(2013/11) November 2013

Thanks Fuzzybear for the explanation
altho $450 is not alot.. but still gabermen $$. must make full use! lolz..

Is chorioncentitiS the same as amniocentesis? I'm 38, and gynae just recommended Oscar test first. If results come out iffy, then consider amniocentesis. Amnio has miscarriage risk of 1/200.

SN, I saw in oct thread u mentioned about the maternit21 test, but according to my gynae, still very new, and that it's super difficult to isolate enough foetal cells to test on. Definitive test still seems to be amnio

Hubby and I agonizing over the what ifs and the error margin and risks over all these tests. Dilemmas dilemmas.

Re: confinement catering, my friend also used natal essentials. The portions were large, but menu gets repeated weekly. The only thing she had to top up on was her red date tea since natal essentials provided only one bottle per meal. Actually her confinement food sounded better than mine!
Chorioncentesis is not the same as amniocentesis. they test different things at different stages of pregnancy. Sorry i got the name wrong. it should be chorionic villus testing (CVS).

CVS tests the chorionic villis in the placenta and it is done in 10-14wks of the pregnancies. as far as i know, gynae prefer to do it at abt 13 wks. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chorionic_villus_sampling

Amniocentesis tests the amniotic fluid. usually done post 16 wks (usually 17-18 wks). Amnio apparently has lower risk of miscarrying. but u gotta wait to do the test. I think btw the 2, amnio is the more established method.

Winkle, yes every cent counts. u can ask ur gynae's nurses. they will be the best to advice u on how to claim it. u do need to provide receipts.

Xuan, nice to be on half day. I still have to go to site later.
fluttering is initial baby movement. i don't think it is lah.. but not gas leh.. i m not too bloated. may be its my imagination.. haha..

Ankh, there will always be repeat for confinement food. what i did for the red dates tea was to boil in slow cooker. those 3L type. i boil the tea over night so that next morning i can transfer into 1L flask. if u need more then morning boil another round to top up ur flask at mid day.
ankh, yes maternity21 is still very new so not all clinics/lab will offer. but if the clinic/lab is able to do it, the established accuracy rate is 99%. Amnio is close to 100%. I feel that an accuracy of 99% is good enough. Won't be so sway fall within that 1%. but the cost is very high. if touch wood need to do a test, i will still choose amnio cos i can trust my gynae to do it well and it's half the price of maternity21.
SN: at times i try not to read too much on the net, too much infos tend to make me think alot & be a paranoia.. whc i believe its not good for both bb and mummy..

and before every check up, i'm like super tensed up one.. i'm so scared to hear bad news too..

my coll once told me.. once u are preggy, u'll be worrying for the rest of your life.. very true!!
SN, oh, I thought the oct thread slowed because a lot of them went to the FB group. Sigh, hope really not too many dropped out.
Winkle, u mean the info on oct thread or the info on amnio? In fact i havent been reading anything on the net, all the info on amnio, i already knew since #1's time liao, only maternity21 is something my gynae told me this week. As for oct thread, cant help feeling rather scared each time a mommy announced bad news, i think about 5 or 6 liao.

Generally, im more relax for #2 liao.
fuzzybear: ahh.. i see... i hope to feel bb's movement soon! excited eh. nowadays me n hub can feel bb's heartbeat thru my tummy. was kinda surprised cos i din know tt was possible.. haha..

winkle: i'm also a paranoid person, n always think too much. during my 1st appt i was actually holding my breath cos was so nervous, until i hear bb's heartbeat n doc says everything is good then i feel relieved. i always tell myself to think positive if not will affect bb also. my friend, a young mum of 3, also advised me to take things in stride, base on her previous personal experience n her other friends' experiences. so i'm trying to do that now. =)
SN: not the test la.. I'm talkin bout in general.. Ppl ask me to don read too much.. Lolz.. The more u read.. The more infos u have.. The more paranoid u get.. I think most prob they switch to fb group bah..

Xuan: ya ppl also tell me be positive n take things in stride.. So trying lor.. 当妈妈不容易 hor?? =x

Me first time so very noob & green!
Winkle, being so called paranoid is normal la. My first pregnancy read everything until cross eyed. Can even ask my Gynae how much papaya i could eat every day cos scared too much Vit A. Used to go in for each visit with whole list of questions. She was irritated manz......... ;p
Hello everyone! I'm also a first time mum! EDD 15 Nov. Need to take the OSCAR test soon. Was thinking if I can go to any hospital to take it, instead of going to an appointed hospital by the gynae? Anyone know what are the charges?
Emily, my edd is close to yours. Mine is 18 nov. at TMC, we have to make an appt quite early in advance for the Oscar scan. I paid $400+ for Oscar scan (including blood test) and detailed scan.

