just now i went to carry my colleague's gal (newborn) and told her can i bring her home... my colleague so funny told me the labour pain so painful she will pay her hubby next time to go geylang or find him a second wife...

i guess this labour is some thing i can bear and forgets about it cos i know it is more painful for us who wanted kids so badly n not have it..

Toy, your colleague is probably kidding...coz that's an absurd statement.

Today I went for my gynae appointment and once again I have to tell him nope...I don't have good news ;p In fact my AF came in the morning.

Anyway he told me that I can't continue taking clomid anymore coz it seems I'm not reacting to it even when he increased dosage. The increased dosage gave me a serious blurred vision so I really don't want to take that anymore.

So the next options are IUI or IVF. He got a nurse in IVF to explain about IUI to me and I found I have the following obstacles :-

1) It sounds rather scary coz I got to inject myself...ouch.
2) I will be required to make frequent visits to the hospital during the course and I do wonder if my work schedule will be highly disrupted.
3) Apparently the success rate is only around 30%.
4) My hubby's work schedule is irregular.
5) I have to convince my hubby to agree on IUI

So naturally I was feeling depressed after the consultation coz I kept thinking about my obstacles. I told the nurse I'll decide later when I get support from my hubby which is not easy coz he mentioned if it gets too "leh-cheh", then he's fine with just one child.

Well, I want to share how I got myself out of my depression today...I indulged in shopping therapy! By the end of the day, I was feeling myself again so this is a good method to counter lousy mood ;p
when ur DH said the phase "he's fine with just 1 child if it gets too troublesome". he is just heart-pain of u. he do not want u to go thru these "painful n stressful" treatments. we all know, when treatments involve. not only we feel stress, our DH r stress too.. he scare u suffer too much n this is where they cant of any help... he "sayang" u... understand what i mean?
Okie i will see a gynae soon. any recommendation?

Hi all,
Any recommendation for doctor? I am not sure how i should start if i were to go direct to a pte gynae. very blur. i dun hv my own gynae yet
if u go directly to a gynae, ur charges will be higher. if this is fine with u, u can go ahead.

but if u r budget consious, u can go to a polyclinic, n get a referral. this will be cheaper n i think cant choose ur own.

u can check out other threads. They do hv a numbers of gynae for u to choose fm..
WEn, dont be despair...cos i share your sentiments... cos i also scared to jab myself.

VQ, i thought of adaption leh....

My hubby used to jab for me & he became v good at it. If your hubby or you are uncomfortable to do so, you can ask your neighbourhood doc/nurse to do it. Ask how much before you proceed, of course.

Dorothy, there are some considerations attached to adoption. Do visit some other threads & websites to find out more. That being said, we're really really happy we made the choice to adopt. Our daughter has brought so much joy to us which has been immeasurable and taken the pressures of conceiving totally off.

TGIF everyone!

wen, i guess she must be kidding...but my coll is more career minded.. when i shared about my desires to have many kids..she was so surprised and asked me why..i said cos my son melts my heart every time he sings "mummy ,mummy i love u".. and she told me she can buy me a cd y need a child to sing to u.. ha ha

after she gave birth, she was teasing her hubby why he is tearing.. but hopefully with a baby now, she will be more maternal..

