Any vegetarians around? Care to share ...

Thanks for yr reply, 老师。I bought kampong eggs from the Minimart near my house but it is imported from Malaysia.
I get a clearer picture with yr explanation.

Applegreen, thanks for sharing on vegetarian food. I like petani but do you hv any receipe on it. It seems like it can only cook with chilli paste.

not sure if mention here b4, fortune center near bugis hav a lot of veg offerings... was there yest n there tried a very nice tomatos noodles.. it was lik a shop sellin veg food for cook at hm but surprisingly they offer noodles too... visit 2nd n 3rd floors, é corners, surprise finds..

circuit rd hawker parkin is nightmare.. but i lik a stall near é road tat sells fish head bee hoon.


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juz visited a veg place for dinner @blk 129 geylang east - rice house. not bad for noodles abt sgd3+ - 5 for 1 pax servin. their menu have quite a variety too. this is é mince meat dry noodles.


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So happy to have this thread here. Helps me alot in my veg diet.. :) At times really lack of idea what to eat.. Thanks all.. Love you all so much.. *maaucckz... :*
not sure if mention here b4, fortune center near bugis hav a lot of veg offerings... was there yest n there tried a very nice tomatos noodles.. it was lik a shop sellin veg food for cook at hm but surprisingly they offer noodles too... visit 2nd n 3rd floors, é corners, surprise finds..
Fortune center 5-6家卖素的。

最贵的间test try过。That Japanese-&-Western restaurant. 就在一楼角落头。

That Japanese-&-Western restaurant used to have a Zen (similar to Japanese) theme branch in Midlink Plaza. Probably could be what @Luckygirly mentioned. That Zen restaurant shifted to Malaysia.

circuit rd hawker parkin is nightmare.. but i lik a stall near é road tat sells fish head bee hoon.

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Probably could be what @Luckygirly mentioned. That Zen restaurant shifted to Malaysia.
Ah! Didn't know that Zen Restaurant moved to Malaysia. There's another similar Japanese resturant called "Bespoke" Teng Japanese Restaurant at Sunshine Plaza, The menu is very similar to Herbivore and Zen Restaurant but yet to try there.

Applegreen, thanks for sharing on vegetarian food. I like petani but do you hv any receipe on it. It seems like it can only cook with chilli paste.

I have tried Petai cooked with curry paste in Batam and that's why i fall in love with it. It's awesome! Some people cooked it with Oyster Sauce (Veg) and Tom Yam too... there are other ingredients that you can add to the dishes, like brinjal, long beans, dried bean curd, veg ikan bilis, ladies finger... etc... and they taste great!

Hi, some recommendation for people who stay in the west, there is Hwa Jin Veg Rest and they have quite a few nice dishes. One of my favorite is Sambal Claypot fish. I oso like the hokkien prawn noodle and fried Oyster egg (available during weekdays only).

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Hello everyone, i am new here. started being a vegan few mths ago ;), 请多多指教 . :) Ah I know hwa Jin :) it's my hideout place everyday heee :):)
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HI Rubilite, you don't take eggs and milk completely? By the way, nearby Hwa jin, there's another coffeeshop nearby which has a vegetarian stall named 錦憶, the zhu chao is superb and my favourite is cha kuey teow and sin chou bee hoon.. you should try that too!
Hello apple green, i dont drink milk oops haha not my favorite drink. I like soy milk. Eggs ah only when bake cake then eat loh. if not we dont eat at home. Go out i dont order haha :). The stall u mentioned is it near bkt gombak mrt near giant supermarket?
Refer to post #1103
For me the most difficult part of becoming vegetarian is not to stop eating meat, it is the constant nagging from parents that becoming a vegetarian is not healthy.

Refer to post #1105
Relative commented 平时不害人就可以了。 I always kept quiet, don't wish to debate with them. But to attend special occasion family dinners every other month is a headache. Seeing a whole table of big fish big meat.. I got to order separately for my own.
老师就是这样 - 静静。

心里总是暗笑一句 - “时间还没到,以后就知道。”

那些有cancer,越爱吃活的,越快走。100 percent guarantee!

住在6th Avenue的9岁的男孩,患上leukemia。爸爸妈妈很有钱,带他去很多国家旅行。夫妇驾E Class Mercedes载宝贝儿子吃无招牌螃蟹,晚上吃田鸡周粥,每个星期六到East Coast Seafood Centre小红楼吃潮蒸金目鲈鱼。

