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  1. L

    June EDD

    Hi all, congrats! Am having very bad MS now. :(
  2. L

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    My edd is 06 June. I ask for recommendations for gynae and they helped to call to check their availability. (which I think they should, because it will very tough for us to call each clinics and likely apptment will be rejected). you will probably receive the call soon, if they are doing by...
  3. L

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    I received the call from LN Sim clinic and this came unexpected, esp that we are counting down to the EDD. Adding unnecessary stress, and worries.
  4. L

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    everyday, very active these days.. even in my sleep.
  5. L

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    same. I always feel the urge but the 'output' isn't alot and slow! hope UTI stay clear me! gained about 11kg now and baby weigh 1Kg now! sighs..
  6. L

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    I’m considering the option now, but still can’t make up my mind. The only concern is that I do not know how to take care of the baby since it’s my first. How much did you paid? Your hubby took 4 weeks leave wow!! But isn’t it a waste to take together? Wow, ya fishy. If I’m getting a CL, I...
  7. L

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    I agree! 0-3 mths look really tiny! so usually I'll get the 3-6 months range. For diapers, I intend to just use the hospital package first, and get hubby to try out cheapest brand for cost saving! Everything needs $$$$ now! Are you ladies hiring confinement nanny btw?
  8. L

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    Thank you! My headaches hit me in the middle of the night and the following morning when I have to wake up for work. On average, about twice a week. I hope it is just the hormones.
  9. L

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    Congrats mummies! glad that all are well!! I'm experiencing headaches! and weirdly, my gynae referred me to a neuro stating that my symptoms are more than just 'normal headaches'. -.-""
  10. L

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    I'm almost at 18wks now! :) *Hugs* you're not alone! I had bleeding previously and everything's well now. Don't worry! Just take some bedrest and you'll enjoy the 2nd trimester more! :)
  11. L

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    I gained 4kg and gynae said its okay. Gradual weight gain is good! Gynae couldn't see the gender for mine.. :( but said it's likely to be a boy.. Till then... waiting for my detailed scan to confirm it!!! can't wait!!
  12. L

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    congrats mtb! how did you know the gender? through harmony or the position of your baby?
  13. L

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    My MS is horrible. I will vomit without fail at night. Nausea getting worse as well. Reaching Trim 2 soon but why aint these stopping... :( Maybe I should get some medicine from Gynae. Anyone taking medicine for MS? and what is the medicine?
  14. L

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    @mehmehguinguin, wow 4 duphaston, that's alot! pls take care! I'm taking 2 a day now. Losing weight now due to all the vomiting. Milo and plain biscuit works for me. Strictly no spicy and oily food. Can only take in porridge as well.
  15. L

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    Congrats all! I'm new to the forum, edd 11june! Going through a tough trim 1 now. Hope you ladies are doing great! Let's endure...
