(2008/03) March 2008

So it's premix? I prefer to make from scratch.. So you rolled the cake once out from the oven? And what size tray did you use?

reena: i lazy to weigh sugar n sift flour.. so i use premix. i checked the ingredients. it's acceptable to me. i dun buy supermarket premix though.

yeah, roll immediately to prevent cracks.
i can't remember the size of tray. but it's about size of A4 paper.
yeah, u must organise a swiss roll cake making gathering

i will being organic snacks for all =p
bbpink: i m amateur only.. so paiseh. ltr not nice to eat how..

baking bread
i dun use breadmaker machine. is it easier to bake conventionally or use bread machine?
hehe i always liken bread machine to washing machine. just throw in and 3 hours later, voila! fresh bread

frees up time to do other things
haha, that is true =)

2day i was shopping for oven, need to ask u ladies 1 more qn ..how many litre is ur current oven

dine with 3 female buddies and there is a good offer on mon and tuesday after 6 pm at selected fish & co..
i went suntec yday..4 of us paid $35 instead of $80 plus..very worth..it is called ladies nites promotion, selected dishes but good enuff

oh yes, the sambal fish we ask the sambal to be put aside..usually $19.90 but now foc with purchase of a $13.90 fish & chips
last days are 29 and 30th june..only on mon/tue nites
Hi, i m new on this thread for the May mummies. I am a first time full-time mum to my son in mid thirties... my boy is turning 15mths old soon but he still cant walk independently which worries me. Do your have any to share more about this. Btw, he is due soon for his MMR jab which i am still comtemplating whether is that an advisable jab at 15mths old as used to hear a fair bit of autism for this injection that panicked me too. Hm, being a mummy is not easy and also busy worring loads of stuffs in their developmental process especially if being a first-time mum, yah ?.... hear from you friends of same thoughts & data... rdgs
Hi Mummies,

Is anyone here a first time full-time mum like myself in mid-thirties?? I used to be working and an aggressive career person but now has to be confined home full time cos having no one to share the load to care for my son... is indeed very rewarding & happy for a son like him to come into my life but ironically yet i am struggling to find true self to seek a good balance in life between work and home yet seems tough for me....feel so lost & moody. Does anyone has similar experience and advice to share with me. hope to catch up to chat more .... hear from u!
Hi RAR welcome to join us.
Im a workg mummy. My boy just had his MMR jab last Weds. So far its ok. No fever. Same as your boi he cant walk independently yet. According to the PD. So long can take a few steps (1-2 steps) on his own is fine. Mayb he needs more time. Nt to worry. I thk q a few mummies here haf concerns w their bb nt walkg yet.
U know ur way ard in kl i supposed, can find kampong style durian stall
Hope to c u soon again w other mummies too

All e food look yummy. Seems like we have many experts in western food cuisine

Hm dun worry too much. Im hoping to defer e mmr jab/ sep vaccine later this yr or next yr.
me too in mid thirties but with 2 kids...and WAHM i.e. work from home....i understand what u mean...many times i feel v. bad tempered at home haha....kids r calling for me and i feel i should be working *haiz*....these kids r sooooo loud!!!! dunno to laugh or to cry sometimes....worse still is my hubby also work at home...u would think that he can share with the work so a little easier but not really cos his role and mine is different....haha i'm complaining so much....of cos must say that there r many good things that come with this too and i wouldn't know how to let go of seeing the kids 24/7 too.....so as u can see, i'm in need of mental help too haha....but i do believe that the kids grow up so fast and soon they won't need me this way anymore and it will get easier timewise and i will miss these days...
Hello!Just got back from my holiday. Goin home to my Kampong!