老师当时开口慎重地说,“吃青菜白粥,要好起来去祈求”。其实老师心要帮一帮,可是对方没听进去。有钱人不会听,就是不会听。结果末期,化疗没起色,少过半年Ah-Boy就载去烧了。独生子"kong-kiang" 了之后,夫妇把房子卖了搬到别的地方住。可想而之,有多伤心啊。
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我非常相信 活海鲜不能吃,吃多了,一定迟早出事。One of my close friend S, loves to eat live seafood. Always dropped live prawns into hot steamboat to eat. (That time i m still a meat eater but seldom takes seafood) I dun dare to drop live prawns into boiling hot water and eat them. 'S' told me to eat cos very fresh but i didnt eat. Every now & then she will order chilli crabs, etc. to eat. Years ago, she got to go thru operation due to several 小瘤 in her breasts. Luckily is 良性 瘤。But she had suffered alot during the traumatic period. I had told her not to eat anymore. Hope she will believe me.. Cos 动物是有灵性的。And I read before the more u eat crab roes, the more 一粒一粒东西 will grow in your body..
Just to share, my mum loves chili crabs alot & my father bought her crabs to eat very often when she was having me. And guess wat, when I was younger till now, I got toes cramp once every 1-3 months. When my toes get v cold, I will get toe cramps. When i wear thick socks, I will get toe cramps, when my feet step on sand due to uneven ground, I oso get toe cramps. At times when showering and feet get v wet, also will get toe cramps. It is v painful each time & lasted for around 10 mins - 20 mins. I got to ban wearing socks & beach volleyball. :( I never know wat causes it till I read from somewhere. It was due to a mother having crabs too often while having a baby. And I just got to know from my mum that she too having toe cramps frequently starting these 2 years. For me, I m still having toe cramps but it's not so painful liao and lasted shorter than 10 mins.
Do you have restless leg syndrome? Deficiency in potassium, magnesium, vit D and calcium can cause toe cramps. Liver diseases, medications, stress, etc can also cause toe cramps.

From what I know crab eggs inside crabs are unfertilised, but the eggs outside the shell are fertilised eggs. This is unlike humans, where fertilisation occur with egg meet sperm inside mummy. In crabs mate, the sperms are stored by the female crab under their flap. When eggs are ready to be released, they pass through the stored sperms and becomes fertilized. However, due to unfavorable living conditions, predatorship, etc. most of do not survive to adulthood.

Just to share, my mum loves chili crabs alot & my father bought her crabs to eat very often when she was having me. And guess wat, when I was younger till now, I got toes cramp once every 1-3 months. When my toes get v cold, I will get toe cramps. When i wear thick socks, I will get toe cramps, when my feet step on sand due to uneven ground, I oso get toe cramps. At times when showering and feet get v wet, also will get toe cramps. It is v painful each time & lasted for around 10 mins - 20 mins. I got to ban wearing socks & beach volleyball. :( I never know wat causes it till I read from somewhere. It was due to a mother having crabs too often while having a baby. And I just got to know from my mum that she too having toe cramps frequently starting these 2 years. For me, I m still having toe cramps but it's not so painful liao and lasted shorter than 10 mins.
Hi tigsong,

Thanks for your response.. I had goggled abt this toe cramps but dun think are the reasons cos I dun take medication. I dun wear heels, tight fitting footwear, etc. Somemore I got it when I was still schooling till now. Already 20 years.. Dun think is stress too. And it only gets better, less frequent/less painful/shorter duration after my change of vegetarian diet. Hmm.. Come to think of it, I never consult doc on this cos I thought since it is not persistent like every other day so I just let it go.. Maybe will ask when I go for my next health screening.. Thank you once again for your sharing.. :)
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For those who like 台湾小吃,can try Lao Di Fang Classic at Parkmall Shopping Centre. The 脆皮豆腐条 and the bento sets is nice... The steamboat not bad too!!
Hi Rubilite, maybe celebrate with fil belated father's day tomorrow there, let you know if it is nice. hehe...
Pumpkin soup
Pumpkin 400g
Coconut milk 100ml
Salt little bit
Pepper little bit
Pine nuts 20g

De-skin and chop into big pieces
Put into pot and cook until tender and cooked
Put the cooked pumpkin with the pumpkin water into blender and mix. Cook the pumpkin mixture coconut milk. Put salt n pepper to taste. Pine nuts to deco.

Vegetarian stock
Lotus root x 1 section
Carrot x 1
Chinese mushroom x 3
Peanut 20g
Red dates x 5
Corn half a piece
Ginger 10g

Soak mushroom, de-skin lotus root, carrot. Chop into pieces (carrot and corn also chop)
Put all into pot and boil
Once cook, strain and leftover will be stock :):) have fun cooking :):)
Rubilite, thanks for your pumpkin soup recipe. My child will love it. I m actually preparing for mil who has stage 2 colon cancer. Old folks dun like western soup. I was thinking more of seaweed soup (those we drank at veg stalls) or some light clear soup.
Hi Your Attorney

Perhaps, you can try:

原料:莲藕450克,葡萄干38克,莲子75克,百合38克,芡实(fox nut)38克
(1)、 莲藕洗干净切件,莲子、百合、芡实洗干净。
(2)、 煲滚适量水,放入葡萄干、莲藕、莲子、百合、芡实,煲至滚,改慢火煲2小时,下
Hi Your Attorney, I just read that 大白菜 is good in cleansing the body and high in nutritious values, maybe you would like to try to boil it with a few slices of ginger (skin peeled) and add a bit of veg favoring if your mil don't like it too bland. By the way, there's a herbs that is good for colon patient, have you heard of 岩陀草, you can google to find out more. Cheers!
Saw this and seems yummy to me.