Kitkat, I think it's different. Cos the results of the blood test is supposed to be combined with the scan result to determine if we are high risk for DS.

I just went for my checkup yesterday. 8w5d. Doc gave me fish oil, calcium pills, multivitamin, vitamin B6 to take. I'm still taking folic acid and anti vomitting pills (when necessary). Are u gals taking so many types? I think of it, feel nauseous already! Told my hubby ill start taking in trimester 2. He said cannot, cos doc says all these will help to make baby strong and clever. Sounds very important hor... Sigh
Kitkat>actually I am not too sure exactly what the blood test is for, but I was told it is part of the 12 weeks' test. the basic is around $66 and is compulsory, but top up to $200 for something else which is optional

The blood tests for 12 wks is diff from the fertility tests we took prior to pregnancy.. But i think the OSCAR test is optional..
ankh, you still have ms?
you are my benchmark leh. haha. my ms was gone for a few days last week but suddenly came back on Saturday and Sunday
it's mon again mummies! the only thing tt makes me happy abt today is my gynae appt after work!

my gynae told me the oscars test is optional, he was explaining to me wat it's for during my 1st appt. but me n hub decided to go for it, just to know if bb is ok.

bunnymummy: wah my gynae din give me any of those supplements except for folic acid when i visited him at wk 8. sounds like alot to take...
Bunny mummy 82> Is the detailed scan also known as the Foetal Abnormality Scan (FA Scan)? I heard the FA Scan is done only in 20-22 weeks. Doc gave me fish oil, calcium pills, multivitamin and duphaston (small white pill). But I'm also eating folic acid separately.
Morning mommies! I'm seeing gynae at lunch today. Can't wait.

Re: Triple test
It is a combi of a few tests, measurement of neck fold, blood test for different levels of different fetal proteins. As with all tests it is not compulsory. Even detailed scan isnt. HIV testing is an opt out test I think. Can't rem if they have made it mandatory yet.

SN, I think u have to wait till 13-14 wks before feeling better! I didn't puke on Sat and was kinda happy but vomited thrice yesterday. I went to eat crabs some more. So wasted man.

Piggie, oops heartburn?
fuzzybear, hahha. for #1's time, i vomitted all the way from week 6-12/13. So when I didn't have nausea for a few days last week, I thought maybe nausea is gone earlier for #2! happy too early. but looking on the brighter side, i can still eat a proper meal lar, just need to stop it from going into toilet bowl after that. 2 weeks ago, i cant even eat, only can eat biscuits.

HIV test is compulsory now.
SN, haha, u and me sama sama. Since Sat nite's dinner, I've been nauseous. Get hungry also nauseous. Drink root beer also no help. Then now got sore throat from vomiting ytd. So sianz and nua. I don't dare eat proper meal. Don't want visit toilet bowl anymore, so smelly hahaha! Hope today onwards will be better for all of us!

Fuzzybear, yeah your crab so wasted lol!

Xuan, if u don't have bad ms then eat balanced diet plus multivit/folic acid will be quite good for first trimester. Vit B6 more to help with relieving nausea.

Calcium supplement now is more to help u, not baby. When it starts to really grow, it's going to strip u of your calcium. Still have to keep your calcium intake up cos each calcium tablet is only 600mg, whereas we need 1000mg daily. Multivit very little calcium.

If you're able to eat oily fish few times a week already, then fish oil supplements can be standby. For my #1 pregnancy, I had no fish oil supplements cos could eat fish nearly every 2 days from the moment I knew i was pregnant.
Hi mummies.. after being on bed rest again last week due to bleeding, i was prepared to come work today but feeling very sick since yesterday again.
I vomitted out my breakfast, no appetite for lunch, and vomitted my dinner 15 mins after eating.
At night, i felt very sick and went to bed early. But i woke up many times perspiring coz too hot. Yet when i removed my blanket, i start to shiver.
I have no idea what is happening and this morning, i woke up having diarrhoea 4-5 times, all watery stools. I am really unwell but due to the long MC i had last week, i dare not go on leave again.
I'm going to see the co doc later to get some med.. i suspect im dehydrated now. Does anyone know of any remedy that is safe to hydrate our bodies?
Hello everyone... I'm a new mum here due in November. I live in Bishan and I'm having triplets.

