to one care , more like a one to five babies . there is an initial deposit ( can't remember how much , i think is equal to a month's cost ) , a none refundable registration fee , if not mistaken , the price...
  14. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    ilcy : I am not too sure can you get this : Xylocaine Jelly 2% by AstraZeneca group . I was given this to put on my stiches , I can sit properly after two weeks . domesticgoddess : a little slow in respond CL uses DOM , smash and squeeze the ginger , steam black chicken for 4-5...
  15. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    hi angeline : Baby on BM gets hungry within 1-2 hours , on FM around 2-3 hours for my case . I actually tasted my own BM , is a little sweeter compare to formula and fluid . According to CL , baby on FM will have solid poo and he poos at specific timing whereas baby on BM poos after several...
  16. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    welcome japancraze !! three mummies on the waiting bench . it will eventually be your turn although the waiting seems ages . awaiting for your labour summary . glad that all mummies here did try to breast feed and i am one who did not get really good support from those around me now...
  17. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Dumpty : The pushing phase : Upon full dialation , this is the second phase . I was told to imagine I am having constipation and push . Lying horizontally , , was a little difficult , I was a little disoriented coz too tired , could not hold my breath until 10 and did not listen to the...
  18. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    hi gals : i believe i missed out lots of posts for the past one week . could not really catch up now ..... have given birth on the 10th of sept , below is the summary : 9/9 22.30 : Very little red stain 10/9 03.15 : Fresh red blood . Show . Contractions getting intense and...
  19. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    eeh waiting bench , save one seat for me leh ... i need a front seat lah coz baby kanna come out on 12th sept no matter what , that's what gynae said ... me dare not get too excited as suggested by moms here , just wait lor ..coz if too ' kan cheong ' , my cervix will not cooperate ... am...
  20. W

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hellobaby : Hope your checkup by this friday indicates positive signs for natural birth !! I haven't really give up the hope for natural birth as yet , still a few more days to go , am trying the following : 1) Psycho myself and my boy telling him that he is a brave , smart , alert boy...
