Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

MOrning ladies,

wah Dymples.. u still so active here.. nw wif 3 kids i hardly haf time for all this posting.. but having said tat, its also becoz so far.. (cross fingers) my current indo maid is doing quite well, except a few close eyes incidents lah.. but overall, i wld say till date she's consider a not too bad maid..

hw bout u? got another maid? wat happen to ur prev?

may i know why you buy 3-in-1 coffee as opposed to the normal kind which you have to add milk and sugar yourself? 3-in-1 is priced higher cos of the convenience. even i myself dun drink 3-in-1 except occassionally when i'm in a hurry. my maid was drinking my lipton teh susu gold at a faster rate than i was and i stopped buying since then. not that i think they should consume inferior products but its really expensive like $0.35cents a sachet. and the normal lipton yellow tea bags are good enough and there's carnation evaporated milk and sugar readily available at home.
I think buying 3-in-1 for the maid is ok if put in perspective. I drink Starbucks every day and that's like $6 a cup. 50 sachets of 3-in-1 is only $5 or something. So one big pack a month for the maid is probably reasonable.

My worst experience was my previous maid who used to eat my girl's food (until nothing left) as well as eat up so much of our food like there was no tomorrow. When she first came we gave her $10 to go buy lunch at the hawker centre for herself and she came back with only 10 cents change. So retarded right? We never gave her money again. If a maid shows this crap behaviour so early in her employment you pretty much know it's all downhill from there...and she's gotta go!

So for me, as long as the maid doesn't abuse the generosity of their employer then getting something they prefer, be it 3-in-1 or normal coffee/tea should be ok.
<font color="ff0066"> Hi Celtricia</font>
Oohh.. hi babe. Long time no see liaoz. How are you? Glad that your current maid is doing well so far. Hope she continues the good work. Yah.. me juz got a new maid again. I send my previous one (Maid #5) back to Indon cos of her "hand pain". Then I was maidless for coming to 3-mths. Now need maid again cos I'm intending to go back work liaoz.

<font color="ff0066"> ValC</font>
I tend to buy the 3-in-1 coffee sachets for my helper cos I feel it's kinda like a psychological thingy. The maid knows she only gets 1 packet per month, and she will ration the sachets on her own lor. Then in my household, we tend to buy those expensive coffee (in bottles) for our own consumption. Therefore, it's a distinguishment between what's hers and what's ours. This goes for other things that I buy specifically for her... that her things are clearly different. Like body soap, we use those bottle body bath, whilst the maid gets those bar type of soap. I buy biscuits that come in a big tin for her, but ours is those more expensive packets like Oreo, Chicken in a Basket, even the instant noodles, I buy for her the brand "Maggie Mee", but my household consumes "Chu Qian Yi Ding".

However, in saying so, I also don't purposely differentiate everything. There are lots of other things that we share with her. Like Milo, Butter, Peanut Butter, etc.

Also, like Liana said, it's not that expensive. Cos I buy the cheapest type of 3-in-1 coffee (whatever is on offer lor).

At the end of the day, whether it's coffee sachets or those bottle type is ok. It all depends on what you are comfortable with yah.
Please refer to :

"some good info to refer for your kids"

I just went to the link. The write ups have A LOT OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR MISTAKES. Parents, please judge for yourself if the programme is worth attending. I personally feel that if the website of an educational programme is so badly written, then the "teachers" and programme cannot be that wonderful as touted.
Regarding the above programme. The principal's message is badly written. It also does not show any educational credentials of the staff. How are they qualified to teach such a programme?
Dymples.. wow.. u mean u stayed hm after ur 3rd was out? I went bak to wrk after my 16 weeks of ML.. lolz.. its terrible to haf 3 in the hse manz.. but looking at them grow makes me feel all is worth it..
My helper loves my kids and so does my kids.. though she toks a lot n will really mind OUR business.. she's more like a hsekeeper den a maid nw.. lolz.. but both hb n me is happy w her performance, n so is my mum. she'll start getting her salary tis saturday liao, so till den we c if her performance will cont'd or deteroriate.. hee..
All the best on ur new maid..
i'm getting 2 new maids tomorrow. wish me luck. i just spent about an hour cleaning my toilet. and this is after my current maid cleaned it this morning. hahahaha! i dun want the new maids to come and see the house in this horrible state and get a shock. and when my maid goes to sleep tonight i'm going to clean all the corners of the living room and dining room which is full of lizard shit by now. and then my room and the baby's room. the dirt that has accumulated since she came is disgusting. and i'm really sick of changing maids. i need these maids to stay.

