Any mummy staying in Bukit Panjang??

Good oppurtunity for great fun!!! Count me in too.......see u gals & bbs soon....YEAH!

Playdate 3 (Hi-Tea too)
Date: 30th July 2006 (Sun)
Venue: Blk 629 Senja Rd
Time: 3pm (est end by 4.30pm)

Interested parties:
1. westbb & bb
2. mel7704 & bb
3. irene tan & bb


we'll be there....

Playdate 3 (Hi-Tea too)
Date: 30th July 2006 (Sun)
Venue: Blk 629 Senja Rd
Time: 3pm (est end by 4.30pm)

Interested parties:
1. westbb & bb
2. mel7704 & bb
3. irene tan & bb
4. joyfulstar & bb
Hi Mummies,

Sorry that me & Ryan not able to make it on 30th July coz we have a wedd lunch on dat day, so may not be back home in time, hope will see ur soon for future playdates. Remember to share some pics & expecially mel7704's cakes...!!
hey mummies,
great to see responses
But, I think i'm mre bsy baking than preparing playgrp stuff.. :p Free-play & just the usual hello/gdbye song?

so 3pm too early 4 BW?

aiyaa..u miss the foood. we'll miss u & Ryan. Enjoy the weddin lunch. There's still mny opportunity for future playgrp.
mel, yeah 3pm quite early for bw, but 4pm maybe quite late for some mummies, how abt 3.30pm then... i try to make him sleep earlier and wake up earlier so i don't miss your yummy yummy cakes leh! hehe
Hi mummies,

Does any kind mummy has binder s size ( brown colour type) to lent me for 4 days? I am staying at senja rd. My current one not so good so unable to bind tightly. I need it for my postnatal massage. Please help. Thanks.
Playdate 3 (Hi-Tea too)
Date: 30th July 2006 (Sun)
Venue: Blk 629 Senja Rd
Time: 3pm (est end by 4.30pm)

Interested parties:
1. westbb & bb
2. mel7704 & bb
3. irene tan & bb
4. joyfulstar & bb

Dear Mummies,
I have also included sme of my frds who hve bbs of similar age grp.(hope u all dun mind) So, currently, we will have 7-8 bbs on Sunday.

Please pm me your contact details so tt i may sms u my address.
Hi mel, thanks for hosting us yesterday! your cheesecake and cookies are yummy! Ȼ鴫! when you start any bakery classes at the RC downstairs don't forget to give me discount hor keke
hi westbb & irene,

Thanks for coming ovr.
hope all of u r njoying yday session.

RC class ah.. jus joking lah...
Hi mel, thks for hosting!! The session was GREAT!! Hope i din miss out much after I left!!! Ur cakes and cookies taste really good!!Wenzel likes ur cheesecake so I shall try baking it using the recipe u gave me sometime this week then tell u how i fare.

Shall we hv another round of playdate in Aug?? I shall volunteer my humble place this time round if u gals dun find it far for u.....

Playdate 4
Date: 13 Aug (Sun) or 27 Aug (Sun)
Venue: Blk 149 Petir Road
Time: 10.30am

Interested parties:
1. Irene & Wenzel
aiyo... i love to join u moms lei... but why always morning playgrp..
my ger is a pig, she cannot wake up so early.. sigh..

thks mel, yummy cheese cake.. OPEN class lei... :p:p
Hi Mel7704, Irene & Westbb,

so sorry that we couldnt turn up last min on Sun as Bernice dozed off when we got home. We have had a super long day on Sun thus she was super tired.

we would love to come for the Playdate at ur pl but any chance to do it in the afternoon??? or Sat??? Sun am is out for us as we will be in church.
Hi mummies,

How abt changing the date and time to the following since most mummies couldn't make it in the morning??

Playdate 4
Date: 26 Aug (Sat)
Venue: Blk 149 Petir Road
Time: 3.30pm

Interested parties:
1. Irene & Wenzel
irene, aiya BW got class at 6pm leh, so i can't wake him up early to come to your place at 3.30pm. we would probably be late like 4pm or even later if that's ok... then we got to rush off by 5pm liao....
Hi All BP Mummies,

Glad to find this thread. Can I join in???
I 've a gal who is now 29 mths.

