Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

Hi mummies,

Super long never post anything but have been a silent reader reading on all the horrible stories abt maid. Anyway, my encounter is pretty bad too... in short, my stupid maid steal my money, clothes and ezylink card and she hide a hp with her even had many bfs. i send her back immediately... initially wanted to report to police but heard from agent that its a long process and she won't really will be sent to jail so i just asked her to write a letter to confess that she steal my things and i send her back to myanmar.

I just heard from my brother that that stupid maid called up my brother's maid few days ago to tell her that she will be coming back to work soon! I expected so cos her bf still working in singapore. I really hope that there won't be any more family that have to suffer her nonsense and lose their valuables!

Anyone know can i blacklist her with the "confession letter"? And how do i go about doing it??

hi tholyn,

how did u find out? Sometimes I really wonder if ignorance is bliss. Last time, I used to check on my previous maids. Nowadays I dun bother already. Too tired...

I think u can blacklist her at Tamarind's blog and also the MOM's website.


Yr maid's horrible. But if u find her work ok, try brainwashing her to let her know yr family's expectations and style. You can accumulate some pts and just tok to her every weekend. Give her one to two months to see if she shows an improvement.
Hi lemontree,

Its a super long story... when i free i will type out dan can post on tamarind's blog also. but most impt is i must blacklist her on MOM so that she cannot come back again! Anybody know how to do so huh??
Do send me the information when you are free

<font size="+2">Dear all,
Be careful of this really crazy maid !
My paper Sept4, FDW from Indo will has weekly off day in Malaysia.

Today Sept9, a Phil FDW named Aurea Ganotice, wrote in My paper, hope the same would happen in Singapore,also be the case for all employers.
Hi Shuyi,

Did u managed to blacklist ur maid?? MOM is always siding the maid... even newspaper also always report on employer abuse maid but wat abt maid abusing employer's child??

Hi Tamarind,

Thanks! i will try to send it to u... dun wan anybody else to suffer!
Hi Shuyi,

just read the link u've given... she's really $£*%(%!!!After i've send her back i dare not have a myanmar maid again... that stupid maid also take my kindness for granted!!! I got a transfer maid again but from indon and she is sooooo much better!! So in conclusion, i will not tolerate nonsense from any maid again!!

Even if this happens i believe its still up to the maid to decide if she wanted off day. My previous maid also become worst after gg for her off day thus i will never get another maid that states that she wants a off day!
<font color="ff0066"> Hi Tamarind</font>
I was appalled to read the comments made postings by the expat on your blog. But did you remove the postings? Cos when I wanted to show the the postings, I dun find anything. Is everything ok?
Hi Dymples,
The comments are still there. I haven't deleted.
Blogger is sometimes like that, can wait a while than refresh again.

I will post here :

