A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Guess if it was unplanned for then you will be shocked...but still a pleasant shock. hahahahha
Some prefer the expertise of KKH. I do believe for natal and children, KKH is the BEST to go to. However, the timing of the visits is not very flexible. And some queues are long too. And if didn't sign up for the premier package, you will "passed" from station to station for weight checks, blood test, glucose test then see gynae then take medication. Very lor-soh....

Pte gynaes with experience normally also very long queue. kekekek...that's the price to pay for expertise I guess. And not cheap too. But if they operate from a pte clinic themselves, their hours are more flexible. And most, if not all, pte gynaes allow you to choose your place of delivery out of several hospitals so that you can chose one nearest to your home like East Shore.

hi septgal,

are you a sept bride of 2002?
consider newly wed what..dun give up so fast okie.
Its only the beginning..
I can understand your frustration.. same goes to all of us in the posting here.
Find ways to get preggie and yet still no result.. very devastating though. Thats why sometimes have to relax and dun bother too much..
I realise those who got preggie easily are always those who dun plan.
Since you r not satisfied with your gyne why not chg to other gyne? Me also not satisfied with my previous female gyne & changed it to my current male gyne from Thomson. Cheaper also.

by the way, what is endometriosis ? is it related to PCOS? is your period regular?

Talking about clomid, its a kinda drug helps to stimulate the release of egg for ovulation. Yup, there is side effects only if taken more than 6 continous cylce. I have taken one cylce before and i feel very dry when taking it. I mean no discharge during i take that. And sometimes may feel giddy.
My gyne wouldn't recommend me to take for so many cylces. As my 1st cycle failed i would try for a 2nd cycle.

wow going holiday to Europe huh.. Enjoy yourself!
Hi Elle,
Sorry I missed your question. Ovulation CM is normally clear (colourless) and stretchy like egg white. I normally get pearl white CM before & after ovulation CM. It goes roughly like this:-

Day 1 - 7: Menses
Day 8 - 12: Dry
Day 13 - 15: Some sticky discharge
Day 16 - 19: Egg white discharge (Fertile)
Day 20 - 25: Dry
Day 26 - 29: Sticky discharge
Day 29 - 31: Menses anytime.

Hi forgetmenot,
Eh...honestly I am not a expert on temp measuring. But I gathered that your temp should drop b4 ovulation. And then rises. If it continue to stay high then means pregnant. If not pregnant, then after the rise, it will drop.

Hi Angelia,
Logically thinking, yes I think the egg white CM will still come. Because b4 you ovulate, the CM will turn stretchy liao. So even if you had sex, you will have to wait until ovulation (meaning stretchy CM will also be produced) before you get impregnated.
hahahah...Can understand or not ah?

Hi Sept Gal,
I do understand... the thing abt timing sex is just so un-natural right? But what to do? Sometimes some of us are just not born with "easy to get pregnant" bodies.....And to make it worst with the level of work stress and the kind of time we spent at work, it doesn't surprise me that a lot of couples will have to turn to fetility doctors.
However, I do believe that nature has its way of working by itself. Your 3 weeks holiday in Europe could produce a baby!!!!
Made in Europe somemore! Relaxing is VERY impt for TTC. I wish hubby had the time to do so...
hi all,
yes, me a sept bride of 2002. i know some of u are also from that batch..hehehe.
i dropped out from that list after the wedding cuz got a lot of upheavals after my weding - job problems, etc...
i juz changed to this temp job 2 mths ago - and finally, i'm moving on to waht i wanted to do - be a teacher - in september, after my eur holiday.
next jul then go nie. once i teach - cannot see u all so often liao..

how is ur gynae @ thomson? can pass me the name, and phone or something? tanny chan too expensive, i spend at least 200 each visit. bankrupt liao.and not only that, i get so stressed when her nurse tells me must go and scan each month before follicle rupture, and then, if follicle is there - quickly go home and baby dance. it's killed all our pleasure!

