Anyone have BLOCKED fallopian tube


Ya loh, so I had to get up at 5am that day, shower then we left home around 540am
so even before I was been "put to sleep", I wanted to sleep myself hehe ... the nurse even asked me "how come so tired? didn't sleep last night huh?" then I replied her " no lah slept late cos I watched tv" hehe
then she can ask me again "you not nervous?" *roll eyes*

Opps, ya, I meant Raffles Hospital cos like the location and heard everything inside is very new and staff service very good but also heard that it is very expensive!!!

Hi Gold,
My 3 holes are 1) belly button, 2&3) above the area where your torso and your thighs are joint ... I still have the plaster on it thus not sure whether there is any marks or not

ooo... so only 2 holes lar.. LOL.. then like that we all also have 1 hole.. belly button hole..

how's the recovery? are you up n running now?
Hi gold,

hehe yes only 2 holes then
recovery for me was quite fast, in fact, that very same day I can walk around but in a slower pace and was soon able to move around at ease on the 3rd day

Going to see my gynae tomorrow so I will know what he "rectified"
glad to hear that u have fully recover also...
wow sey u also very can leh. watch tv ar. ahahahaha cute leh u. ahahaha. in fact i was not very nervous until i was pushed to outside operation theatre lor.

<font color="0000ff">Gold</font>
hi gold,
what is bicornuate uterus?

Thought I have recovered but since last night, my right wound has a "stretched" feeling so I become more careful today ... i.e. cannot run about liao!

Hehe I was too sleepy to feel nervous inside the ops theatre hehe ...

when did you do your lap?
dun worry. i also have this type of stretched pain even until now. not very frequent lar. but then abit stretchy feeling lidat lor..

ya for ur case realli too sleepy to think of others also lor. ehhee u say u did in KKH ar? have u go back to work or still resting at home. u shld take more hosp MC to rest mah. how much is ur total bill ar???

I did my lap op on 30 Dec 2005 lor. ehhe
BTW hor..after my operation, my menses seems to be very heavy leh. wow bian 3mths liao leh still the flow is alot alot leh. then also the cramp got worst. be4 op was 1days cramp now become 2days cramp. so angry manz..

I did my lap at East Shore
nope, still resting at home hehe that's why can surf unlimited *grin* My total bill was around $2800+. Paid $1700 with medisave and the rest with cash. My hospitalisation leave is till this thu but thought of extending for one more day so that I get the whole week to rest

hehe so now TTC-ing? got take clomid?
Jenny, you still around?

I went to check on my dressing and everything is well ... but doc gave me one more week of HL to rest
My tubes were not blocked but both my ovaries were swollen till about 5cm (usual think about 3cm) and was caused by the small cysts that I had.
babydust i am here.

glad to hear that everything is fine for u. so take the time now to rest more. this cycle or nxt when u full recover u can start to BD liao. hehhe

huh so serious swollen until 5cm? the small cyst cause the overies to swollen until lidat ar?

I email my doc abt my heavy period. he also quite surprised. then he say he actually feel no abnormality during the op. so he advised me to see another gynae who is his wife lor.
babydust, ur total bill so cheap. ur east shore is also pvt hosp rite?? i did mine in TMC leh. total cost me $6K+ then paid $3150 by Medisave leh. another $3k lidat by cash leh.

My hb is away after my 1st failed tried. tomolo he will be back again to start the battle. ehehe. my gynae also advised me to go IUI and also take clomid as well lor.
Hi Jenny,

Glad you saw my message

Ya loh, cos he said I got alot of small cysts (about 1mm - 2mm) and they caused my ovaries to be swollen but I didn't feel anything at all (scary hor).

Huh, your gynae referred you to his wife? He cannot help you?

Ya, East Shore also Pte Hospital ... dunno leh, that was the amount my doc told me before I was admitted ... what did you do other than clearing your tubes? maybe you did more?

Hehe ... in fact me and hb have started BD again
but selected position lah cos dun wanna hurt my stitches

What is IUI? Hooray, you can start the battle again soon
babydust. hahah u seems to be more excited than me to start my battle. ahahaha

ya lor. this type of hidden we cant see &amp; cant feel one hor. then caused us hve so many problems.

My gynae went to UK to do research leaving his wife &amp; children here at the moment bah i think. i dunno how long is his research lar. then actually his wife is practising in KKH but now she also come out to private.

my gynae told me my op is like $5k. but the bill come up to $6k. but when my sis did the same op her bill shrink after i show him my bill as he helped us to claimmore on medisave.