any tips on how to get them on a good start? i have 2 maids. i live with my parents. i have 3 kids - 4yo boy, 2yo girl, 7mth bb girl.
<font color="ff0066"> Celtricia</font>
Yup... me hv been a SAHM since before I gave birth to my #3 wor. That is since last year Sept till now. Cannot continue to be SAHM liaoz... cos need $$$ to send #2 for her enrichment classes. At least your helper is good now. If she is capable and loves your child, that is most important. Pray that her performance will continue to be good yah.

<font color="ff0066"> ValC</font>
OMG!! 2 maids in 1 household will not be easy lor. Maybe you can have fixed routine and define their work areas clearly? This way one maid cannot push her duties to the other maid and vice versa. *pei-fu* you leh... I 1 maid already kao-tim. I can't imagine having 2! hehehhehe... Good Luck!! Hope they will turn out to be good helpers.
do you think i should let them rotate their duties? for eg one week, they do different duties, the next week they swop duties. i just cleaned the corners of the living and dining area. all the lizard shit and the dirt collected over 2 months is gone. this current maid is horrible! my back is aching now.

i really hope these maids will be good ones this time. and that they get along. i'm so scared by all the horror stories i hear. my neighbour installed cctv and discovered their maids waking up to eat huge breakfasts and going back to bed after that. omg!! and always waiting for the other to do the work.
<font color="ff0066"> Hi ValC</font>

I dunno about rotating their duties... will it cause confusion and therefore have a loophole for them to 'escape' doing their duties and then pushing the blame to the other?

How about having FIXED tasks that each must do on a daily, weekly and monthly basis? Try to balance it out.

This way no matter which day of the week, you'll know who is not doing their work? Easier for you to check and counter check bah? Juz my tots.
oh.. its great to b able to b at home n bond w the kids.. though at times can b quite frustrating.. lolz.. enrichment classes for u #2? hw old is she nw? I will b sending my #2 to cc starting tis dec, which also starts her for N1. Den my maid will b pretty free n only handle my #3.. Yes.. i also praying hard tat no troubles from her..
<font color="ff0066"> Celtricia</font>
Aiyohz... I find it not fun to be home when you're constantly worrying about the lack of $$$ leh. I am those anti-enrichment classes type of parent. But now that my #1 is in P1, I suddenly realised that she is so so far behind her peers. The only enrichment she had b4 P1 was 'I Can Read'. Even then her reading skills not good. It's terrible... the stresses that our kids go thru in Primary school. Plus I compare, 80% of her peers have had some kind of enrichment before they even started P1.

So to avoid the stress I'm currently undergoing with #1, I decided that #2 will start her enrichment classes early. She is currently in K1. So by end of this year, she will need to start all her P1 preparatory classes liaoz. Sighz...

Woo... so fast your #2 going to N1 already. Time really flies yah. heheheh...
hi mummies,
juz chanced upon this thread cos im finding more info on #1 is due tis mth
so looking to hire a 1st time hiring one too

wonder if anyone noes if i can deduct the mthly maid levy GIRO fr a 3rd party acc?
Hi all

My phillipines maid of less than a week now say want to go home cos husband had an accident now in icu?? Do u think its true or just here to sight seeing??
tat's true lah.. to b worring abt $$$.. Same here leh.. i anti-enrichment classes one.. so till date, my son who is gg to K1 nxt yr din even attend any enrichment classes, but many of my frens n some of the mummies i noe in here has been asking if i did start or bring him to one.. but hearing wat u say.. am contemplating liao..I agree.. so stressful, both for them n us...

