How long can DOM be kept?


Active Member
A bottle of un-opened DOM was passed down to me but it was bought many many yrs ago, can it still be consumed? Anyone knows?


I heard the longer the DOM is kept, the better it is. My aunt kept a few bottles.

In fact there's no expiry date for hard liquor.

i think no expiry date. i have a few bottles also, never opened. and my mum said it has been at least 5 to 7 years!

DOM has no expiry date. The longer we keep, the better it is.

I just keep my opened DOM at room temperature. Should be alright =)

That's what I thought too! That the longer it's kept the better, but not too long ago, we met a liquor/wine collector and he told us it's not so for DOM... [IMG=]

Yes, I think can be kept for a long period. I have a few bottles bought since 2007. Maybe should ask the liquor seller next time.

aiyoh, my FIL also gave me a couple of DOM that he kept for ages... I seriously dont feel like drinking it as I'm very against drinking stuffs that has been kept for long - but dun wan to offend him [IMG=]

Yep, was told no expiry date & I have many bottles went through confinement without finishing even one bottle.

Really no expiry date? I just opened one and it has a strong "woody" smell. I dare not drink it coz the previous ones did not smell like that. Oh dear, how to differentiate spoilt or still ok to drink?

No worries really no expire date.. Ive tried.. My MIL gave me one tats abt 30yrs old, abt same age as my hubby.. E smell abit diff frm fresh bottle but it taste "sweeter" then those "fresh" ones..

