A fresh thread looking for JURONG mummys...

morning mummies

i had prob accessing tis thread. luckily venus sent me the link. othrwise i will be like so sad as no 1 to talk to. *hug hug venus*

i also v tired. sat went taka early in the am to buy mooncakes, then went JW st 91 to bring my boy c doc, went home to change, then went to a cousin's boy'1 bday party until 9+pm. so tired!
tiring...didi enjoy cos he can finally hold an umbrella..show u the pic another day..

funny boi..sit in stroller and hold the umbrella by himself...even when he sleep,must hold it too..buay tahan

yday was my sis's company family day...has free tixs..
<font color="0000ff">Chelsi, according to my friend, her #1 went JG and now shes planning to send her #2 to LNT, she told me both are different, LNT is more academic kind, but JG is more movement with music....so depends on what kind you want your gal to learn...usually mummies after going to JG will find LNT boring...haaa...its normal, cos you spend that 1 hour sitting in the class doing activities and flashcards...haaaa

And I think JG is more on 1 brain training whereas LNT is 2 brains training, thats what I heard, not sure how true....heee</font>
<font color="0000ff">ya, Chelsi, alot of mummies do comment that JG is more fun =>...

then why you dont continue with JG?

today no mummies on msn?

so sad, i cant chat in the group using web msn</font>
I wanted to take a break lor..
1 week twice 2hrs at ochard road v tiring. Lol

Plus next year maybe i am gg back to work so thinking where else i can bring her lor.
I actually still have baby sitter to care for her but i scare she will be bored in long run so thinking where i can put her for 2-3hrs everyday so she can play &amp; enjoy herself lor.

But nearby don't really seems to have any nice playgroup. So far i can only think of Zoophonices but i don't think baby sitter can bring her there alone if i go back to work.
morning mummies

so glad the forum is up &amp; running todae..

bb chelsi,
look ard ur plc. i tot there r quite a no. of playgrp ard there.

My plc here have meh? Those govt one i don't want. Many bo standard one


No lah..i wake to wash my gal bottles n chng her diaper.
The drama serial we finished yest ard 5pm ..
Now watching vcd. I just finish watching The Coffin... eeeeeeeerie
Sorry..my error!
What i am trying to say is Safra card got 1 for 1 buffet at several hotel.
So i am using it to go Traders hotel for buffet lunch.
Hubby say wants to take me to eat at e House of Sundanese Food.
He know i like the fish there but i told him not worth it... 2 person will cost ard 60 or more.

Then i suggest Traders Hotel buffet lor..
2 person $35++ only... hee hee..it's a steal
bb chelsi,
u bring me i take leave lor. haha.. jux kidding

u &amp; ur hb v en ai, will go eat &amp; shop together 1. so sweet
En ai? haha..no lah. Still ok lah.
We v greedy more like it.

Shop cannot..his face will grown long &amp; touch floor within a minute
Only EAT yes we enjoy together.
<font color="0000ff">hey mummies, if anyone you know want to get Pampers Active Dry diapers, please let me know.

Im trying to sell off mine...i bought too many Size M and in fact my gal should have change to L long ago...so now have to sell away...

thanks everyone</font>
Yoz mummies,
Me back fm lunch.
Quite disappointed wz the food there.
Heng is cheap due to promo if not i bang head liao...
But really enjoyed the time i spend wz hubby.
We chat alot n had fun laughing

Sorry Cutiebb99,

My gal waering XL liao

How old is your gal?
<font color="0000ff">chelsi, my gal is 10mths now....its oki...if you happen to noe of anyone who needs, let me know....heee</font>
Who is caring for her now?

Ya lor.. today quite relaxing.
Tmr gg zoo with hb &amp; my gal.
U meeting up with the other mummies at other thread for what har?
I catch no head no tail
bb chelsi,
im not meetg the mummies
some of them hv baking session 2day

o.. i get it.
1 of them jio me to meet on 19 oct, but i cant as i might hv to come bck ofc OT thou that day is a PH replacement

me down with flu bug lor.....

haha... tell u something funny... i though i remember to bring my boy's shoes to his shoe.... who know this blur blur mummy left the shoe at home... he will sitting in the pram still sleeping this morning when i push him to school... who know today is sport day..... how how.....
<font color="0000ff">Chelsi, my mum is helping me to take care of my gal for weekdays...

Hello Mummies, im back here...heee</font>
venus, u talking to me arh? if yes, i jux online but might off later on. if u dun c me online, then chat with me here lah
cox im using msn secretly which is banned in ofc. sometimes the IT guy will come so i got to off it. scared he will track mah. i know i will look v 'irritaing' on/off rite? dun be mad lah
<font color="0000ff">wahahahaha......where got mad with you....heee....just curious why sometimes see you online, shortly offline again...heee

aiyo, if thats the case, dun online le, chat over here...heee...my side also banned de, so we are using web messenger...heeee</font>

at least u can still use web messenger. mine cannot lor, incl ebuddy

so wat shall we chat? btw, ur msn msg is talking abt yest's wedding is it?