Hi wen, glad that u are felling better.. i also like u everytime i think about this issue or see friends having accidents and i wonder why not me.. why must i pay so much financially and emotionally ( the blood test, the med, the injection, the waiting) to have a baby when it is supposed to be a GIFT from God.....
its not easy to finally decide on adoption!!! u hv to think n think, consider n reconsider... u must ask yourself will u love ur adopted as u love ur DD!!, etc.. alot to be considered.. n if adopting a foreign child, u need to do HSR(Home Study Report) which consists of 22 pages n u need a detailed report fm ur gynae, etc... a lot to think of.. i do not mind doing these, so i guess i can go ahead with this adoption as i m not jus thinking abt it only. i want to take action instead... i went to the place where my ADD(Adopted Dear Daughter) will be coming fm. i hope i can get her out soon cos that place is terrible! u can check up another thread on Child Adoption... or maybe u should checkout MCYS website on adoption n take a look at the HSR application form. i hope it wont scare u off!!!
Hi everyone...I'm rizrayza..been TTC for a year but still no good news for me n hubs..
i juz feel very happy when i hears someone or friends that manage to conceive...
As for me, I just had an appt with my gynae Dr Roland Chieng from SGH.I knew that it's not so good news for me as I know that I've ballooned up to 75kg standing at only 1.5m is very overweight..he said this makes it more difficult to conceive.Currently he make me continue on my 2tabs of metformin 3times a day, 1 tab of 5mg folic acid in the morning and Clomiphene citrate for 5days..i'm praying hard that it works this time with the help of the medications and traditional massage. Failing to ovulate meaning that next appt he will make me go for the injections to induce ovulation..heard it's quite expensive..costing bout $3 to $4K!! haiya...dunno why it's so difficult for me...then he requires my hubby to do the sperm analysis..
and that is problem no.2 for me...
my hubby was unhappy thinking that i dragged him to this he is very very fit he tot why he needs to go thru all this when actually i am the one who is the problem source.. :_( but in the end he still go for it..result will only be on the 5th Feb..
i know u all will say don't be stressed up as this won't help but it's a feeling juz so natural...
i am trying to lose weight now..Dr was saying no RICE NO BREAD NO CARBO food for me..only soupy stuffs..and exercise more..
i feel that i'm not getting the support from my hubby..all he noes is he juz wanna a baby...

*by the way does anyone knows if we are seeing for this gynae for fertility issue, will he follow thru as our gynae if we do get pregnant
(hopefully will get pregnant...i hope!)

depressed soul....
hi rizrayza,

welcome to this thread! i, too, ballooned when i was on treatment. put on 7 kg with no effort at all! it's only cos we are careful with the intensity of our exercise & eat to comfort ourselves when we're down when AF comes.

i'll say to you what i've told a few others on this thread... if doc has advised you to lose weight to increase your chances of conception, then focus on that now & leave the pressure of conceiving aside for now until you've reached your ideal weight. if you're trying to achieve both now, you may be frustrating yourself unnecessarily cos in your case, one has to happen before the other. ask the doc if you should hold the metformin etc until you've lost some weight. this will take some pressure off & allow you to start feeling better about yourself.

meantime, why not go to the gym with your hubby and use the time together to share how you feel & to let him know that you need his support. this, too, will ease some pressure.

having a baby is both your concerns, not just your thing to sort out. this would be good practice for couple communication cos when the baby comes, good communication would be needed to get through frustrating & tiring night feeds, in-law intervention, etc.

by the way, do you know how to look for signs of ovulation in your discharge? OVULATORY DISCHARGE is: LUBRICATIVE(when you wipe from front to back it glides a lot more than other times), STRETCHY(stretches up to 4 cm) or CLEAR(like raw egg white but may also be slightly cloudy). for those of us TTC-ing, any signs of discharge after the dry days after your period are good days to start trying. ovulatory discharge will happen only once a month so look out for it. the 3 days after its appearance are also good days to try.

so don't be so depressed, take it one step at a time... : ) whenever you're depressed, come in here for support.

A Warm Welcome to You!!

Yes, Dr Roland will be ur gynae when u r pregnant unless u want to change...

