IVF/ICSI Support Group

[ote="rashal, post: 6376232, member: 77126"]Which hospital are u with? U may want to call ur hospital and ask them abt ur light brown staining..maybe they can advise u..when is ur BT?[/quote]

I'm with KKH. They just say monitor unless there's red staining. My BT is next Mon. Will have to tahan until then....
Zdubib, there's still hope as long as AF doesn't show! All the best to u :)
Try to occupy yourself with more activities to make time pass faster
[ote="rashal, post: 6376232, member: 77126"]Which hospital are u with? U may want to call ur hospital and ask them abt ur light brown staining..maybe they can advise u..when is ur BT?

I'm with KKH. They just say monitor unless there's red staining. My BT is next Mon. Will have to tahan until then....[/quote]

In that case,jz think positive till mon for ur BT...as long as itz nt red stains..when I got my BFP,I also had some brown(like nescafe) discharge but s/n at kkh also said itz normal..hang in there
Dear sistas, iz my baby's full month today. I have just returned 80 red eggs to zhu sheng niang niang temple at toa payoh shuang lin si.

bbdust to all!!
Hi, is it normal to have cramps 3 days after transfer? I did a 2 day transfer. There was a bit of cramping on ET day then stopped quickly. Now it has started again and uterus is kinda sore too. I hope didn't do something wrongly..... :(
Hi mbhopeful and rashal, thanks for your encouragement. Rascal, it's really like nescafe, now on and off. Will hope for the best and talk to my embbies to hang on tight! :)
Hi ladies, I'm in my 2ww. Tdy is my 4dp3dt... Have been experiencing menstrual like cramps on n off since yesterday... Is this normal? Any ladies experience this???
Hi tsf

I have been having the AF cramps too and asked the same qn. Currently 3dp2dt. Not sure is it from the progesterone inserts or what.
Thanks Yue!
Mmbhopeful, I asked my hubby to get dettol wipes so i use that to clean my hands first after inserting the progesterone. Then there is no need to rush get up to to wash your hands immediately after insertion! Hope tt helps you stay down longer!
Hi Mei and TSF,

I had cramps during my 2ww too. Just drink more water and try to avoid cold stuffs.
I normally elevated my legs whenever I lie down or sleep.

Good luck and all the best! ;)
Hi all,

Just done my ER this morning. Retrieved only 4 eggs. Now waiting anxiously to see how many will b fertilized. Wish me luck!
Hi happy_mtb, lots of luck to you!
I also didn't have a lot of eggs retrieved--5eggs, of which 4 were mature. Was prepared for the worst that mb cannot do ET. But in the end I had two good embryos and one still growing.
So have faith, good things can happen :)
Plus we won't be at risk for OHSS, that's a plus point I guess.
hope my 5 embbies can survive d blastocyst starting from tomorrow morning till Monday then transfer. Anyone encounter before if any of d embbies cannot survive and be called to kkh for immediate transfer? I'm wondering if e embbies cannot survive then still transfer, will it still survive in our womb? Really need advice

Hi jasbran, sorry for this very late reply.
My current FET was supposed to be with blast,I too was on standby, scheduled ET on Friday 27 sept but I was called in on tues 24/9 as 2 out of my 3 frozen embbies didn't survive thawing and embryologists was afraid that my one n only fighter will not sustain to blast. I had immediate transfer. 5 cell grade 4. One n only. I'm 12dp2dt now and so far no signs of af e same time no symptoms of preggy. Holding out till BT on 11oct. Leaving it all in the hands of God. Hw r u doing? :)

Santhiya-I am very sorry dear but do come back stronger... :)

