Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

BTW if u've citibank card.. think when u go for ward visit, u can ask if it is still on?

I took up that promo.

hi, all

I vote for gather @ punggol park, ok let me start

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Gathering @ Punggol Park on 10/18 Jun @ 7/8am</font></font>

izzit ok, We can do mini po lat

1) Gracemum w BB w HB
morning ladies...

just finished with my bb's birthday celebration last sat...was quite successful, but extremely tired after that...used up all my energy. hahaha...

welcome jasline!

Gathering? wow...sound nice of you, apricot for offering your plc.
good morning ladies!

Hi Sharon,

I dunno back on 10th or not leh.... so I opt for 18th first, we can decide who to bring wat later :

1) Gracemum w BB w HB
2) Violet &amp; bb &amp; gal &amp; hb &amp; maid(tentative).
Hi Sengkang Mummies

I am new in this thread. Wonder if any of you have heard of a baby sitter by the name of Mdm Leong living in Rivervale area. I am currently considering her service and wld appreciate some feedback
Wow, so fast got gathering already.
But my baby doesn't wake up that early. I think I would have to give it a miss.
hi, is it need to charge it to 9am/10am ?

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Gathering @ Punggol Park @ 9/10am</font></font>

1) Gracemum w BB w HB
2) Violet &amp; bb &amp; gal &amp; hb &amp; maid(tentative).
Ok, thanks Koalarie. I have Citibank card and will check out with the hospital....

Rasberry tea work? I got too much thing to drink and eat liao. Haha. Have to drink milk and drink tonics...and sometimes drink fybrogel.. not forgetting my normal supplements from gynae... but nevertheless I shall buy one packet and try. =)
9am sounds good....
hope to see more response.

Welcome Stephanie and Taurus76.

Yes it is the park opp the kopitiam at Hougang.
There is a restaurent named 'Bliss' there.
my boy oso like tht 2 wks ago, dun really wan to drink milk usual intake per feed is 160ml but he only drink 80ml-100ml then stop but now ok liao.

according to a mom in Feb thread she says if bb had doubled their wt since birth, their body will self regulate their own intake lor...dun worry too much, their appetite will slowly pick up again after the self regulation....

RE: Gathering
So early ah, my boy wake up abt 8 plus drink milk then will KO again till 11 plus leh.
Yup, Is there.

***Look like most of the BB don wake up so early... respond not so good liao

I think can only gathering @ Compass Point @ afternoon time //
ilim, the bb room at suntec is at level 3, the happy kidz section. half the time my stroller also used for transporting bags, not bb. haha...

paranoidmummy, my breasts like rocks so v little came out. no let-down for me also. so even if i expressed, only got 5ml. see liao also demoralised. felt so lousy...

linda, glad ur ger's party went well!

welcome taurus76 and stephanie!

me okay for morning at Punggol Park or afternoon at CP...

i read that at ard 3mths is bb's growth spurt. so milk consumption will increase then after the spurt, the urge to drink milk will drop. maybe your bb gg thru growth spurt so drank more?
Hi Linda,
You must have a good party huh?

Hi mum05,
my gal not like this last time, drink a lot all the way one. So I was oso worred a little when my boy's intake drop and quite a while liao,
Now see yr posting I relax a bit....

Gathering :
me is flexible, bb sleep oso 'drag' him out....
but gal got class on sat pm so if sun pm I can bring her along. But me oni back either 7th or 12th Jun.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Gathering @ Punggol Park @ 9/10am
- 18 Jun (Sunday) </font></font>

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2"> Gathering @ Compass Point @ 2pm/3pm
- 24 Jun (Saturday)</font></font>

1) Gracemum w BB w HB
2) Violet &amp; bb &amp; gal &amp; hb &amp; maid(tentative
3) beluga
Hi Sharon,

I prefer to go to the park in the morning, so I'll opt for 18-Jun. CP is very crowded in them PM during weekends.

Besides I am attending another gathering with another group of mummies on 24th.

Thanks for organizing.
Re: Milk intake
Thx, ladies. XT's only 6 weeks old...isn't it too fast for her 2b like tat?

Re: BB cranky

BB today very cranky. Think she got scared by a dream in morning. She doesn't want to drink much n wakes up instantly she was placed down to sleep n cried badly.

I've to carry her throughout n ve been doing so since then.. so heartbreaking to see her like that I cried.

