(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

i have heard abt this "cleaner" bb skin belif before..is it true? i use to drink it during Month 4 of pregnancy, but stop after a fren shared it induces labour!

Im usually on the fence rgd eat or drink this baby will be etc etc… but e coconut water really worked in my case. My gal came out looking like got a layer of powder… dunno how to describe. Fren of mine not in time to drink cos baby was preterm, quite bloody.

Does coconut water induce labour? First time i've heard of this.

Just did my chkup and baby boy is well :) 600g now, and my weight gain is 4kg. Dunno y my gynae says I gained 6kg, I think I must hv e food poisoning episode and lost weight just before I went in to see her for the first time.

Off for lunch before heading to office to clear work. Going phuket tmr! Looking forward :)
I walk every day for about 40 mins le! Thought it is good exercise for preggy mummies.
40min should be ok ah... but depends on your health and pregnancy status lah... my gynae encourages min 30min walk every day... i do min 60min, up to 3-5hours on weekends when i go shopping... alot of walking to maintain fitness since i no longer do any other exercise mah...
Hi mummies,

I am in my 23rd week this week and so far i gained about less than 3kg. I lost 4kg in first tri. I have been skinny and lanky all my life and has been receiving comments from people like why my bump so small and my limbs so skinny. Been trying to deal with these comments. So far babygirl's weight is in the 60th percentile though and shes super active haha. Jiayou mummies! I cant imagine the growth spurt u girls talking abt in third tri!
haha yar dun worry about your weight gain, as long as baby is growing well and you have no GD. i put on average amount of weight (~1-2 kg / mth after first tri), but still look super skinny and tiny bump. but my baby is measured to be ang moh size!! off the charts... haha... so noone can complain say i'm not eating enough :p
generally this is what you take during pregnancy...

Tri1: heaty stuff and tonics, coz that's to maintain 'heat' in the body to maintain the pregnancy, and to help the baby grow during the most crucial period. e.g. home brewed chicken essence once a week
Tri2: moderately heaty stuff. can start taking bird's nest for nice skin, 2-3 times a month. Don't over take coz some say will cause phlegm in baby. Try to avoid ready brewed ones too because they tend to be high in sugar.
Tri3: Cooling stuff, especially during the final 1-2 months. Coconut drink ~once a week, from ~week35 onwards, to start cooling down the body to prevent rashes and have a 'cleaner' baby. may aid delivery too.
I went Mt A maternity tour day. They showed us the single, 2 bedded and 4 bedded rooms. They also have 1 family suite and 1 super deluxe room but they were not avail for viewing. The rooms at St Raphael ward are brighter whereas the lady's ward are slightly newer but rooms are darker. So depends on whether you prefer brighter or darker and cozy room. Anyway it's subject to availability upon check in.
There are 10 delivery rooms which are big in my opinion but I have not been to other hospital tour before.
There are 3 different maternity wards all on the 3rd floor with individual nursery in each ward. All baby will have their own bath tub that we can bring home.
One thing to note: 2nd floor is under going renovation so it may be a bit noisy during our stay. The demolition works and hacking should be done soon but overall renovation will be completed by June.
I went got gynae chk yday. I was 44kg pre pregnancy, lost 3.5kg in 1st trimester. Now I'm 46.7kg so net increase about 2.7 kg. I'm about 24 weeks and bb weighs 680g. Doc nvr mentioned anything about my weight.
I asked doc on bird nests but he doesn't encourage as it may cause allergy in bb. So far only ate once cod my mum keeps asking me to take.
Have not been taking Chinese herbs too coz my tcm said that bb maybe too big and difficult to give birth naturally given my small built.
Happy08, your baby weight is good. Mine is about 570g +/- at 24weeks. Gynae said he's relatively small... Now I'm trying to pump him up
Hi @doodoo123 thanks! Appreciate that :) heard about GD but gynae has not performed any test on this yet. Haha

@happy08 my net gain thus far is also about 2.6kg and I've not experienced a ferocious appetite. Usually eat slightly lesser than one full meal and will take some snacks if hungry again. I still have abit of indigestion issues ): my mum has been nagging at me to take more tonics and even scare me that i will scream for help in the delivery suite.
hi all, I sell good quality bird nests, am distributor to ZTP, fuhua etc therefore price is better than shops, for those who doesnt know how to cook, I have ready cooked ones in bottles with flavours too, delivery to destination can be arranged if order 100g and above, do send me a message w/c casper8813 to enquire or order. Thanks.


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@happy08 my net gain thus far is also about 2.6kg and I've not experienced a ferocious appetite. Usually eat slightly lesser than one full meal and will take some snacks if hungry again. I still have abit of indigestion issues ): my mum has been nagging at me to take more tonics and even scare me that i will scream for help in the delivery suite.

