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  1. G

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    hi happy, yr af dat is close to mine, me expecting it will come tomorrow.
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    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    me too always have pms = pgs, the they both the same leh. usually only 1 to 2 days before af than all syptoms will goes away. sick.
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    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    mine is male. think i'm the shortest here leh.. 154 only. hha can imagine how fat i was when pg. I still remember my friend say i look like mashimaro when i wear white color.
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    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    happy, oh mine sld be at 5th i think, but i' not too sure by now. my memory not so good.
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    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    happy, I'm also delivered in GE but dun remember which room. dun know if our gynae is the same at dat time? whocares abt weight gain during pg? when we try so hard to get pg weight is nothing to us mah. I gain abt 17 kg and my son only weight 2.5 kg. I take 1 year get slim but not as good as...
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    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    wan, My maid can handle v well, sometime my mom go market or shopping, she will cook and take care of my son. my son like her more cos she can play with him. one thing abt maid is u must have someone to keep an eye on them.
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    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    wan, I have a maid and mother to take care of my son as i'm a working mother. maid will do the house work and mother will cook and take care of my son. If you are not work, hired a maid will be better, cos she can do all the house work and you have quality time with bb. But how you going to...
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    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    happy, u use excel to draw flowcharts? i understand y u can get depression.
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    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    happy, u started it years ago so now must be expert of drawing flowcharts hehe. are you using MS visio?
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    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    hi happy, u doing the sox flowcharts? me also doing it leh.
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    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    jac, yes, i will try nature way with or without ovluation.. the thing is i already tested opk positive so i guess is over now.
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    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    yin, maybe you sld rest awhile before u start with a ivf cycle. u know sometime i feels dat only when stop tring than i can be a happier person just like afew months ago. until recently i started this ttc again i'm not relex anymore. I just found from internet dat my problem had and name...
  13. G

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    hi yin dun be hopeless, me aslo can't react the stage of iui. failed this cycle but I had learn something abt my own body system. it keeps fooling me abt my ovulation timing. be strong.
  14. G

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    hi curl, tks for yr detail reply. I can't do IUI this cycle, my body got no egg to release, the LH surge is a false alarm (expected) . it seems clomid works for you everytime. I will increase my dosage next cycle and if it dun work again I will go to injectable dats wat doc suggest, he say he...
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    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    chloe, this is my second cycle with clomid. The first cycle my follicle did not grow as well. As for this cycle I think it is a gone case cos i got my LH surge 1 day after I scan my 12mm follicle. Wat I wanted to know is, with a not mature follicle ,what will happen during positive surge...
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    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    hi jac, how u know u got ovluate or not, I have problem cos i did not do bbt and also OPK positive dun confirm O. I used to take bai feng wan but its too heaty for me. The JE TCM is the v famous 1 har.
  17. G

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    hi jac, using tcm will be the next option if i cmi. curl, check with you did your do opk to check if your ovulating with yr clomid cycle?
  18. G

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    jac, my cycle v haywire. the most can go up to 40 days.last cycle i detect opk positive on cd 23.. super long and doc suggested dat i'm not ovluating. so sick.
  19. G

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    just had my scan and cd12 my folicle only 12mm, cmi i guess.. i got some spotting also. dun understand, my blood test came back and doc say is all within normal range, but why my folicle always not doing its job. really must go for the injection?
  20. G

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    hi cutiebabie, like to know for the IUI cycle, using only clomid right? when is yr O date with clomid? how much u spend for the IUI cycle? I think only IVF need to bed rest for 2 weeks, for IUI just like wat curl said, like intercouse no need to bed rest so long.