it's so frustrating and disappoitning, month after month i see my AF. urgh! i burst into tears this past mth when i heard abt a distant relative who is preggie 1.5 mths after her wedding...! its alreayd 1 yr and i getting more and more stressed out as time goes by. and i think the stress is making it worse.

i dunno what is PCOS - can someone just cut and paste a definitino from the earlier posts, if any? endo is something liek ur uterus lining got cells growing outside the normal place - so each mth when the hormonal triggers start - not only ur womb but other areas where the endo cells are growing also start to bleed.

my menses super regular..before my op to remove the endo, cyst n fibroids - i had v. painful n heavy mense (crippled for a few days). now, no more. (really thank God for that) i take care and avoid certain foods like soy, and i do exercise every morning b4 going to work lor...

elle, how long were u trying b4 ur gynae ask u to take clomid? if not v. long, then why were u asked to take so soon in ur trying?

hi linda, thanks! this month, i'm so tired @ work that we juz cldnt be bothered. he works till 8 almost nitely, and i juz think our lifestyle is not v conducive.

u are rite, i guess relaxing is the word.

i envy u gals - u all seem 2b v. well adjusted in married life leh. how do u adjust so well?

our 1st six months was terrible and so tiring (both of our moms did everything for us before marriage) cuz for the 1st time in our lives - we both have to grow up n start doing housework, etc...we're so tired out all the time that sex life almost disappeared! to think that b4 wedding - we looked fwd to it, and now, after wedding - we behaving like married-for-decades liao.

Wow, so many newcomers today !!!

Hi elle, actually not all women's fertile cm is eggwhite, some are creamy. For me, I don't have eggwhite cm, I have creamy cm during my fertile period. Another thing to note is, if it's your fertile period, usu you'll be very wet. Also, it's advisable to chart your temp although your menses irregular. From the chart, you can more or less see if you ovulate or rather how late you ovulate.

Hi forgetmenot, your temp shd drop and rise again. See my temp below. FYI, according to fertilityfriend my O-day is CD18. The day before the rise in my temp.

Day Date Temp
1 07/07/2003 36
2 08/07/2003 35.9
3 09/07/2003 36.2
4 10/07/2003 36.1
5 11/07/2003 36.2
6 12/07/2003 36.2
7 13/07/2003 36.1
8 14/07/2003 36.1
9 15/07/2003 36.4
10 16/07/2003 36.1
11 17/07/2003 36
12 18/07/2003 36.3
13 19/07/2003 36.2
14 20/07/2003 36.4
15 21/07/2003 36.1
16 22/07/2003 36.1
17 23/07/2003 36.4
18 24/07/2003 36.3
19 25/07/2003 36.7
20 26/07/2003 36.4
21 27/07/2003 36.4
22 28/07/2003 36.4
23 29/07/2003 36.5
24 30/07/2003 36.3
25 31/07/2003 36.6

Hi sepgal, don't be so frustrated.... Stress is one of the many factors that cause infertility. Hope you can succeed during your holiday at Europe.
hi giggler..

according to ur temp chart - how come the temp rise and then, dip again? it should rise to 36.7, and then somehow hover around 36.6, 36.7, 36.8 rite?

last month i had a v. funny occurrence.
OD was day 14, or so i thot (got dip in temperature to 36.3, and then, rise on day 15 to say 36.7 deg. 2-3 days later (day 16 or 17) there was a dip to 36.5, then, keep high at 36.7 and above.

the funny thing, is, we baby dance around the day 14 period, but failed. cuz that month, my cycle was amazingly 31 days (usually its strictly 28 days), so if u count 14 days bkward, the OD was acutally day 17, not day 14. , n that was the 2nd dip in temperature. we relaxed after day 14, hence, we completely missed the fertile period!
Your temps should bounce around a bit but remain relatively level before O. After O, they'll bounce around a bit but remain relatively level AND they will be at least .2 degrees higher than your pre-O temps. The temp rise indicates that you have already O'ed. For my case, those temp after I o-ed is abit higher than my pre-O. So I guess I ovulated lah.

