(2008/03) March 2008

really so complicated? :p i thought her appointment card will provide contact info, esp for expectant mothers

here's from the internet
Vaginal Bleeding
The most common cause of bleeding in the third trimester is the so-called bloody show, when the mucus plug, mixed with some blood, leaves the cervix. This is normal after 36 weeks gestation. Any time that you have an internal examination you may experience a small amount of bleeding for a few days. Bright red bleeding or bleeding like a period is not normal and should be evaluated.

Can usually wait for office hours: Spotting after sex or after an internal examination.
Call immediately: for bleeding like a period or bleeding accompanied by pain or pressure; for blood mixed with mucus before 36 weeks of pregnancy or any bright red bleeding.

Ask your friend to read online, just search under something specific like "spotting at 36 weeks"...i think she also needs to find out the number to call when she sees her gynae..i'm sure things will be fine
best of luck to her!

re: spending time with kids indoor

bbpink, i wish tristan will let me laze on the mattress with him but no!!! he's forever on the move hahhaa!

we read alot together...even when i want to lie down, he will take a book, pull me up, sit in front of me and make me tell him a story! other than reading, he likes flash cards and will also make me teach him (i know i'm like his slave). he loves balloons also, so we spend quite abit of time inflating balloons, releasing air, inflating again, playing balloons as if they were volleyballs.

tristan likes playing water alot too so sometimes i just give him a small tub in the bathroom, some bottles or watering can...and he can play for ages! lego keeps him busy too - but he likes to tear the pieces apart rather than putting them together haha!

yah...and we have some snack time in between meals too. gives me time to go cook or do household chores!
wow melissa.. #3. congrats too!

u ladies very up to date. i was blur abt all the congrats till i went to the 2010 thread..

bbheng, ryan doesn't like me to teach him anything! he is more of the type to observe then try it himself w/o us looking.
reading also same. i point the words and read to him, he'll push me away. haiz.. i hope he wun grow up to be too stubborn.
thanks thanks mommy hehe.. actually i was pregnant again last year on Dec, but it wasn't meant to be, i suffered a miscarriage on Jan this year. i meant to keep it under wraps but there's so much joy in pregnancy that even if this one is meant to stick with me for only a few weeks, then never mind, at least i tried. unlike most, i'm very, very prone to miscarriages so doesn't mean that i can hit one and be lucky once. so tiring to have a "fate" like me. but what to do, taking it in stride.

i have been quite lazy with Tricia about reading. i don't quite find my girls interested in books. My DD1 is almost 3 and all she's interested in is cloning me. She will dress like me, up to the kind of bag that i carry and all the accessories inside, yes, pink hp, pink camera, pink keychain..everything pink! As for Tricia, she has a completely different personality from her sister. She plays independently, she has a longer attention span and a lot more mobile. She rarely wants to be hugged and kissed like my DD1!

congrats! i was at first quite blur why the girls congratulating you when you asking for your friend. haha they are really up to date. Take care and wish you a smooth and safe pregnancy.

tristan is like my older boy zac whereas lele is like petrina's ryan. everytime when i read to zac, lele will be walking around or simply looking at us reading. its quite amazing that both came from the same factory but vast character differences.


what camera are you using? you seem to able to capture very nice shots. either i am very poor in my photgraphy skills or my canon has very slow shutter speed. you really have many nice shots of both of them!

biscuits is no1 favourite for my kiddos, they will be snacking when we have lunch outside. at home they seldom snack as usually they are very preoccupied with playing and snatching toys!

have your friend found out where to go? There is a call a nurse hotline or she can go to the KKH 24 hr clinic and the gynae will be informed through that clinic.

KK Ask-A-Nurse Service
This service is chargeable at 80 cents a minute
8.00 am – 12 midnight
(Monday - Sunday, including Public Holidays)
1900-KK-Nurse or 1900-556-8773
Congrats Mellssa! #3 on the way!

Drinking water and snacks,
thanks for your contribution... looks like I gotta put in more effort in giving my son water to drink then.

your son is very handsome n Chelesa is pretty! Planning for the third one? I m sure your #3 will be handsome n pretty as well.

my son is also restless. He is very active and near seems to stop moving around. But thank goodness he is kinda independent when comes to play. But of course there are times where he would keep pestering me n dun wan me to hug him.
I m the one who is always asking him to sit down to read to him or show him flash cards. But it always end up crying cos he would snatch the book or flash cards which I refuse to give before I finish.
At home I use Canon Rebel, which is a SLR camera. V. worth buying if you want to take many many many pictures of your kids haha. The camera flash is slow though but can get an external flash to attach. Outside I use my Olympus small small camera but shutter speed is slow so must time properly.