Ya manz.. time flies.. #2 going N1.. #3 areadi 6mths plus..

Sharon, wat u mean by 3rd party acc? Coz like for me, though the maid is under my name, the levy is deducted frm my hubby's acct. Is tis wat u mean? HTHs..
sharon, tat am not sure, as its a different address as where ur maid is residing n helping out nw. Y not u check with the agency..
<font color="ff0066"> Sharon</font>
So far, I only do the GIRO deduction from our joint account. I'm not sure if you can do it thru a 3rd party a/c. Maybe you wanna call your agent or MOM to check on this.

<font color="ff0066"> Tulip</font>
This is debatable. It could be true story... yet she could also be telling you a sympathy story. If she still got loan, then no choice. Need to refer this matter back to the agent to settle yah. If she no more loan, then tell her to ask the hospital in Philippines to write a letter and send it to you via email or fax. Make sure the letter is written on their hospital letterhead. Bluff her that you will need to produce this letter at the immigration lor. See what your maid say. Else, you can also ask her which hospital her hubby is in, then get details on her husband like full name, etc. Then tell her you will be calling the hospital to double verify her story. If she is lying, she will be afraid to give you the details.
<font color="ff0066"> Celtricia</font>
Haiz... no choice leh. Nowadays Primary school is no longer what it was during our time. P1 Maths already got porblem sums as well as doing addition and subtraction up to 100, mulitiplication, time and even money. English have Oral, Comprehension and Composition for Exam. So if your child's command of English is not up to par, really stressful cos how to do all the above. Then like next week for their continuous assessment, my gal has got to do Show &amp; Tell for both English and CL. They will be marked on their pronunciation, presentation skills, knowledge of the selected subject and then vocabulary. Crazy right... haiz...

I wan 2 send my maid of 2 mths back to the agency. is there any ting i shd be aware of? if i send her back, is it possible 2 get the loan refunded back 2 me?

and is it true tat most transfer maids are no good?

wan 2 send current maid back but need an immediate maid 2 help me wif my 18mth old toddler and a newborn bb
Baby feed laced with detergent: Maid charged

A MAID is accused of having tried to feed her employer's baby boy with milk powder laced with detergent.

Yesterday, 22-year-old Indonesian maid Titin Augustiana was charged in court for attempting to cause hurt to the two-month-old infant.

The alleged incident took place at about 9am on Tuesday at her employer's home in the Upper Thomson area.

The case was adjourned for two weeks for Augustiana to undergo psychiatric assessment.
Dymples, u make me worry for my son leh.. his command in languages not v gd.. which means i got to send him for enrichment classes soon. Whereas my 2nd one, she loves reading n speaks quite well, so there's not much i m worried abt..
hi mommies out there, m new here. need advises.
currently hired a indo FDW and she told me she want to fast. do you allow your indo FDW to fast?
i am a bit worry cos i need her to take good care of my two kids at home.
hi mommies am new here, need advises.
Currently hired a Indo FDW and she told me she want to fast. do you allow your indo FDW to fast?
I am worried as i need her to take good care of my 2 kids at home and i do not have parents or inlaws to help me watch out on.
Hi formasa,

was it indicated in her biodata that she agrees not to fast during her work here? if she did, den tell her tat. If not, u can also tell her tat u worried she might not be able to haf the strength to take care of ur kids.
For me, I asked my maid if she wan to fast, coz to me its their religion, but i did tell her tat it shld not in anyway affect her work, if it does den no more fasting.. some won't fast as they can so call repay bak the fasting after their contract is over when bak in indo..
Hi all!

Can I ask a qn? Will be extending my maid's stay with us as she has satisfactorily completed her 2 years with us. We're pretty happy with her! :D

So, can I understand that the procedure is to renew her passport and also her work permit (which are due soon)?

If I ask my agent to do it, pretty exp. Will other agencies be cheaper? Also, can I bring her myself to Indonesian embassy to renew her passport? Anyway to renew the work permit myself thereafter?