He is good! I saw him in Labour Ward when i was admitted to SGH for Complete Rest In Bed during my 6th month of pregnancy in Yr2000. Very friendly n caring Dr too!
can i check with u all ...... is there any best time to consume the folic acid i was take it at night before I go to bed
hi Rizrayza, hugz relax urself .... i think you have to let ur husband what u gg thru wor .... cos not only him u urself oso wanna have a BB mah .... share ur good n bad with him i am sure he will feel it that u are trying hard too
VQ tats why i dunno ...... so must ask u all leh .... my frd oso took at night leh ... kekek if tats the case i have to change to morning
hi there..
i also have PCOS, hope to join this thread to learn more and gain more info on TTC..i only happened to know that i had PCOS when i went for my yearly check-up this year, but i managed to conceive in 2004 so now i am trying very hard to go for a second one...i have been taking clomid but i did not know that there are different dosage until i read this thread...

qing qing
i also had the same experience as u...having spotting for almost 2 weeks..i was so worried that i went to see my gynae (after i know i had PCOS)...he gave me some pills to stop the 'bleeding' then i continue with clomid to help me in ovaluting...have been taking clomid for 3 cycles so far no good news yet...but i have started to take folic acid (almost a mth)...i take it before i go to bed...but does it matter if we take it in the morning...
..not too sure about hope to hear good news by next month...

i know how u feel..cos when i told my husband that he might need to go and see my gynae for some test...he is also not happy cos he thinks that since i was able to conceive before..then how come now i can't....that is man's ego..he also thinks he is very very fit loh...

for those taking Clomid. pls take note that clomid can only be taken for a max 6 mths. afterthat, ur gynae should advise u on another treatment if we r still not pregnant.

another TCM dr told me, while we r taking clomid n we miss the ovulation period to get pregnant. this is not a good sign. cos clomid is use to 'induce' ovulations... to force the eggs to release... if we take more than 6 mths n not pregnant.. we might get into an early menopause next time...

so pls take note...

n clomid hv side effects too.. different ppl experience different side effects... my side effect is weight-gain n difficult to reduce extras kilos. another lady, Wen is blurish vision..

ladies, take great care.
wynn, thanks for sharing. I was trying these few weeks and on monday nite my mensus came ... so yesterday i went kk to have blood test and another one on 21 days ..... sigh i think no need test i am sure I got PCOS sigh
VQ, thanks for your bit on Clomid. It's so true! Mine was weight gain & I hvn't been able to reduce it all even tho I've stopped it for a while. Another ovulation drug is Femara which I was on and my goodness, it plunged me into deep depression. It was so bad that I couldn't talk or socialise with anyone and I'm by nature super-extroverted. I was experiencing depression like I've never imagined; thoughts of dying (easier option than trying to conceive), of being alone (easier than being in a childless marriage)....

For those of you doing yogo to prepare your bodies and to relax, here are some interesting facts you should know and also which styles are better for those TTC:

1. Iyengar - the most precise approach as it's not usually vigorous

2. Kripalu tends to focus on the internal, subjective, emotional aspects of the body. Perfecting the postures is less impt than is connecting with your inner world.

3. Astanga (also known as Power Yogo) can be compared to a gym workout, generates heat within the body that helps warm the muscles and increase flexibility. If your doc has recommended that you stick to less-vigorous exercises, then Astanga may not be for you.

4. Bikram (also known as Hot Yoga) is a series of linked postures done in a room heated to 40 deg C in order to help the connective tissues open up and foster greater gains in flexibility, strength and healing. This is also not recommended for those TTC.

5. Kundalini includes some postures but focuses more on breathing, energy gathering, spiritual awakening and emotional healing... OK but only if you're ok with meditation at a spiritual level.

Also make sure that your instuctor is experienced and class size isn't too large. Always take a 'test drive' with the instructor to see if you're comfortable before committing.

Koori, I've been informed that IUI (not Super IUI) is helpful for those with normal fertility as the chances for conception in those with some problems are pretty low. I don't hv the % off the top of my head. Having said that, IUI has worked for some infertility patients... I've tried it before & went into labour 2 hrs after cos I was allergic to the solution suspending the sperm. Go online to find out more and talk to your doc in greater lengths before deciding.

Have a great day everyone!

Hi all.. a piece of bad news. I just m/c yesterday at the hospital. .. It was 5+weeks when I lost him/her.