I usually gets hungry and 8-8.30am so will take a light breakfast then. After that a 2nd breakfast and 10 plus. Lunch are 12 plus... Sometimes I can finish a full meal sometimes not. In the afternoon will take fruits and cereal when I'm hungry. I'm not a big eater to start with. Usually will not eat anymore after dinner. If I'm hungry, I will drink a glass of milk before I sleep. Of coz, occasionally will treat myself with desserts. Haha.
Any of you drinking Anmum maternal milk powder? I tried a sample but it has a fishy smell. Is that normal?
Maybe it's the sample packet you tried? I drank from the pack I bought and tasted quite alright. I chose chocolate flavor coz I hate vanilla. Flavor wise not very rich chocolate but drinkable. Best to drink warm and not hot.
Hi mummies,

I am in my 23rd week this week and so far i gained about less than 3kg. I lost 4kg in first tri. I have been skinny and lanky all my life and has been receiving comments from people like why my bump so small and my limbs so skinny. Been trying to deal with these comments. So far babygirl's weight is in the 60th percentile though and shes super active haha. Jiayou mummies! I cant imagine the growth spurt u girls talking abt in third tri!

Just ignore the dumb comments as every preggo lady is different. I was ard 48kg pre preggo then had a terrible first tri basically puked non stop. Lost weight to slightly below 45kg. Now I'm like 50kg at 24 weeks.
Anyone here done or going for 4d scan? Care to share venues, recent prices as well what is provided after the scan, e.g colored photos and video? Thanks much
Maybe it's the sample packet you tried? I drank from the pack I bought and tasted quite alright. I chose chocolate flavor coz I hate vanilla. Flavor wise not very rich chocolate but drinkable. Best to drink warm and not hot.

Im tkin AnMum too...taste pleasant...no fishy taste/aftertaste..in fact v milky (vanilla)
Agree on e sample pack point.
M thinking of switching to Enfamum after tis pack ends..any feedback?
Anyone here done or going for 4d scan? Care to share venues, recent prices as well what is provided after the scan, e.g colored photos and video? Thanks much

I saw a 4d scan sample during my detailled scan abt a month ago.
Really 'chun' lor..im able to see bb features n all..like viewing a pic.
Color of pic is black n beige.
Tink it retails for 250+ at Thomson Diagnostic Ultrasound Centre.
You may contact them for further enq @ 63976866
Jus to share.

Previous 2 post natal i used mdm zaliah 93672244 (used to be $50 per hour + binding, now increased to $60) can see effect within 3 sessions. I took 5. Need ownself provide towel n mattress.
I tried mdm Ida 94249829 (only travel north , not sure about now.. Relative of zaliah - more famous charges will be same as zaliah) for breast massage when i had blockage and fever (1session she taught me how to massage, clear the blockage and compression)
This time round i book hamida 92728799 ($70 per hour + bind + mattress) need book 3 mths in adv (so feb book for May slot) $100 deposit.

Massage can be done 5 days after natural birth, 10 days after c-sec...
Wow. must book so many months in advance...How long is each session? And provide mattress? Not on bed? Sorry ar I'm new bird. Heee :p
Normally is they never provide mattress or towel, so best to get cheapo or old mattress as it will get oily or sticky from the oils n stuff that is applied, mostly used is 'ginger' type of oil so whole body very warm.

I threw away the mattress n towel (hand wash after each session also) after the 5 sessions cos very er xin.. Haha.

Best to check if they provide the mattress (some also have steamer like sauna style to lose weight faster -my sil tried but she like nv lose much). Binding cloth normally they will lend u and return after the whole session ends, unlezs u wanna buy new piece (but no point cos very difficult to tie ur self and need alot strength to tighten up, so i suggest get some corset and those tight panties -triump sells good ones, to use after the whole session/package end for at least couple more mths)

Oh, for the sessions is 1 hr + - 15mins.... 45mins they will massage (important to push up the womb) 10-15mins binding plus clearing up. Remember when binding, MUST bind tight tight till the lower hips, as low as possible, only enuff for u to slowly lift up the bottom clothbind just to pee.... Cos my colleague din know bout it, end up her hips very big after 1mth of delivery...
@furbee that's a lot of information. Thanks. didn't know that massage can be done so soon after delivery. n here I thought can do after confinement. Does it mean the cloth binding need to stay in its place until next session?