<font color="ff0066"> Celtricia</font>
Haiz... nowadyas is better to be KS then to regret later when your child is not able to cope in school lor. Enrichment classes are the basic norm. Not like last time when only the rich kids got the luxury to attend such classes. The basic classes you will need for preparatory P1 will be English, Maths (either Kumon, MPM or Abacus) and Chinese (I prefer Berries). I will usually choose those classes that are not so worksheet based and the teachers make the lessons come alive. HTH's.

<font color="ff0066"> Capri_gal</font>
Sorry... I can't help here cos none of maids ever got their contracts renewed. That's a super rarity. Usually it's a case of early termination. *lolz*

<font color="ff0066"> Formosa</font>
From my understanding, most agencies here would have briefed the maid beforehand to instruct her that no fasting is allowed. This is becos it will hinder her ability to carry out her duties properly. Maybe you can check with your agency on this. Anyway, for me, I won't allow her to fast. Cos if she is fasting how to work? It only gives her an excuse to 'escape'.

I'm right with you there...none of my maids have had their contracts renewed either! I wonder what it would be like to keep a maid for 2 years LOL!
So angry, the stupid maid threathen 1 2 go home, she knows that my FIL cannot live without her now, she go round and complain about me, all the SIL n BIL pointed at me, she is driving me to death now, they tok to her she agreed to stay now. very smart girl rite? she onli 1 2 take care of FIL dont 1 2 do all the housework, all of them agreed with it, very angry now.
can i ask my filipino maid is renewing her contract with us. She is with us for 2 years. can i noe what is the standard increase in salary? how about off days? do you deduct that portion out from her current pay? Cos she is without off days but now wanted off days..

Hope to get some advise here.. tyty
<font color="ff0066"> Liana</font>
hahhahah... *hi-5* I also wonder what it's like to renew my maid's contract. Hopefully my this current one will be the exceptional case. *lolz*

<font color="ff0066"> Sandra</font>
Is your FIL more mobile now? If yes, how about getting your own maid in and pay for it on your own, then tell this current one to *f%#k* off lor. No matter what, the maid is staying in your house! If the other SIL and BIL feel that she is so good, then how about sending your FIL and that stupid bloody maid to their house? I feel you should NOT be putting with such nonsense. Talk to your husband and MAKE him understand your situation. Else you can also threaten to "leave" the house lah. Hey!! You are the Daughter-in-law, the Wife and the MISTRESS of the house! NOT the maid.

I feel you should put your foot down now and settle this matter once and for all. You have to be a strong character to 'fight' this. Why suffer and let the maid laugh behind your back?? I will never allow such thing to happen to me!

Hope you dun mind my frank views.
I also tok 2 all the SIL n BIL, they said as long as FIL is happy, i dont get invole, bcos she 'really' take good care of him, even when 2 eat, sleep, pass motion, pass urine and also what 2 eat control by her, fil listen to her every single words which all the SIL n BIL can do this type to fil. Now the maid bought alot of stuffs n kept inside her luggage, she bought a lock to lock it. IF her consious is clear why she should lock all the stuffs, i also supect she steel the money from FIL, fil do not like we interfere his money. therefore this woman bcome very ya now, i cant stand her behavious now, she totally ignore me, i cant stand they way she eats, she one day go down with my FIL three times, buy food n eat downstair then come still eat again.
hi smurfy,
i've direct hired a maid b4.She was Fil maid recommended by my frd.I got an agent n paid $300 to do everything.But still hv proper contract wf the maid.The agent handled all the documentation n air ticket everything for me.
Unfortunately,things didn't turn up well,coz the maid has abt 3yrs experience wf japanese family,she ended up very "ya-ya" n likes to control n do her own ways.I sent her bk after 3wks.Her sister,who oso works as maid in sg,cleared her loan.She has 4mths loan wf me,as direct hire.

hi eileen,
the news is scary.That's why i lock all my son's milk powder in the kitchen cabinet.Also,i don't let the maid makes milk for my son.I even wash my son milk bottles.

hi sandra,
if i would u,i would hv kicked the maid out.
hi ladies,
i nid some advice here.
I just got a indo maid last wk.She is single,23.So far,she is quite ok except a couple of mistakes.However,sometimes,she doesn't show respect to me.