I did the op called 4 in 1 according to the receptionist nurse. i did laproscopy op, hysteotomy op, D&amp;C lor. did u do something like this also?

ur stitches still hurt?? careful leh u.. dun carry heavy stuff still ar. nxt mth i hope to hear BFP from u. hehehe. my wound have no stitches one leh. like dat a 2cm cut lidat nia lor. no stitches. no nid to remove stitches one leh. thenthe doc paste oni those transparent waterproof plaster over it to prevent water entering when i bath lidat lor. no stitches at all for 3 holes.

IUI is what ar? i dunno what is the long term for it. but then is to eat clomid then hb spermie nid to send to lab to wash.. then directly do a jab to send in the "washed" spermie into my uterus lor.
hehe no mah, cos all of us TTC-ing so must support each other

I see, so have you contacted his wife yet?

Wow, I did only video lap and ovarian drilling, maybe that's the reason for the cheaper bill.

Nope, the stitches doesn't hurt liao, only hurt abit since last night after the doc removed the transparent waterproof plaster. I have got like 2 stitches on each side and 1 stitch inside my belly button (asked hb to see for me last night hehe) ... doc said the thread will come out by itself. But I still put plaster over the stitches now to just protect it hehe

Me hor, I already started hanging my clothes out by myself ... think I better be more careful

Wow .... IUI sounds qim.
thanks for ur moral support.

i havent contact his wife. my gynae ask me to contact her how to i also dunno. cos last time my gynae give us his HP one leh. we msg him direct when we have pblm leh.

what is ovarian drilling? so chim.

ohh ur one got stitches ar. i thot mine also but then dun have. weird hor. but anyway is ok. cos is closed one when i went to review 3days later. ahaha.

be careful lor. maybe dun hang too heavy on 1 pole itself lor. scare wound will stretch abit mah.

ya IUI chim hor. u maybe can go forum read abt it or do a search on it lor.but hopefully we can no nid undergo all this lar. cos IUI also no 100% guarantee one mah. somemore not very cheap either.

do u have msn at work? if u have add me [email protected]

or if u want to email me, [email protected]
aiyoh so weird one ... then how lah like that to contact his wife.

Think ovarian drilling is for the gynae to drill in and remove the cysts ... that's how he explained it to me.

Ya loh, hang a few pieces on each pole hehe so not that heavy
Added you in msn liao hehe
hi jenny, *wave*

bicornuate uterus is a uterus that is not of the standard shape that a uterus is supposed to be.

a normal uterus looks like a triangle shape right? with the left and right fallopian tubes and the canal downwards towards your V. making it look like a triangle.

but for bicornuate uterus, it's like a heart shape, meaning the top part is curved in. thereby making the uterus smaller in space. so with a smaller space, there isn't enuff for a foetus to grow and may drop out causing a miscarriage.

but it's not definitely it will cause miscarriage. there are cases of ladies with bicornuate uterus having a baby and carrying it to full term (40weeks).

so rather than taking the risk, we tot of having surgery to correct the shape.
jenny, your gynae's wife = dr tracey lim frm kk rite?

my gynae also previously frm kk, left for pte practise, handed my case over to dr tracey lim, but i din followup with dr T.L. then i came to know that dr T.L also have left kk liaoz. so she have gone to join her hb..

maybe i might have missed out, which hospital you do your surgery again?
babydust, my gynae also said something about ovarian drilling. something about making more holes on the ovaries to help the release of eggs.

maybe it have different meanings...

your gynae stationed in East Shore is it?

add me to msn too? i get your msn nick frm jenny ok?
Hi Gold,

dun know leh ... my gynae said it's to allow him to clear the cysts. Nope, he is not stationed there, he has his own private clinic in Tampines but delivers in East Shore. That's why eventually when I get preggy, I might change gynae as I'm planning to deliver in RH

What is your email addy?
i'm seeing dr christopher chong @ glen E now. he can deliver @ RH too. or if you like, i can ask my fren who delivered in RH who's her gynae. think it's a lady gynae. stationed in RH one.

i pm you my email addy?
<font color="0000ff">babydust</font>
Yes. he again replied me.. say his wife aldy joined the clinic that he worked in previously. I think she realli leave KKH liao lor. duno why so many doc now mostly go pvt hor. isit too hectic &amp; busy &amp; endless job in KKH? cos is main specialise hospital?

<font color="0000ff">Gold</font>
hi hi..
so u did ur op also lor. who is ur gynae who did the op for u? by scan will know of this kinda of uterus ar? I very suan ku leh. never hear this type of uterus type. being woman is not easy hor..
Who is ur gynae who left &amp; trf ur case to Dr TL?how long did u din follow up? are uokay now aldy?

