IVF-FET Support Group

I have a query about men's donor.

My good friend's wife approached me to be the donor.

Thus may I know, can the couple specifically choose their own donor?

Dear sister...
it is more or less confirm that I have to go thru the operation to remove the polyps.. as I went to my gynea today and he says that the polyps still there... sigh..So I quickly email Dr Loh that I hope to see him soon to review my SIS result so that can settle the operation soon by this month.. He finally reply saying that can meet me this Saturday and operation can be done next week... which means, he feels tat I need to do operation too.. sadz...

But my gynea and Dr Loh and Dr Zou says that this is a very minor operation and can still start IVF cycle next month.. For those who did the operation to remove polyps, may I know the charges at KKH? Can I pay by insurance? Need to come out hard cash?? Also, how many days MC did you gals rest.. My gynea says two days will do... and will be fine very soon.. lucky no need take so many days leave...Is it painful?? heavy spotting??
Surprisingly that I am not so afraid of this operation than SIS as I know I will be knock out so shd be fine when wake up... Sisters, I really really need u gals advise.. pls... for those who did this operation before...pls...
Dear CKK,
Congratulation... sorry for the late wishes as I finally catch up the thread!! Pls spread tons of bb dusts on all of us here..

Hi Soul and Miracle,
Rest well ya... and relax.. must give me your bbdust after two weeks k..

Hi Ceraine,
All the best to your ET tomorrow... Today I saw a couple at my gynea place... they are holding two babies with their mother and motherinlaw too... THen I asks the nurse and she says they got it via IVF... really envious neh..
So I asks will twin deliver faster but she says not really... also around 38wks.. envious them... anyway, you must also give me your bb dust by two wks later k..:) Jiayou.

Hi Syrah,
Yours are twins right? Is your EDD as per normal or will be earlier too?
Hi ladies, I am a mother of triplets thru FET and want to give away a DVD given by my friend from Australia.
"Fertility Secrets Revealed" presented by Stacey Roberts.
Just need to send me a self address envelop with stamp on it.

All the best!
Hi yumyum, i am on regulated FET on day Day 11-Lucrin and Progynova-day 1. I will be interested in the DVD if it still available.
Hi saran, all the best! Just relax, listen to some music and laze around. My fet was successful that way. I was also looking out for my tour to Slovakia and then I got my triplets. The DVD is given away. Hope u dun nid it.
Hi yumyum, thanks for sharing. I hope for the same luck ... pls sprinkle ur babydust. Its ok about the DVD. I moved to IVF Support group where the blog is really active.
hi ladies,

last month i just had a miscarriage at 5wks and now i start progynova on day 2 to thicken the lining for the FET in dec.any advise on medication to support pregnacy?
Dear ladies
I am going for my iui today and I have one unit of 300iu untouched if anyone is interested to get it from me I am wiling to sell at a discounted price. Do msg me ladies

I am really praying that I would succed this round and share with u my good news in about two weeks from now.

Need advice...

I am nursing my 6 months old daughter... she was born via ivf...

intend to try FET but would like to con't BF-ing not sure if it is possible...
what does OHSS mean? Will most experience after FET? Apprecaite your reply as will be going tru the journey this week. tks