Congrats happyparents! I wish to bfp too :)
Hi_mei that's a gd idea! Shall ask my hubby to buy dettol wipes for me as well :)
Today is my 5dp2dt and I'm also having cramps on n off, more esp in the morning when I wake up and after the insertion of the 1st dose of progesterone. I think cramps are normal? Can be due to side effects of the pill or that uterus is stretching for the beanie? :)
Hi ladies I startd stimulating inj frm Mon...3days of ovulatrn n purgeon frm thurs up to cumin mon...Tues mornin is my scan..so its 09days injections. ..does any1 hve idea if I wil hve to continue wth more injections?? Currently m eating 2egg whites in the morning wth folic acid n healthy balancd diet..wat else mus I do 4 gd egg growth? ?
Mbbhopeful, perhaps uterus is stretching for u, cuz it seems like the right time. Not for me cuz i am pretty early still. Don't want to get my hopes too high up... I am qt worried cuz my husband has such high hopes now. He said tt I shd eat for two! Alamak fail how? I got to keep reminding him have embryos doesnt mean success....
But I had cramps as early as u do as well.. Also duno what that means just guessing only haha
Aiyo ur hubby is so funny, need to let him know la but remain optimistic!
I'm also v worried that it might fail but keep telling myself to be optimistic! Had gone through 3 rounds of iui and really hoping that ivf can save me
I got a question. .our hubbies r to be on an antibiotic. ..my so clever hubby bought a bottle of beer back 4 the hot weather 4 him...is it ok or not advisable???..my 1st scan is on cumin tues..9th day of injection.
Hi mmbhopeful, I will send positive thoughts to ur embryos!! :) hope u can strike this time. This is my 2nd time doing ivf. First time my follicle response was too poor, only one follicle. I opted to cancel before egg retrieval because we don't even know whether there is an egg in the follicle, let alone whether it is mature, or can be fertilised, etc. Was so demoralised!! With this cycle I am just happy to get to ET stage! Currently trying to think positive, that we will all be mothers one day, just a matter of when. And I am thankful that in our age we have IVF technology, imagine my mom's time we will be doing iui at best....

Anita, regarding the beer I think you shd call your ivf centre nurses to check. My centre advised both husband and wife to abstain from alcohol during this period. Good luck for your first scan!
Hey, just to share what happen to me last few days.. on last Thursday nite, theres some spotting. So on friday morning, I went to kk for early blood test. So result come out is good. So I suppose to go back tmr to do another blood test.but this morning. Spotting become more bleeding. So went to O&G and did blood test again. Was so worry that everything will be gone on my 1st ivf. But thanks god that doc said my blood test is still good. And the number is still going up now to 167.5. So now they give me extra pill to eat. To have more support. And will see doc 1 week later. So ladies, if u having bleeding or spotting dont wait. Go hospital and check. Thanks
Hey, just to share what happen to me last few days.. on last Thursday nite, theres some spotting. So on friday morning, I went to kk for early blood test. So result come out is good. So I suppose to go back tmr to do another blood test.but this morning. Spotting become more bleeding. So went to O&G and did blood test again. Was so worry that everything will be gone on my 1st ivf. But thanks god that doc said my blood test is still good. And the number is still going up now to 167.5. So now they give me extra pill to eat. To have more support. And will see doc 1 week later. So ladies, if u having bleeding or spotting dont wait. Go hospital and check. Thanks
grats nureiliyah~
for myself.. I'm having heavy bleeding since yest.. kkh didn't give me extra support cos they say my beta is too low n they cannot give overdose.. dunno if i shld still carry on my inserts since I'm having heavy bleeding like menses..
grats nureiliyah~
for myself.. I'm having heavy bleeding since yest.. kkh didn't give me extra support cos they say my beta is too low n they cannot give overdose.. dunno if i shld still carry on my inserts since I'm having heavy bleeding like menses..
Hey, yes u should. Tmr call them again. Went u done ur blood test?
Hey, just to share what happen to me last few days.. on last Thursday nite, theres some spotting. So on friday morning, I went to kk for early blood test. So result come out is good. So I suppose to go back tmr to do another blood test.but this morning. Spotting become more bleeding. So went to O&G and did blood test again. Was so worry that everything will be gone on my 1st ivf. But thanks god that doc said my blood test is still good. And the number is still going up now to 167.5. So now they give me extra pill to eat. To have more support. And will see doc 1 week later. So ladies, if u having bleeding or spotting dont wait. Go hospital and check. Thanks

Congrats nureiliyah..may the bhcg continue to rise...and walk more slowly okie..hv lotsa rest
Hi mmbhopeful, I will send positive thoughts to ur embryos!! :) hope u can strike this time. This is my 2nd time doing ivf. First time my follicle response was too poor, only one follicle. I opted to cancel before egg retrieval because we don't even know whether there is an egg in the follicle, let alone whether it is mature, or can be fertilised, etc. Was so demoralised!! With this cycle I am just happy to get to ET stage! Currently trying to think positive, that we will all be mothers one day, just a matter of when. And I am thankful that in our age we have IVF technology, imagine my mom's time we will be doing iui at best....