BTW, anyone has a friend who works for cadbury singapore?
I been KL many times but this is the first time we drove up. Its my friend who brought us around in KL. Too bad our timing is really tight, really would like to meet you up at Shangari-La for lunch. We were staying at Corrus Hotel n its pretty near to go over Shangari-La.
Will be going up soon again. Shall plan to stay there longer for shopping the next trip. Hope to meet you then.
I m in my mid thirties and a first time mummy too! I m considered SAHM too. I was away from work about 1 yr to take care of my son. Understand wat you meant by being torn between the decision of career n staying at home to take care of your bb. Feel free to PM me when you need someone to talk to.
Hi Mummies at the North,

Star learners at 587 Sembawang Place got open house this Saturday, 10am to 3pm.
Very big compound and lots of stuff for the kids to play. I am not choosing that CC but bring my gal there to play and have fun. FOC anyway...

I will be there ard 10am+… see ya if any of u going too!
Hi Cpyt,
Nice to know u & feel touched when there is someone out there who also shares the same sentiments as me. I had also left work for almost 1 1/2yrs since and find it so tough to break the ice to start my career all over again. Full of dreams yet unable to keep the ball rolling till now. Its like never being the same as before no matter how i tried. Always feel busy and lethargic with my son. Probably motherhood takes me to another chapter of life with different goal posts which i am still striving to find my true & balanced path in life...how about you ??. You could email to my direct add, sms or ring me too... we could catch up more. god bless - RAR

Hi Clover,
I am staying at Bukit Batok area... how about you ?

Hi Adeline,
So, you are home-based working with hubby...i can understand sometimes it can be conflicting too when he fall short of your expectations to ease your stress & burdens to care for the children. I guess men think differently and not play same roles as the mummies, yah.. Is funny cos i can understand what u mean when you wont know to cry or laugh sometimes when the kids kick a commotion home. Life is ironical.... how old are your kids now ? Do you mind sharing what job are you in ? - RAR

Hi Simp,
I can contemplating too to defer my son's MMR jab instead on taking at 15mths, would like to do so at about 16-17 mths old as worried a little of speech delay cos he has yet utter a clear decent word to me other than ma-ma all days.. He is also supposed to scheduled for chicken pox vaccine 2mths ago at 13mths age but i had postphoned it till now... cos worried too many jabs do no good to them and especially with the H1N1 now, is better to avoid clinics too, yah? when u think is ideal time to go for the jabs then ?? -RAR

Hi Celia,
So you are a great mum and definitely stronger than me with two little lovely monsters to handle compared to my busy one always... haha. You can also chat with me via my personal email add, sms me too... hear from you. rdgs - RAR

Hi Danmum,
Thanks for yr advice... so your child took the MMR jab at the appointed time at 15mths old ?? Comforted to know that my son is fine cos he is now taking 2-3 wobbly unaided steps by himself... so at least a little consoled... thanks. - RAR
i might be going. Just to join in the fun. hahaha...

my son took MMR jab at 14 mth. :) i am a mother of 2 kids - 4 yr and 16 mth. I am working part time and other than tat it is spending quality time with my kids. I like to bring them outdoor a lot. My parents stay at bukit batok. Which part of bukit batok u stay? my parents stayed opp botak jones.
Hi YT,

Is nice and a good experience to drive up to neighbour cty for a relax day break... it would be nice if we could organise such drive in trips with our baby and hubby in future cos my hubby & myself love durians and drool non-stop at the sight of nice D21 durians, haha... When the H1N1 is more relaxed....we could join in the fun together with other mummies or some outdoor activities tog, yah ?? -RAR
Hi Mummies who bakes....,

I am impressed at the culinary skills that your have whipped the delicious food and especially the cakes, bread and puffs... it reminded me that my 15mths old son loves bread incredibly...he will be extremely excited at the sight of breads... so it edged me to learn how to bake home-made good nutrient bread for him with very own fresh ingredients instead of the commercial ones.. & of course the aroma of "Mummy-love". IS there anyone who could enlighten me on this or could teach me how to bake bread,.. ??.... slurp...RAR
Hi ABC's Mummy,

The PD told me to take jab for my son at 15mths old... which i am still contemplating whether to defer? So, all is fine with the MMR jab yr son took at 14mths old? I am staying at Hillivew Ave which is near the end part of Bukit Batok Blk 267 series... What part-time job you are in now ? I am yearning for something part-time or more to keep myself more productive besides being a SAHM...u have any suggestions ?? Catch-up. rdgs - RAR
hi there RAR, i'm kais. You can buy a breadmachine and then it's voila! fresh bread daily. The website allrecipes.com has so many breads you can experience with.

bbpink mentioned that carrefour is selling a breadmachine for $69.90

At some pt in time, I was asking "who con me into motherhood. Its never an easy one?! & should woman be the one who sacrifice their career or their personal life to take care of the bb!" Hahahahha! I really admire those who can leave their bb to someone else and they go out to work or shopping... I simply dun haf the luxury. The only shopping i go is NTUC or market to buy milk powder and groceries.