Vegetarian Recipes 素食谱
材料 :
饺子皮才料 : 面分100克,盐少许,烧水120克 (可做成30-34个饺子)
注 : 用热水调的面团,饺子不会硬
馅料 : 包菜半个,红萝卜一个,香菇4朵,素排骨王适量
调味 :盐适量,胡椒粉一茶匙,磨菇精少许

1 将面粉,盐拌匀,加入开水调至匀,然后搓成面团,放置半小时
2 包菜切丝,红萝卜切丝,香菇与素排骨王切丝
3 热油爆香素排骨王捞起备用
4 热油先炒香菇,加入包菜与红萝卜同炒片刻,加入调味,炒好盛盘
5 将以爆香的素排骨王加入拌匀
6 取一小团面团杆成薄片,然后包起馅料即可
7 锅先热开水,然后饺子入锅蒸10 分钟既可

Vegetable Dumpling
Ingredients :
Dumpling skin material :Flour 100 grams, salt, boil water 120 g (can be made into 30-34 a dumpling)
Note : with warm dough, dumpling will not be hard
Stuffing : Half a cabbage, carrots, 4 mushrooms, desirable amount of vegetarian pork ribs.
Seasoning : Salt, pepper, a teaspoon, mushroom essence
Method for making
1 combine flour, salt and mix well, add boiling water to the mix, and then knead the dough, let it set for half an hour
2 shredded cabbage, carrot, mushrooms and veg pork ribs.
3 oil fried vegetarian pork ribs.
4 stir fried mushrooms with hot oil, add cabbage and carrot and fried for a moment, Add seasonings and put in plate.
5 combine the mix and fried vegetarian ribs.
6 take a small ball of dough and rolled into thin slices, then wrapped the ingredient.
7 boiled a pot of hot water, then steamed dumplings in the pot for 10 minutes.
Apple green, okie onz let me know if its nice. When i meet judy can go there n Makan heee :):)
Hi Rubilite, the lunch buffet is worth the price but the ala carte dishes consists of too much mocked meat as my BIL just ordered randomly to try. The dishes aren't really that nice except for 1-2 dishes. I saw a lot ordered the fried banana, think it's one of the "must try" one. The "fried prawn" is nice too. The self serving ones like chicken rice is nicee too.. I think for all buffet, my favorite is still the steamboat!
Thanks for the recommendation for the grass for colon cancer. My mil just went for op on mon. When she is hm, will boil for her to drink.
Btw you have any grass to reco for heart/arteries clot. Fil may need artery ballooning or heart bypass. They are checking him next fri at sgh.
I know chinatown sell alot of herbs/grass but I cannot speak canto and they all speak canto.
Hi Your Attorney, I am not an expert in chinese herb... hehehe.. but I know 牛蒡茶 is good for arteries clot. In fact 牛蒡茶 is good for everyone. Beware that it's is not suitable for people with low blood as it helps in reducing blood sugar, cholesterol and high blood pressure. Hope it helps!
Thanks for the recommendation for the grass for colon cancer. My mil just went for op on mon. When she is hm, will boil for her to drink.
Btw you have any grass to reco for heart/arteries clot. Fil may need artery ballooning or heart bypass. They are checking him next fri at sgh.
I know chinatown sell alot of herbs/grass but I cannot speak canto and they all speak canto.

1. 药方到你手上,第一碗亲手熬给你家翁喝。
2. 以后father-in-law不能吃活海鲜。
3. 不能把偏方卖人也不能对其他人说。
4. 拍张还没喝药之前的照片,以及喝药三个月之后的照片。


In between 3 months,no need check-up. 三个月后要再去做检查。喝到病情好转,就不用开刀了。

1. 药方到你手上,第一碗亲手熬给你家翁喝。
2. 以后father-in-law不能吃活海鲜。
3. 不能把偏方卖人也不能对其他人说。
4. 拍张还没喝药之前的照片及喝药三个月之后的照片。


In between 3 months,no need check-up. 三个月后要再去做检查。喝到病情好转,就不用开刀了。
Hi toblerone,
Thank you. My fil needs to do the dye test this fri already. If 1-2 artery stuck then will do ballooning. If more arteries stuck, will schedule heart bypass.
As for your secret formula, my purpose of coming into forum because I am not a herbalist. I can follow instructions and cook but provided the person wants to drink. I am only doing my part as a dil. Hope you understand.
Actually both my in laws seldom take seafood..maybe just steamfish.
As for your terms on your secret herbal list, seriously I think if it is gd you shd share with the community to save ppl. I do not force you to give me the secret herbal list.
I actually check on the grass apple green recommended and found that it really did help some ppl w colon cancer.
your attorney, sorry to learn that your fil has colon cancer. but dont worry, all cancer can be healed now! let me know if you need any help. i have lots of lobang on alternative treatment .

for cancer patient, most important is positive energy!!
Never mind. Some smart readers will understand the meaning in these 4 conditions.

随缘. 呵呵...
Hi all, just came across this thread.. I am really lucky to see this thread on time.. My hubby is diagnosed with kidney stones and I am an Indian, is there anything to reduce or clear the stones naturally? Thks in advance
在国外找素真困难,用 google 都未必能找到。找到也未必在咫尺。新新国真方便 ,惜福 :):)