1) Valerie, Rayden Tan, 2months, 625 senja rd
2) Karen, Aldrick Tan, 33months, 631 senja rd
3) Jenny, Rachelle, 8 weeks, 631 senja rd
4) Irene, Wenzel Pek, 12.5months, 149 Petir Rd
5) westbb, Ben Wei, 12months, 629 senja rd
6) Sharon(tinklebell), Aaron, 3.5 yrs, bb Fiona, will be out in June,
650 Senja Link
7) Baobao, Jayden , 4mths+ , 627 Senja Rd
8) Yingzi, Shaness, 20mths, Bangkit Rd
9) Jennis, Titus and Heidi, 4 yo and 7 mo, 448 Ring Road
10) Pauline, Kaeden, 6 mths, 630 Senja rd
11) mamavogue, juni (18mths) 2nd one due in Aug 2006, 625 Senja road.
12) milo66, kaeden, 3 weeks, segar rd
13) bitbit, Rinchen, 18 mos, 184 jelebu rd
14) Coco, Bryan 18 mth and Rachel 1wk old. - 630 Senja Rd.
15) katharine, bb girl due in Aug 06, 450 Ring Rd
16) joyfulstar, Bernice 10months - 627 Senja
17) mmsswah, Yang 2.5yrs old and Jay 8 months - 431 bukit panjang ring rd
18) Shadow, Hayden, 13mths - 184 Jelebu Road
19) Lynn, Alyssa, 2 mths - 184 Jelebu Road
20) Karen(dainty), Kristy, 14mths - 627 Senja
21) mel7704, Shervon, 18mths - 629 Senja
22) Siti Erliena...ira 11 nurul 9 baby dean 10 days old - 404 fajar rd
23) Elaine(Melody), Ryan, 13mths - 626 Senja
24) Raccoon, Wayne, l2 days old - 626 Senja
25) Wendy, Ariene, 4months 3 weeks - 528, Jelapang Road
26) Snowdove, Adriel, 20 months - 624 Senja Road
27) Belmum, Isabel, 17mths - 631 Senja Rd
28) Stephanie (prettycloud), Aron, 6mths - 652 Senja Link
29) Rachel, Dylan, 5 months - 629 Senja rd
30) Jasmine (Evergreen), Jing Wen - 438 Fajar Road
hey Irene,

we couldn't make it at the proposed date.. cos hb goin outstation to Japan & he took off to accompany us b4 he goes. But, really would like to join the PG. Next tme round.

hi joyfulstar,

no prb, we meet another tme then. btw, do u let bernice listen to Christian songs, I'm tryin to find kids christian songs for shervon. Any suggestion on where to find?

try hillsong. there's a few nice one. esp super hero... i usu get em fr Life Bookshop. @ times, i play adults CD & Bernice loves em... if u not sure, u can call me & come by my pl & take a look.

Hi mel7704, no problem!! We can always catch some other time.. Bonding with parents is very important in a family, thus good to let Sher and her daddy spend more time together since ur hb always outstation. No worries, we hv a lantern festival cmg rite up so maybe can hv some program for tat too!!

For those mummies who hv PM me, here is the revised timing, I hv also emailed u my address, hope to cya :

Playdate 4
Date: 26 Aug (Sat)
Venue: Blk 149 Petir Road
Time: 2pm

I'm inviting a few friends over too. Should be expecting around 6 babies to attend on tat day.

Westbb, so sorry!! Hv changed the timing AGAIN. U let me noe whether u r cmg cos afraid might clash with BW's naptime.

Okay, tat's for all!! Hv a GREAT weekend with ur family!! Yippee....
irene ah.... i don't think i can go leh, 2pm is definitely BW's nap time, i can't make him wake up as early as that one... got to give this round a miss
But looking fwd to the lantern festival one if any! maybe mel will make some mooncakes for us...? oopps! hehe
Hi westbb,

It's ok, shall c u the next time round. Hopefully mel get our 'direct hinting', hahaha.........

Mel, if u dun hv time to bake nvm, I can settle with the snow skin one, kekeke :p
Hi mummies,

For those who are interested in the playgroup tmr, rmb to PM me latest by this evening for my address as I will not be checking mail after tat. Thanks!!
hi mummies,
any idea which infant care is good?
Cos would like to enrol my gal in an infant care..
please let me noe should you have any good recommendations? im staying at blk 631 senja road and working near outram mrt.
Thanks alot. i can be contacted at [email protected]
yo westbb & Irene,
u all thnk too highly of me already... dunno hw to make mooncake lah..