<font color="0000ff">Quote:
Ok, as an expat here in Singapore I thought you may like to know just why us people think local families are mean and nasty!
Firstly, even though my maid came from 2 local families over 2 years, I did infact still need to teach her how to use a washing machine, vaccum and about hygeine issues. Why you may ask? Simple, her employers had washing machine, but insisted on all clothes been hand washed. Why the hell would anyone do that? That is quite simply barbaric and unjustified and pure evil in my opinion. The vaccum? Again, it was instilled in her to go in hands and knees and use small hand brush.
The last poster joked as to why some maid would want to be treated as a human being. To be honest I have encountered so much rodent like treatment of maids in Singapore that it makes me ashamed of fellow human beings at times(all races so not just aimed at locals.). Making maids hand wash own clothes as if you might catch some disease! Newsflash people! Modern day washing machines along with a good detergent will kill any unwaned germs which you may be worried about. Making someone resort back to third world aspects is pretty lame - I dont care what your excuse is.
Once a month days off? Holy crap, that's disgusting. You all think that's justified and that's pretty scarey. Maids really do work for every penny they earn. Ok, you may say its a light work load but no job including housework, shopping, ironing and childcare along with car washing and gardening can be called easy. Even hard workers in other industried have at least one day off a week. Go figure!
If you want your maid to respect you, you must show respect to them. How many times have you seen a family out for dinner and saw a maid sitting looking after children and not being offered food or drink? I have seen it way too many times. I have seen maids being told not to talk to fellow human beings by they're employers. Who the hell gives anyone the right to stipulate who someone is allowed to converse with. This is simple human rights people.
The problem with many local people is that they see themselves as being above maids in the food chain and unfortunatley too many maids believe this too be true. Everyone at the end of the day is of the same importance in his life and quite frankly many families would not have a clue how to take care of they're own households or children(you only need to look at the behaviour of kids in public on a Sunday to witness this) if maids were not so easily available.
Maybe, just maybe if you take a step back at look at these points you might see why us expats don't like the way in which some local's treat their maids. I am just so grateful for our maid and I know she certainly appreciates the trust and freedom we give her - aswell as he use of a washing machine and access to any food she likes (Including Salmon if the urge takes her, but hey if you can justify this kind of behaviour then whoo hoo for you!). Just because you don't abuse your maid, don't shout or supply her with a bd and a good amount of rice doesn't mean you are a good employer. Food for thought perhaps.
P.s - I also know expats that abuse and take advantage of maids - its not about your race or backgroud, it's about what sort of person you are.
<font color="0000ff">Another Quote:
i am an expat from Finland. i personally find that singaporean employers ill-treat their maids. i have seen singaporean employers really bark at the poor defensive maids, fed them leftovers, carry all the heavy baggages etc. it's time that singaporean employers realised that maids are humans too, and should be treated as one too. If Singaporean employers can treat their pet dogs and cats like their own babies, why not their maids? Singaporean employers sucks, and at times, if I could, I'll tell them off in their disgusting faces!
Dear all,
Whether you agree or disagree, please post your comments in my blog, not in this thread. My blog allows anonymous postings, no need to create account.
Hi all,

Feeling very vexed with maid issues that i can't sleep hiaz. Actually my maid is already quite okie, not much major problems. But what is troubling me (and irritating me) very much is some things due to her serious forgetfulness and thoughtlessness and 'dun use brain (except for own advantage)' attitude.

She is experience maid 10 years exp in SG, with 2 employers.

Forgetfulness: I know she is forgetful, so write things down for her to cook for my son. Still she can always forget something. Once, her classic reason is "Mdm, I only read top half of the paper". Very very pek chek le!!! And she always say it in a way where look submissive, but u can tell she is not sorry type loh, even tho she say sorry.

Dun use brain attitude: Once the tofu is spoilt (already told her not to keep tofu for more than 1 use), she still use to cook my boy's porridge. My boy ate for lunch, keep refusing but sometimes still force himself to eat, finally vomitted. After work i came home, my maid told me my boy vomitted during lunch, say maybe ate too full. During dinner, i tried the porridge, its sour!!! Told her before to try the porridge before giving to my boy, but she didn't loh argh. Wah, i so heart pain for my boy le...Ok, nvm, gave her a good big lecture. Then a few months after that, i came home from work, she feeding my boy. I ask her if she tasted, she say "Mdm, got taste, ok". Well, i usually will still taste test, then found out the porride SOUR AGAIN! Wah, i ask her to taste, she then say, oh yah, a bit sour. Wah L**, i ask her how come she initially said okie, she said, "oh, i taste a bit only". I really lost my temper loh.

Own adv attitude: Don't see her work v slow, so forgetful, like blur blur. But when things to her adv, wah so fast woh. One nite, cos we went out during the day and bring her, come back a lot of things to do, so allow her to machine wash my boy's clothes. normally is handwash my boy's cos not much. Wah, then next day she will AUTO dump my boy's clothes into the washing machine woh! Luckily I happen to walk into the kitchen and saw how come machine on. I ask her how come wash using machine??!! She can still act blur and manage a weak excuse "Mdm, today i wash his towel, so use machine.." Wah L**, so many months handwash towel and that is my instruction. Why suddenly must use machine??! Gave her a lecture again, tell her i know she is smart, but i dun have time for her funny games so pls dun test my limit.

The abv only some examples, but everyday a bit of her 'funny games' a bit of her 'forgetfulness', a bit of her 'insincere sorry'. i find myself getting v v angry le, but yet these things are consider 'small things' to other people (e.g. my hubby, my in laws), which even make me more angry cos no one understand all these frustrations adds up.

How ah? Sometimes i hate the person i have become becos of my maid.
Hi Yanyen,

I think your maid got attitude pblm.

