Recent content by yp3112

  1. Y

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    hi gals!!! i'm back again!! sorry for being MIA... cos super busy at work. yr end and all that. now abit better.. so had time to pop in to say HI!!! anymore good news during my absence? e*star and liz, how are you both? liz, u going for your SO-IUI soon hor... nervous?
  2. Y

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    Pink Piglet, So far i take EPO previously, it was quite good for me as my headaches went away. usually before and after menses i will have headaches one. after taking it, the symptoms were not that often anymore. i did hear before that EPO is good for cholesterol. but since it is not...
  3. Y

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    Hoppi, Ya lor... office gift exchange always like this one.
  4. Y

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    Pink Piglet, Oic... Now i finally understand why shouldn't take EPO. maybe my hormone imbalance due to i take EPO. haa... maybe now since stop should go for another round of test to see if it has dropped back to normal. keke... :p prenatal forumla i think quite heaty one. remember to...
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    ceraine, u take care.... yup, i agree. but sometimes we cannot be not doing anything also hor. so it's like in a dilemna hor... hee... i've actually heard of a lot of cases like this one. strike when they had given up. my mum was one of them too...
  6. Y

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    kekeke.... nvm lar... enjoy the festive season... then happy happy then mood will come liao
  7. Y

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    thanks, Liz!!! nvm, wan to go then can call up and check which is the sinseh. tot is predicted during Feb u will O is it? if not, can induce O with doc's medicine right? sorry, me not too sure about all this. :p if so, then don worry too much. i believe doc will do the best for you...
  8. Y

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    liz, i want too. can give me? just in case TLK doesn't work for me. thanks!!! and me got UTI today. doc say maybe cos i've been holding urine cos i want to test the OPK. sad man...
  9. Y

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    yeah... they open mon to fri only at specific timings. Thong Chai address is : No 50 Chin Swee Rd S'pore 169874 Tel : 67335579 The consultation hr for infertility group is 8.30am-10.20am 12.30pm-2.20pm - Tan Siew Lan - Tan Siew Buoy
  10. Y

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    hi gillian, thong chai does not open during the weekends
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    wow, hoppi! enjoy urself!!!
  12. Y

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    blackberry, i only heard of tomato soup so far. keke...
  13. Y

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    e*star, ya lor... sometimes being relaxed is a crucial factor... so i also not too overly kan chiong.. hee.. just take and do whatever is necessary lor... hope you succeed soon and pass the "mi jue" to us!! ^_^
  14. Y

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    yup. understand. but if no choice, then have to take lor. rather u recover properly and faster.
  15. Y

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    oh dear, rata! take care! especially with your small one in you... hope you recover soon and celebrate Xmas!!!
