IVF-FET Support Group

btw, ladies,
i had vaginal infection for more than a week already... really uncomfortable and had some brownish discharge because of that... quite worried... doc had prescribed a 2nd course of medication to try to clear the infection. any similiar experience and tips on the do's and don't to clear it? thanks in advance!
hi all, i'm new to this thread...
can anyone help me? i juz went thru my first SOIUI and ended up early miscarriage....gynae suggested us to do IVF instead cos the swimmer aren't tat good. Should i try IUI again or go straight to IVF? i'm at loss...

i think MT E more generous.

for KKH, only give one day by default. but nurse says can ask for a few more days ..

I going for my FET next Monday.. a bit unprepared coz I was just informed today. :p
hi hopes,
try to request for more rest, or maybe you can work from home some of the days if arrangements can be made. for me, i login from home to do some work and clear emails during my 2nd week of 2WW ... so that I will not be too stressed when I go back office after 2 weeks... haha..

take care there and good luck! FET is really more simple compared to a fresh cycle so pls take it easy and stay relaxed! ;P jia you!!
hi happy,

we are very close.. i am now at 5.5 weeks and will be doing a scan to see how many sacs next week..

ya.. agree that there's a lot of hurdles to clear... check out my blog at http://www.nafeeza.blogspot.com/ for the hurdles I am clearing right now... trying my best to keep a positive mind!!

ur progesterone table is taken orally..?

mine's administrated thru the rectum .. so uncomfortable. one day twice some more..

I think i'm constipated bcoz of that..:p
ya... progesterone tablets taken orally for me... hmmm, yours is thr rectum? first time i hear of it! are you using crinone as well?
hi all

just to inform you that my wife, Angeline went into pre-term labor last Thursday and was warded at KK hospital. Despite 2 emergency operations to try to save our twins, our son Joash was stillborn on Sat at 18wk 5d. This is our 2nd stillborn in 3 years (if you read her 1st few posts, you'll know) so we're really grieved beyond words...

Now, angie's still warded under intensive observation and fighting infection (cos her placenta's still in the womb) to keep the 2nd twin alive. We're praying very hard that God will preserve the 2nd twin as this is the last of our frozen embryo...do pray along with us in this difficult time...

dear David,

I'm so sorry to hear what have happened to angel and joash.

I'm sure god will take good care of angel and your other baby, pls be strong and we will all pray for angel and baby.

life is full of ups and downs and i'm sure u and angel will pull thru this difficult period.

pls take care.
Dear David & Angel,

Very sad to hear this..Be brave and have fate in God. We will all pray for angel and baby to pull thru this difficult moment..

God will answer your prayer..Do take good care of yourself and angel..

It sadden me very much to know what happened to Joash. I want to keep positive and i pray the other baby will be strong and fight this battle together with mummy. Pls send my warmest regards to Angel.
Dear all

Baby Joash will be cremated this Saturday 5 May at 1pm, Mandai Crematorium Hall 1. Please say a prayer to send Him off to the Lord at that time and continue to uphold my wife Angie and 2nd twin girl Ashley in your thoughts and prayers as we journey through this dark, long road ahead...By the way, bb Ashley turns 20 weeks gestation today (each day's a victory). We're hoping to keep her inside Angie's womb for at least 8 more weeks (2 months).

Hi dear potato chip, BB, witty and all

thanks for your words of consolation and encouragement. This friday marks my 4th week stay here at KKH...by God's grace, bb Ashley turns 22 weeks gestation today. Each day is a victory and each week that passes without complications is a SUPER victory. My husband has managed to set up this laptop where I can have WIFI access so I can keep in touch with those who are praying for us. So do write to help me pass time.
Hi ladies, I have a brand new and sealed full pack of Cyclogest Progesterone Pessary (worth $50) to be given away. Let me know if this is the drug that your doctor prescribed after your transfer to support your pregnancy. Bought extras and would like to pass the good luck to some one else (I'm pregnant with a baby girl and will deliver next month)
Hi Angel,