Keep on giving your son food that is already rancid is definitely NOT RIGHT. Kids will fall sick easily eating such food.

If she knows how to auto use washing machine after you ask her to use 1 time, then she is not stupid. But, super know how to act blur.

My previous maid quite "naughty" with us. But, when it comes to the kids, she is careful, especially when preparing food for them.

If I am you, I will seriously consider to change the maid.

Just my few cents worth of comments.
I just can't understand why the 2 maids I previously have are stupid. Last time my filipino maid, I told her to bring my son to go toilet. Ended she walked into the gents toilet. I told her he is just a little boy and you are a lady don't you feel ashame when walking in the gents toilet where everyone looking at you. She kept quiet. Today I told my indon maid to bring my son to go toilet. I followed behind. She wants to bring him to gents toilet. I asked her the same question. She said sorry sorry. I told her not matter of sorry it is so ashameful to walk into a gents toilet. He is just a small boy. Just go into the ladies toilet. And worse this is not the first time. Faint....

To me, your maid's crappy attitude is a BIG problem not a small problem. She's lazy and obviously doesn't care about the food she prepares. If it was my maid, she's got to go already.

My own maid is getting more and more stupid. Also forgetful and thoughtless.

Just the other day when I was driving my car in the driveway she let my girl run on the road. After a big lecture I asked her "what would happen in she got run over by a car!?" My maid can answer "it's just an accident". I'm getting rid of her. Hate her guts.
Snowball, Liana,

Thks for ur comments, so glad to know i'm not over-reacting (cos i'm first time employer)!

Just last evening, told her to give my boy papaya. Ask her to take from frige, mash and mixed with v hot water, so that the mix is not too cold. Well, as usual, ask her if she taste. she say 'warm oredi', but again as usual, when i taste it, the papaya mash is freaking cold loh! As usual, her classic excuse, "Mdm, I taste that time warm le, maybe only one side warm."

I really dunnoe, reaching my limit soon, but scared change maid might be sianz.

Liana, to hear ur maid say it is an accident only is scary!
Hi Yan Yen,

Of course you are not over-reacting. I agree with Liana, if she is my maid, I would have fired her long ago.

If you do not take action, your maid will take it that its alright and they will continue to get worse. I strongly suggest that you look for another maid as this maid of yours really got attitude problem.

My previous maid is better in terms of handling my kids but she start to show a lot of patterns -demand better pay a d off day if she 1 us renew contract, getting very rude to my MIL, even got the guts to use her HP while doing housework (in my MIL's presence. (regret giving in after her HP request after continuous begging). But, as I said, she is smart and took quite good care of my kids (esp my younger gal) whom she helped my MIL to look after since she was born. Being so demanding, we decided not to extend her Contract and hired another maid instead.

My current maid is not so responsive (I should say no so smart), so far, still ok. But, I have to constantly remind her of proper handling of food and cleaniness of my kids' eating utensils. However, she cannot really handle my kids altho she has a son of similar age group to my kids. I guess I am considered quite lucky after reading this thread.

My sister used to hire maids to help her. When the maid is no good, do not hesitate to change. You will evenutally get a good one altho' it is a tedious and tiring process.
Hi Snowball32

I think maids are more or less the same.When they think they are indispenable, they will start to demand.My current one also feels that she is very impt now and started to demand for off days even before her two years contract is up.Worst part is that her work is terrible.Her main duties is just to do housework.But, imagine, all my store rooms are so messy, I dont know what she is here for.Just to mop the floor?Clothings are all machine washed.

She will soon have her off days in indonesian.
good evening all, so glad to be able to air out here

Snowball, to me, the pattern your ex-maid shown by being rude, demanding better pay etc is quite serious attitude prob and stressful for employer le. I guess I'm also worried that if change maid, will have this type of prob oso. That is why i'm in a dilemma with my this maid, who so far have not shown those want better pay/rude/more demands type of attitude (yet!.

She is generally courteous and looks submissive and talk softly type, but she is quiety rebellious and stubborn, will try to do her own way, if u correct/remind/scold her to do my way, she will then act blur type. Dunnoe which is worst, cos she acts so docile/submissive, if i scold her, her looks will make me feel like i'm so nasty/bad tempered etc, which of cos, makes me evey more angry cos I can't scold her for soemthing she 'innocently' forget right? Pek chek and also feel no comfort my boy being look after by her.

