IVF/ICSI Support Group

congrats to nureilliyah & zdubib, hope the other sisters who are on their 2ww will get BFP also! Good luck everyone :)

Thanks Rashal. Actually I don't know how to broach the topic to him in a nice way. Just told him in a joking manner my dad came over to help with the laundry, he seemed a bit embarrassed by tt so hopefully he gets the hint. If not will really have to tell him frankly.

Mmbhopeful, you mean we can do all these chores during the 2ww period? I have avoided most because of the lifting. Usually my laundry is full load so it is pretty heavy. I just do really simple things like fold clothes, wash dishes... Etc. Sweep the floor a bit when it seems dirty...
Hi_mei, light housework is fine. Boiling water, doing laundry is ok. If too heavy for u, just split into doing two times. Doing housework also a form of exercise n helps in blood circulation. At least tell him u sweep the floor lo. He'll understand, it's just these 2 weeks...
missyz: only one embbies survive d blastocyst, two embbies stopped growing and rest two embbies growing very slow so dr lau selected one which is slight better to transfer together with d blastocyst embbies today. my bt is on 22 oct. am counting d days now. lets bfp together.
Hi jasbran, at least u hv a blast tts awesome. Higher chance. I hv no more frozen so I'm praying very hard my one n only fighter has buried deep deep. Enjoy ur 2ww, rest and relax and yes let's hope to bfp together!! :)

Congrats zdubib! Hv a smooth 9 mths :)

Hi mei, u n ur hubby need to talk abt e game plan during ur 2ww. Go easy on urself and he has to go easy on u too. Just do whatever u can cz it does take ur mind off e dreadful 2ww abit but nothing nothing strenuous or heavy lifting. Gd exercise too hehe. Take care. Like e rest said, it's just 2 weeks :)
thanks hi_mei.. ya Dr Tan is a good doctor.. am glad too that I will be seeing him tomorrow.. at least I can have a better understanding of the situation.. and to know what I can do going forward
Hi..wat time is ur appt to see him?i am seeing sadhana today and I juz finished with my BT..
Thanks Rashal. Actually I don't know how to broach the topic to him in a nice way. Just told him in a joking manner my dad came over to help with the laundry, he seemed a bit embarrassed by tt so hopefully he gets the hint. If not will really have to tell him frankly.

Mmbhopeful, you mean we can do all these chores during the 2ww period? I have avoided most because of the lifting. Usually my laundry is full load so it is pretty heavy. I just do really simple things like fold clothes, wash dishes... Etc. Sweep the floor a bit when it seems dirty...
hi_mei.. maybe can have a good chat with ur hubby.. before my cycle started me n hubby discussed on the chores I could do n those that he will help out.. I feel this really help alot cos I didn't have to worry abt our views being different on this
[quotevery thinganthiya86, post: 6385204, member: 148379"]I am seeing her at 10.30 supposedly but already here waiting..was the first person to start waiting in the clinic..[/quote]
Hey, everything will be fine...
missyz: i also do not have any more frozen so lets work and pray hard to bfp together! when is your bt?
[uote="missyz, post: 6384952, member: 91842"]Hi jasbran, at least u hv a blast tts awesome. Higher chance. I hv no more frozen so I'm praying very hard my one n only fighter has buried deep deep. Enjoy ur 2ww, rest and relax and yes let's hope to bfp together!! :)

Congrats zdubib! Hv a smooth 9 mths :)

Hi mei, u n ur hubby need to talk abt e game plan during ur 2ww. Go easy on urself and he has to go easy on u too. Just do whatever u can cz it does take ur mind off e dreadful 2ww abit but nothing nothing strenuous or heavy lifting. Gd exercise too hehe. Take care. Like e rest said, it's just 2 weeks :)[/quote]
Anyone has stomache discomfort and stomache let out a lot of gas after fet on very first day. oh and also bad nauseous and vomit?
I am seeing her at 10.30 supposedly but already here waiting..was the first person to start waiting in the clinic..
I juz finished seeing dr tan.. he arranged for me to do a SIS scan after my next menses.. hopefully scan results normal den can do FET in the following month
am relieved its over.. can take a rest physically n mentally before the next battle
I juz finished seeing dr tan.. he arranged for me to do a SIS scan after my next menses.. hopefully scan results normal den can do FET in the following month
am relieved its over.. can take a rest physically n mentally before the next battle
Ginger:rest well to prepare for next fet. take care
I am seeing her at 10.30 supposedly but already here waiting..was the first person to start waiting in the clinic..