I will take care and continue to thrive..
findingmiki, it's must be painful for u and i am feeling the pain too with u.. thanks for sharing it. do hang in there and will keep you in prayers..
VQ, i did not know there are side effects on clomid...thanks for the gynae said that this will be my last round for taking clomid so if this luck in getting pregnant then i will have to take up some other tests...he have not gone into details on what other tests cos he does not want me to worry too much..

qingqing..don't give up..i am also trying..let's try harder together...i hope to have a piggy gal this year...

i am sorry to hear what had happened...please do take good care of yrself...
It's been a painful experience. The 2 weeks had been a emotional roller coaster. I had been rushing to and fro the clinic the moment I see red spotting. During the last stage, was actually admitted due to "threatened abortion".

Was really heartbroken to see the huge blood clot. Though the nurse did not say anything, i kinda of suspected what's going on.

It wasn't a pleasant experience. Still trying to accept reality.

The 2-3 weeks seems to be a dream.
Hi Findingmiki

I'm really sorry to hear of your miscarriage. You've done what you should have done and I hope you'll be fine eventually. I've had a miscarriage before and I know how you feel. A doc told me that it was encouraging to know that I could conceive and that is what I'd like to tell you, too.

Do take the time to allow your body to recover, ok? Take your mind off things, too, and don't be hard on yourself.

hi findingmiki...your emotional roller-coaster experience is also felt by all of us here.

from the moment you share the good news, we have been rejoicing with you and now that this has happened we all feel your pain as well.

hang in there dear...coz we are all on the same ride as you...

Was rejoicing with you when you finally got it.........take heart though...........I think all our fertility journey got its ups and downs........

Be strong.....see we are all here to support one another.........remember that infertility is not end of the journey to start a family.....see Solutions and others.....who went for adoption........and they are equally happy.......

Dun get me wrong....I am not advocating adoption.....but always remember this, whether we r blessed with children are really not up to us.....this is really up to God and his great plans for us..........we are created by him so, our lives are all controlled by him and we should just let him decide the life plan........

Chin up....and move on!
i am this restless stage again..know it's still too early but i used up one p kit..
read 1 lady sharing in the free item column and how they manage to conceive...... when is my turn? CNY coming already...
Hi Soulutions,
Thanks for ur advise. i had called my gynae for the report instead. BUT i hv to wait for abt 4 - 5 weeks too!!! OH MY GOSH!!! no choice! governmental hosital! SGH!!
Hi all,

New to this thread but had been talking to some of you here at other thread.

I am also a PCOS patient and found out from an yearly checkup as well.

Like findingmiki - managed to conceive without any treatment last year Aug, and only after 1-2 months of serious TTC. Unfortunately only to end up as a m.c in week 3-5 (not sure as by then it happened, already gone hence cannot traced back).
Started TTC again end 2006 but now got missing AF and is on medication to induce it to come. Had tried both metaformin & clomid for 2 cycles and seems that it is not working very well for me.

Just realise that one of the side effect of clomid is putting on weight - I had balloned at least 5kg since last Aug and havent been able to shed it even though I worked out at least 3X a week.

Anyway, am considering to try TCM after this round of inducing of AF...hopefully to share good news here.

Findingmiki: What you are experiencing is called a chemical pregnancy, it is fairly common among most gals and for those who wasn't actively TTC, might not even know that they were pregnant as typially pregnancy test is not done so early in a pregnancy. Therefore, for some gals, it might be mistaken as just a heavy flow AF.
Anyway, I know it will be just as painful...Do take care.
Hi Ah Kat
thanks for the infor..on tue i was offered seats twice on mrt...once in morn n once in evening... i dunno i will put on wt cos on clomid for sooo long... lose track already...