Sepgal, actually it's advised to bb-dance even 1-2 days after O-ed leh.
hallo giggler, see what stress is doing to us...we juz do during O, and then completely stop. too lazy to do lor..
read somewhere that the best is, betwen days 8 to 17, do alternate days (assuming OD is day 14). cuz u never know whether u are early or late that month..
ya lor, there's also some people who dance everyday during the fertile period. How can we do that? By the time we reach home, we'll be so tired liao. I guess that explains why so many people has problems having bb.
Hi Septembergal,

like you, I got married in Sep last year. I visited Tanny in Jan due to my irregular menses problem. Can I share my experience with you?

During my first visit, she explained to me the various reasons why I might have irregular menses. She says that I am not ovulating on a regular basis and this was confirmed in my ultrasound scan - My uterus is smaller then norm and this is a sign of weak ovarian function. She told me to start charting my temperature for 3 months and to see her again after that. I was also prescribed with folic acid. She also told me that if in three months, I cannot conceive, she will start me on clomid.

I started charting my temperature for 3 months, almost like a religion. In the first two months, the charting showed that I had not ovulated at all. In the third month, I noticed that I have the clear egg white mucus somewhere on CD 17-18 and baby danced. I managed to conceive in Apr this year and it was the only time I ovulated this year.

I find Tanny Chan to be a very knowledgeable and patient doctor. During my pregnancy, I ran into all sorts of problems - spotting, thyroid etc etc. The first time I spotted was about 3-4 days after I confirmed my pregnancy with her. I went to see her on a Sat and while she was concerned that I might miscarry, she spent a good 15 mins counselling me and going through all the possibilities. She even called me on Sunday afternoon, just to check if I was ok.

I agree with you that her charges are very high. I have stayed with her cos I am very comfortable with her. I must have visited her clinic more often than most patients due to my spotting problem and the nurses cheered me on whenever I went there and even came in to see if we could detect the baby's heartbeat. I guess they meant well when they gave you those advices but I do agree that it can be irritating to baby dance on demand

If you wish to continue with Tanny Chan, perhaps you can ask her to explain why she would start you on clomid, given that you are ovulating etc. I am sure she will give you some detailed explanation. I think at times, because she has been in this line for so long, she tends to make certain diagnosis without giving detailed explanation initially but if you ask, she will definitely clarify your doubts. Whichever the case may be, you might want to seek a second opinion from other gynaes.

Hope you enjoy your three weeks holiday in Europe and have an enjoyable time baby dancing!! Sometimes, I really think all is fated... my hubby and I are like most couples.. we baby dance during weekends only cos of work. The nite we conceived the baby is one of the VERY rare occassion that we did on a weekday.

Good Luck and Baby Dust to all!!

Hi Linda

My block is next to the church. Erm... its about 5mins walking to shop and save. where's yours?? hmmm.....

Motherhood.. okie probably buy one to read

any other site to calculate OD/menstrual cycle other then babymed? cos it needs subscription in order to be able to log in now.
hi septgal, Heehee.. i also last yr sep bride. also not very active at the thread after wedding. Yah i agree with you, marriage life is definitely un comparable to park tor life. We too thot after custom marriage got more time to share 2gether but with never ending housework it could be very tiring. Now from washing clothes till cleaning house all got to DIY. Luckily hubby not MCP , willing to share and cook at times. Else hor.. for working ladies like us sure stress like hell.. like that how to have BB.. Thats why many young girls got preggie b4 custom mah.. cos not that stress heeheee..

My gyne is located at Sembw. Where do you stay? its better to find a gyne nearer to your house. If you don't mine the distance i can give you my gyne's contact. But i only seen him twice so not able to tell whether he's good or not.. but i know he 4ever fully book and very busi.
Try to take it easy, don't feel sad when you hear of others got preggie.. some of the things we can't compare. My fren married later than me , now just gave birth. She kena on the 1st nite of wedding leh.. We envy her but for her she's not prepared for it.