Chelsea is also crazy over pink...will also prefer pink candy, pink cup, pink milk haha...i think maybe if I colour the veggies pink, she'll eat them :p
Thanks Yutong

Tommy is also v. active. He's not the type to sit still but likes to climb the chairs, even tables, play with cords...his favourite activity though is to go out and he's spoiled by grandpa who always brings him out so these days he always throw a tantrum to go outside *faintz*....he loves to give hugs and kisses though haha...everytime I ask him or if he's going outside or even if he sees a kitty picture in books, he gives a kiss...so cute :D
wow melissa!
iM impressed! ur #3! big big congratz i dun have the courage for #3 yet.. hahaa..

Btw my elder one LOVES pink and princesses esp belle.
She wanted to buy the big poster back home with her hahaha..

Yday so poor thing. KAt's finger being kiap at door with the room door locked. Naughty jie jie and we had to frantically search for key to open it.
She suffered for almost 1 min and that min almost killed me. I saw her crying so badly and she cant remove her hand. Gosh thankfully only 1 finger and at fingertip..
OMG! So horrifying :p Hope Kat's finger doesn't hurt anymore. We always scream at Chelsea whenever she wants to close the door to prevent tommy from following her...so far she's been careful enuff.
still hurts i guess. she cried so badly and that 1 min is like 1 whole day.. it's hell!
Kim love closing the doors.. sometimes she lock herself inside to watch tv.. Sighz.. i tried stopping her many times so i just follow her most of the time but she still do the same.. Just that once i overlooked and she slammed the door.
kelicia is not, her mum is =p
just went online spree lately and have ordered mostly pink stuff

heartpain for kim, kyzac has the same hobby..lucky so far no need to search for key to rescue him

tat sounds really good =) he has a keen interest in learning ")

there is this popular book call the Very Hungry Caterpillar, i try to engage the kids but the kids walk away, and my mum wasasking me y i m chanting to myself
Hi all,
Great to read about all the good news and kiddos pics. LOL

My princess finally found out that its great to walk unassisted this evening. Now she is semi walking and running. LOL. I think I can lose my tummy in this one month liao. :p

And she's rejecting milk for these 2 days. Total max 100ml a day. I think she hates the taste of current FM. I wanna give away my 1.8kg Friso 3. Its open for abt a week. Anyone interested?
haha.. bbpink, chanting to urself. good joke!

anyone here doing attachment parenting? if so, any idea how to 'detach' baby from mother?
i think my target is by 2yo. i hope to start training pretty soon...

adeline: ouch! i can imagine the pain. i keep all doors attached with the stopper. very scared kiap ryan's fingers after i heard abt kyzac's incident. sai yang poor Kat...

adeL: my hb wanted to buy a canon D90 b4 ryan was born. but i heartpain the $$ so nv buy. now i wanna buy, he refuse cause we already invested in both relatively good videocam & digital camera.
Aiyoh must b v painful. This happens to me when i was abt tt age. Kiap by the metal gate. End up one of my nail has blueblack mark until Im about pri then dunno when disappear. At tt time, I was thkg how come my nail so ugly. Oni noe abt it when mum told me wat happen. Btw can buy those rubber stopper that sell in carefour that is a big "U" shape.
Good morning mummies! It's amazing to see how our babies are growing older and looking different everyday! Here's some photos to share, taken when we went cycling at Bishan Park on the weekend. It was a very good workout for me!!

u r so trim =)
james is cute , big eyes and very smiley

sigh* i dun noe how to cycle..

tat day my colleagues were chatting abt how to keep fit , they were shocked tat i cannot cycle, playtable tennis, play badminton,

then someone teased , but surely u noe bedminton
Good Morning!

Be careful of doors. These day w strong winds, my doors had almost slammed themselves too. Get the stoppers from Diaso. Its like a sponge where you put into the width of the door to prevent slamming.

Diaso got many cute designs, but not very lasting. Ie the Diaso stopper will almost break into 2 when my door slammed.
Babypink: No worries. I can't cycle too. I still can't get the hang so still learning. To me cycling is "Extreme Sports" LOL. But Phoebe loves it when Daddy pillion her cycling. We wanna go East Coast but still haven't made it.
Thanks again for the well-wishes. Hope this one will stick then I can join Reena's league of threesomes haha. I noticed that there are other March mommies pregnant as well. Congrats to all of you too. When I was pregnant on Dec last year, I continued BF Tricia and then suffered a miscarriage on Jan. I don't know if it's related. Now I find that my MS has dropped tremendously and my gynae advised me to stop. Haizz so sad.