Glad to hear from u! BB Ashley will be a strong girl! So u'll be staying in KKH till Ashley turn 28 weeks? If convenience, u can sms me ur ward no. so tat i can drop by and visit u when i go for my check up next week. Warmest regards, pal!
Im new here. Just started on IVF, D10 on Microgynon now. But few days ago, the dr called me..said my hormones rather low, and wanted me to do an MRI brain scan to check if the pituitary gland got any problems. Im so scard now...anyone experienced this too? Will it affect the chances of IVF?
Hi Angel,

Is really gd to hear fr u. Yes each day is a victory! time will go so fast and before u know it, she will be in yr arms. Potota is rite, she can hear u feel u so rem. to stay positive all the time. Looking forward to receiving more gd news fr u. Take care! Big hug.
my fren has problem with her pituitary gland, but she is able to conceive twice so i dun tik it affects IVF chance.
Hi tan,
Im so glad there's nothin wrong with my pituitary gland after the scary brain scan. But doc extended my microgynon for another week, and said my lucrin will have to be on a lower dosage of 150.

Today's my D17 on micygynon, but Im still experiencing brown spotting. I'll be starting lucrin on 30th. Anyway, just have to keep happy and positive! Im happy to find this forum where I can find so many buddies cycling together.
do stay strong and jia you! talk to BB Ashley to be a strong gal like mummmy and win this battle together! i will pray for you.
Hi angel

Was searching for a FET group as I m planning to go for FET next June probably. Please be strong ya. Keep talking to the little precious ashley. I was darn worried in the hospital last year too, my gal managed to pop at week 32 and she was so small at 44cm.
Hi Yuli

I'm planning to do a FET around end of tis year or beg next yr

Hi Angel
I do not know what to say to you but i know the feeling as it happened to me aso. I have twins - a boy and a gal given birth at 28 wks gesetation. My baby son juz bcame an angel on 31 Aug whom right now I am adjusting my life without him. He was so cute when he was alive. Every nurses and doctor in charge were fond of him. Unfortunately after the 3rd ops, his lungs getting worse. He had been fighting till his last day and on his last day, he passed away under my arms whom that was the 1st time that I carried him.Even until now, I still cry whenever I see his photo or mentioning abt him. Be strong, let's move on. A lots of people told me that but they dont know the feelings we had and gone thru'. Luckily I still have my happy and healthy daughter to treasure.

So as wat other people are telling me, I'm telling you too. Be strong and move on. You can strive to have another baby again. Dont give up any hope. If you need to pour out your feeling, I can be your listener. Cheers
Hi Yuli

I'm planning to do a FET around end of tis year or beg next yr

Hi Angel
I do not know what to say to you but i know the feeling as it happened to me aso. I have twins - a boy and a gal given birth at 28 wks gesetation. My baby son juz bcame an angel on 31 Aug whom right now I am adjusting my life without him. He was so cute when he was alive. Every nurses and doctor in charge were fond of him. Unfortunately after the 3rd ops, his lungs getting worse. He had been fighting till his last day and on his last day, he passed away under my arms whom that was the 1st time that I carried him.Even until now, I still cry whenever I see his photo or mentioning abt him. Be strong, let's move on. A lots of people told me that but they dont know the feelings we had and gone thru'. Luckily I still have my happy and healthy daughter to treasure.

So as wat other people are telling me, I'm telling you too. Be strong and move on. You can strive to have another baby again. Dont give up any hope. If you need to pour out your feeling, I can be your listener. Cheers
dear angel
i am so sorry to hear your story. my heart goes to u. reading your blog makes me feel so sad. thou i am still trying to conceive my first child, i can feel your sadness and disappointment. i do not know what i can say to make u feel a slight better... i wish god can hear our prayers and will send u a beautiful child very soon.... stay strong and remain positive angel and david.
Welcome all who just join the forum.


Congrats !! wow very high HCG level. Have a smooth 9 months ahead. Do you need to have another blood test?