PCOS stands for polycystic Ovaries Syndrome. the usual symptoms are irregular menses, Obese, hairy and etc. You go website (yahoo) type PCOS and you could find out more about it. Not all have the same symptoms for me the most obvious one is my irregular menses. It came as late as half year once.
So not able to tell when and whether i m ovulating. Thats why gyne gave me clomid hoping to release eggs for ovulation. by the way how did you realised you got endo? after pap smear test?

everyone....today is my CD33...still no signs of AF yet....went for a scan 2 days during one of my gynae check-up...Dr did not detect anything....but Dr says he "Dont think i am pregnant this month"....

My longest cycle since i started charting was 32 days....maybe wait till weekend and see how lor
hi giggler, my CM is more of yellowish white leh.. is it abnormal? Nothing like what Linda mentioned transparent colour.

hi folic,
CONGRATS!.. How many months are you expecting?.. You are one of the lucky gals..
Looks like Tanny is a good gyne, may i know where is she from?.. is her charges really steep?
So envy you.. seldom "do it" during weekdays and yet got preggie.. how long have your been trying?
But i'm sure your irregular menses is not as bad as 3mths once huh?.. Charting would definitely work for you. Unlike me extreme irregular (PCOS patient) so not able to tell when i ovulating. How come my
gyne didn't give me folice acid?.. by the way how does folic helps? my gyne only gave me clomid and sad to say it doesn't work on me during 1st try (150mg)..
Can share with us how did you do it?.. any particular "position" to baby dance to increase the chances of conceiving?
hallo gals!
folic, thanks for sharing ur experience with me...i'll defintiely take ur advice and ask her why give me clomid etc. i stuck with her from 2001 until now becuz i felt she was v. experienced and skilful (she did a good job on my endo problem)

hubby wants to wait until we return from europe to chk further cuz he is also v. scared that he is the one w the prblem.said he doesnt want to ruin his holiday by finding out any nasty news!

gals, the rest of u - any good gynae to recommend? i'm also thinking of trying out that chinese physcian in jurong east...

elle, so we have met in the sept 02 forums before..heehehe..i agree w u about the married life thingy. tho hubby is willing to help - he is simply too tired and looks like a dead fish when he comes back from work everyday! n weekends are so filled with activities that we r completely shacked-out by sat nite.

me stay in bt batok - i think sembawang's defintiely ok for me...can forward me the addres, etc ?

now i understand what is pcos...btw, i saw u ask what is hot flash/hot flush before.
i expereinced that when i went thru hormonal therapy after my operation for endo. u'll be doing ur own thing and suddenly, u feel like a fire burst inside of u and u suddenly feel v. hot and want to take off ur jacket, etc. and suddenly it goes away and if u are in aircon room - u suddenly feel cold and want to put on jacket agian. the hot feeling is v. uncomfy ....feels v.v.v.hot.

how i realised i got endo? over the course of 1 yr, my AF became gradually more painful and heavier. like from 6-7 days it became 8-9 days. n the pain went from a dull ache to acute, crippling pain for a few days. i knew something was really wrong even tho my family said nothing wrong. i went to GP so many times and GP insisted that nothing wrong n ask me eat painkillers,. i refused and after the last 6 mths of crazy pain, in jun 2001 i asked to be scanned. the GP nearly fainted when she saw the scan results - 2 cysts of 4cm each. was referred to tanny chan, who said my condition was v. serious n had to be operated ASAP.
so, in jun i operated and she found not 2 cysts, but 4 cysts and 1 fibroid inside. after that, 6 mths of hormones to stop the menses.

but i must mention here that i did a lot of reading up on various causes of menstrual pain. and endo - u can have endo without having cysts, etc. for me, i'm juz blessed cuz i had cysts, and that justified having an operation. with an operation - she was able to remove other endo deposits inside me.

i really need to ask her abt clomid cuz i've always had a 28-30 day cycle, very very regular. and i did charting - got ovulate leh..so, also dunno why need clomid...

other gals:
i hope none of u experience this kinda painful mense that i used to hv before - if u know ppl who have - pls ask them to see doctor about it!
Hi Septgal and elle,
I oso have my customary in Sept leh...
n I oso staying in Bt Batok leh...so qiao...