I've more or less decide to give her one more chance to improve (at least show some signs of attempting to improve) within 1 month. If still so jiat lat, then really no choice, have to let her go...wish me (or her?) luck :p
Hi Joy747,

Maids are like that one. We learnt our lesson from the 1st maid and draw up a daily routine for my maid to do. When we spot check and is not satisfied with the chores done, we just ask her to re-do it - be it, cleaniness, ironing or washing. No need to argue with them.

Hi Yan Yen - Is there any other adults to monitor her at home when you are working? If not, she might do your bidding in your presence and do otherwise behind your back. I shld say are maids are the same - they are super gd actresses - like to act submissive and act "poor thing", when confonted. You have to continue to be consistent and insistent for a period of time, to drill, this into your maid's mind. Do constant checks to ensure that she has indeed changed for the better.
Hi yanyen

My maid is quite similar to yours. On the whole look ok (speak soft, look submissive and act blur).

She is ex-sin for 2years so I leave all the chores to her. I was shock when she feed my boy soap water. Initially, I didn't notice and I had a strange feeling when I look at the water so I shake it and all the soap bubbles appear! After that though improve, my utensils are sometimes still greasy after washing. She will says "Is it? I wash already, maybe is the detergent". Gave her house key when she go fetch my daughter from school, she left the keys outside the keyhole so many times that I have not take back the keys. I told her I will keep her if she is hard working and don't give me attitude problems. Can see that she is trying to improve but only when I am around. My mom too nice and friendly with her, she made my mom bring her for haircut, shopping and even buy 4-D or other things for her. I also found out she sells phone cards to other maids, I told her I am not very comfortable with that in case the other maids start appearing at my place for it. I have already close 1 eye on many others things. Like you, sometimes very angry but I usually reason with her calmly unless it is really too much like my clothes still airing at balcony after a week, moudly vege in the fridge. I tell her I don't like to scold and can understand cos her age (35) she is a bit slow but I need to her to focus on her work. Then ask if she is in trouble and how her family. She always say the same similar things (family, relatives sick, someone pass away, daughter problems at school,etc). After talking, usually improve a bit, then got to constantly observe her work.

Now 4 months to go and her contract ends, I am still deciding whether to keep her. It is tiring to always check and counsel as there are always some new 'discoveries'. Just afraid the next one might be worse.

Hope your maid will improve and like snowball mentioned constant check with review with her might help.
Hi Snowball, daytime my maid at MIL house, but my MIL already v bz with 3 other niece/nephes, so she sometimes no time to monitor my maid too closely. So yup I will have to keep monitoring her and basically, treat her like student loh, have to keep checking/correcting her. I already v v constantly check her work already, but so many same mistakes again and again...but i will persevere...for a while more :p

Hi Velle, your maid so similar to mine! really! My mom comes to help me one day each week and my mom often spoil her oso! Will always buy cake ah, bread ah, coffee for her (although I already have those for my maid at home). Hiaz. She oso climb over my mom's head sometimes loh. There is one time when my boy go class with my mom and maid. On the way back, she still dare to ask my mom whether can stop at NTUC to buy her own things! My boy is already so tired/sleepy after 2 hour class, due for his cereal/milk feed, they are on a cab (which sld go directly home), my mom leg not so good (and I have told my maid this fact MANY TIMES). But my mum too nice loh, actually allow her to go and my boy and mom wait for her outside ntuc. and becos my mum leg really not too good, in the end, took cab from ntuc back to my house (about 5 mins trip)!

I lost it that day and really scold her harshly that day after i found out. I told her she has 'no heart' to make a baby (okie lah, 18 mth old) and an old lady with leg prob to wait for her for she go and shop for her staff (which i query, its some powder, not critical). And i even more angry cos she din tell me when i came home from work, just happen i ask how come the meal time all haywire that day then my mom told me.

For so many times i already told her i very particular abt my boy's meal/sleep time and already told her many times that after class, must quickly go home give him his feed, bathes etc...but no loh, behind my back, her nonsense and pattern will come out. Wah, when i bring my boy out, i oso no time to shop OK. As usual, she give me those poor thing look. And she din say sorry at first, only after i scolded her for quite long, then she say sorry.

