(2014/10) Oct 2014 Mummies

hi mommies, so most of the babies turned down alr?

i m at 32 weeks but bb only 1.8kg. They will gain about 350g every week right?
Ya.. experiencing tightness in tummy quite often now.. can't sleep at night too. Counting down definitely.

Me too, havent pack bag and only yest night then i realised a lot of things not done. super kan cheong now.

Tiffany, maybe you should stop drinking maternity milk. Anyway at our stage, the baby shd be more or less developed. Switch to soymilk for calcium with no sugar?

hi hi mummies,

last 2 wks went for my GTT test, then last wk went for my gynae review for wk35...very disappointed, my GTT test result very high glucose and my gynae immediately sent me to diabetic specialist...n now i hv to control my diet and everyday hv to poke my fingers for 6 times (before n after each meal) :(
this Wed need to go back review, if still no gd then hv to inject insulin daily...i feel very scared n stressed now...
my diet since last wk had chg, no fruit juices, no white rice (only brown rice), no white bread (only multi grain bread), 1/3 rice, 1/3 vege n 1/3 meat..:(
even my maternity milk powder oso sweet de..:(
then my gynae said probably he will need to induce me at wk37 (2 wks from now), i hv not prepare anything yet....or he said if bb too big need to c-sect.....:(


Don't be nervous. I had GD with my last pregnancy too. I was drinking normal fresh milk n glucose level shoots up even after a glass of milk. Try to take small meals at regular intervals.

Don't take things like pao, or bread so much. U can try eating wheatbix cereal with low fat milk. N take meats without gravy kind. The best is eat home cooked cos u can increase ur meat n reduce ur carbo. Also eat lots of vege. Fruits don't eat too much. Got alot of sugars. ESP bananas and kiwi which I ate alot cos of constipation.

I got very depressed when everything also cannot eat. But very soon will be over. Tahan another 1 more month or so. Just for baby.
Hi everyone, I am from the nov 2014 mtb thread... My EDD is 7th nov but I have scheduled a elective csect for 23rd oct. I will be 37 weeks and 6 days by then. So just drop by to say hi. Anyone with LN Sim at TMC too?
@tiffany, me similar situation.Just wondering if u want to try my method. Cos my gynae say BB grow too fast by following their diet.Gynae ask me to eat when I hungry. Stop eating when I dun feel hungry.cannot eat till full.i do not follow dietician recommended portion but I ate the variety of food they recommend.

Went back review abt 2 weeks.Bb still same weight.2.3kg at week 33.another 3 weeks going back for review.

I was so depressed that time when my glucose level so high.I need to prick 7 times per day.after 3 weeks, start to stable down.

Let me shared the food I am eating now.i would like to strongly recommend guava, green apple and bitter gourd and lady finger.They are great food to reduce blood glucose.

I remember there was a afternoon I took outside food.my.blood glucose is 14.4. Way high from max 7.0. Night time hubby cook minced meat, lady finger and bittergourd soup.i have it with steam cod fish and white rice.fruit I took guava.next day blood glucose drop to 5.4.Sorry for being so naggy.but would like to share my situation.

Fyi, I totally stop sugar.only for this brand yogurt. Yoplait. No fat and No sugar added.I ate it with wheat biscuit when I crave for sugar.

If u still need sugar, can try equal or splendid brand.sugar for diabetes patient.


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Don't be nervous. I had GD with my last pregnancy too. I was drinking normal fresh milk n glucose level shoots up even after a glass of milk. Try to take small meals at regular intervals.

Don't take things like pao, or bread so much. U can try eating wheatbix cereal with low fat milk. N take meats without gravy kind. The best is eat home cooked cos u can increase ur meat n reduce ur carbo. Also eat lots of vege. Fruits don't eat too much. Got alot of sugars. ESP bananas and kiwi which I ate alot cos of constipation.