@PixiePosh ohh. I will Google them up. Thanks. When is your EDD?
Hahaha same same first time mum and decided to leave the gender to surprise. Though I have a gut feel it's a girl and my hubby wants girl.
Thats cool! we didn't want to find out on purpose actually. But my mum being a first time grandma is overly excited and asked abt baby gender every time we visit dr so we just go with the flow. Haha. She is thrilled to know it's a girl. More pretty clothes for girls than boys she commented. And then she went nuts with shopping. Haha.
Thats cool! we didn't want to find out on purpose actually. But my mum being a first time grandma is overly excited and asked abt baby gender every time we visit dr so we just go with the flow. Haha. She is thrilled to know it's a girl. More pretty clothes for girls than boys she commented. And then she went nuts with shopping. Haha.
Where are you delivering? I chose mt a.
@sunstarmoon yup, need leave the cloth bind on for at least 6hours, can expect ur body to itch like crazy (esp if u cant bath during confinement!) i took off at night to slp comfortably....imagine cant sit str8 n express milk..... Lol.
Ya good to read up the reviews n pricing or what other stuff they offer, some got baby massage, steam sauna, heat or ball therapy, etc) most impt is they will replace ur schedule if u are sick! Some i heard still charge n cannot change date. Best is pay day to day after each session....den bo pian will do for u properly or at least satisfactory....
@PixiePosh I'm with kkh.:D

@furbee ohh. That's something to note. Din noe there's so many different types. Ah. Got more to research on liao. There'ss a herbal pack for bathing during confinement. Not sure you heard of or not. My aunt bought me some from JB. Said need to boil the herbal pack, let cool before using. The herbal pack helps to get rid of the moisture Aka 去风. So can still bathe and wash hair during confinement.
was at Mdm Wong BB class last night, she say can bathe and shampoo (must blow dry after) for personal hygiene purpose. i probably will bathe n shampoo else i go crazy during confinement

@PixiePosh I'm with kkh.:D

@furbee ohh. That's something to note. Din noe there's so many different types. Ah. Got more to research on liao. There'ss a herbal pack for bathing during confinement. Not sure you heard of or not. My aunt bought me some from JB. Said need to boil the herbal pack, let cool before using. The herbal pack helps to get rid of the moisture Aka 去风. So can still bathe and wash hair during confinement.
@Sheran yeah I'm going to go with TMC for the 4d scan. Called them and it's a 400+ bucks package. They will provide photos and thumb drive with 4d movement.

E staff there is friendly.
Woh! 400+...tink my enq for pic only tats y 2+.
Enjoy ur 4D scan n get ready to fall in love all over again!
was at Mdm Wong BB class last night, she say can bathe and shampoo (must blow dry after) for personal hygiene purpose. i probably will bathe n shampoo else i go crazy during confinement

Yeah Wong BB is more modernized and dun really believe in the not bathing / shampooing theory. Depends on your confinement lady how strict? I used herbal water to bathe everyday, and washed my hair every 3 days. Got all the herbs from a shop near fortune centre I think. I feel so happy whenever its the day to wash my hair haha!
Hello Mummies, in your monthly reqular check with gynae, what do you check? Mine seems only the scan and some Q&A from gynae, nothing else, very fast if no questions to ask. But I saw some of you even have urine test every time?

And when is the time to book the hospital for the delivery? It is my 24th week now. I have only signed the package with gynae for the checkup monthly, not yet the delivery package with hospital. Don't know which one to go, TMC (gynae is from TMC), Mount A, ME or ME (Novena)? Any advice?

Hello Mummies, in your monthly reqular check with gynae, what do you check? Mine seems only the scan and some Q&A from gynae, nothing else, very fast if no questions to ask. But I saw some of you even have urine test every time?

And when is the time to book the hospital for the delivery? It is my 24th week now. I have only signed the package with gynae for the checkup monthly, not yet the delivery package with hospital. Don't know which one to go, TMC (gynae is from TMC), Mount A, ME or ME (Novena)? Any advice?

Hello! Usually sign up for delivery package with hospital in 3rd tri.. Ard week 34-36 depending on your Gynae. Usually the nurse at your Gynae will help u with the paper work (at least mine did previously)

Wahhhh all of you are so slim and gained so little weight!!!! I'm at week 27 and already gained 9kg!!!! Time to cut down :(
I went got gynae chk yday. I was 44kg pre pregnancy, lost 3.5kg in 1st trimester. Now I'm 46.7kg so net increase about 2.7 kg. I'm about 24 weeks and bb weighs 680g. Doc nvr mentioned anything about my weight.
I asked doc on bird nests but he doesn't encourage as it may cause allergy in bb. So far only ate once cod my mum keeps asking me to take.
Have not been taking Chinese herbs too coz my tcm said that bb maybe too big and difficult to give birth naturally given my small built.
@happy08 not to worry, your bb is of a good size... should be ok... mine was ~860g at 25weeks! but gynae was happy coz at 20weeks, he was off the charts so now better already.. hehe
Hi @doodoo123 thanks! Appreciate that :) heard about GD but gynae has not performed any test on this yet. Haha

