Nu Skin's TRA vs HerbalLife Products

Hi beezewax, yes TRA is halal and is safe for breast feeding mums. Organic too! You may want to contact my consultant Roz, she's a muslim pharmacist....she will be able to help you. Here's her contact, [email protected]

Hey Addy,

Just PM'd you

Hi Starry

Thanks for the reply.

However, someone emailed me saying that it's unsuitable for breastfeedg mum which contradicts what u said. Confused now. Great that it's halal & organic

Anyway, to play safe, dun tink i'll sign up TRA at e moment cos I'm still bf my newborn. Geee, gotta lose at least 13kg :p
Hi all,

my colleague will be meeting the consultant on 29 Sep11(THUR) after 7pm at Bukit Batok to collect her TRA product. I will also tag along to take my measurement , hee...

If you are interested to tag along to get more details or take measurement of your weight and other index, do feel free to contact me at :-

email : [email protected]
msn : [email protected]
Hi beezewax, since its newborn, then concentrate on gaining back your health and breastfeeding first. To me TRA safety, guarantees a lot that's why I'm confident. its ok, after you are ready, you can start the program wholeheartedly!
hi all,

just to share my experience...pls note that i m not selling TRA...

I m 154cm and my weight was 48.5kg b4 TRA.. the reason i took TRA was i find my body fat a bit high 26.9% and i wanted to go back to my pre-prenancy weight of 45kg n lose the spare tyre around my tummy..

i took TRA in Aug 2010 and completed it in November 2010... at the end of the program, i lost 5.5kg and weighed 43kg and my body fat went down to 21.2%.. i lost mostly on my tummy and thigh area (which was what i wanted)but my hubby and family members all said i was too skinny then and i looked a bit haggard so i put on 1.5kg to look better.. after 1 yr, my weight is still hovering bw 44.5kg to 45kg though i dont exercise and eat as per normal and still eat sinful food at times.. kekeke.. I din take any other supplements after the 3 months..

It really works for me but u really need to have discipline for the three months when u r on the program..

the effect of TRA on my brother and sis in law werent as good as mine as they were not as disciplined as me while on the program..

so all the best for those who r on the program now.. Jia you! you can do it!
Dear all ..
Please advise. I am abit sad now. I am on TRA for 4 weeks and my weight haven drop. Drop only 500 g. But body fat drop 1%. I'm very worried now as i try to control my food intake and the food that I eat. However, it seem that result come out not so good. How.. ? I talk to my consultant however, she said because our mensus coming therefore, there is a bit of weight increase. My boby fat increase by 1%.

I can't advise exactly what is your problem, but according to my consultant, different people will see result in different time due to factors below :-

(a) how much FAT you have
(b) how discipline you are in following the program and diet plan
(c) how good is your current metobolism rate? If you have been on extremme low diet or slimming pill previously for long period, your metabolism rate will be low and you need time to pick up metabolism rate. So it will take longer time to see visible result, average take 1 mth to see result.

There may be some other factors... maybe you can go through with your consultant your daily diet also...
Hi mummies who've tried TRA..

Just wanna check ya,, do we need to buy the whole set of supplements or can we buy selectively? For eg, if I'm already taking some supplements & multivits, my main motive is to slim down, so I think I dont need anymore supplements.

I'm pretty curious leh, do we still need to incorporate exercise into the plan? If I'm really very disciplined with my diet & exercise, I will definitely slim down even without having to take the pills. What are the pills for actually? I'm keen in the one that we can take before have BUFFET!!

I'm also in consideration whether to join it anot coz I'm a lazy bum bum who dont really have time for exercise & enjoys eating. If i really succeed, mmm.. maybe I can join as a consultant too
Wondering how much a consultant can earn.

Any mummies who are willing to share can post it her or pm me ya.
Hi Addy, you definitely need the whole set as TRA handles weight loss as a multifaceted approach. The 3 mths is a start, really act as a kickstart to your for those who sees slow result, dont give up on your body. You are just responding slower due to your previous lifestyle like what ah_toh mentioned, if you skip meals a lot last time, your body definitely needs more time to increase fat burning. Imagine fat is the most difficult to burn but whatever you lost will be very significant!
Dear mummies who have done TRA,

how do you all take the diene-o-lean? Do you all take 6 capsules at evening with the trim shake or 3 capsules each time after breakfast and lunch?
Do you wait for one hour after lunch or breakfast then take life pak?

Just for clarification, as i hear different versions.
Dear all, after taking for 2.5months, i have lost 6kg but i find this is still not enough.

So want to take the correct way for the remaining 0.5months.
Any kind ladies can share how you take TRA with me? Actually I bought this package early this year, found myself pregnant one month after I tried TRA, I wish to to continue TRA after I give birth.

For diene-o-lean, i take 6 capsules with trimshake. But i take it in afternoon as i need to take dinner with my family everyday...

Lifepak is to take after food. I take 1 pack after breakfast and 1 pack after dinner.


i already pm u details on how to take TRA.
just updated my blog today... topic it's on my favourite food chicken rice, hee... i eat it at least once a week when I am on TRA. I know I should try to avoid but I just can't resist... so i get the recipe to cook it myself in a more healthy way...

do take a look :-
Hi ah Toh

I am also on TRA program but I realized different consultant guide in a different way... Mine is 6 capsule early in the morning 2 hours later then follow by 3a&3b then got to wait for 10 mins then can eat breakfast and lunch ... Dinner is 3a with trimshake today is into my third day I hv lost 1.7kg hehe very motivated
Hi Jolene,

Yes diff consultant give diff guide. It's ok as long as u take the product correct and you have to know the Dos and Don'ts on each supplement. Just to share what i know :-

(1) Diene-O-lean should take in day time and not before sleep as it is fat burner, so if u shd take in day time when u r active - walking and working better, as yr natural body burn fat, it works hand in hand to increase the effect of fat burning ability.

