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  1. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Reena, Ur weight gained has made me more relieved. At first I keep hafg diarrhoea so didn gain much. But now I start gaining q fast. 7kg is amazing... How I wish I aso gain so little? But its impossible at the rate Im gaining now...
  2. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    liewb, 2day my colg must haf thot I siao. I was smiling to myself whenever I feel it. A bit tickling too. kekeke ;ppp
  3. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Adeline, U mean cant do mask? Im stil doing it. I didn noe cant do. I use clarins cleasing mask. thot it shld b harmless. Ya lets hear from the rest.
  4. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    liewb, Im 15 weeks & 1 day. Im aso v amazed. The first time I felt didn noe its the bb movement. Just feel a v fast vibratn. Then a while later, it started again. Aft the 2nd time, I guess must b the bb. kekeke ;p
  5. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Hi gals wana share w u a v joyful feelg. Today I started feelg my bb movements - 3 times already for the day. Its v fast kind of virbration. Lasts oni a few secs. ;ppp I feel v great & excited... ;p
  6. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    babypink. ok. Thx. NICK - jeangal Yrofbirth -1976 EDD - 23 Mar DR - Lisa Chin HOSP - gleneagles ADD - tiong bahru CHILD - first GENDER - Dunno. Hopefully on 6 Oct.
  7. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Hi babypink, jeangal info EDD - 23 mar Dr - Dr Lisa Chin HOSP - gleneagles ADD - tiong Bahru Child - 1st Poshies, thx for providg the format... Paisei Im v blur type. kekeke ;p
  8. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Hmm... Sorry I dunno wat other details I ned to share. I dunno gal or boy yet. my nxt appt on 6 Oct wil b 16 weeks.
  9. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    A round of intro from me. This is my first preg so I am always v worried abt this & that. My bb due date shld b 23 Mar. My gynae Lisa Chin from Gleneagles. I haf to worry for another 2 weeks b4 my nxt gynae check-up. V worried if my bb is growing a nt. My weight fluctuate a lot due to diarrhoea...
  10. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Good Afternn gals. Just heard abt this share grp from my colg. Hence decided to join the mar grp. I hope Im nt too late.