Anita, regarding the beer I think you shd call your ivf centre nurses to check. My centre advised both husband and wife to abstain from alcohol during this period. Good luck for your first scan!
Thank you himei :) will keep fingers crossed n hope injections dunt extend 4 more days.
Thanks hi_mei! Oh okok good that u have responded well this rd and hope it will be successful for u too! Talking about the olden days, really dunno how they can have sooo many children...

Anita: actually I think for guys shld be ok cos they will still pick the best sperms to fertilise. The antibiotics is just to reduce the bacteria. All the best for your scan too :)
Hey, yes u should. Tmr call them again. Went u done ur blood test?
I did my BT last fri.. already had bleeding since thurs night.. told them abt it when I went for my BT on fri.. they say to carry on wif inserts..
sat morning I went to collect extra inserts for the next few days.. I told them the bleeding getting heavier.. asked if there's anything that can b done.. they say only can carry on wif inserts
for me.. I'm taking this cycle as failed.. juz that to carry on putting inserts is like a mental stress.. been wanting to put things down n move on.. but each time I put the insert I can't help praying n hoping.. end up I juz keep breaking down when I see the bleeding getting heavier n heavier.. my hubby keep telling me it's going to b over in 1 day's time after I see dr tan tmr.. that I shld hang on n put the inserts.. so that's what I'm trying my best to do now
Congrats nureiliyah and thanks for your advice! Wishing u safe and healthy months ahead! If you don't mind me asking, when did your spotting start? Was it close to BT?

GingerH, wish I could offer you a hug right now. Whatever the outcome is, you have done your best. Dr Tan is a good doctor and he will take care of you.
Congrats nureiliyah and thanks for your advice! Wishing u safe and healthy months ahead! If you don't mind me asking, when did your spotting start? Was it close to BT?

GingerH, wish I could offer you a hug right now. Whatever the outcome is, you have done your best. Dr Tan is a good doctor and he will take care of you.
thanks hi_mei.. ya Dr Tan is a good doctor.. am glad too that I will be seeing him tomorrow.. at least I can have a better understanding of the situation.. and to know what I can do going forward
Congrats nureiliyah and thanks for your advice! Wishing u safe and healthy months ahead! If you don't mind me asking, when did your spotting start? Was it close to BT?

GingerH, wish I could offer you a hug right now. Whatever the outcome is, you have done your best. Dr Tan is a good doctor and he will take care of you.
Hey thanks. My spotting Is 5 days before my bt..
Hi ladies I would like to ask your advice on how you would deal with my current situation: today my hubby got really mad at me and asked me why I have not been doing anything round the house for the past few days after embryo transfer. Prior to this outburst I did ask him if he could help to wash the clothes and boil water in the kettle. I explained to him that the nurse had already said during the 2ww not to lift anything heavy, that's why. I was really upset by him when he replied that all these are not even considered heavy. However, I decided not to engage in any further retaliation because I don't want to be more upset, just said sorry and let him go to work.

Anyway later I asked my dad to come down to the house to help me with the laundry and he willingly did, even though he has never done laundry in his life! I love my daddy so much! :)

But I am still not sure how to resolve this when he comes home later. Or how to take care of all these hoursehold chores during the 2ww.... Before this I would be the one taking care of most of the daily household chores (BTW I am working too, not a stay at home kinda wife). During the pre IVF counseling session at KKH he did say he will help with all the housework during the IVF period but I don't know if he has forgotten this. Sigh. And really struggling to keep my mood ok amid all these.... Cuz now is a critical period.
Hey hi mei, try to talk to ur hubby... cos this 2ww u will not know what will happen.. only can do light things at home.. folding ur garments. Is really up to u what u can do.. please take care ok
Hi ladies I would like to ask your advice on how you would deal with my current situation: today my hubby got really mad at me and asked me why I have not been doing anything round the house for the past few days after embryo transfer. Prior to this outburst I did ask him if he could help to wash the clothes and boil water in the kettle. I explained to him that the nurse had already said during the 2ww not to lift anything heavy, that's why. I was really upset by him when he replied that all these are not even considered heavy. However, I decided not to engage in any further retaliation because I don't want to be more upset, just said sorry and let him go to work.