Activated hb 2 come home early. Apparently if she's totally wrapped, she'd sleep better.

After discussion, hb juz bought a sarong for her.

Dunno if it works.

Hv u checked with the PD?
My boy oso drinking lesser now and coming 3 wks alrdy. From 150-160ml each feed to 40-100ml. And can last 3-5 hrs each time.

So at least I see mum05's case is very similar so I feel better. If you still dun feel safe, better to call PD to check if need to bring bb for a check.
My bb also like that. At first his feed is okay and then dropped when he is 2 months old and picked up a little during 3 months and remain rather stagnant till now. He is only drinking 120ml though he is 4 months+.

There's a period of time when he refused to drink milk sometimes up to 6 hours! We changed his milk (nearly tried all brands in the market) and we changed his teats. He still doesn't drink a lot.

He used to cry for no apparant reason and had to swaddle him till he is 2 months+ old. If you use sarong, she may not want to sleep in cot anymore. Furthermore, you may have problems going out as she may be used to sleeping in the sarong. My hubby's colleague can't go out as his girl can't sleep without the sarong, so they don't go out much.

Can't make it to the gathering as not in Punggol during weekends and quite hot in Punggol Park leh ...
My bb oso very cranky when he's 3wks -6wks n he usually fuss from 7pm-11pm oso need to carried to sleep n once put down will wake liao have to wait till he's fully deep sleep then can put down. But after 6wks or 8 wks he gets better liao. If u worried abt her milk intake then bring her go see PD for a piece of mind lor....

Me oso cannot attend the 24th gathering me n violet attending another gathering on tht day n for the morning 1 oso cannot cos bb still sleeping tht time.
voilet, that time, I've brought my girl to her PD for a few mths n it didn't help and that was why I had been feeding her whilst she's aslp dur that few mths. Later, I brought her to e ch physician whom I've been consulting dur my younger days &amp; oso dur my pregnancy, realised she was toooo heaty! After purgin out her phelgm n heatiness, her intake resumed &amp; incr! I shld hv brought her to him much much earlier than let her suffered e few mths of not having proper/enuf sleep... poor thing(me also left wif no time at all, as need to keep her awake till 1 hr before her feeding time, haiz).
Guess such things only e ch medicinal practice will know...

Recently, she's rejecting her solid meals n I gave her pediasure, think e latter is even more heaty as more scoops of powder is to be added... n she got worse, even rejects her Gain IQ! Geez... juz brought her to the ch doc tis AM, cfm she's very heaty liao.....
My girl's body condition is actually very heaty base, thus I've been diluting her milk powder and only few wks ago, we started to incr abit more(still diluted though), she become heaty liao... haiz.

Gathering - paiseh, usually got work n followed by family outings on wkends... u mommies enj yrselves ya!
I'm also prefer panggol park in the morning , so far haven't bring mine gerger to tis type places yet.but look like most of the mummies can not make liao..Haizz
HI, anyone heard of nature teaching let BB interact to nature environment, is it good for BB development liao. anyone ??

It is you want to collect shoes from mine Block ???
If i put time at 10/11am , i scare will be a bit hot liao. morning more fresh and good for health too
hi sharon
yes itz me! hehe..bobux shoes right? cant wait for the shoes to come
happy.gif about 8am - 9am? cos my boy is sleeping at 7am...
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Gathering @ Punggol Park @ 9/10am
- 18 Jun (Sunday)</font></font>
hi, Joleena , yup! very exrciting liao,i too can't wait to see the shoes

can i add you in..

1) Gracemum w BB w HB
2) Violet &amp; bb &amp; gal &amp; hb &amp; maid(tentative
3) beluga
4) Joleena
me okie for either CP pm or Park am.
but as violet said, may be hard for us to gather at CP on wkends due to the crowds.

Koalarie, mikel,
i also use sarong - but my 'yaolan' cannot 'yao'. i removed the spring. so last time i used the sling to swaddle bb to sleep then put him in the unrockable sarong to zzz. cos the sarong kinda maintains the swaddling effect.

Joleena, the combi shoes i collect from u over the wkend can? 9pm a bit late for me...

Limi is asking if you wan her to collect for u instead as she will be collecting herself now.
I'll only collect fm Angeline when I am back fm the trip.