Like what you say, the constant monitoring and expectation of their patterns (worse pattern) to come out is quite tiring and draining... folks of this thread, sorry for my long posts, been venting quite a bit
hi there - didnt come to this thread for a long long time. saw that tamarind and liana are both active here - hi ladies!!

My 8th maid (only maid whom ends her 2 yr contract) in coming end of Nov. Wanted to ask if it is easy to do the WP cancellation and other related tasks? What are they - other than buying a ticket, cancelling her WP and returning her WP card? If you know, please advise me.

She is not extending her contract, and neither I am interested anymore to renew her. She does get her work done, but she does not like my kids still (after 2 yrs), she threatened to quit at least 4 times, she does show me attitude at times.

I have treated her the best and being reasonable to her, even giving her close to one month salary as bonus, increased her pay. Her job has been made to the easiest and minimal (elder one goes to full day cc, and younger one half day cc). In these 2 years, she only washed the car 5 times. She doesn't do marketing but I do it alone on weekends. We are living in a 5 room flat and just a couple and 2 boys. She is one of those lucky maids (I think) whom doesnt have to iron any working shirts or pants for Sir. Even my working clothes are casual clothes that are as easy to iron as any tee-shirts. Mam comes home usually at 7pm after work to help with the kids. Not forgetting she has every night good sleep as the kids' nightmares are for their mother to deal with and the maid sleeping away. Maybe she even has her daily nap as I am not around to see.

I would imagine, lying is possible from any human beings...but clearly she chooses to lie than to come clean about holding on to her own SIM prepaid card. She could have just told me and I seriously wont stop her - as she is in her last 2 mths of employment. The spare hp is really for me to text her if the boys are sleeping, or when I need to find her urgently. But she happy as and when will remove the SIM card for her own personal use as I believe she will chat when there's no one to supervise her. The latest I got to know is that she will hang around the childcare and sit there to chat for a long time. I am not mean to her but I made it clear what is expected and what is not at the start of the employment, and after several months, all these become not important. Talking to her "frens" (just barely know for few hours) is an essential thing but I do ask myself if I do talk to strangers and started calling them "my friend". Of cos she can talk as she has her off day to yak non stop with her friends....maybe that is really not good enough. If so, I think for her going back home to talk everyday is surely more ideal! If only anyone's concentration is 100% on an accompanying kid while he/she is on the phone, I would have no issues really!

Maids now no longer wants only once a month off day but also want to have the best of the world - nobody to supervise her and her freedom to do what she likes and cannot be corrected.

The thoughts of getting another maid really sends me shiver and having to go through all these, makes me think twice. Will pray hard that I can manage without a maid and I can live peacefully from then on! maid is another BIG A ..her actual contract finishing April but WP ending in nov and am going to send her back.

1stly, she's a transfer maid from a chinese family who she claimed (told my mum) that she's been ill-treated.After sometime she has been working with me, I told my mum that served her right if she's been ill-treated.
She acknowledged she's lucky and grateful working for us working for a muslim family with 1 kid and simple housechores and cook only once a day and sharing the same dishes.
but....after some time, I DARE say she forgot where she came from and PLAIN LAZY and never HEED SIMPLE instructions.I even told my mum serve her right as she didnt have a blessed marriage as her MIL doesnt like her.Stupid of her to marry a MCP and a mummy's child.( bad of me yeah? hehehe) Because, I am so angry.Never in my life I have scolded a person such as her.I have been so nice and doesnt bother much as long she does her duties but of course in a proper way.
She is the type of person who is not paying attention to details and dare to talk back.

Many occasions, she packed me uncooked food for me to work.One time, I almost cried telling her off "you wanted good food,but you gave uncooked food to ur employer"..(i was both angry and sad) I insisted her to taste the burger (which the patty was still reddish)and dare to reply " I dont like to eat" She only pinched a little (only the bread)after much forcing .I was "pek chek". Dare to say "i dont like burger" when all this while if we were to eat out,she quickly gobbled up the burger/s we bought for her at McD or KFC???