(2) diene-o-lene and duolene has to be taken at least 2 hours apart

oh... your result is very impressive... diff people respond diff to the product. For those who don't see lots of weight lost in the 1st mth, don't be discourage... you will definitely see result after 3 mths if you follow the program closely and eat healthy.
Hi Jolene,

paisay... i eat more healthy when i started TRA but I am not really very strict on my diet, hee... Below is what i take during the 3 mths :-

For MON to FRI :-
Breakfast = wholemeal bread + honey baked ham + cucmber + tomato
Lunch = Trimshake
Dinner = for 5 days, at least 2 days will be simple steamboat/niang tou fu soup. For balance 3 days, usually have 1 vegetable + 1 meat + 1 soup. I still take rice every dinner but just a small bowl. sometimes I will also have curry chicken, chicken rice or fried pork cuttlet... haha... i know this is bad lar... so portion i take is not very much...

SAT i usually eat outside
SUN I will go my mum & MIL house makan, i eat everything they cook but portion reduced compared to previously.
Hi Jolene,

I lost 6kg from 59kg to 53kg. I only go brisk walk 2 to 3 times during the 3 mths... hee...

do take a look at my blog if you have time :-

hmmm... for your 3rd day you already lost 1.7kg, i think you can achieve better result than me...

no worry... i do see cases whereby the weight reduction is much more impressive than mine, haha... i am sure u can do it as long as you are discipline...

take a look at my blog subject : "After TRA - 12 days later (12 Sep11)", I have ordered some拍痧棒for my customer. As a support I can give you 1 拍痧棒 to work on your arms, hee.... we can meetup so I can pass to you or pm me your address and I can courier to you.

Sengkang. very near to u, hee... I order the stock and shipment only arrived this Sat. Once rec'd the stock i will pm u to arrange a meetup next week...
Hi all,

My colleague will sign on TRA tomorrow so we are meeting the consultant tomorrow 29 Sep11(THUR) after 7pm at Bukit Batok.

Feel free to join for more details on the product and to take measuerment of your weight and other index for FREE... hee...

You can pm or email me at "[email protected]" if you want to join me...
Hihi, mummies. I have the weighing device at my Punggol place.
So if you are keen to know your weight, fat content, muscle, actual body age and visceral. My body age was 55 though I m only 35.

PM me if keen. Will arrange with my schedule.
Hi Ah toh, I just measure my weight. After taking this product for 5 weeks. My weight does not really drop. It drog at 600g . But my body fat, I lose 1.2kg. Muscle mass has increased. My Consultant said I am on track but I just feel that my weight somehow not able to drop much haha. However, I will keep trying. One thing good is I have been having backache problem so after taking the product, it help me alot.
Hi Shena,

i still remember after my 1st 10 days my weight down 3.4kg and i was very happy BUT my consultant warn me as my FAT % goes up... hee... so for your case your fat down and your muscle mass up, for me i think it's good lor... as for your weight do be patient, do continue to be discpline on taking the supplements and maintain healthy diet...
Hi Jolene,

For constipation not to worry, according to my consultant there are a lot of cases of improve constipation due to fibre from trim shake n diet plan to eat more fruits. Constipation can also cause bloated tummy...
Hello beautiful ladies,I've great news!! I'm so excited about the new ageLOC R2 launching in US soon. I'll be going to US to witness the launch and get first hand updates about this amazing new technology. I heard frm the leading scientist that R2, which can affect 52 genes of our mitochondria(batteries in our cells) thus increasing our basal metabolic rate! That means as we rest, we burn more!! Yeah!!! This real science with TRA will boost this program further! Go TRA! More people shld be on this amazing program and get on board our anti aging journey. Incredible!
very busy with work recently so not so much update on my blog... i am exicted on my colleague's progress as she show me her tummy and i can see her pant quite loose already, she needs to buy new pant soon, haha.... her review will only be done on next week... so i have no exact data on hand, will update once she get her review done.

today has updated my blog for other info... do take a look @
Hi Ladies,
I am back!! I took TRA! KAY HERE!

I know how it feels to be FAT.
- It sux when u go shopping
- It sux when u have ssuper slim friends around you that u envy on.
- It sux that you cant just eat whatever you like
- It sux when people point at you and say you are fat.
- It sux when u try to lose weight but no determination so back to eating disorder.

I have encounter ALL the above i mention, but finally i found my solutions, and i m much happier now. Plus my determination, I lost from 67kg-54kg. Still going on to lose more.

Anyone needs help in getting back to the real confidence self do contact me. I am glad to help. [email protected]
Hi Kay i am sooo sad.. it has been 2 months and my weight has not drop. I not sure why it does not work for me.. I tried to abide the food and follw the strict diet it seem that weight jus cant go down and my fats lose only 1.2kg so Far.. i soo lose confidence on the product and start to have negative thoughs.. :<
Hi Joelene and tracie..i have spoken to her.. but she said is ok for it for 2nd month.. i just feel that i m not losing weight..

To those ppl who currenty taking TRA... Keep it up.. I am sure this prdt wil work with compliance..

For myself, I have already lost 8 kg in 2 mths.. I stil have another 1 mth to go.. =) The best part of all is, i have lost my visceral fats from 7 to 4.. Seeing all my results after taking TRA, it gives me confidence that i wil go back to my pre-pregnacy size.. =)

Need tips or advice feel free to email me @ [email protected]


Hi ladies
Standing on my own weighing scale I have lost 5 kg
Will be seeing my consultant this coming Wednesday for my second review!