Let me know ok?
yr gal on FM last time when she reduce her intake? Mine still on TBF so dun think is 'heaty' hor?
Anyway I see him everyday still happy happy, can play, can cry, can sleep, can poo, then shd be ok la.

But as a mummy will still worry a bit lor.
ya violet, on FM.. BM ar, unless u eat alot of heaty stuffs lor hahaha

ya, mommies will surely worry but mine surely anyone will worry, imagine 180 down to 30, who wldn't :D
ya lor... some more now going away really scared my hubby and maid nvr take care properly....

I asked my mum to come over and stay during my trip away but u know la.... communications problem with old folks and maid. I oso scared got problem when I'm not around.
Hi all,

I think i know why my boy drinking lesser liao.

Today when I got home my maid tell me 'maam, kai kai good boy ah, finish everything, all 3 times left only a little bit'.

I was training my boy take FEBM since last mid last week, and he will drink 40ml-60ml then stop, sometimes continue after 1hr sometimes totally dun wan.

So last nite I tot at least he is not rejecting the frozen ones so I started to fill up the bottles using EBM again. From the lot that I expressed last nite and he finished about 130ml each time for the 3 feeds today!
Hopefully this is the reason lor....

But so sad to know that he will start to drink lesser once I'm away
Think either too heaty or not enuf zzzz 4 me, I'm feeling really unhappy. Unhappy on y XT like tat.. y XT juz won't let me zzz longer n y XT juz want me 2 carry her only on shoulder n not in other positions n got to walk ard.

I'm so tired.. I'm so angry y God given me such a tough task.. where's he when I need Him.

My hb has even commented y i so indecisive &amp; saying unpleasant things like he's working n i not.. n unless he's not working; dun expect tat he always can b activated last minute home..

But not tat i want, u noe.. XT dun talk but cries n I really at loss on what she wants. She dun drinks her milk n always struggles n cries again.

I noe I'm not alone in tix.. but all i ask is juz somebody I'm close 2b there with me.
How old then u bring ur gal 2 see the chinese physician? I tot of doing so 2 c if gal's too heaty since she struggles to fart when she's eating and y always ard 5~7am, she seems 2b uncomfortable as she made noises n a bit of struggling like during then.
Hi Koalarie.....
I agree that you need someone with you but it can be stressful on yr hb as well. He sees u so stress he also feel sad and maybe not sure how to help you? You may be emotional and everything he says that meant well may still sound wrong to you. I'm a passerby, happened to me when I had my 1st one. Think I had slight post-natal blues. Always cry and quarral with hb 'cos both r new parents and I'm alone w/o help after I get home fm work. Wash milk bottles oso can wash until I cry.

Maybe can ask him take a couple of days leave while you relax for a while?

Angry at God?
I'm not a very religious christian(sad to say) but think of it this way. At least he gave u a HEALTHY baby.... so try to get -ve tots off your mind.... not easy but u hv to try.

When XT cries, just concentrate on comforting her first and let her continue her feed later.
It's tough that you have to carry her all the time and maybe you can try talking to your hb about the maid option again?

I mean even for a temporary period oso good rite?

This may be my last posting b/f I fly off later and I hope you will get better ok?
Hi koalarie
U r not the only who felt this way, i had the sme feeling as u when keagan was 1-2mth. Worst was my hb not in singapore most of the time n i had to tolerate keagan's crying n kept asking myself y i get myself into this mess.

The most important thing tht i did was opening up to my hb n tell him how i felt n would very much appreciate if he could help me when he's in singapore n my depressions got better.

N as time pass seeing keagan growing well n smiling at me or tok to me when i played wif him makes me feel tht all r worth it.
When you feel upset or depressed, do drop anyone of us a note. I Think nearly all of us here went through your phase.

I also shouted at my hubby, cried tons, blame God (my boy is unplanned), upset about my life/fate, even suicidal at times ... Do persevere! This phase will pass by soon ... JIA YOU!

