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  1. J

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    hi babyemma, I thk try to play safe we better dun carry no 1 toddler. But sometimes v difficult bcos he is carryg wana me to carry him... Sobbing.
  2. J

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Hi ladies, I suspected Im preggy. Missed period but haf nt tested yet. Shld b week 4+. I haf a 18mths ds. This wil b my 2nd. Hopg for a gal. [IMG=]
  3. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Shirley, ya I din dare bring to PD bcos Im scare they wil xray for him. Bcos he's too young. Ok great to hear tt. I thk u haf to be patience. Im sure she wil recover.
  4. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Shirley, I dun haf any. Just happen tt my dad noes a bit. Then my boi is like sprained his ankle. Mayb dislocate or wat. Then my dad did somethg & he lets out a cry. My dad tells me he's ok. We tried to make him walk. He dares nt so we hold his hands to walk & he can walk. When we let go...
  5. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    I thk at this age v prone to accident. We already tryg our best to watch on them. Just a few secs, accident may occur. Sigh... Just pray tt all the bbs wil b fine.
  6. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Shirley, few weeks back I brought my boi to fridgets. When he came down from the slide, he opened his legs. End up thk he hurt his ankles. Cant walk... Walk a few steps he wil fall. Cant even balance. I was v panicky & worried tt I vomitted myself. I dun even noe which part of his legs is...
  7. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Mine aso reduce his milk intake. I was stil thkg if he's falling sick or wat. How come no appetite? Mayb teething isit?
  8. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    pet, I nvr measure my boi's wt so dunno got drop a nt. I thk shld b bcos he appears slimmer...
  9. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Mornie. ABC, u r rite abt teething too. It seems to be for my boi when he refused his food.
  10. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Oh forget to add. My parents like to buy him biskuits too. I did somethg v bad. I threw them away tellg them all these r junk food. So now they stop buyg him & he stopped eatg all these biskuits. Nt sure if its due to the biskuits tt he has no room for his food. Eversince we stop his...
  11. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Yasmin, I aso face similar probs as u. There was once I had a fierce quarrel w my dad. I refuse to talk to him for a few days. Now I aso take it easier. I aso let him eat whatever he likes to eat like wat Petrina does. No choice since he's so picky. The strange thg is now he's back to "normal"...
  12. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Wa I really admire all ur courage. I dare nt even try for no 2.
  13. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Wa babypink so u r tryg for no 3? Did I catch it correctly? ;p
  14. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    I like to haf no 2 but dun haf the guts to try. Its v tiring to handle them & w work stress. Now I everyday deprive of sleep though Im a weekend mummy.
  15. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Aiyoh must b v painful. This happens to me when i was abt tt age. Kiap by the metal gate. End up one of my nail has blueblack mark until Im about pri then dunno when disappear. At tt time, I was thkg how come my nail so ugly. Oni noe abt it when mum told me wat happen. Btw can buy those rubber...
  16. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Wa Melissa congrats to u. No worries. Im sure ur no 3 wil stick by 3.
  17. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Kathy, same here. Mine aso reachg 16mths. Dunno y he dun wana walk. Sigh...
  18. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Morning all mummies.
  19. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Hi RAR welcome to join us. Im a workg mummy. My boy just had his MMR jab last Weds. So far its ok. No fever. Same as your boi he cant walk independently yet. According to the PD. So long can take a few steps (1-2 steps) on his own is fine. Mayb he needs more time. Nt to worry. I thk q a few...
  20. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Morning Mummies. Today is the 5th day my boi had his MMR jab. So far no fever. Hope there's really no fever & yipee... Then can take his last jab.