I got very depressed when everything also cannot eat. But very soon will be over. Tahan another 1 more month or so. Just for baby.
@popie @kitty_kitty

I feel very stressed when the diabetic specialist doc told me need to inject insulin at stomach daily if my reading dun go down till this Wed :(
I dun mind control diet but just dun 1 inject insulin...
since last Thurs, i only took multi grain bread, brown rice, fish, chicken, vege all without any gravy or sauce but the reading still not so stable...
i noticed when i took brown rice or multi grain bread or cheese, the reading can up to 200++
like today, before lunch my reading is 151, then i took subway multi grain 6" bread, roasted chicken breast with cucumber, tomatoes, onions, lettuce and cheese (no sauce) after that my reading is 205, so depressed....coz doc said before meal reading shd be <110 and after meal shd be <120 but my reading totally out of range ...:(
so tonite, i will eat only steam salty white chicken without any sauce and i will see what is the reading...
@tiffany, have to avoid onion.Cheese also must choose low fat cheese . Usually if I take bread, I will choose cheese or ham or chicken.only 1 meat.u try reducing ur intake portion.see if its help.

My dietician also ask me inject insulin.low dosage.3 times per day.I insist.Gynae say diet control can help.ask them for another week trial.reading should reduce.I talk to Gynae.I dun feel safe to inject insulin.I rather control diet.If bb too big then I c-sec.cos I dunno whats the effect when BB being inject with insulin.I keep crying when I tink of this.Until my gynae tell me no need inject.must be discipline in the food I eat.
@popie @kitty_kitty

I feel very stressed when the diabetic specialist doc told me need to inject insulin at stomach daily if my reading dun go down till this Wed :(
I dun mind control diet but just dun 1 inject insulin...
since last Thurs, i only took multi grain bread, brown rice, fish, chicken, vege all without any gravy or sauce but the reading still not so stable...
i noticed when i took brown rice or multi grain bread or cheese, the reading can up to 200++
like today, before lunch my reading is 151, then i took subway multi grain 6" bread, roasted chicken breast with cucumber, tomatoes, onions, lettuce and cheese (no sauce) after that my reading is 205, so depressed....coz doc said before meal reading shd be <110 and after meal shd be <120 but my reading totally out of range ...:(
so tonite, i will eat only steam salty white chicken without any sauce and i will see what is the reading...


If need be cut carbo totally. And no fast food. You really need to read labels. Cos there are always added sugar in foods even when you think the food is not sweet. ESP in processed foods like sausages, ham. Go for whole foods.

My diabetes was diagnosed at week28. So you can imagine how long I had to endure. I am a "rice bucket". No rice cannot one. I was really depressed. Pricked 7times a day and get scolded by the diabetic doctor also. Keep asking me what I ate, why glucose level still high. And I was really trying. I even cooked my own lunch and brought to work. I used to keep a food diary too. But I threw them all away after I gave birth and confirmed no diabetes after delivery. Oh! Usually diabetes will go away after giving birth. So if you are worried about insulin jabs, most likely it is just temporary to prevent birth complications. Try to keep positive mindset. Stress also causes glucose level to go up. Try going for walks after meals. Helps to digest sugar after food.

Look at this website:

Some suggestions of what to eat.

At some point in time I went to the organic section in the supermarket and bought ingredients and cooked myself. Important to read food labels. Even like fresh milk some brands contain more sugars than the rest. Might get a little bit expensive to eat this way. But for sake of baby and your own health.

Also learnt through this experience that when we buy cheaper brands o food, they are cheap for a reason. Usually contains extra additives to make it tasty as the rest but yet cheap to produce.

Jia you! One more month to go. Before you know it, this whole episode will be over! Praying for you!
Coming 34 weeks now. Just saw gynae had swab test. Now hving ctg scan. Cos I may be hving contractions! Hopefully it's nothing!!
@lervia Haha I see. Wah you so fast 37 weeks. Hehehe.