I hve the sympton of PCOS tt is obese...aft my customary my weight keep increasing and my menses became irregular which is rather unusual cos my menses used to be quite regular one...

i actually suspected tt the medication tt i took to delay my menses from coming during my wedding period causes this..but then not proven lah...as my GP said it shd not have any side effects..

not all the women will hve spotting one..maybe u wait for a few days 1st be4 u do a pregnancy test lor..All the best to u..
Hi Elle,

so you are another Sept 02 bride as well! I never participated in the Sept 02 thread though

Actually, my menses have been pretty regular till after I got married. Since I got pregnant in Apr this year, I should say I have been trying for about 7 months. In that seven months, I only had menses about 4 times. Between Sept and Jan, the average number of days for my cycle is 50 days. As my honeymoon coincided with my fertile period, I thought I was preggie and had wasted lots of money on preg test kits!

So when I went to Tanny, she wanted to track the reason for not ovulating. So she asked me to chart and use folic acid. Folic acid, according to her, strengthen the ovarian functions, but I have not really read any materials on this so I am just taking her word for it. When I started taking folic acid, the first menses came in 22 days and the second one in 26 days. Both months I did not ovulate. In the third month, it is a 32 cycle and I got preg. 32 days is the average of my pre-marriage menstrual cycle.

Actually, I did not try anything spectacular. I believe my baby is conceived in the traditional missionary position
. However, one thing I remembered is that because it was a weekday, I did not go to have shower as usual and just went straight to bed... so perhaps that kinda helped the sperm move up!

I am in my 20th week today and will go to Tanny's clinic on Monday, hopefully to find out the baby's gender. Based on discussions with some of the MTBs here, it does seem that her charges are higher. I would say probably about 10-20% more for consultation and treatments. I have not even found out her delivery charges yet... but my friend who recommended me says that it is definitely higher than some of the other gynaes.

Hi Septembergal, Yah.. good idea to do more checks only after your holidays
Might be a good idea to stick with Tanny for a while, since she already has your medical history etc. Look for other gynaes if you find that you still cannot get satisfactory answers from her
I know she is very experienced... my fren who recommended me to her had twins delivered by her two years ago.. She also had trouble conceiving and Tanny helped her.. though I not sure what treatment she went through.. probably just clomid. My friend was amazed that she accurately estimated the weight of the baby by just placing her hands on my friend's tummy to feel the babies. Most doctors would have used the scan

Hi elle, shd be normal lah. Mine is yellowish white too, I guess it's creamy lor. I don't have transport cm like Linda also.
Hi elle,

was just re-reading your post. Actually, I would say that charting will help to see if you are ovulating, especially for irregular menses. Basically, the charts will establish your temperature pattern and if you are ovulating, there will be evelated temperature for 14 days after your o day. So if you have irregular menses, it just mean that you o day will be later in the cycle. You will still be able to see an established pattern.

However, books have also said that if your cycle is less than 26 days or more than 35 days, it is likely that you are not ovulating properly.

hallo gals,
forgetmenot: so qiao! never met u in the sept 02 brides forum before tho..hehehe.
hey folic, ok, got ur info..
syl,be warned. each time i go tanny chan hv to wake up super early and the nurses all dont care whether u got appointment or not. first come first served!
going off soon. have a great weekend to all!
Hi septgal,
i did not go into the sept 02 forum,so u did not see mi lor...
which part of bt batok u staying in?? i stay in the central..
hallo gals,
forgetmenot: so qiao! never met u in the sept 02 brides forum before tho..hehehe.
hey folic, ok, got ur info..
syl,be warned. each time i go tanny chan hv to wake up super early and the nurses all dont care whether u got appointment or not. first come first served!
going off soon. have a great weekend to all!