Keep me posted on the latern fest gathering ...
Hi there! I don't live in Bt Pjg but my babysitter is so I'm usually there before and after work. BTW, I live in Woodlands and work in Teck Whye so it's not that far.

Can I join u mommies? I have 2 young children; 4 yrs old princess and, an almost 7 mths old prince ; )
hi precious gem,

sure u can. Welcome to this thread.

Hi fatmamalove n Evergreen,

was looking back this thread and saw both ur postings. Welcome too!!
Hi! Can i join in. I'm FTWM ,son 3yrs 4 mths, daughter 19mths.

Precious gem,
i live in bt panjang but usualy after work will go back to WL (my mum hse) for dinner and to pick my daughter (mornin my husband will drive her there).

i stay at blk 132.
Hi Everyone !

I live in Senja Rd Blk629 and have a 16mths old baby gal. The next one is due in Jan 2007.

Hope to get to know some mummies living in Bt Panjang....
hi cheerful! i stayed in 629 too and my boy is also 16mths, so coincidental. are u a working or full time mum?
Btw when is the next play date? Can we join? We r @blk 181 Jelebu Rd, next to bus interchange & Bt Pjg Plaza.

Fyi, my girl 4y/o and baby boy 7 mths old.
Hi all, Lantern Festival is this cmg friday. Would like to know any mummies interested to have a mooncake eating for us and lantern playing for our little ones gathering??

Playdate 5 (Mooncake Festival Gathering)
Date: 15 Oct (Sun)
Venue: Blk 149 Petir Road
Time: 5.30pm
Things to bring: Ur own lantern (if u r joining in the 2nd part of the pgm); mooncake and tea will be provided, so dun have to bring

Program goes like this:
U r invited to come my house first for some mooncakes and chinese tea while little ones can play and get to know each other.

Pls take note that it will be a free n easy type of play for little ones as quite busy recently to come up with any pgm. Any mummies wanna help in hosting the pgm can let me noe. Ur help will be very much appreciated.

After abt 45 mins of playing and eating, we can go to the open area around Block 106 to carry lantern and light candles.

U can join in part 1 or part 2 depending on ur schedule.

Any other better suggestions can let me noe so that we improvise the playdate to be a more enjoyable one.

I'll start the ball rolling first......

Interested parties:
1. Irene and Wenzel (Part 1 and 2)
irene, 15th oct is quite long after lantern festival liao leh, your mooncake will expire or not?? hehehe... but aiya sun evening i always go to my inlaws place for family dinner leh!
Hi kheng, actually I thot of putting it on the 8th but kinda too rush to get mummies to reply but still will be on a sunday leh. My Sat filled up leh, or u wanna host on 7th sat at ur place cos all my 'helpers' off on 7th thus cannot host lah??? If u host on 7th, I can bring Wenzel over.
Kheng, dun hv to worry about the expiry of the mooncake, I can make 2-3 days beforehand then cfm fresh fresh liao, hahaha
Hi,if the gathering on 15th oct, i might b able to join in provided that my husband he is not working that day.
Im i welcome?

Hi channel, sure u r welcome
I hv put down ur name but not too sure which part of the pgm u will be joining.

Playdate 5 (Mooncake Festival Gathering)
Date: 15 Oct (Sun)
Venue: Blk 149 Petir Road
Time: 5.30pm
Things to bring: Ur own lantern

Interested parties:
1. Irene and Wenzel (Part 1 and 2)
2.Channel n kids
Hi, Irene,
Could I join in the mooncake festival gathering? My boy is 2 year old. We stay at Senja Road.
Thanks & Rgds
Hi Snowdove,

Sure u can!! Shall count u in as well.

Playdate 5 (Mooncake Festival Gathering)
Date: 15 Oct (Sun)
Venue: Blk 149 Petir Road
Time: 5.30pm
Things to bring: Ur own lantern

Interested parties:
1. Irene and Wenzel (Part 1 and 2)
2.Channel n kids
3. Snowdove n bb

irene, just read the msg, u know how to make mooncake ah? baked or snow skin one? what flavour? got ice-cream one boh? hehehe..

oh the signing time u still want? else my fren want to post and sell liao.