Cos my womb/stomach hardens quite easily. Walk abit harden up alr. Kana MC till Friday 0.0
Also need to take the progesterone hormones pills. I don't really like to take it though. Makes me so drowsy!
Oh yeah, Mommies!! What's your baby estimated weight now?
I'm 33 weeks 4 days baby is estimated at 2.43kg. She says he's on the chubby side.
Oh yeah, Mommies!! What's your baby estimated weight now?
I'm 33 weeks 4 days baby is estimated at 2.43kg. She says he's on the chubby side.

My LO weight at 3.1kg during my scanning on 36 weeks. This Thursday is another routine check up at 37 weeks. Getting more excited as my gynae told me I may give birth somewhere ard 38 weeks.
Wow everybody LO so Big.Mine seems Small. I 34weeks Plus,LO 2289g. Doctor said OK weight don't need too Big.

I'm afraid mine too big? Cos my #1 was was born 38 weeks 2.86kg.
0.0 but normally it's estimated also. So may be not be that heavy also. Haha. *cross fingers*
Wow everybody LO so Big.Mine seems Small. I 34weeks Plus,LO 2289g. Doctor said OK weight don't need too Big.

No worries.. Every LO is in diff weight as long as healthy. Also depends on parents body size. My #1 is 3.33kg born at 38 weeks. My gynae just told me to be prepare that my LO may hit 3.6kg.. I think ok ba.. My height is 168cm. :)
hi hi mummies,

last 2 wks went for my GTT test, then last wk went for my gynae review for wk35...very disappointed, my GTT test result very high glucose and my gynae immediately sent me to diabetic specialist...n now i hv to control my diet and everyday hv to poke my fingers for 6 times (before n after each meal) :(
this Wed need to go back review, if still no gd then hv to inject insulin daily...i feel very scared n stressed now...
my diet since last wk had chg, no fruit juices, no white rice (only brown rice), no white bread (only multi grain bread), 1/3 rice, 1/3 vege n 1/3 meat..:(
even my maternity milk powder oso sweet de..:(
then my gynae said probably he will need to induce me at wk37 (2 wks from now), i hv not prepare anything yet....or he said if bb too big need to c-sect.....:(
I have GD now too. eat soupy staff like yong tau fu, fish soup, bee hoon soup all these food can pass the glucose test. Eating bread cfm will fail the test, even if its wholemeal. Jiayou!
Mummies I am the first to pop. I was having bleeding and contraction at my week 34 plus. In the midnight I call gynae and he asked me to admit. Never thought its labour. I went to mt alvenia observation ward and already 1.5cm dilated. Gynae gave me pills to try stop contraction. I was in pain. But contraction did not stop. I was in pain from mon morning 4am till tuesday morning 7plus am. Contractions still there. Nurse checked and 4cm dilate. Gynae came and say can give birth. I was already on laughing gas. No epidural. Then gynae poke my water bag. The pain is worst!
Im week35 today.. last friday checkup, baby is 2.5kg le.. hope he wont grow too big til birth.. whenever i walk, my tummy also get tighten easily but gynae say normal and never give me bedrest leh..

You have done well! Can take the pain the whole night!!! I would hv taken epidural if I were you. Hehe. Baby healthy enough already ya? Rest well.

How's breast feeding coming along. If need help just post here. I am happy to share my experience. :)
how does the Braxton hicks feel like? i'm 34weeks & baby engaged already
Its painless. Just feel tummy hardens for a few seconds or perhaps up to a min. Then no more. Mayn half an hr or an hr come back again. If too frequent thats nt braxton hicks le. Its contractions..
Its painless. Just feel tummy hardens for a few seconds or perhaps up to a min. Then no more. Mayn half an hr or an hr come back again. If too frequent thats nt braxton hicks le. Its contractions..
thanks Lervia.