@happy08 my net gain thus far is also about 2.6kg and I've not experienced a ferocious appetite. Usually eat slightly lesser than one full meal and will take some snacks if hungry again. I still have abit of indigestion issues ): my mum has been nagging at me to take more tonics and even scare me that i will scream for help in the delivery suite.
you're welcome :) i have not gone on any GD test either... dunno if it is not time yet, or i've passed the urine tests thus far so gynae never prescribed.
Yeah Wong BB is more modernized and dun really believe in the not bathing / shampooing theory. Depends on your confinement lady how strict? I used herbal water to bathe everyday, and washed my hair every 3 days. Got all the herbs from a shop near fortune centre I think. I feel so happy whenever its the day to wash my hair haha!
everytime pple talk about not washing hair during confinement, my head starts to itch immediately!! cannot imagine tt... longest i've tahan-ed is a few days in colder weather... in singapore how you tahan? since cannot have fan blowing to keep cool, can turn on aircon or not ah? not very cold but just to keep cool?
Hello Mummies, in your monthly reqular check with gynae, what do you check? Mine seems only the scan and some Q&A from gynae, nothing else, very fast if no questions to ask. But I saw some of you even have urine test every time?

And when is the time to book the hospital for the delivery? It is my 24th week now. I have only signed the package with gynae for the checkup monthly, not yet the delivery package with hospital. Don't know which one to go, TMC (gynae is from TMC), Mount A, ME or ME (Novena)? Any advice?

For me it's like this. Less than 5 mins as my gynae is very chop chop.
1. He will ask all ok and go scan tummy and show us the baby and say head here etc from last month he mentioned baby's weight instead of length to us.
2. His will pass us a copy of the scan photo and if we have any questions we ask him if not all is fine and dandy out we go.
3. While waiting for my name to be called for next appt booking, I will be given a urine stick to test for sugar levels. This has been done since my first visit.
4. I return pee stick which the assistant will take a look at to ensure its not off or anything and good to go.

As for hospital booking, me being the excited FTM I registered online myself a few weeks ago! Haha. I'm 24 weeks too now. I decided on Mt A after hearing good reviews from friends, relatives and online. I also went for the hospital tour. The nurses are apparently very reassuring and pro breastfeeding.
@sunstarmoon, my gynae said would be around week 34-35 should be turn down already, otherwise he may interfere to make my baby turn down le. lols.... I am doing half bridge pose everyday, to make my baby turn around. Dunno if it is effective. lols.....

from week 24 my lil sheep is already in "head-down" position and naturally im a bit worried la..cos i reckon its too early..my concerns are founded or is this normal? thoughts pls my frens...
For me it's like this. Less than 5 mins as my gynae is very chop chop.
1. He will ask all ok and go scan tummy and show us the baby and say head here etc from last month he mentioned baby's weight instead of length to us.
2. His will pass us a copy of the scan photo and if we have any questions we ask him if not all is fine and dandy out we go.
3. While waiting for my name to be called for next appt booking, I will be given a urine stick to test for sugar levels. This has been done since my first visit.
4. I return pee stick which the assistant will take a look at to ensure its not off or anything and good to go.

As for hospital booking, me being the excited FTM I registered online myself a few weeks ago! Haha. I'm 24 weeks too now. I decided on Mt A after hearing good reviews from friends, relatives and online. I also went for the hospital tour. The nurses are apparently very reassuring and pro breastfeeding.

you pay for the package too? im considering Mount A as well, but havent gone for the tour yet?
you pay for the package too? im considering Mount A as well, but havent gone for the tour yet?
Paid for package meaning? As in Mt A? No I didn't. Payment is done (collection of deposit) when you check in on the day of delivery. Final payment is done after you discharge. This is what the staff told us during our maternity hospital tour. You get a goodie bag at the tour too. They give you discount vouchers, samples of wipes and diapers. Information on their price list and admission procedures. Also SG50 moms will be given free ladies card privilege automatically. You need not sign up for it nor pay the annual fee. As for the rooms, you might not get a chance to check out the rooms if they are occupied by delivering mummies. We only managed to view a single room but we so wanted to check out the suite and super deluxe unfortunately it was occupied. But you can get an idea from their website on the rooms look and feel as well prices.

Hello! Usually sign up for delivery package with hospital in 3rd tri.. Ard week 34-36 depending on your Gynae. Usually the nurse at your Gynae will help u with the paper work (at least mine did previously)

Wahhhh all of you are so slim and gained so little weight!!!! I'm at week 27 and already gained 9kg!!!! Time to cut down :(
So late then sign for delivery package ah? I keep worrying if bb will come out early. I just did mine and I am at 25 weeks...kiasu la hehe