Nice to meet everyone..
Mummies, i guess we are still feeling nauseous. Hope we can endure together to pull thru this period. Yest i cldnt sleep as I felt hungry. I was like a thief last night. woke up and went to kitchen, took a pack of milo and hot water and walked back to the room to make a cup of milo.Due to evening sickness, i always hungry after midnight. but if eat too much, also donate to toilet bowl. Make me phobia to toilet now.
Kayliz, can u consider going on the drip in hospital? At least the water bypasses the digestive system. Check w ur doctor n gynae, see if u can sip on some electrolyte solution meanwhile. It works better than water. Pls pls take care.

Winkle, were u the one who admitted to hospital to get hydrated? Can give advice?
third3timemum, haha, tks! Think SN and I are fine, just the ms yo-yo unexpectedly. Yep, still trying to drown myself in water to make up for the weeks I didn't drink enough.
kayliz, i was just wondering what happened to you since havent heard from you for a long time. Maybe your nausea is due to stomach flu since you are also having watery stools. Try drinking 100plus or H2O, they are good for rehydrating. i know some people say cannot drink cold drinks, but i think cold drinks taste better, so you try cold 100plus. small sips each time.

i was hospitalised for tonsilitis but was also given rehydration via IV since i was puking badly the few days before. the drip really makes you feel better but it's temporary relief. after that, still got to force yourself to drink water. haiz.

im eating kimchi soup for lunch. taking a risk here. thinking whether to eat safe bland food or something more exciting. think bland food makes me feel more sick.
SN.. thx.. i cannot take gassy drink, i tried H2O just now and cant finish already wanna puke..

i went to the doc and was given Smecta. just hope to stop the diarrhoea 1st then at the same time i'm taking small sips of water in between. i hope everything will be fine.
Hi ankh, yes yes, i was the one admitted to hospital due to dehydration. I was also puking really badly.. called up the clinic and they suggested me to go in and take urine test, and ended up i failed the urine test.. so was admitted immediately.. dehydration is very bad for baby.. if u think u're dehydrated, call your gynae.. but meanwhile.. you can go guardian pharmacy and buy the seasick band to wear.. not sure if it helps... my coll said it was a big relieve to her after wearing..but it doesnt really help me much..

i'm still puking..11 weeks now..but at least i can keep some food down and managed to gain 1kg+..
kayliz, you really should be resting at home. how about working from home instead? does your boss allow that option? diarhoea and nausea together will make you weaker. how to concentrate at work like that? but i can understand how you feel cos i had a flu shortly after i came back from hospitalisation leave but i still came to work cos paiseh to take MC again. sigh. I'm still fighting the flu today, wonder how long it takes a flu to be cured without medication. the cat B flu medication doesnt seem to work.
mikiko>Hi*5!I also have 2 boys and pregnant with #3, hubby hopes for a girl, but for me, as long as baby is normal and healthy is most important.my elder will be 13 and #2 will be 5years old, what about yourself?
welcome cheryl, triplets!!!!! sorry to ask, but im quite curious, did you conceive them naturally or by ivf? cos triplets are really hard to come by. congrats! do you need to go on early ML or bedrest?
Hi mommies, back from gynae. Baby is growing well and I can stop my proluton jabs! Yay! 33mm at 9 wks 5 days and we caught baby waving at us. So cute! Can see arms and legs!

SN, haha I think we just have to sit this pukey times out. Gonna be over for u soon! I still have 3+ wks! I told my gynae that this will be my last kid and he laughed at me. Said I will forget these horrible times and have another baby! I don't think so lor.

Welcome Cheryl! Woah! Triplets!!! That's amazing. Who is ur gynae?

Mikko, Thirdtime3mum, my hb also hoping for a gal this time around. For me healthy can Liao. Was having lunch after gynae's appt and there was an autistic kid at the next table. Reminded me that all babies are God's gift and I shdnt be picking and choosing.

Kayliz, poor u leh. U are losing water on both ends. 100% or Gatorade can help replenish ur electrolytes. If u are sick just stay home and rest. Nothing is more impt than ur baby now. Get better soon!
Yes I know having a healthy baby is the most impt. But I really wish to have a gal that why we decide to go for no3. And this will be our last baby.
mikiko>Yes, working. actually we also planned for #3 in the hope of getting a girl ( for hubby)

fuzzybear>so nice, can see baby waving at you, my last visit, baby 9 week 4 days we can only see some movement. my next visit will be 12 weeks 5 days, will be bringing my 2 kids and announcing to them as gynae told us can see more then.
third3timemum - Yes it's my first pregnancy and I am quite stressed about it. I'm 9 weeks now and having bad morning sickness but coping well.