Anyway later I asked my dad to come down to the house to help me with the laundry and he willingly did, even though he has never done laundry in his life! I love my daddy so much! :)

But I am still not sure how to resolve this when he comes home later. Or how to take care of all these hoursehold chores during the 2ww.... Before this I would be the one taking care of most of the daily household chores (BTW I am working too, not a stay at home kinda wife). During the pre IVF counseling session at KKH he did say he will help with all the housework during the IVF period but I don't know if he has forgotten this. Sigh. And really struggling to keep my mood ok amid all these.... Cuz now is a critical period.

hi_mei the prior thing you need to do is to rest well and stay happy you may consider to look for the part-time cleaner to take care of the household chores....... hope can hear good news from you soon :)
Hi Nureiliyah and vivine, thanks for your replies. Yes maybe I will consider getting a part time helper if he is really resentful of doing the housework. Or if I need to repeat IVF again maybe I will take a staycation on my own for a few days to get away from him (at least I won't be contributing to the household mess, haha!)
Hi ladies I would like to ask your advice on how you would deal with my current situation: today my hubby got really mad at me and asked me why I have not been doing anything round the house for the past few days after embryo transfer. Prior to this outburst I did ask him if he could help to wash the clothes and boil water in the kettle. I explained to him that the nurse had already said during the 2ww not to lift anything heavy, that's why. I was really upset by him when he replied that all these are not even considered heavy. However, I decided not to engage in any further retaliation because I don't want to be more upset, just said sorry and let him go to work.

Anyway later I asked my dad to come down to the house to help me with the laundry and he willingly did, even though he has never done laundry in his life! I love my daddy so much! :)

But I am still not sure how to resolve this when he comes home later. Or how to take care of all these hoursehold chores during the 2ww.... Before this I would be the one taking care of most of the daily household chores (BTW I am working too, not a stay at home kinda wife). During the pre IVF counseling session at KKH he did say he will help with all the housework during the IVF period but I don't know if he has forgotten this. Sigh. And really struggling to keep my mood ok amid all these.... Cuz now is a critical period.

hi_mei, u n hubby need to sit down and talk to him again on what are the things that you n him can agree upon when doing household chores. Since both of u are working, then he also has to share the load..tell him you may do certain things while he has to do certain things...if ur ivf is successful,it will b worth it...tell him itz juz for 2 weeks till BT...hope ur hubby will understand...in the meantime,dun stress urself...go n take a walk in the park or do something tt u love tt will make u relax..
missyz: only one embbies survive d blastocyst, two embbies stopped growing and rest two embbies growing very slow so dr lau selected one which is slight better to transfer together with d blastocyst embbies today. my bt is on 22 oct. am counting d days now. lets bfp together.
Hi jasbran, sorry for this very late reply.
My current FET was supposed to be with blast,I too was on standby, scheduled ET on Friday 27 sept but I was called in on tues 24/9 as 2 out of my 3 frozen embbies didn't survive thawing and embryologists was afraid that my one n only fighter will not sustain to blast. I had immediate transfer. 5 cell grade 4. One n only. I'm 12dp2dt now and so far no signs of af e same time no symptoms of preggy. Holding out till BT on 11oct. Leaving it all in the hands of God. Hw r u doing? :)

Santhiya-I am very sorry dear but do come back stronger... :)

Congrats happyparents! I wish to bfp too :)
Hi_mei, do u have alot of laundry to do? As I'm not working now, I'm the one doing all the household chores leh haha laundry, boil water, wash toilet etc. cos my hubby will also say I do nothing at home. But I find these chores quite light, except for grocery shopping will need his help to carry the stuff.

Btw those who have BFPed, do you all experience nausea or vomiting? If so, when? My hubby keep asking whether I feel like vomitting but I don't leh haha