Oh june this year, she had no shame to cry her hearts out (though no sound) , when my bro got married and nvr asked my permission to take pic with the wedded couple.My mum told me she has been crying from friday when we send the dowries to the girl's side.On sunday itself ,in front of the arch facing the wedded couple she cried again which i spotted and I just glared at her.I had no time to have a word with her as I was the usher and photographer on that day.We all were very pissed with her ,its like "ruining" our happy occasion .My family esp my mum never cry yet she's the one crying as if she's attending a funeral.Now every member of my dislike her including my hubby who used to side and pity maids.
I can imagine if "that expat" in Tamarind's blog were to comment that we "ill-treated" her in public..

The last straw- the incident that really made me angry and pissed off with her as per below;-
I took 1 week leave during fasting month, from here I can see that she has no interest in working anymore;
1. Lazy to read cooking instructions on the back of packets of instant food when there's malay language.Keep asking me. I told her go and read.
2. Overcooked instant noodles to feed my son which end up my son rejected .She rejected again when I asked her to taste. I asked her" How do you feel if I gave the same thing to your daughter?"
3. The most "pek chek" thing happened.One day,a customer of mine wanted to take her order which I already alerted her the day before which are the things and customer's name.The next day, she asked me which invoice to give and I gave it to her. I Continued my sleep again after that.At 10plus (morning as I slept late last night),my customer called again.I was shocked and angry when I was told she received the wrong order.(she had sent a dispatch to take instead).Straightaway I woke up and told her NICELY she had given the wrong stuffs to customer. SHe told me, "correct what..its "masturah" " I said"huh??Its "nora" "dont you read its "NORA" on the invoice and I told you yesterday its tart and batik cakes yet she rcvd 2 batik cakes meant for another person" She replied " I thought Masturah and Nora is the same person " I said "hello??what happened to you??Cant you see the name difference? "
To cut the story short,she kept interferring when I said its her fault by saying she did ask me ( i was in my room) whether its masturah and I said "yes" ( i was half-asleep).
Though I did apologise if I misheard,I told her off that I already informed her yesterday and the invoice already stated clearly with the orders labelled with their names .I even scolded her " Dare you answer me back" repetitiously but she feigning ignorance. I told her I wanted to deduct her salary for the taxi fare incurred as I had to send the correct things to the customer that night.She strongly refused as she already said sorry.I told her,it was not profitable as she already given the wrong items as the order is small and again she rebutted as if I am the one who was at fault. I gave her the option to send the stuffs herself (which she can just use the farecard I designated for her) yet she shake her head.I was so angry and my heart wanted to burst. I told her" I know you are tired by helping me doing the tarts and cakes order" but you had a mistake and you can just use the farecard to send.Yer,she just shook her head.
In fact, she always sleep earlier than me or I instructed her to go and sleep first whilst I continue with the orders till early morning(till 4am).Cos, I dont want to jeopardise her rest and everyone was fasting.
Anyway, I am the one have to ensure the orders are well prepared and up to standards and I cant depend on her.
On top of that,she's already lucky as it was the school holidays and my son was very clingy to me .I even tell her to skip some house chores.

I gave her another option,this time I cool down, I told her to pay me the taxi fare about $30 to and fro, from her hari raya packets that she will receive.Again, she shook her head.Oh my god! so stingy!
Eventually my hub called and I told him what happened.Luckily,he could assist me sending the orders to the customer that afternoon.
Thank god!
And this time,we didnt bring her along for hari raya visitings. Oh by the way,there are times she stayed at home so that she can do her work peacefully and can get some rest which I allowed.But nowadays,some chores still not done or son's room still in a mess. She ever "bicker" with my son ,a toddler just to watch her soap indonesian opera in my presence at home! WITHOUT my permission ,she brought another tv out just to watch that soap opera.After settled everything, I instructed her to put the TV back.hehehe

sorry for the lengthy post.
maid is going to hv her first off, can we check what she bring out of the house n also when she is back from outside? is it too much? Mummies plse advice. Thank you
sandra, i did that for my maid 1st and 2nd off. She's a filipino. You can tell she wasnt pleased. I called agent and asked for opinion and he asked me not to check, if possible. And he said this - which i dont uds - "if you like that, no maid really wants to work for you". I was kinda of unhappy. What's wrong of checking? It means I wont anyhow wrong her mah. Anyhow, I closed eyes and didnt check subsequently.