I have those bought from Sheng Siong supermarket.. about $1 i think. Put it on all doors. I think we need to periodically replace it. It wears and tears very fast. Cos my girls sometimes run about and like to play with doors!

never too late to learn how to cycle, it's fun leh. badminton, surely you learn it from PE at one point of time?

i only "attach" Tricia when we go out with my Ergo haha. she still like it up to today. falls asleep easily. luckily she's light (she's still under 8kg). went hiking with her comfortably. i think they detach themselves when they discover more of the world. their natural need to learn will make them independent one day. and i think what makes them close to you is mainly being there when she needed you and talk to her even if she's babbling nonsense.

babypink and AdelineK,
are your first borns toilet-trained yet? i'm having a hard time trying to get her to toilet train. now she resorts to lying that she did not poo when the whole house already stinks! i bought her a kiddy potty a long time ago, she's only comfortable peeing there and not pooping!
congrat! really peifu for u all to hv the courage for #3. i think 2 MS sufferring is enough for me. definitely closed factory after #2.

door stopper; i find the NUK one very good and durable altho it cost abit more. i bought those cheap one but i don't think as good as the NUK. think i'll get a few more NUK ones for the rest of the 2 doors.

re bicycle;
my set hv been hanging there on the rack for 2yrs liao. brought then after few cycles, preggie with #1, now #2, so think will contiune to hang until #2 6mths bla.
i find that i seldom use the videocam cos tommy will stop whatever he's doing and just want to grab it :p....must find a way to camouflage the videocam hehe

what do you mean by "detach" baby from mother?? once you stop BF, Ryan won't look to you for milk source and more people can feed him milk....or do you mean sleeping in the same bed??

Blue Skies
James is really so chubby and cute
I think maybe he and Zayed are the biggest boys here? I think Megan is pretty big too...what's James weight now??

I still use Ergo with Tommy and he's like 12kg now :p If I'm not shopping and just taking him out to play I will just carry him in my arms, thinking that he's going to walk most of the time but many times he wants to "bao bao" (carry) and my arms get sooo tired after 30 mins :p

Door Stopper
I can't really use that because most of our doors are shut completely to prevent tommy from going in so when Chelsea goes in and out of a room, she will close the door behind her and tommy will often try to make a dash for the door so that he could sneak in....that's why we make it a point to constantly remind Chelsea to be careful
sigh* kelicia is still not toilet trained

regarding sports, i learn badminton, but i think i am a super slow learner, i just cannot get the hang of it

as for cycling, hb tried to coach me for many many weeks , but i nearly banged into this group of people having a picnic at East Coast..they all end up running in dif directions

swimming is the worst, i have 4 dif coaches since i was 13..until now coming to 30 , i still cannot swim, die die must get my feet on the floor to breathe...i m not scared of water

tat's y i never attempt to go for driving lessons, cannot manage anything tat needs coordination of body parts
i believe driving lessons is different. it's a lot easier than to cycle? esp. driving an auto-car, like driving go-kart. but of course, u cannot go straight to a crowd in east coast lah.. kekekee..

but no worries, i always believe that if u're weak in some areas, u will excel in other areas. no one is perfect, the differences are meant to be, like it's meant to complete a couple. hehe just watched Jerry Mcguire for dunno how many times.

In terms of proportion, I think my 7.5kg Tricia is heavy for me, I stand at 1.57m tall only haha. I can't carry her for more than an hour too, my arms will sore the very next day. So the Ergo does this job for me, in flying colors. Except now she likes to stick out her hands and dig my nose or my mouth or slap my cheeks or reach out for anything around her haha.

James is still a big baby!! Woooot!

Thanks. I just love children. I think my Tricia is a big girl and I miss them when they were a baby. I guess like Reena said once, it doesn't make a difference going from 2 to 3. But 1 to 2, yeah big difference. But I've passed the stage, so I'm more optimistic about this.
Melissa: I don't think you can use ergo now. Unless you use it on the back right?