Also, my hubby is quite busy, so sometimes I have to endure this myself. Have you ever thought of having your mum/MIL to look after your gal during weekends? At least you can have a good nap during the afternoons. If they can look after overnight, better still as you can have at least a good night sleep per week.
koalarie, we hv to learn to take things easy otherwise we're e ones who suffer... I've been thru that myself... if u read e thread that I've linked up there, u will see how long I've 'suffered' ahahhaha...
Hmm, when I was still pregnant wif my girl, I see some ppl bringing very young bbs to see this ch physician(he's very renowned in this field). I rem once, I saw a man carrying a very tiny bb into his room. Guess must be newborn n maybe his wife is still in confinement n not convenient to come along, so he's alone wif e bb.
Even though I've seen e abv scene, but I totally forgot abt it when it comes to the time when I need to bring my child there! So, wif the delay, my girl n I suffered for a few mths lor...
ya, do drop us a note anytime shld u need someone to talk to, we're here ok!
[email protected]
koalarie, its good that u post it here and tell us abt it. I am sure we are able to help in one way or another thru listening ear or a passer-by's advice. Although I hv not been thru that, but I see that coming already.

U see, I am currently staying at my in-law's place and my new house is not ready yet, by the time it's ready, my boy will be already 3 mths old. Meanwhile, I need to stay with my grandmother, as she's helping me to do my confinement and there's no enough space for BB in my inlaw's place.

Already I felt that my hubby is sort of "throwing" me away after birth. We wont be seeing each other everyday and of coz I dont expect him to help w BB too. I suggested him to stay with me at my granny's place but he said it's inconvient and also he's not use to it.
Even during my pregancy now, he like not very involved. If I were to elaborate further, u might even start to wonder why I marry him in the first place..... but that being put aside, he still has his good points and such.

What pisses me off now is that I really dont want to trouble my granny for that few mths (coz she's old and I forsee myself havng blues) and really hope my own house will be ready before July, so that we could move in before the 7th mth and before my due date ;(
upset mummies, *sayang*... think positive and dun worry so much ok? paranoidmummy, want to meet up since i'm near you?

my gal also dun like to eat... prefer to sample a bit here and there... not adventurous enough I guess...
I understand what you mean, I've been thru the same phase before. Did you bring your baby to the PD? When my baby cries non-stop in the evening, I suspect she may be having colic so I brought her to PD. I remember when PD saw that my gal wanted to be carried in upright position, my PD told me she is having reflux, upright position keeps the milk down and makes her more comfortable, that's why she will stop crying. During that time, my gal refused to sleep and I have to carry her and walk around for hours before she will finally doze off.
Hi mommies,
thank you very much n sharing as well.

U all are great.. really pray hard tat I'd go thru.

I juz felt why bb suddenly become like tat when my mommy was not ard. I kept crying wishing my mommy is ard to advise me.

Me had a talk with my hb but he is in a fix to hurt his mother..

I made up my mind to ve XT taken care by my parents. Decided 2 place bb at the hse even at nights n visit XT at nights and pick her up from Friday nights and send her back on Sunday nights after I start work in July.

Dun think mil has the energy to take care n plus only she n elder SIL noe how to handle bb.. rest re only siren; while my family side has my mom, dad n two sisters who noe how to handle bb.

Yet they re now touring in China n so ve to wait till 2morrow to tell them.

Tix morning sent XT to mil's place so tat I could come home to sleep and visit my gynae later after bathing XT.

MIL was telling me she didn't manage to zzz again as she was having migrain yesterday n told muscle relaxer but couldn't zzz. She told me she took zzzing pills but didn't help either.

Hope my little gal dun give her too much headache. Can't imagine only a woman at home got to take care of hsework, being "alarm clock" and "maid" to my sils.

sorry but i dun understand how bb cannot stay in ur mil's place. BB dun take up much space at all leh. Poor u.. but think +vely ... even consider renting flat 6 months?? Got a friend of mine whose hse was not ready n rented hse to fix such situation too. =p
Don't blame "God" like wat Violet says aleast god give you a healthy baby.i think you know your HB well rite, wat he says is "wu xin shang hai" don't put on your heart.i think both of you is too stress over your BB, "first 3 month is more difficult to take care la" most are the BB is like tat one. not only XT. she need your love,just show your love to her,she will feel it.
slowly XT will know you love her ok. and try to think positi side , you will feel better.
Yr gal mayb having colic. (Colicky baby will br cranky during certain time of the day). U can try adding winddrops into their milk to help her to pass out wind &amp; another alternative is to apply Ru Yi You on her. It helps.

JIA YOU!!! u'll pass the phrase n u be too happy n ur heart will melt once XT smles n tok to u... in fact for me i almost forget how cranky keagan was when he smile n tok to me....