I do hv the hardening every day & it's so umcomfortable
@kitty_kitty @popie @hanachiaki

I totally cut off my rice meal even diabetes doc said can take brown rice....i noticed when i took multi grain bread which was recommended by d diabetes doc the reading still high :(, so now dunno what to eat for breakfast....
then for lunch, i took subway, multi grain bread with roasted chicken breast or veggie delite with cucumber, onion, tomatoes, capsicum n lettuce no sauce but still high oso...:(
but when i took home cook steam salty white chicken with tomatoes, lady finger n long beans, the reading drop...
tomolo will b gg to check diabetes doc n c what he say ba....:( hopefully he dun ask me inject insulin..very scary...n then after that will go to gynae for chk up n hopefully he will say control diet is ok then no need induce n no need c-sect
i dun 1 c-sect coz it takes longer time to heal...:(
my reading will b up whenever i take multi grain bread, brown rice so i dare not take noodles coz got carbo...:(
hope d docs can let me pass coming 3 wks smoothly n peacefully ba...
Congratzzz!!!! Waaah so good.tom is my CTG 37 weeks and 2 days
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Congrats to u.. Never thought u will be the 1st to pop in our grp. I'm getting more excited.. Seems that we can deliver at anytime now. Do take more rest all mummies..
@popie, I was diagnosed with diabetes at week 28 also.Emotionally very unstable. Fear of injecting insulin.

Me also getting food from organic section.cost is higher but more nutritious too.my dinner is super bland. Bittergourd, bean sprout, leafy veg, tau hu boiled in hot water.seasoning is only salt.now I dare to add a little soya sauce as the reading stable down.

Lunch I sticking to vegetarian stall as they offer brown rice, lots of veg.or fish sliced soup.If I need to eat ham, I also buy from cold storage.those reduced fat or turkey ham. Just to share, 2 slices of those ham cost close to $5.

It does seems like time pass fast.I am I to 34 week.now very used to light diet.
I am having braxton hicks on and off throughout the day.. recently i feel pressure press into my chest or stomach which make me feel like vomiting..

Im wk34.. 6 more weeks..
bunnyhorse, u r not alone, mine is first baby too.. hehe... nooby me.. haha

How does Braxton hicks feels like? im week 34 now, these 2 weeks as i enter 3rd trimester wow it is a completely different feeling. feels so big n heavy. i can feel baby movements very often now... looking forward to gynae appt tml.
@ tiffany,
Need to stop all noodles.. only can bee hoon, kway tiao, lao su fen, wheat macaroni. No yellow noodles, ban mian, mee pok.

U might want to try lots of veg boiled and bee hoon.soup keep me full so I dun consume a lot carbo.also munch on guava and bitter gourd.

Lately I also discover raseberry and pumpkin good for lower blood glucose.
i have more light brownish discharge and mucus lately. any mummies encounter this problem? my gyne told me i will deliver 18 sept onwards. nervous.
we are going to labour soon.. i am feeling the excitement only after i read from you mummies... last leg to go.. omg...
sorry im a 1st time mummy so totally brand new to me and wonder how motherhood will change me... used to be a sporty and carefree career woman.
Congrats mama Joanne! Hope all is well with your baby cos it was a premature birth yeah? Take care!!

Yeah I don't know why she gave me bed rest also. I guess my stomachs really hardens. Maybe your tighten up slightly only? I can just walk for like 2 mins and it will be hard already.
@TiongCL sorry accident press send before I finished typing...

The doctor told me it's normal also. Just that if bright blood red then you hv to be worried. If always get, she will get me some hormones pill to just regulate and make sure won't miscarry cos I had it during first tri.
i have more light brownish discharge and mucus lately. any mummies encounter this problem? my gyne told me i will deliver 18 sept onwards. nervous.

When is your EDD? I rmb during my #1, I delivered my baby ard a week later after I spot myself have brownish spot.
Congrats mama Joanne!

Wow seems like we are approaching the big day soon! I m still v unprepared. Baby bed still not here yet and just started to wash bb clothes

@TiongCL sorry accident press send before I finished typing...

The doctor told me it's normal also. Just that if bright blood red then you hv to be worried. If always get, she will get me some hormones pill to just regulate and make sure won't miscarry cos I had it during first tri.
yes. my gyne told me normal. i have it since im 32 weeks on and off and since last thurs i hàv it everyday.