Dor, my m is supposed to be on next tue my cycle is even thou my m was abt same time as u last mth, my cycle is longer....praying every hard that it will be this cycle!

finding miki.. just to share i have a gf who m/c at wk 28 but she manages to be pregnant again within a mth (so fast! and her baby is just as healthy)) and now she even has no.2.. so nourish your body and rest well..take care and know we are all trying for a child together.. hang in there
toy collector, you're funny la! anyway, as VQ said, clomid treatment should not last more than 6 mths consecutively so do make sure you're alright there, ok?

they say women who are around each other constantly will synchronise their cycles... hmm... how about those online? : ) it's just funny that mine's also due sometime next week! haha!

TGIF everyone!
my AF is also due sometime next wk.. hahaha....

mine is very irregular... all the while, i hv only brownish stain which come for a few days then gone.. another cycle come with heavy bloody flow which seldom occurs to me... sometimes, my AF is so "mood swing" that it wont come at all.. i had given up tracking.. cos i feel so stress...
i last seen gynae in sept and he checked me and said should be ok to cont clomid and do iui..i cont clomid but keep postponing my iui... feeling blue... i got bad cramps today..i sms my gf and asked if anyone ever had cramps then is pregnant....sigh... now i no more p kits so must tahan few more days to know outcome... i wish it tue now!
i am behaving like a hard up "kid" addict now...i am trying to get my "high" by hopping to get more p kits and see a p result on it.... i m counting minutes, hours to the m day..if no m comes by 1 day i will be happy, by 2 days happier and by 1 wk, i will be overjoyed...

i m losing control and know only my faith in God that is holding me and keeping me sane... i so worried i will kidnap people 's newborn if i see anymore newborns in jan 07 mtb section.. sigh..

oct mtb has started but how come i not yet sign up for the sept mtb... i even calculate if i am p should due on 27 sept... body body are u p or not?

sorry i just need to let it out.. i been raising hopes mth by mth n my hope of ever been p is draining draining..down.
the even funnier thing i must share is i kept surfing website to check on signs of pregnancy... it's a known thing 1 of the signs is missed period..but i am hoping to see one that says cramps..

and the funniest thing is i going loo to check my undie...1st to check got implantation bleeding ( rejoice if there is)... 2nd to see if AF is coming...

that y dorothy i think i need a scan machine leh...
Hi Toy collector,

Is this the so called 2 weeks wait?? Dont worry, try to behave as normal lah...we also hope to hear good news from u here to give us some hope!

hi toy collector,

I tot i was the only weird one checking the net for signs of pregnancy. So guess we are not alone... hehheh... I, too, kept asking my body if i'm pregnant. I think i'm worse cos i even asked my DH if he could sense the bb. He just played along with me... Sigh...

This is my first cycle of clomid, went to see dr fong yang and he gave me a jab to ensure ovulation, then BD on the day he calculated for us. I will know next time this week if i'm pregnant... The week is too long...
If it makes all of us feel more normal and (actually) sane, I, too am like this!! haha!

Used to imagine loads of things: implantation's definitely one of them, imagined that the pain in my breasts is another, the darkening of line from my belly button to my vulva, darkening of my ariola, nauseous when I brushed my teeth.....

Thanks for confirming that I'm actually normal! haha!

Anyway, gals, we're supposed to help each other learn how to lead our lives outside of the TTC-bubble! Shall we agree & promise ourselves that each time we start our neurotic checks, that we realise it is happening and then pull away from thoughts of hopelessness?

Have a good weekend all!

Hi Tub/toy collector/soulutions,
i also like that!!! i so happened to surf a particular TTC website. if strike, EDD will be on 1st OCT..

how i wish man!! cos my DH n DD are oct i hope that another one also oct...

last week, i met someone(buyer). she went thr IVF n have triplet!!! i thought of going for it... but when i told a close church friend, she "scolded" me not trusting GOd for a baby...

it's not i dont trust but i really hate to got thr it anymore.... now i trying to convince my hubby on it....

sad sad.... AF result coming tomorrow... i really hope AF lost it way...

just to add, sometimes when u share with ppl surrounding u, u seem to be a weido.....

i regretting telling her that i intend to go for IVF

that gal friend that i mentioned kept trying to counsel me now...

sick man!!!