Balancing can be tough even till now. Its especially when I got no help from my PIL n my parents side. I almost went bonkers when I gotta do the housework n taking care of my bb on my own. Well... like wat you say... its any chapter in our life. I was watching the interview wif Jaycee Tay yesterday and she said this " any problem that can be solved is not a problem at all. But any problem cannot be solve then its a real fact. All you haf to do is accept it wif grace then you will not be so unhappy" I find that wat she said made a fair bit of sense.
Not asking you to accept wat it is now, but jus sharing that there maybe Something or Someone up there wants me to experience and it would be a chapter that I shall put in my life.
Well... thanks to this forum, there is an avenue to find people that are like-minded to 'bitch' about things and help us be sane as well. Hahahhahaha!
To me, whenever I face some difficulties in life, I always tell myself someone up there is giving me a challenge and HE will not give me a challenge that I can not conquer. Anything that I can conquer will make me a better person. You can say I m stubborn or haf the Ah Q mentality, but at least this is wat that keeps me going or sane.
But thinking back the past one yr, there are enjoyable times as well. Seeing my bb grow, taking his first steps etc. I guess these r priceless. I m waiting for the day when my son grow up and on his graduation day, he tells me " Thank you, ma ma. If it wouldn't have been you taking care of me all this while, I wouldn't have today."

& when I grow old n bedridden or senile, he would tell me " Mama, rem how you would wash my backside for me when I was young and you always tell me to do so for you when you are old? Now... I m."

My msn is [email protected]. Add me if you haf one. Else, PM me anytime you wish to talk. Hope it helps...
hi rar, i stay in amk. more of the mummies in this thread r staying in the north. =)

We can always meet up in town area. Any sahm will love to meet fellow arms. =)
I would like to meet but not in town leh. Dun like shopping area cos its restricted to bb sleeping n meal time. Would prefer home environment where there are beds and cooking pots available. I dun mind cook a big pot of food for all the babies who comes to my place.
Oh.. btw, 27th June, this Sat, is out for me for gathering.
Hi RAR! I am a FTWM, early 30s. It never crossed my mind to be a SAHM... I like my current job (I know it sounds weird), can't bear to leave it. I make it a point to leave work on time so that I can be home early before my boy sleeps to spend some time with him and my weekends are all for him.

There's durians all over the place on sale now. Bought a couple of durians from Chong Pang which were going at $2 each and it was actually very good. They were selling it near the market. The seller opened the durians to let me check and taste first coz I told him I dunno how to choose, only know how to eat...
I requested for those slightly bitter ones. They also have some going for 50 cents each or the "better" ones at $5 each.
Hi all,
Wow, many posts today.

Hi Rar,

I'm in Bt Batok too! Hehehe. But I'm a FTWM. Lucky my mum's helping me in the day. LOL

But I don't like my job, I have to work to share burden. :p We have semi-retired parents and P-I-L. So makes more sense for me to work.

its nvr ez to juggle both work and children at the same time..i always regret my actions after scolding him, i mean it took me more than 5 years to have him ..it is an overwhelming experience to me, even up to now. Even tho ILs is helping me, i still feel the stress at times esp when my hubby is working nite shift..fyi, i oni bring him back on fri nite but i will be with him every nite till 10pm. After work will go iL pl for dinner, play with him or bring him out..i'm practically left with no time for myself..

Im fortunate enuf tat my hubby helps with the hsework etc..but still fall short of my expectations..but tink i cannot complain lah..esp nowadays men dun realy help wif the hsework.