I did my op by Dr Yeong at TMC lor.

Also, this Christopher Chong also very famous one isit har? got see his name in forum.

I thinking to either go KKH see Dr John Tee or SGH gynae. or i might try dr Tracey Lim. I got to know one lady formerly seeing dr yeong, now go see Dr TL. she say she very detailed person wor. but seeing gynae in this clinic v exp one leh.. i scare i havent pregnant aldy broke leh..
Hi Jenny Tan &amp; Shar,
Can I join in yr thread.
I just brows some of your story.
I also go JE TCM &amp; c, she can diagnosed vy accurately &amp; she did recommend me go Dr.Fong Fang.I diagnosed by Dr.Fong. that I had PCOS &amp; Endometrosis.I have stick to Dr.Fong for a yr plus but still c no results.How u feel abt Dr.Fong? While for christopher,he is famous in IVF.The cost is a bomb.
hi jac horse.. welcome welcome.. we are all her to share.

aiyooo i condemn that JE TCM liao. her med hor very ma fan one leh. one day eat 3times, then powder makes me want to vomit ar. hubby one damn exp ar.. then disgnose all same lor. say we PCOS &amp; adenomyosis lor. not oni me ok. my GF, my sis &amp; cousin all same.. OK..

then we went to see Dr FY lor. yes indeed got PCOS leh.. then doc advice us slim down lor.. easier to conceive mah. but i see him once oni then no see liao. humm not he no good i got budget constraint. so i try natural for some time..

then another ttc frd recommend me my gynae then i go lor. he took bld test on CD2.. hormones test. but cfm that i dun have PCOS leh. even the scan also seems dun have. cos gynae doubt that cysts like thing in my womb are PCOS. he say might be PCO but not PCO(Syndrome).

that christopher cannot goone ar.. he is a killer. his price is v steep one ar. always encourage pple operation one.. so shock to aldy know got pcos liao. still ask u immed go op.. i condemn him also.. yes lar. of cos got pple seeing him until can conceive this is for sure lar.. he is still a pro gynae afterall. but money wise who can afford. my frd paid total more than $10k seeing him lor.

I now chg my gynae to KKH liao. i intend to see dr SF Loh who is infertility spec also lor. shall update u all again after i se him on 6th May.
Hi Jenny,
Thk for your feedbk. In fact as I mentiond after seeing Dr.FY for a yr plus &amp; still c no results.I even went 4 3 IUI already but fail,so I wan to switch to another gynae.While for Christopher he price is damn high.I in t lost cos now I feel tat beside spend alot of money in Dr.FY &amp; c no results,waste my yr time in him.I believe u can understd this type of feeling.
wow u somemore see him for a yr &amp; still no result. somemore after IUI still no result ar. disappointing leh lidat. he got say why fail anot? i have another ttc frd see him forIUI &amp; she strike leh. but then bb cant be secure.. thus mc after duno how many wks. then dr FY is always busy. his response also very slow thru the phone lor. so i hear all this -ve thing i also no confidence with him. how much is per IUI done by him ar?

previously i have a very good gynae but too bad he leave to UK for research.. he then ask me to see his wife who is taking over his position. but then i stil prefer male gynaes lor.

then now how?? u intend to swtich gynae?? u got frds to recommend u anot?
1 word 2 describe myslf as silly,thg Dr.FY would give me some hope who know??? &amp; I thg tat prob lay on me then he must spend sometime to treat.
4 wat I understd KKHospital they don't have a fix gynae to c u thrg all the way if now yr gynae u c,will t gynae been w u for all t treatg.
I got lost as I mention,in fact 1 of my fnd did mention LC Foong At Gleneagles &amp; I did chat w other threads to find out. &amp; I heard KK now doing IVF the % is high providd u get a gd gynae.
i think u not silly lar. sometimes one just not fated to have result with certain gynae one whereas ur frd might succeed but not u.