How about jab around area which you used to jab? because it might not be the same spot. It can reduce bruises as that area already season

There is once my hubby try to be adventure and jab a total new area, and i got blood coming out and it turn blue black instantly.

anyone who continue to jab after tested positive?
i need to go back hospital twice a week to jab on my bum. not sure how long i need to continue to jab? Pls advise
I am new here.I have gone for a FET on 10th Jan.I am residing in Bangkok but I had to be back in Sin as my beloved grandma passed away.Back will be back to Bkk after CNY on 10th Feb.This is my second try.I had went to see a doc in Sin and found I had 2 sacs.Can any1 tell me when am I able to see the baby?I am really worried...
Hi IVF Mama,

Sorry to hear that your grandma has passed away.
i think you shd be able to hear the heart beat around gestational age 6 weeks.
hey gals,
is this thread still alive? Would like to find out what can we do to prepare our bodies for the FET? I still got abt 2 mths before that. getting rather anxious and gan cheong now.
Hi ML, I saw some of them goes to TCM to "tio" their body before the FET...I hv not started yet, will goes to the Clementi TCM tis week if I can get the appt...
I tink I will start mine in May/Jun too..
thanks babychole!
i started on TCM already. wondering what else i can do.. kiasu lah! :p me already done the egg collection and freezing of the embryos liaoz.
Wah....tat is fast...then u just wait for the FET and rest well....tink the gynae will guide u along..Which gynae u went to?
hi ml,

me also very gan cheong, will start ivf apr/may. i'm totally relying on TCM to prepare myself, dunno what other things to do liao leh.
Hi ML ,

Did TMC recomand u to any TCM ? Coz , me also seeing DR LC cheng n they introduce me to a Dr @ Lavender after my failed 1st IVF ..

The TCM Dr @ Lavender is expensive but i heard alot of good feedbacks from the nurse.

During EC , there is a patient who doesnt have any mature egg to fertilise . But after seeing this Lavender Dr, her 2nd IVF , she got eggs to do IVF . So, i thk TCM may work hand in hand too..

As for me ,... i also seeing this Lavender Dr.. Although expensive, to me is No U-turn. I jus hope tat i have done my best and if not succeed then i have no regrets..
pinky panter
have. but i didn't use that TCM. am seeing the Dr Zou that the ladies in the IVF/ICIS thread recommend.

ya ya.. the whole process is bloody expensive.. but bo bian... must cover all grounds to ensure success. now i just hope that my health improve greatly so that i can be at the best state for FET in May/Jun. have been having this terrible cough and sinus problem for mths liaoz... haiz... so gan cheong to get myself well...
Hi ML ,

I also having cough n sinus problem. So scared that i will fall sick and i trying to be in best state.

For coughing, i like to take honey water with cold water.Hehehe, but now i change honey with luke water.,

As for sinus, i have been take vit C daily. (Redoxon,double vitamin C + zinc, effervescent ) Dissolve in water .

It really work for me... Hope it will help.
Hi there! I'm a mum to a 3 year old Girl. I have tried to conceive again (for more than a year) but have no luck.

I failed my 1st SO-IUI cycle at KKH which was done on 10th March 08. I called up to the clinc when my period came on monday. Sigh - very sad : ( The nurse actually suggested me to consider for IVF instead. Should i try IUI again or go straight to IVF? i'm at loss...

Anyone going through IVF @ KKH? I was wondering if anyone of you could give me some advice, suggestions on what the whole process involves and how much I should be willing to fork out (everything included). Are you happy with your treatment at KKH?

Just any advice at all will be very very much and gratefully appreciated.= )
Dear ladies,

I am new to this forum. I just visited Dr Cheng in TMC. Will start my IVF Apr/May. Wanted to know people who are in the same situation as me because I am so lost and worried over IVF. Will look out for discussion re IVF.

Thanks, babydust2. Will read them. Just decided on IVF as I am aleady 35. No point waiting.
