Preggie Friends Since 2003


Its also pouring at Pasir Panjang.. Sianz..


Yah, Josh enjoys his classes so I just let him continue. Only his class on Thurs ends at 8pm. The rest of the classes ends before 7pm and we will have dinner after that. Josh is into Ben10 now.. Arrghh...

good morning mummies!
drank a pack of vitasoy this morning and feel yucky now..
preggie must be feeling happy today.. raining here too..
ash attending 2 classes now.. art on sat and ICR on fri.. thinking of starting her on berries in jun..

ash will start new level of ICR next wk...
Hi Mummies
It just stopped raining here.
Waiting for the next bulk of work to begin...

Perfect Cut II - maybe not so draggy and drama as Little Nonya bah..

The thing about the weekday too is also the length, imagine if nearby and is one hour is still ok, if not, imagine the gramp has to go and come home, sit a while and go back again!

What is CMA?
There is a reading class near my place but jesse says "No" when I asked him, so don't wanna force.

Can ask which Berries outlet is CY at? I hv never checked where their other outlets are..
I saw a weekday one for the gals but then it may be 'fright nite' for me if I hv to bring them myself... so still KIV-ing this. Plus I feel it ends rather late for them...
Actually I saw some classes around my neighbourhood but just that never go and explore.

Weekends shud be for relaxing (at least for now).

Art - jesse flws my brother/fmy home, then my bro wl bring him to the class.. that way, I also get to hv some 'quiet time' at home with the gals.. hehe

Btw last nite, the art teacher (another teacher) told me jesse has good imagination, asked me if he has many drawings at home and to bring to show him... I said he only draws vehicles and bldgs leh...

Ends before 7pm is good leh....

u can try bringing Jesse out to the park, treat is as a drawing excusion.

Pretty no luck today. My bus didnt turn up in time and was late for 30min then I realised no umbrella in my bag and I'm stuck in the rain for 45 mins.

Weekends class usually ends at 9pm, by the time we reach home, clean up it will be ard 10pm. There are nights we have to stay late for meeting etc.

what is CMA? Why do u chose it?
Will go to park if it's not terribly hot.. the weather's just so unpredictable. But my guess is he would rather cycle than draw in the park..haha.. he loves cycling...

Oh dear!!

Yah, not easy for working parents.
I dread to wake jesse from his sleep in the mornings... v poor thing...

CMA is Mental Arithmetic aka Abacus. I was exploring this option too but feedback from my colleague was that some primary schools have abacus lessons and they may use one or both hands. Not sure which method CMA uses but it may confuse the child when he goes Primary school. Thus, I decided not to send him to Abacus. Again, its my own personal preference la. I prefer MPM Math cos Josh is a visual person and he has become more confident in doing his Math assessment books.


Josh reaches home from school at 11:30am and he has the whole day free. So he goes for his Berries class at 4:15pm, Math at 4pm and art will be at 530pm. My helper is the one who will bring him for classes except Berries cos MIL drops him off. So quite ok la.

I guess Jesse draws wat he is passionate about. Josh also always draws dinosaurs and animals. Hah.

CY is at the Tanglin CC branch. Usually after I drop him off, I take a bus to either orchard or to TPY central for bfast and read mags/papers. Now I am toying wz e idea of signing up with True Yoga at Pacific Plaza so I get some exercise while he is in class. But economy drive, nid to think carefully.

I try to personally bring him to these classes since my mom already brings him to & fro sch daily and My sisters are either working or schooling. Everyone's had a long day so no reason to make them work OT for me. Though there hv been some occasions when my sis help me bring him to Yamaha when I needed to work late.
m2b's abacus ah... didn't know that.

I don't know if jesse is visual person or thinking person..hehe

One of my gfs also brings her gal there but the gal is younger.... she says it's convenient for her too...

Me same feeling as you, just that the time for his art class is a bit off for me as I will have to walk two rounds, hence I send him to my brother's. They will 'entertain' him for 1/2 hr and I go home first.

Talking about Pacific Plaza, there is this place called Cream Bistro, the mango ice-cream w/ mango and chilled strawberry is rather yummy... they got lotsa magazines there...haha
food again. hahaha..
I tried to put the kids to sleep early but sometime they will want me to read so delay a bit. Some days I have difficulties getting the kids out of their bed, some good days morning is a breeze.

OIC. I'm more into concept. Wonders how MPM and CMA teach math.