KKH does.. u must specfiy lar. of cos the gynae that i see must be consultant or snr consultant &amp; not those registrar lar or MO.

in KKH if u want very gd gynae in IVF i tik u can try Sheila Loh (female) or SF Loh(male) gynaes.
The doc who came up to talk to me after doing my scope did not tell me anything. She just mainly say, "oh! one of ur fallopian tube is block so ur chances of getting preggy is low" And it will makes me so upset and when i ask her what is the course, what can be done, any ways of making my preggy, she can't answer me... She say she is only doing some daily follow up on patients so she cannot answer all my questions. Instead she ask me to go back to my gynac. Will be going for reviews on 23 May, only then the gynac will advise me. From what the doc say, my another tube is ok but still LOW! The word "LOW" keep floating in my head
Dun wory... If u feel this gynae cant help u, then seek for 2nd opinion liao. go to find a gynae who can do some specialise op to unblock ur tube. dun worry. not something that is very serious. my BOTH tubes were blocked also leh. i was also very calm cos that time i met a very nice &amp; experienced gynae. and i went to unblocked my tubes aldy. now aldy pregnant liao. but still early stage, oni 2mths.. so u dun give up. U maybe can try KKH Dr SF Loh lor. Dun give urself so much stress...

one of my frd SIL, she also remove dunno 1 ovary or 1 tube leh. she also managed to conceive leh. now her boy is like almost 1yr old liao leh. Dun give up. sure there is a way one.
Congrats to you for being preggy. *envy* Alot of my friends keep telling me don't worry &amp; etc but some how i'm still worried. See what the gynac will advise me next week. But i don't get much moral support from my hubby leh, it only say aiya if no kids then no kids loh, no need to worry so much. But but but.... he dont understand why am i reacting like tat *sigh*
Hi everyone,

I just discover with HSG that I have both side of my tubes blocked. May I know what is the next step to do? Surgery? How much will it cost?
where did u did this HSG?? sure have gynae or doc refer u mah. u can go back to the doc for advice. normally is to do lap op lor. else u can try IVF. but then % of IVF is oni 20-30% moreover is $10K type of cost wor..
Elicia, I check and Lap is abt $6k also. I done HSG at gleneagle, my RE refer me. I going for appointment next week to discuss the future plan ahead. You unblock your tubes with no problem? cos i heard it will do more damage at times. So confuse nw.
ya i unblock &amp; no pblm liao.. everything fine also. u maybe dbl confirm with your gynae the one doing op for u. ask if there is any risk or whatever.
Elicia, my tube seems like quite badly block. I wonder if can fix or not. How much you did the Lap for? at KKH?
badly blocked??? my tubes according to my gynae during the HSG he told me mine was twisted. Youe gynae told u this badly blocked is rather scary...

I believe it can be unblocked no matter how else he wont ask u to go for lap op if he/she have no confidence.

i did not oni lap op, cos i also got fibroids &amp; cysts. so i did in TMC called a 4in1 opertion. meaning a laproscopy, hysterotomy , D&amp;C and duno what else. It cost me total $6K+ also. medisave managed to deduct $3K+
I see the scan looks like quite bad. So I think it's not twisted only. I have infection before therefore I think it causes the block.

Thanks for all the advice. Really have to ask my doc abt it. BTw, who's your gynea? Wonder if i should get a second opinion.
my gynae is CT Yeong. but he is not in sg at the moment.
Who is your attending gynae now?
Ya u may wish to opt for 2nd opinion if u wish to.
my gynae was from KKH formerly specialise in RE. but he went to pvt private for 1 yr be4 he leave sg.

Now my gynae is from KKH Benjamin Tham
just went through the lap op. cost me ard $6k+, why medisave only deduct $1.5+? Is it bcos of the hospital that I stayed? The rest of the amount, I see how much can I claim from insurance.

The doctor gave me a choice if to go for HSG test first to find out if the tubes are blocked or proceed with lap op.

I choose to go to lap. op directly cos if tubes were found to be blocked after the test, I still have to go for lap op.

Surprise, surprise, besides endrometrosis on left ovary, blood cyst and blocked fallapon were found on the right. Now everything is removed and unblocked.

did you managed to get preggie after unblocking the tubes? or is there jabs to be done further inorder to get preggie?

My doctor was suggesting of getting jabs for me to higher the chance of getting preggie, at the same time to lower down re-ocuurance of endometrosis.
where did u did your op? U r right actually. going thru HSG is painful &amp; exp also. i did my HSG @ $300 by my gynae. from HSG know is blocked have to go for lap op. might as well realli go into op room to open up &amp; see everything. "yi liao bai liao". ehehhee

i managed to conceived naturally w/o jab or medication. for your case of endo, i thot there shld be a hormones jab given to u for stop period for 6mths to prevent recurrence?

Congrats to you! Jenny.

I did my op. at Mt Alvernia.
Was advised HSG cost abt $450.

Yes, if I were to choose for the hormones jab to stop for 6 mths, then from there i can try concieving. Otherwise, I can start to try next month without the jabs.

After consideration, I decide to proceed with jabs, since I have come this far already. I dont want to bcos of endo. to lessen the chance of getting concieve again.