Here r some mistakes she made:

1) She ironed HER OWN CLOTHES 5am in the morning,on the 3rd day she came to my home.
I've told her that she nid to ask my permission for whatever things she does coz i am the owner of the house.
When i questioned her why she ironed her clothes,she said she wanna make the t-shirt nice to wear??

2)She asked for my name
After we picked her from the agent,she asked:"what is ur name?" in the car.My hubby n me were shocked.
I lectured her a few days later, told her that i am ur madam,NOT ur friend.

3) when she took out the food to living room,she expects me to clear the coffee table,by saying:"excuse me,madam"
I lectured her again,:"do u expect me to clear the coffee table for u to put the food there?"
There were some books on the coffee table at the time.

4) when she calls me,she always wakes her hands n says :"madam,come here,come here".Like calling a dog. I was very mad,lectured her again.

5) she always forgets to wash her hands after throwing rubbish or touching dirty things such as shoes.

shld i give her another chance?

I am in a far,her works quite ok,just tat she behaves like small child.I am thinking if i shld send her bk to agent for counselling.

Other than
Yap, u r rite i oso said that if she is my maid(employed by me), i will stright away kick her out, but the problem all the SIL n BIL said she is very good, bcos she treats the old man very well, and oso old man likes her very much, old man willing to buy food let her eat n oso buy alot of stuffs for her, that y she can tell mi off said that i need nt to buy all the food for her, she can go downstair n eat, cos old man will buy for her. c she is very ya rite? actually i tout she 1 2 resign i very happy leh but FIL n BIL persuade her to stay, i hv no choice everyday need 2 c her stupid face.She still can sing song everyday, she is driving me to death liao... dont know how 2 make her go away? I d told all the SIL n BIL 2 bring her along with the FIL to their house(rotation), but no 1 agreed, they give me e excuse that FIL dont 1 2 go, cos he is staying here for so long liao, he dont 1 2 move around, lousy excuse leh... can any 1 advice me hw 2 handle it?
hi mummies,

need to seek your advise. I'm intending to send back my maid earlier. her contract ends in feb 2010 but i intend to let her go at the end of oct 2009. her work is slow and she has no initiative, many wonder how i can last so long with her.

yesterday, my 2 year old toddler had an accident because of her. he was walking but the idiot without looking push the stroller in his way and he tripped onto the floor, bruising his lips and it bleeds as well!

so what do i need to do if i want to send her off earlier? e.g. who pays for her ticket home, which airline is cheap and good?

Hi Rosnyus,

Under MOM's regulation, employer has to pay for their air ticket back to their country of origin. Meaning, any place of their country is ok. U can try out budget airline.
Hi mummies, I've heard from my colleague that her neighbour cousin was been sued by her ex-maid after sending the maid back to indonesia. The cousin was summoned by the indo embassy but as she has never ill-treated the maid before so case was closed. So if we ever send our maid back to their own country without their consent, we might ended like her cousin but on the other hand if the maid was not coming here to work and give problems to us, why let other employer suffer if we do return them to agency right.
hi Sugar,
what if the maid creates prob for us?We can't be keeping a problematic maid,right?

how did the maid sue ur neighbour's cousin?She hired the lawyer??All these maids r damn crazy.I heard indo maids like to bear grudges.They may appear submissive but they're quite rebelious.

if the maid who the one breaks the contract n wanna go back to Indo,shld we still pay for her air ticket?

hi mummies,
i was having b/fast at the cafe near to my son's school just now...i saw a terrible Phil maid fed the toddler wf mee hoon,using her dirty hand.2 Phil maids,one leaving the dog outside,the other one brought the toddler into the cafe;after they bot drinks n food, the toddler(caucasian girl) cried,she got fed up n grabbed the mee hoon n stuffed into the toddler's mouth,in order to stop her crying.Poor girl.


I would like to check for 1st time employing maid, we need to take a test. Does anyone know can I take the test but the maid will not be working in my place? Will this be ok?

Thank you.