I agree that from newborn to now toddler is a very big difference. LOL. They are like two different things. Newborn like so guai just eat and sleep. Now, just wanna eat, don't wanna sleep.
Yeah newborn are easier to take care of. Then there's that stage where they learn to crawl and stand then walk then run then climb.. wah lao hahaha so i guess from 6mths to 2 years are the toughest. my DD1 is almost 3yrs old. i find her easy to take care of already (so maybe that's why i so itchy and attempt for #3?) hahahaa..

zac is considered semi toilet trained except for the night. but i find he needs a lot of reminder and he has quite a number of accident. sometimes i am also not sure if he did it on purpose or he simply cant hold his bladder. i think this needs a lot of patience. he can poo in the toilet bowl but becos he sleeps in his diaper and usually he will poo in the morning so he will poo in his diaper without telling us. think he still prefers the diaper out of convenience. i think i will just slowly encourage him until he is comfortable about going toilet. i tried him when he was 2 but he refuse to sit on the potty so i put off another 2 months and he is more willing. i think when they are ready they are. as mothers it is a bit hard to wait till they are ready when you see other kids of the same age going diaperless. my hubby did comment that i may be pushing him too hard so sometime i also have to keep check on myself. as for lying i do not think she is doing it intentionally but saying more out of fright as she may be that she is going to kena a scolding soon. that happens to zac before and i will tell him he is not telling the truth and this behaviour is not right. i am not sure if he totally understand. think a lot of trial and error
anyone still remember when to gv bb rotavirus vaccine? what age will be too late? asking for my sis whose bb just turned 4 mths tis 5 jul. any website to refer to? thanks dear mummies.
thanks for sharing! i think my DD1 lied b'cos she's afraid of scolding as well. i also think that she feels paiseh when pple are looking at her while she's pooping in her diapers. she will squat like a cat in one corner of the house. we all know what she's going to do. i'm quite lax. i read somewhere that she'll be able to do it when she's ready but my mom thinks that i should be more proactive and be more aggressive. headache lah. tempted to make her go diaperless in cold turkey!
i m another lax one =) hoping for the day it will take place all naturally :p

dun dare to let her go diaperfree cos scared she or kyzac will trip & fall

7 months ago, i assume the childcare will train, but it never happens..7 months of pulls up for for nothings..
Kim is toilet trained even when sleeping also will wake up to urine. So during noon nap i dun wear diaper but night nap i will cuase i lazy bum to wake up esp when i will be working the next day.

Isnt it dangerous for chelsea to close the door?
Thats what happened.
Kat's hand was at the hind door and kim slam the door shut after her thats why it happened.
But very hilarious when she say 'no more pain pain..' today.. her threshold of pain quite high.

the cc trained kim for toilet training. So they dun wear diapers for her already and initially the request pull ups easier to train her. So glad that the cc did something good for kim
I think we reminded Chelsea so many times that she looks before she closes the door and she's not allowed to slam the door or she kena scolded haha...and when she opens the door we also look out to see where tommy is and if he's trying to get in too, we'll yell out for Chelsea not to close the door....so far so good lah *touch wood*

pain threshold
yesterday i was holding tommy to take him to shower and he suddenly swing his body backwards (he does that v. regularly) and he slipped from my hands and just hit the floor with the back of his head. thank god he was standing on the floor and didn't fall from high up but of cos he cried like crazy but after comforting him a bit, took him to shower and he seemed to have forgotten it...it was a really really loud "plonk" though and I think an adult will have a hard time recovering from such a hard hit...so amazing that kids can take these falls and accidents so much better

toilet training
for a long time Chelsea was fine during the day but during nap time or sleeping at night, she would have a hard time not peeing in bed :p we tried all kinds of things, like not drinking some time before sleeping, peeing right before sleep, waking her up in the middle of the night to pee but nothing worked...then when my DH started offering her candy if she didn't pee in her sleep, she suddenly stopped having accidents! After about 2 weeks, she never had accidents ever again even without candy....so might want to try bribing haha...it really works for us
still can use Ergo with kid in the front....i never really tried the back cos not sure what's going on behind me...

like tricia, tommy grabs at things all the time so I can't imagine carrying him at the back and he grabs things without me noticing! sometimes I take a bus/mrt and he grabs on to the pole when it's time for us to alight and i really have to pull him off that so that we can get off! :p
AdeL: Ahahaha. I find kids nowadays too clever already. Have to really outwit them. :p

I think food bribing works better on gals. Some lil boys are not so into candy. Maybe bribe them w a bike ride or something boy likes.