I think the arrangement is good for u actually. Cos u get to spend some time with the gals while Jesse is away. I am reading a book called "Confessions of a Bad Mother'. Quite a good read about the 'struggles' of a SAHM coping with 2 kids. Altho I dun hv 2 kids, but some of the incidents she wrote are quite funi. Makes me tink mayb its good that I oni hv one - to keep my sanity!
The thot abt exercise also came to my mind, if Berries can work / start a biz that gives parents time to exercise or run a cafe for parents to drink/eat/read, it will really kill two birds with one stone..hehe

Yah I was chatting with the gals last night.

It's not easy: whether FTWM and SAHM, I think both are just as challenging. I think best is part-time but only if the pay is justified.

I am feeling it these days: how to have more time with the kids? Can't imagine how it'll be when they go to primary school...

Mine also will insist that I must read to them... cut-off time is 9.30pm.

Not surprising that you are reading this book.. haha
Good that Ash has progressed...Raine is finishing her ICR Stage 2 so I decided to pull her out since she asked to go CMA like my nephews...

I read the entire series of the Shopaholic books liao...very funny read...

Stylobb & Hong,
Yup CMA teaches mental arithmetic...Raine asked for it so let her try it out then.
this is not really my type, i usually read trashy with murder kind hehe.. but after i read s&baby, i tot becky is really funny lor, the stuff she does haha.. really ultimate.. will u watch the movies..
I'm thinking to go watch the movie! U? My sis wana go watch too...maybe shd go w my sis coz dun think hb will like such show...

Hb finally back tmr night after a month...such a long wait...hahaha
Hi M2B, Chris,

Sounds like a good show to watch with girlfriends.

Hi Chris.

confessions of a shopalcoholic, It's abt a alcoholic who loves to shop?
Surprise for hb? No lah, just can't wait to see him after 1 month...maybe after a few days, will start wishing he go away again...hahaha

You are so FUNNY! It shd be Confession of a Shopaholic...heehee
Haha, Preggie. Now I believe you r dyslexic.

Just read Today, in the forum page, there is a debate on caning in schools. Seems all those who wrote in supports this, including 2 Caucasians, who said that the lack of discipline in the sch systems in their home countries had led to societal problems.
haha din notice the mispelling.. it means someone who loves to shop for alcohol? hehe

haha poor hb..

I still rbr my Pri school principal walking ard the school with a cane in his man. Scare the hell out of us. Furthermore, I was in the class where the boys always got sent to his office for "Kueh Tiao" treats. My pri 6 form teacher will slapped or pinched the students. Everyone is so drag to go to school everyday.
Hi mummies

I read one book to all, they wl crowd round me no matter what, they just love being read to. They can choose the stories for me to read...

What's the book about - in short??

How do you reconnect w/ hb after a month? For me, will macham be like a stranger...

Hmm....for caning (of crse I don't wish it on my kids! haha), it has to be really terrible thing the kids did.. not to be used by teachers as they wish, as some teachers can be sadistic.. I rmbr last time in primary school, one teacher used three rulers and hit a gal's knuckles or face (can't rmbr which), and the parents came.

I think after the caning, the kids have to be counselled too (there could be deeper issues why they did a certain thing - lack of attn?? influence? no parental guidance?), to know what they did is wrong, otherwise they wl still be the same, only hv thicker skin...
its abt a girl's life ard shopping haha.. but in a funi way la.. the subsequent books series is abt her getting married, finding her sis, having baby...

tink the movie not exactly same as book. luke brandon is her editor in the movie, not the big boss of a PR firm like the book.
Ya mah, scully after a few days, he gets on my nerve and I will wish that he is overseas instead...hahaha

Yaya, her bf/hb is big boss of PR firm in the book...feel like reading the book again...heehee

We kept in contact via smses and phone calls...ok lah, maybe I'm so used to it airport w Raine to welcome hb later.
good morning mummies!

how's the welcome party

i jus reserved shop takes manhattan and shop ties the knot from nlb hehe.. tot of buying but i dun repeat reading book so better dun waste $ hehe
Good Morning Mommies!

Haha, what welcome "party" you expecting? =P
Delay in the luggage collection and reached home at 12am+ man...tired...Raine got dark eye ring today...hahaha

Those two books are nice too...I ks borrowed 3 books at 1 struggling to finish...hahaha
hehe wrap urself up and give him? hehe
i usually borrow 3 books oso. but nlb running out of books for me to read.. any nice authors to recommend?
Hi Mummies

My gf passed me this link too.. anyway the kids have them but are bags with their names embossed.. Christmas pressies from a friend.

We were looking around and realise those wallets with velcros are no longer being sold! I told hb prob. the tastes of the youngsters have changed, those we saw are the plastiky ones.

Will he be travelling again?

Did you watch Ninja Warrior last night? We had a riot laughing at the antics of some of them..
Good morning mommies,

Took half day this morning to attend an exhibition at Joey's school. I love this school to bits! Sometimes, i feel like kicking myself why i didn't choose to put joey here years ago??