Mikiko - Thanks a lot - I understand the stress since you can't choose the sex but end up with another boy means no more chance

I'm really blur when it comes to motherhood since I have lived a very independent lifestyle full of life and sports.. Suddenly now cannot do anything plus have 3 babies in me..

I'm with KKH but don't feel like they know what to do with me because they keep reminding me of the risk (I have a set of identicals sharing 1 placenta) but no one is telling me how to cope with my pregnancy, make decisions based on the risk or if I will be able to afford keeping all the 3..

I hope everyone is feeling okay... morning sickness is a terrible feeling. Anyone dealing with high body heat?
wow congrats cheryl! triplets wor!
Is triplets in your genes?

congrats fuzzybear! so ard 9 weeks can see something liao ah, instead of the little dot?

I m going to see my gynae tmr nite, will b ard 8 weeks. hope baby is growing strong & healthy!
Mikko, pat pat. hope ur wish come true. do u feel any difference for this pregnancy? for me, this preg is very different.. hb is very hopeful that it is a gal.

Third3timemum, my next appt is 4 wks away! but i will be doing my Triple Test on 9 may at NUH Fetal Care Centre. my older son knows i m pregnant but i think my 2nd son will be too young to comprehend what's happening.

Cheryl, wow! u conceived them naturally! amazing!! this is triple the joy and luck man! I do think u shd stick with KK because with multiples, the risk of premature delivery is very very high and likely ur babies need to be in NICU. best is to stay in KKH cos they have the best NICU in SG. Can u pay to choose ur gynae? may be that might be better? I did hear those gynaes in KKH are very busy. they are not the type that will sit u down to talk to u abt such things.

I personally think u shd keep all three unless ur life (or ur babies' lives) are in danger. Frankly speaking, it will be tough in the first year but for me, i feel this will soon pass. u do need a lot of support from ur hb, ur family and ur inlaws. and u might have to close both eyes cos of it. u can choose to get urself insured for multiple births but the premiums might be on the higher side. this might help u cover any unforeseen circumstances.

Hang in there. u can always come and chat with us if u need a listening ear.

Kitkat, u shd be able to see limbs tmr.. actually i m like 10 wks already based on size and LMP but gynae says stick to his first measurements which makes me 9 wks 5 days. he is very sure for me, this baby will be early.
Hi Cheryl, wow!! triplets..super congrats

don worry.. i know of someone who has quadruplets and first time mum too.. all 4 are growing big & strong now... everytime i see their updates on FB..very cute!!!
Mikiko - I help you cross fingers... scarly I got 3 boys also jia lat..

Kitkat I am a twin myself (fraternal). I think the genes bluff one cos I had to do IVF to get my babies, they put 2 in, one stuck, the other one stuck and split, become triplets in total.. dunno miracle or disaster..

Fuzzybear - not natural, I had a little help, the embryos did everything else themselves never even ask me for permission.. Good thing is all IVF babies are covered by Great Eastern Insurance - lucky man, all 3 qualify cos its compulsory by law. I don't know if they are in danger, but I know if they don't make it and die in trimester 2/3 it will endanger the entire pregnancy thats why I'm upset KKH don't want to sit down explain the risks and recommendations to me Boo hoo..

Winkle - your friend with quads.. maybe can intro, I should learn from them - I salute their tenacity cos I think of my balloon tummy and post partum I feel like I wana faint liao. Anyway are the quads natural??

Piggie, thanks a lot.. I also hope..

For all of you with the slimy taste on your tongue which traps sweet taste and turn it sour... I recommend sea salt.. Tho not so healthy - it cuts slime.. I take one big grain and put in my tongue and suck, much better than sour plums.. But drink lotsa water ya - don't dehydrate..

Cheryl: conceived naturally too..lolz.. also young mummy...in her 20s.. you can do it de!!!!

but i heard she did stopped working for almost 1 year becoz quads are considered high risk so not advisable to work or walk around too much.. im not very close to her, she's my ex coll..only updates here n there on FB lor.. but i salute her too..

after birth she went back work
in good shape lei..