Maid actually didnt think I was "kind" through this way. Until once, she made mistakes and I told her off and I even told her that I didnt check her things is because if this would make her happy, I am willing to accommodate to her...but for some certain mistakes, she is to know her limits.

It is still your choice. U can explain to her the reasons of doing so....I know of some maids who dont mind.
Dear all,
I just received a letter from MOM about changes in the Security Bond conditions.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Employers do not lose their security bond when the maid gets pregnant !</font></font>

There are also a few other important changes. Please read my blog, especially about salary and housing for the maid :

With this change, MOM hopes to encourage more employers to give their maids off day.

If your maid has no off day now, will you consider giving her off day ?
hi like to check anyone had the experience of leaving maid at home with hb when the children are at sch? If yes, please share your experience and wat you tink of such arrangement.
Hi Tamarind,

Its not only about getting pregnant. When given off-days, they will go out with other maids and start to exchange their "experience". More often than not, they start to "learn" all the tricks from other maids and start to practise at home. So, for me, strictly NO OFF DAYS, esp, after the bad experience with my 1st maid.

If my current maid make hell a lot of noise on going for off, then I will not hestiate to sack her.
Just to share, my current maid request for off days even before her two years contract off(no off day), I have decided to send her home cos I know her well enough as in how she will be influenced.
Snowball32, Joy,
Not all maids will be badly influenced. My maid now has an off day every alternate Sunday, after 3 years, she is still a wonderful maid.

If the maid wants to turn bad, she will turn bad even with no off days. I know maids who developed mental problems after working for more than 2 years without any off day.

It is very important for maids to be well rested, and have their own social life, in order to retain their sanity. Without an off day, the maid will slowly go crazy, and it is even more dangerous.

Remember that the maid is also human, no difference from you and me. If we cannot work everyday without any off day, the maid also cannot take it.

As employers, we should keep our conscience clear. If the maid turns bad, then just send her away. Anyway, if you insist on not giving any off day, it is safest to change a maid after 2 years in case she goes crazy.

There are already many human rights groups outside of Singapore, complaining that maids are not treated like humans, especially because they are not given any off days. I have even read about protests against Singaporean FDW employers overseas ! Who knows we may all end up without any maids !
My previous Myanmar maid of 2 yrs was without off day. So I out of kindness gave her off day and she asks for more off day and secretly hid a HP from me.
She changed after letting her go out more as she sees more and compare more.
So shd we give off or not? it is very subjective?
How about any employers can share whether their maid can tahan more than 2 years without off days ? Really no problem ?

I believe most maids will asked to leave after 2 years contract are up, if they are not given off days.
HI Tamarind,
I agree of maids to be well-rested.My current maid who is on "no offday" contract also enjoying "off" days any other weekends as she will stay at home while we went out.Yesterday itself, she went shopping spree on her own.
However,today she woke up late never bother to say sorry and me going to work without any breakfast prepared with the fact that last night she slept earlier than us :-(
she's already on "ORD" mood..
So far I have no problem..for example if hub is on MC, he will just sleep the whole "day" or went out just to do his errands till he fetch me from work.
I do not have any worry of the maid trying to "seduce" my hub or vice versa.
You brought up a good point about maids who agree to no off day contracts, then later ask the employers for off days. By right if they ask for off days, then their salary should be deducted. Since they have already been given higher salary for not having any off days.

My maid actually does a lot of work before she goes out before 9am. After she comes home at 8:30pm, she will do all the necessary housework immediately. Actually I never ask her to do anything on her off day, but since she takes her own initiative to do, I am very happy

By right off day means 24 hours no work. I think it should be up to the maid whether she wants to do any housework or not.
yep, same here. well, busy travelling for work! was in 9 countries in 10 weeks from July - August! off to Malaysia next week, then Europe for 3 weeks!

my current maid's contract is up in dec. have asked her if she wants to renew, she said she will think about it cause there's really not much to do. i dread loosing her cause she's very good but can understand she's super bored with me... she's the type who does not like to sit still and do nothing, always has to be active and doing something. maybe i should get her a dog, or send her for courses during the day.
thanks tamarind, i have checked, but they dun have record abt my ex-maid.

and my ex-maid passport and work permit expired already..

You mean her record shows no other employment history, except her employment with you ? That means she has not returned to Singapore to work.