My boi is reaching 16mths and can take few steps unaided, let's hope he can walk independently soon.
Hi Yt,

Thanks for sharing so much with me> Your outpour of deepmost reach to those in the same boat. I am likewise not been to town for a good time having my own merry time as like before unless with hubby & son to clad along during days when H1N1 are far from scence...As u said, my bit luxury and outlet of stress "at times" is only at supermarkets to shop for provisions and esp all the baby stuffs again and again. Well, Ryan has occupied a huge part of my life since his arrival. I am just like you being torn with no one to assist me as both parents had passed on even before my son came into my life and as for in laws, they are never the understanding, helpful and esp (sorry to say that) messy in their hygiene. Crucially, i came to realise that i may be a perfectionist afterall thus making my own life more stressful than any mummies, having to ensure the best and still want the best possible things for him in many aspects. I am a christian, how about u ? THus, i did ask god to help me to let go more thus being more easy going will ease my tension towards life, my baby and all around me.... U can write to me at my email at [email protected] too or sms me. Btw, where do you stay ? We cud organise as like what clover suggest to meet for a mummies gathering to catch up and share more...yah ?? do let me know ? & will try to arrange my time advance. RAR
Hi Kathy, Clover, Yt,... And all mummies,

Is really nice to know some of your via our little hut of sharing in this thread. Life is full of twists and turns... ups and downs with the care for our little precious one of course. I remember there is one night that after many months of deprivation from rest after having to take care of my baby full time. I had carried my husband in my sleep thinking that is my baby boy sleeping next to me... hahaha. I only woke up from my tiredness when he was too heavy to be lifted that kept me awake then... that is the little sacrifice of SAHM full time tending a new born then esp an inexperienced one like me. Should we organise a mummies gathering ..... ??? Where should we go for a tea or sth that we could get to know each other more and catch up. Can anyone suggest or is anyone keen to plan for one ?? Hear from you mummies. rdgs - RAR
Thin i wd postpone e MMR jab maybe at 2yrs old/separate vaccine later after the booster jab for 18m

Oh u can come for e great msia sale in jul/aug i think. I lost n gained but no complains at e moment on my wt. No chance to really wear dress n c if i can still fit into my old clothing. Now mainly in jeans, bermudas, leggings
yea motherhood is full of ups and down. Seeling my little boy and big gal grow it makes me so tempted to go for #3. Hahaha. I am fortunate to hv a gd maid to help with housework and looking after my kids when i am at work. Without her i think my kids will nt grow so well cos my maid realy feed them well with good food. Guess i am one of the more fortunate ones here. I am working part tme in the sense i work 4 days instead of 5 days. I find it too stressful to work full time esp when my boss are demanding. I also hv to meet the demand of my son as i am still bfing him.

btw u available over the weekends? sometimes i would go over to signature park (jalan juring kechil) for swim. U keen to join me and my children?

For myself i am usu alone with children when i go out cos i dun like to bring maids out and my hubby is currently doing his degree and hence very busy. Thus i usu find my own prog and bring them outdoor or to the beach if the weather is gd. If not gd, well that's where shopping malls come in. For me my children will nap in the stroller n eat outside if i bring them out. hahaha
Hi Kathy,

thanks for sharing... is always a treasured one for us esp after a hard time trying to conceived for a baby .... i used to be in same boat thus cud well understand... thats why he is the treasure of our life...Is indeed tough on u having to handle both work and child. It is physically and emotionally drained, right ? But you made it anyway, great mum. - RAR
Hi Simp,

U mean an MMR jab at 2yrs instead ... What u mean by the booster at 18mths ? Cos my son had taken a PD booster at 12mths old and supposed to scheduled for the chicken pox at 13mths onwards, followed by the imminent 15mths old MMR jab and subsequently at 18mths DTP booster, right...? I am concerned of the autism effects though no evidence cos he stil hardly speaks now that worries me. - RAR
Hi Abc's Mummy,