Hi santhiya, u waitin for dr sadhana too? Same here *waves*...my queue no is 1230...been waiting since 8.30am too..hope to see u ard...
Hi ladies, i dun think mine is a viable pregnancy..today I am 7weeks+ n yet cannot see anything on the ultrasound..i guess this is the end of my ivf journey for me...
Hi ladies, i dun think mine is a viable pregnancy..today I am 7weeks+ n yet cannot see anything on the ultrasound..i guess this is the end of my ivf journey for me...
Stay positive..u will be fine..maybe baby is playing tricks on u..ask doctor to do one mre BT for u..did u see me?i was in pink and black polka dot top sitting alone.. :)
I juz finished seeing dr tan.. he arranged for me to do a SIS scan after my next menses.. hopefully scan results normal den can do FET in the following month
am relieved its over.. can take a rest physically n mentally before the next battle
All the best to u babe..as for me, dr sadhana said that she realized my egg quality was not good..it might be the reason why I didn't succeed..she told me to do another cycle in January..this time she is putting me on growth hormones injection to improve the egg quality..hoping for some good news..and she also told me to try naturally this three months..hopefully a miracle can happen.. :)
All the best to u babe..as for me, dr sadhana said that she realized my egg quality was not good..it might be the reason why I didn't succeed..she told me to do another cycle in January..this time she is putting me on growth hormones injection to improve the egg quality..hoping for some good news..and she also told me to try naturally this three months..hopefully a miracle can happen.. :)
*hugs* we both have tried our best during this cycle.. moz impt nw is for us to have a good rest n recover
Stay positive..u will be fine..maybe baby is playing tricks on u..ask doctor to do one mre BT for u..did u see me?i was in pink and black polka dot top sitting alone.. :)

Hi Santhiya, i did see an Indian lady with long hair a yellow polka dot baju..but could nt see her face...I was sitting with my hubby in a orange stripe and greenish orange headscarf..i was so sleepy I slept there for nearly 20min..lol...

I can feel I am having discharge which cld signal something for me...
Hi Santhiya and Ginger, don't give up and hang in there for another round. I read somewhere that the chances of IVF each round is no more than 20-30% similar to an unassisted couple trying naturally. I told myself since it means in one in five tries can make it so I am prepared to try and try again. Well, till the grant runs out. Heh..
Hi Rashal, what did the doctor say? Just worried that it might be ectopic pregnancy or other complications.
btw, I just did my ER yesterday. My tummy bloated up towards end of the day and though I have no difficulty breathing, or have any nausea, i.e. OHSS symptoms, I had some difficulties walking cos it was so uncomfortable. Praise God that my tummy went down this morning and things are back to normal again. I still have some spotting but hopefully it will go away tmr in time for ET. I retrieved 22 eggs which explains my bloatedness. :eek:
All the best to u babe..as for me, dr sadhana said that she realized my egg quality was not good..it might be the reason why I didn't succeed..she told me to do another cycle in January..this time she is putting me on growth hormones injection to improve the egg quality..hoping for some good news..and she also told me to try naturally this three months..hopefully a miracle can happen.. :)
@ santiya hi i come from another thread And was surprised reading your post - how come your doc did not Know before you had poor egg quality ?? She did not test your fsh amh And afc? Which kind of growth hormones she put you on And did she Warn you on the side effects?
Thanks for Sharing your info this journey is so ectic we need to consider also what other doctors propose,,..
missyz: i also do not have any more frozen so lets work and pray hard to bfp together! when is your bt?
[uote="missyz, post: 6384952, member: 91842"]Hi jasbran, at least u hv a blast tts awesome. Higher chance. I hv no more frozen so I'm praying very hard my one n only fighter has buried deep deep. Enjoy ur 2ww, rest and relax and yes let's hope to bfp together!! :)

Congrats zdubib! Hv a smooth 9 mths :)

Hi mei, u n ur hubby need to talk abt e game plan during ur 2ww. Go easy on urself and he has to go easy on u too. Just do whatever u can cz it does take ur mind off e dreadful 2ww abit but nothing nothing strenuous or heavy lifting. Gd exercise too hehe. Take care. Like e rest said, it's just 2 weeks :)
My BT is this Friday.
Yes let's bfp together. And I did feel a bit sick aft FET cz sudden surge of hormones pumped in. Had headache and nausea. Bloated n gas. Actually till now too. U rest more :)
zdubib: congrats! what did u do in ur 2ww?

I try to rest as much as possible. Minimise walking. Ate brazil nuts and basically rest, rest and rest. Also took folic and multi-vits. Slow movement, as if preggy. Remember, after ET, we are all pregnant unless proven otherwise. All the best to everyone!
@ santiya hi i come from another thread And was surprised reading your post - how come your doc did not Know before you had poor egg quality ?? She did not test your fsh amh And afc? Which kind of growth hormones she put you on And did she Warn you on the side effects?
Thanks for Sharing your info this journey is so ectic we need to consider also what other doctors propose,,..
Actually,after 15 eggs retrieved,I only had two good embryos to be transferred.. Grade 3 and grade 4..had none for storage..so now dr thinks it might be due to that I had a failure..now have to wait till jan for the next round..
btw, I just did my ER yesterday. My tummy bloated up towards end of the day and though I have no difficulty breathing, or have any nausea, i.e. OHSS symptoms, I had some difficulties walking cos it was so uncomfortable. Praise God that my tummy went down this morning and things are back to normal again. I still have some spotting but hopefully it will go away tmr in time for ET. I retrieved 22 eggs which explains my bloatedness. :eek:

All the best to for ur ET
Dr said I had probably miscarry..gave me pill for whatever that is inside the womb to come out coz right nw I hv no bleeding whatsoever...
Oh my..so sorry to hear that..did u do a BT?and did they check if u have the pregnancy sac???cos happened to me once and it turned out to be a ectopic...
Hi ladies, i dun think mine is pregnantble pregnancy..today I am 7weeks+ n yet cannot see anything on the ultrasound..i guess this is the end of my ivf journey for me...