I am very worried when they hit their heads. When Phoebe is crying, I will put her on the floor, then she'll lie back (in defiance). Once she hit her head too. After that, when the tantrum comes, I only put her on mat/mattress. Scary.
adeL: yup i mean slping on the same bed at nite. i didn't use to have a problem with ryan. this wk suddenly he started to be super glue. refuse to slp though my mil gave him FM. *i m still bfing him though*

seems tat he needs security *based on wat my mil said*
i used to have coupletime on sundays. but yesterday when i was late at work ard 9pm, ryan suddenly started crying. my mil tried all methods, he refused to stop until she bring him downstairs. very buay tahan.
so i wan to see if anyone is co-slping, can advise me.

melissa: wah.. 7.5kg is nice weight to carry. ryan is 11kg. i also can't free hand for more than 15mins. i muz use sling/ergo. then i can last whole day.
adeL: i think kell meant melissa as she is preg now. so she can't use ergo for tricia now.
i myself do ergo ryan at the back when i need some breathing space in front. but mostly at the front.
haha.. reading your stories make me laugh.

I can relate to your incident when Tommy held on to the bus railings! LOL. They sure have strong hands!! That's also precisely why I don't carry Tricia from the back b'cos I can't see her and will never know what she's up to! By the way, how old is Chelsea?

wow you're still BF-ing!! kudos!! btw, i'm still co-sleeping with my DD1 who's almost 3!! Tricia sleeps on the mattress on the floor. I still breastfeed her at nights. Funny thing is, she still wakes up once or twice in the middle of the night for "nipping". tempted to give her the pacifier but if my BM comes out, why not, it will make her go back to sleep immediately.

yeah one reason for me not to forgo the pull-up/diapers are for cushioning falls too haha.

How did you toilet train Kim? Is it b'cos she's ready all by herself? Kim is such a smart girl!
actually when i was pregnant with Tricia, i still carry my DD1 in my carrier or hand carry. i wasn't worrying about miscarriages anymore. i believe that if it's meant to be, it's meant to be lor. so now same reason, i can't refuse my little one if she needs to be carried right.
can i check what the age gap between your DD#1 and DD#2? initially when both co-slept with you, and when #2 cries for milk in the night, does that wakes #1 up?

my #1 is coming back from my mom's this month finally after the confinement. both of them will co-slp with me too. but i worry #1 would be woken up by #2. they are 15mths apart.

this close age gap of theirs really tire me to the max. my #1 still 'insensible' towards her didi.
Same like u when i preggy i still carry kim and let her sit on my tummy.. hahaa.. Hard to refuse to not carry them!
Oh i think it's most likely cause she is ready and with the help of school as well. the sch trained her so i had an easy time!
Hi ladies!

Long time since I came in, been quite busy. Congrats, Melissa
Have good thoughts, I'm sure this one would work out...

I'm planning for my #2 and I've been 'gynae shopping' kekeke..Haven't strike jackpot yet though :p..My previous gynae was Dr Yvonne Soong and she's quite pricey. Narrowed my search to Dr Sim L N and Dr Adeline Wong. Any of you ladies familiar with them? They both have good reviews, so I dunno who to choose...I need to check with a lady doctor on some issues I have around my V area, so thought that I could make an appt with the one I choose, to see how she is

I need a help from you ladies too. A friend of mine from the states is in town to do research for her thesis. She's researching if culture affects pregnancy and upbringing of a child. Would any of you be willing to assist her answer a few questions? pls PM me your HP no if you're ok with it and I'll pass to to her. Thanks in advance for your help. Appreciate it
melissa: hehs. i think reason y i m still bfing is mostly the convenience + ryan's reluctance to wean. of course, i do love the close bond. so i dun think i'll be weaning soon.

i was wondering how to use the ergo while spotting a tummy. i think hand carry is fine though.

crystal: rest well. perhaps u need to let someone care for ur #1 so u can take care of #2.

kell: bribing works for ryan.. cause ryan quite kpo.

Good morning mommies!!!

age gap for both is 18 months (1.5 years). same with AdelineK, babypink and a few others here. my #1 slept like a log, just like my hubby. have you ever wondered how daddies often sleep through the night and never heard the baby cries?!! chey! my #1 has already slept through the night since she's 3mth old so can i say that she already has enough practise? lol. oh wait i just remembered that #2 is always whimpering when she wakes up for milk, that is enough to wake me up.

I sent DD1 to a 1.5 hour playgroup but I don't think they toilet trained her? then again technically she's not even 3 yrs old yet so i think she's just not ready lah. a bit early right?

If i could recall, there's a blog listing of all gynaes in SG with reviews. Don't know if you stumbled on the same blog but that could be a good pointer for you. I plan to stick to my very pricey gynae but I will take a firm stand going against unnecessary tests like Oscar test and all that. Maybe cut down on scans I feel we don't need. I will also register myself as subsidized patient in KKH but for sure, I will deliver under the hands of my very pricey gynae. I don't trust anyone else! Heee...

On to the research, sounds interesting. Maybe I could help to contribute. I'll contact you offline.