Hahah...who knows u may soon have no #3 as your username implies as A-B-C accordingly for a no 1-2-3...heehee. Is indeed not easy to find a good maid who could take good care of the children and esp to be well trusted unlike mine thus still unable to let go a big part of my current role to be played by maid. (Maybe, i am just being too perfectionist ..?) I indeed envy you to be on the move readily with kids at own free time as unlike me... cos my son is probably over-pampered by me when young... he is sticky to his yao-lan for noon naps which span 2hrs hence i wish he could just doze off zzzz like yr kids in strollers. Is manageable and a more care free life to move around. Btw, where do you stay ?? Is quite near for me to get by signature park except i dont show my "airport" figure so much nowadays after birth...haha ( stressful life as a result looking after kid full time - slim down alot instead putting on weight). I wish to be engaged in work on alernate days basis too so that i could well-balance my life between work and baby. It could be more satisfying and balance in a certain extent.... In anyway, we could still meet to catch up over tea or shopping one of these days too, yah...?? keep in touch and see you soon. - RAR
signature park is my mum's plac but she has since rented the place out. I am staying at wodlands jus opp admiralty mrt.

My son initally dislike strollers. but after some "training" he grew to be able to slp ins trollers. in fact sometimes at home he will slp on stroller instead of bed.

my ABC is the initially of my 2 kids - Arielene Belle Chu and Andrae Brendan Chu... :)
Ya, i think my ger is due for e dtp booster at 18. If that one can also be deferred, i wd opt for it
I think most boi dun speak so soon. My frens' sons over here in kl including sg mum, hk mum, msia mum, ang moh mums, all their sons at 15m, 23m 14m, 2yrs n above all dun speak a word really. They prefer to climb n move ard chewing things.
Simp: Hahah. Ur description of boys really put them down leh.

But I think its a male thingy. Males talk lesser naturally. Look at the HB - how many words do they speak. Hahahaha.

After reading ABC posts, I think u stand for rest and relax?

Btw, u have Facebook? We have a FB group.
Don't be disheartened by your figure. Running around is a good thing. Better than sitting ard. W my ofc based job, I look like 4mths preggie, but too bad its only flabby tummy. Faint.

I found out that recently Phoebe likes to eat soap whenever we soap her. She licks it off her hand/arm. Eeks. I tell her to stop, but she like doesnt register. Dunno will she b ok. LOL
no ley.. my boy is a fast talker. today i brought him for a walk outside my home. He doesnt wan me to hold his hand and walk ahead. halfway thru i hide. After a while he turned back and then keep calling "mummy, mummy...where? where? mummy" and turn around and come and look for me. The scene is so cute. Anyway bac to speech, he is now talking duo-words like apple, mummy, daddy, uncle, auntie, ah yee, dun wan, wear shoe etc. Thus i think for him he is learning how to talk quite fast. Maybe the gene of my hb too... my hb does talk a lot but oso depends on who he is talking to. hahaha

ya, its not ez lor..at times I feel like i can go into depression anytime..weekends is a trying time for me cos I have to look after him all by myself if hubi is at work..furthermore have 2 dogs to look after..but I aso agree wif YT in tat He will not give us more than we could handle..as mums, we are given the capability of multitasking..in fact most of the time we can do lots more than we can imagine..now, I realise how hard work it is for our mums to give birth and look after us, Mothers are realy 'wei da'.

Sometimes when I run into problems, I will seek advice from the mummies here..they are v gd in providing advise.
yup, like Clover says, I m not a Christian. But I read personal development books of all kinds. Some are religion related I guess.
I am staying at AMK. Surely we can meet up some time for gathering.

I totally agree wif you that as mothers we multitask alot. That makes us 'wei da'.
U not only haf bb to take care but you also haf 2 dogs? How do you handle that? Salute to you manz!
There is one person in this forum that I mus salute to... that is Reena. She has 4 kids and she cook, bake, do household chores and take care of her kids herself. Really Salute to you, Reena!
I am sure that Reena will also agree wif me that taking care of your own kids is another kinda happiness that money can't buy.

<font color="0000ff">Gathering</font>

how abt having a gathering next friday
FTWM can take leave too since it is a week from now

preferably at a location next to mrt station :p