Hi StyloBB,

Yes.. i record every episode coz joey enjoys watching it too. We are all gameshow junkies... We all love to watch "My Dad is better than your dad", "Ninja Warrior", "American Gladiators" and "Wipeout". I find wipeout very funny too!

Ninja warrior, i felt so sorry for the handsome fireman... (actually i feel sorry for myself la... coz he's such an eye candy... I won't get to see his solid body in Round 2!)
I'm reading books from the following authors recently: -
- Susan Elizabeth Phillips;
- Susan Andersen;
- Rachel Gibson; and
- Beth Kendrick.

I guess hb will be travelling again but dun know when though...been informed there are 3 potential trips next year...
i like susan elizabeth philips, her books are funny! let me try the rest.. i tink i better read more light stuff than my usual murder novels for the time being hehe..
Friday again... another weekends coming soon.

probably Eton house is much more popular back then.
Good Morning Mummies,

Chris & Hong,

Need your feedback about Desaru resort, you drive there or go by ferry?

Planning to go there with my sister's family, so would like to check some infos..

wat do u want to know? Chris and I drove there. U can reach there by ferry but I dun know where is the jetty. Very little variety of food u can chose at Desaru hotels unless u drove out to Rengit (si huan dao) for seafood meal which ard 30min car ride.

U can book firefly and farm tour from the hotel but is not very cheap.

I went crocodile farm - nothing much to me. A few big pools with alot of crocodiles.
Ostrich farm is more interesting with pple explaining to us.
Fruit farm - not bad, someone will bring u for a tour but i must pay for it. There is a kids zoo inside the fruit farm. Some goats, monkeys, chickens, etc... like a little kampong.

Chris, anything to add?

Thank you...

Will discuss with my sis to drive there or go by ferry, actually planning to go by ferry so that the kids can experience it..shall see how..
hi noif
i like the fireflies tour. the rest u can go on ur own as its pretty accessible by car. for fireflies, i tink its easier to go on tour organised by the hotel as the bus went thru some dark and foresty area b4 we get to the place. not so easy to drive on our own in the dark and the 'road' is very narrow too.
just to share, my mil made these dresses for ash's biaogu's wedding on sat.. i sewn the bead for ash's dress while the bride did it for the other dress, the lady in the centre is the seamstress

Hi Mummies,
Back from Melbourne. Think some mummies already saw the pics I uploaded. A good trip but tiring as you can imagine with 2 active boys. Somemore, I went with flu and baby down with fever 1st day of hol. Good thing is the fever not that 40 degrees kind we experienced in spore so with panadol stil manageable. First day already experienced 4.5 earthquake, very very rare in melbourne.

We planned a few activities for the kids, like farm stay (not the usual kind, but a wildlife resort with close encounters with wallabies, koalas, wombats, etc), strawberry picking, day out with thomas (basically a thomas the train carnival) plus a ride on a real steam train.

Great Ocean road was fantastic, but really tough to be in the car with the kids, esp the small one cos he refused to be strapped to carseat and Aust very strict. Elder one manageable with the portable dvd player I just bought b4 trip at IT show. Weather was crazy, ranging from 15 to 30 plus. But after we're back, it turned think I packed so much warm clothings.

The logistics was a nightmare, cos we brought so many things. Lucky I bought those Pigeon instant porridge, if not my baby will go hungry. Australia supermarket got sell those microwaveable instant baby food, like spaghetti, porridge, etc, but my Cheena boy prefers Asian porridge lah...

ok a long posting. gotto go zzzz now..sunday night is my most sian time cos got whole week of work ahead..gud nite mummies.
Chris, the dresses are very sweet. I wish I have a girl to doll up...but looking at things now, hahah..I dun dare to think of no. 3.
Hi Masshiro,

Welcome back. Saw the pictures and also think the family must have had a lot of fun

Can share more abt this Pigeon Instant porridge? It taste like our homecooked chinese porridge?
Hi Chris,

Thank you.

We are more intested in Fireflies tour and Crocodile farm...

Ostrich farm & Fruit farm - my hometown can find also lor..

So nice of ur MIL to made the dresses, I saw the rest of the pics at facebook...very nice!!
good morning mummies

we wanted to go fruit one but too bad raining but i guess its similar to the one we went at neo tio lane in spore..

she made 3 sets for the 3 flower girls.. dun tink will get to wear it again though..
Hi Preggie,
It's quite tasty. Got seaweed and other ingredients like tuna, etc inside, depending which ones you choose. But only problem is, it's quite expensive and serving very little. So got to buy more.
