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  1. G

    Cost of Owning a Small Dog

    Not only SPCA. There are many private shelters in Singapore who are in need of volunteers to clean the kennels, bathe, feed and walk the dogs. Most volunteers do it during weekends. I personally help foster abandoned dogs who are sick dogs now and volunteer to fetch and send dogs to the vets...
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    Cost of Owning a Small Dog

    For unspayed female dogs, breast cancer and womb cancer are higher. The is a chance of removed and remission if found early. But spaying increases the risk of hemangiosarcoma. For neutered male dogs, it increases the risk of prostate cancer, which is a very rare form of cancer for dogs (unlike...
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    Cost of Owning a Small Dog

    The cost of owning a dog can be very cheap or extremely expensive, depending on what you feed, your lifestyle, how much you would like to include your darling pet in your daily life. Personally, for me, majority of the cost goes to food, supplements, treats and grooming. I tend to give fresh...
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    WTB : Pre-love Authentic Chanel Classic Bag

    Second hand shops dealers are offering to buy vintage Jumbo and Maxi at $3200-$3900, single flaps at $4500-$4900, and double flaps at $5800-$7900. It is impossible to get an excellent condition Chanel Jumbo or Maxi at $3000. Please be wary of the authenticity of the bag if someone offers you...
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    以前不pantang。什么都百无禁忌,什么都无所谓。 月子也没怎么做。产后隔天就偷偷在医院冲凉。冰水、泡泡茶、照喝。有时候晚上还抱着baby,跟老公去吃夜宵。:D 把爸妈、家翁婆和月嫂气得半命。:p
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    I didn't used to be pantang before my kid.. Even during confinement, I couldn't be bothered and carried baby out shopping and high-tea with friends. But my kid is very sensitive. When cry throughout the night or be running fever towards the evening. After some episodes and nagging by parents and...
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    Thank you for the enlightenment :) Uncle Roland and his wife are forever so kind and willing to help the less fortunate, whenever contacted by the media.
  8. G

    How to skin face and neck? Anyone has recommendations on facelift?

    That is not a true facelift. I was in the line before I became a SAHM. One of the most effective skin lifting non surgical treatment is Ulthera.
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    Here's 老师's post on "卡阴" - 有关卡阴 I personally think it's right not to allow young kids, especially children under the age of 12 to attend 丧事 because their 天门 is not closed and is still very sensitive and vulnerable at this age. Even adults can get into trouble, not to mention kids. It's a...
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    How to skin face and neck? Anyone has recommendations on facelift?

    The face being fat/big can be due fat or muscles.
  11. G

    uterus falling?

    I'm not sure how the foot reflexology auntie can tell that you have uterine prolapse by massaging your feet, but it will be good to get checked by your doctor. In the event it is true, the doctor can determine the extent and type and more properly recommend treatments.
  12. G

    nu skin tra is a lie!!!

    While it is true that medical issues may make it difficult for one to lose weight, everyone will have occasional plateaus in weight loss. With Nu Skin, being an MLM, I'm not surprised of the ineffectiveness of the dieting program, considering that the weight loss program is mostly abt low/ no...
  13. G

    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    Hi, I have relatives in Thailand :). My intention is to give them the funds and ask them to help me do the 放生。:p But in Singapore, you can approach Buddhist Life Mission and Compassion Life Society. Both organise animals liberation overseas monthly (if I'm not mistaken) and works with 海涛法师...
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    老师, I wanna ask if it's ok for me to join the 放生 activities that are organised overseas? I.e. I will not be doing the 放生 myself. Donate for the monk/ temple staffs to buy cattles in Thailand to 放生 on my behalf overseas? The cattles will be given to villagers to work on the farm and will not be...
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    应该不会啦!applegreen not pantang.. hahaha
  16. G

    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    For mummies interested, there is a 超度法会 at 光明山 during the lunar 7th month. Registration starts on the 12th of June.
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    We practice this in the family. Please do not do that.. Why will you want to curse your recipient and make them feel uncomfortable (assuming they know of this)?
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    老师,what if 猫跟着回家? Or what if 猫偷跑进家? Is this good?
  19. G

    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    (i) Cannot. According to customs, when one's family is mourning, the family cannot celebrate festivals for 1 year. Therefore, also cannot make festive goodies like rice dumplings. Rice dumplings are gifted to the mourning family. I.e. rice dumplings are only received by families who are...