I also read somewhere in this forum about this Jurong east chinese physician she's good. But as i need to do scanning so i think its better to go western gyne 1st and complete those diagnosis test which can see what problem you have faster.
hey.. i also used to stay b.btok b4 got married leh.. I stay blk 24X , you leh? Those new flats at B.Btok MRT isit? you gimme your email i shall email you the gyne's contact. In case you don't know there is this gyne at b.btok central Blk 642 ( think so). That woman's clinic is associated with Gleanegles hospital. I went there to do my scanning and pap smear before.. But since my house there got gyne might as well go somewhere nearer.
I think what you gone thru is called hot flush. i also got this undescribed hotness at times.. but not as serious as yours.. By the way, are you saying you see a flash on "sparks of fire" and then feel hot.. I got this experience once leh.. But my gyne say hor.. its very rare that patient have this side effect. I think better check with your gyne.

Is the operation very painful?.. Fortunately you discover fast enuff and i think if we experience that painful menstrual cramp shld go check oredi.. but you go check b4 or after your menses?
Your cycle very regular its good.. Sure will work well if take clomid. but check with your gyne whether necessary or not since you r ovulating..

hey so "qiao" hor.. 4getmenot also stay b.tok .. Perhaps next time we can meet hahaha
Alamak ah bang is calling me to leave office.. i gotta go now.. talk to you gals again.. have a nice weekend!
Morning everyone!!
How's ur wkend??

so are you still staying in bt batok??hows the gynaes at the clinic at blk 642??gd or not??

according to you temp charting,odes tt means hve to dance on CD18,tt is on the O-day or dance on the day when the temp rise?
hi forgetmenot, I have to dance on CD18 itself or before that to get +++++++ results. How's Clomid working on u? Hope it helps to regulate your menses. I stay quite near to u also leh. I stay near Jurong Pt.
hallo gals!
i'm going to miss all of u when i start to be a teacher!
forgetmenot- i stay in 115. considered near u or not?
abt baby dancing - i think hor, it's best to bb dance as much as possible before, during and after the O day leh.
i was looking @ my own temp charts - i missed the O day so many times cuz bb dance on wrong day!
elle-mine not new flat - i think forgetmenot's place is prob. the new flats. mine is a bit furtehr away - resale. i bot same block as mom.
eml: [email protected]
the hot flush - it happened as a result of the hormones therapy - i was on it for 6 mths. hence, effect v. strong.
Hi sepgal, it's quite true lor. Some people tried to bb-dance everyday during the O-period. But very difficult for us to do that........
hi forgetmenot, me not staying b.btok anymore, that's my parents place. But i go back every wed for dinner. I've stayed in b.btok for for the past 15years b4 i got married.. so i am pretty familiar with that area. which blk you stay? I only visited the gyne once so can't really comment whether she's good. as i wanna find lady gyne do pap smear and scanning for me.. tats why go to her. But after that i change to another male gyne nearer to my own place.

hi septgal, when r you starting to be teacher? must find some time to chat with us after office hour okie. we r gonna miss you too.. Hey by the way, your surname is FOO, are you a hainanese?
Hi folic/septgal,

may i know what kinda thermometer do you use for charting? is it those thermometer that can have 2 digit decimal? I saw it at guardian leh.. it comes with a chart. is that the one? cost about 16 bucks.

yah giggler, agree with you.. sometimes work till so tired where got the energy to BB dance.. no mood also.. you know what.. i ever told my hubby why not just store the sperm in a syringe and inject into our "V". Like that no need to BB dance mah.. so easy ....if only can do that.. tired than just inject..

hi gals,
anyone of your know what is evening primerose oil for? Would it helps to regulate menses?
Those who've taken it, could you share with us more about prime rose oil..

my temp today rise to 36.87 and my nipples quite pain...so if according to what you have told mi,think my O-day shd be yesterday which is 35.59,a day be4 the rise of temp.
hehe...actually hor,my hubby n i hve been dancing almost everyday...so dunno will he still hve the energy to dance somemore for the few days or not...

u stay at jurong pt har??wow..gd so many of us staying near each other..next time we can come out together liao..