Just to check, u did went for ur bt 7 weeks ago. And doc told u that u are pregnant. So during this 7 weeks, did u have any bleeding or spotting? Did doc give u any extra med? And lasr week I got spotting then bleeding. . ( im still bleeding now but no pain)

Cos I will be going for other blood test tmr. Cos last few test I went is 1st: 40 2nd: 167.5. So really pray hard that I will give more tgen 250 tmr.
Dr said I had probably miscarry..gave me pill for whatever that is inside the womb to come out coz right nw I hv no bleeding whatsoever...

Rashal, what's your HCG level frm beta? You ever consider a 2nd opinion? It's a tough journey so I feel shld get c another Gynae for 2nd opinion jus to double confirm b4 you take the pills.
She told me that she will put me on the medication wen I start my next cycle.. I thnk it's gnrh injection or something..
gnrh :confused: this is not a human growth hormone
my doc does not want to give in nuh that s why i ask but also i dont want to change doctor:rolleyes: so am asking around who takes what for bad egg quality
please let us know when you know more thanks :)
@rashal hello am new in this thread (am a nuh gal) and i want to make sure i understand correctly "probably miscarried" :mad::mad: hellooo she has to be sure before you taking any pills so have a blood test first cause those pills will have you miscarry (btw they failed twice with me so not very efficient and had to get a surgery so be sure you miscarry before taking anything ok??) take care
Santhiya and GingerH, all the best for the next cycle. Do take this period to recover well.

Currently at 5dp2dt.... am developing some kind of weird rash/itchiness that comes and goes. Not sure why. Have not taken anything different these days and also don't think it is the progesterone (have taken the same progesterone for another cycle with no problems).
@ santiya hi i come from another thread And was surprised reading your post - how come your doc did not Know before you had poor egg quality ?? She did not test your fsh amh And afc? Which kind of growth hormones she put you on And did she Warn you on the side effects?
Thanks for Sharing your info this journey is so ectic we need to consider also what other doctors propose,,..

Regarding AMH and FSH I feel that these are just numbers and we should try not to categorise ourselves into poor quality egg producers, etc based on them. I have good AMH and FSH and below 30, an ideal IVF candidate. But in reality I respond poorly to the stimulation drugs, producing 5 eggs even on very high dose. Likewise, there are sisters here who have poor AMH and FSH but produce far more eggs (and good quality too). So I guess at the end of the day sometimes it is just the right timing/destiny and also different doctor's protocol....
My BT is this Friday.
Yes let's bfp together. And I did feel a bit sick aft FET cz sudden surge of hormones pumped in. Had headache and nausea. Bloated n gas. Actually till now too. U rest more :)[/quote]
Missyz: after fet, I dun have any bloatedness but a lot of gas but today is better not much gasy. Last night I vomited once and even vomit d Dydrogesterone out haizzz bad...... Do you pee a lot? I do bt maybe I drank a lot of water tts y
Regarding AMH and FSH I feel that these are just numbers and we should try not to categorise ourselves into poor quality egg producers, etc based on them. I have good AMH and FSH and below 30, an ideal IVF candidate. But in reality I respond poorly to the stimulation drugs, producing 5 eggs even on very high dose. Likewise, there are sisters here who have poor AMH and FSH but produce far more eggs (and good quality too). So I guess at the end of the day sometimes it is just the right timing/destiny and also different doctor's protocol....
Agree with you hi_mei.. I read up on FSH and it only indicates the amount of ovarian reserve. Does not say much about quality. I have heard of too many cases that seemed pessimistic - not so good quality embryo implanted resulted in pregnancy, likewise, good stats on every stage and fail the cycle, etc.. End of the day, it is up to God's will. We just do our part by making use of the medical options given to us. How it would all turn out is really not up to us. I am just thankful that God gives me a chance to try IVF. :)
Hello ladies yes amh tells you about egg quantity corrolated with fsh age afc ...
I thought santiya had a quantity issue got it wrong i think
Anyway curious to Know which hormone growth mrs sadhana give you
Take care !
Hi ladies..went 4 my 1st scan today mornin aftr 9days of injections...ivf centre dr gave me 3more days inj of purgeon n orgulatron..fri 8am scan again..hope all is well by then..Rashal I m sorry to hear ur case..dun't worry rest well n recover 4 ur new cycle...Santiya u too rest well n recover..do stay positive 4 ur nxt cycle :)