Septgal and elle,
u r right..my hse is those new flats..actually i dun realli noe bt batok vv well,except my hse n my MIL's hse..but i noe the hokkien pran mee at blk 100 plus one,veri nice...yum yum...

the thermometer tt i'm using is pink at the bottom..n got 2 decimal places..n i bought it at 19.90..think the brand is omron...

where are u staying now??

dun be sad...some of us here hve been trying for mths n still no strike...n we still hve not give up..
u too..dun give up,okie..
Hey Angelia,

Dun be upset cos I understand most pple strike after a few tries. Even my friend who use the ovaluation kit strike only after 3 months too.

BTW, regarding charting, I have been taking my temperature for the last 3 days (36.6, 36.4 and 37). I doubt I have ovulated as today is only CD14 and my est ovaluation day should be this Friday. Will body temp vary with the environmental temp? For eg, I was sleeping in an aircon room when my temp was 36.4 while I got 37 this morning when I was sleeping in a non-aircon room?
Hi elle, I use thermometer given out by my co. with only one dec place. I think alot of the other gals are using the one that Forgetmenot using.

Hi forgetmenot, I really pei fu both your hubby and you leh. Where u find the energy to dance everyday huh? Guess we're just not hardworking enough. I think you ovulate y'day so did u dance y'day?

Hi angelina, don't be disappointed. We'll jia you together 2 weeks later ok? My yi ma coming for visit soon also.
hehe...i oso dunno where we find so much energy leh...actually we did not really dance for hoping to strike..is more like we dance cos we feel like it..

we did dance yesterday...but then by the time we finished dancing,is already 12 plus...which is the next day liao..so oso dunno whether got chance or not..

how u noe ur yi ma coming soon??maybe u hve already strike liao leh??
hi forgetmenot, I've been having AF symptoms since last week liao. No pg symptoms for me at all this cycle. Actually it shd be here today but not yet so prob tom lor. I don't think I'll strike this mth cos I missed my O-day (according to fertilityfriend charting).
u missed ur menses by one day??so maybe got chance??remember the AF symptons and preggie symptons are more or less similar??

i will pray tt for u...
forgetmenot, my menses not that regular one. But based on last cycle, I missed by one day liao. Thanks for praying for me. But I got strong feeling that my AF will come soon leh. Of course, another part of me hope it'll only come 9 mths later lah. hahahha..........

hi gals,
me going to start teaching in september term. think i'll try to log in after teaching each nite - i suspect teaching hours going to be really really xiong. yep, i'm hainanese...are u? :) me also stay in bt batok since it was built!
i think i shld get a thermometer with 2 digits one. what is the brand that u bot? is it also 'omron'?

abt evening primrose oil - some say it's good some say it's bad. apparenlty its used for avoiding water retention - but i read somewhere that it makes it much worse in the long run. i also read somewhere that where suhc 'herbs' are concerned - better consult doctor n do lots of resarch b4 eating. just like dang1 gui1. many ppl always say it's good for tonic and good for pregnancy blah blah blah - but i came across a website that listed dang1 gui1 as one of the herbs that can induce miscarriage!

i'm v. impressed u can bbdance everyday..in fact i think we shld all aim for taht ...hhahaha...i hv been stressing ourselves up - we dance cuz of TTC - now i think i shld enjoy first and not get so stressed out that i dont even enjoy dancing.. :)

the hokkien prawn mee and the char kway teow are both v. good. the lor mee also.

so is the duck rice - u tried all those before?

hey, i think i can see ur house (and maybe even ur windows!) from my window!

angel - from what i expereince, i think it shld not matter wehter u take temp in aircon room or not right? 36.4 adn 37 is a v.v. big gap - i suspect u O-day liao.
