(2013/11) November 2013

fuzzybear, can we take honey? I know babies cannot take honey. I recall reading somewhere that it is still unclear whether pregnant women can take honey cos by right our body would have broken down the properties before it reaches the baby.

we close our doors when we sleep leh, so wondering if i can tell the maid, that she cannot close her door. I also think if i hire one, will find from Phil cos all the horror stories came from Indo maids? but hor, when i go orchard and see all the Phil maids gather together in hot dresses and stuff, really cannot imagine one of them being my maid! haha!

just curious, cos i dun have a maid at home, but why can't allow the maid to close her door when she is slping huh?
xuan, because most people do not give a room especially to the maid. it is usually the study room or the baby's room. (some employers without enough rooms let the maid sleep living room) you wouldnt want her to close the door and you dunno what she is doing inside? also if she closes the door, what if you want to go inside to take things from there, very weird right? dunno leh. i also never had a maid. that's y asking the mommies here.
snake_bb (bunny_bb) >my #1 was overdue and Gynae had to induce me on the 9th day because still no signs/show,induce started around 9am, and baby was delivered approx.7 hours later. #2 was born on actual EDD, the night before had show, morning around 5.30am contraction started, and became intense, so I called gynae's clinic 24hr hotline and was asked to go to hospital, but everyone was sleeping, so waited until around 7am for hubby to drive me to hospital, baby was out around 9am+(1+hr), gynae said I could have save on the epidural, but I cannot tahan the contraction. So I guess everyone is different as to when the baby will come, but the duration of birth seems faster each time, although I only have 2 experiences.

I started fish oil at 7 weeks 4 days, after I seen my gynae, I think it is for the development of the baby's brain, besides, I am taking folic and new obimin(multi vitamins)

SN> my helper from Philippines, she will complete her 2 years contract by 21/5, and we have renewed her WP as she wished to work for 2 more years, to save more $, she said she will go home end next year, and not now, because she don't have much $ now, they are quite poor thing, borrowed $ to come work here, had to pay agency in Philippines, as well as Singapore agency, first 7 months, they only get $20/month. I chose Philippino because my younger was only 2+ then, so I need someone who can speak English, and Philippino are still affordable compared to Indonesians. She goes off once/month now, but after May, I will have to let her off every Sunday, she goes to the same church as us, and have Philippino friends, we told her she can go lunch with them after church for fellowship, but she rather not, because she has to pay for her own lunch, as well as top up eazlink card, if she stays with us, we will pay for everything.I heard from my friend that these maids are very smart, and some of them even tell their employer they don't want to work, then they will go to maid's agency and find other employer themselves( usually Caucasians, who pay more, but you cannot say a thing to their children , even when they hit you, and if they don't cook lunch, you need to go n buy your own lunch)and then months later, come back to SG again to work.

But I heard that Indonesian maids these days no need to pay maid loan, the employer have to pay $3.5K for the maid, and if the maid don't want to work after 3 months, employer also have to buy airticket to send her home, and also loogie on the maid loan.

That is why a lot of employers are getting Myanmar's maid, but most cannot speak English.
ankh : My gynae joked that i may give birth by the road side if i don't make it to the hospital fast enough for my #3.
My helper sleeps in the same room as my children, and they turned on aircon, so the door is closed, but not locked.

SN> No matter how conservative she maybe at first when she arrives, she will changed. Mine told me her dad is very strict, from Roman Catholic family, so no shorts, and spaghetti stripes/sleeveless T-shirts, after 1 year, she's now wearing spaghetti stripes, and shorts in my house, wear heels when she goes out, must be influences.

My only concern for her is not to use hp when she's with my younger son, as she may get distracted, and my son maybe be gone. Childcare teacher told me, that after she fetches my son, she will talked to "friend", while my son climb up and down some parapet wall at the void deck, so I told her off, I said if she need to talk, she talk to her friend, then go fetch my son, I don't want anything to happen to my son. They can easily make friends, even other helpers they seen for the 1st time, is their friend.

I have not been firm, eventhough I make it clear with the agent that no using of hp while at work daytime, only can use it when she finishes her work at night, then down the road, she started using during the day, I caught her once, she was on the phone when my son needed to go to the toilet, and I had to bring him, for some time, she does not do that, then she started again. I also dare not be too strict, then she may do harm to my children, or even me, so I am closing one eye. But if you get a new helper, please be firm from the start and maintain the standard.
thirdtimemum, thanks for the advice. filipinos can speak english but too smart and always using hp and making new friends and vain. then indonesians, some cannot speak english and child abuse mostly from there. then myammar cannot speak english and too village. I don't think i have the energy to be duck and chicken with my new maid.

you mean both fili and indo, we need to pay maid loan? what's the maid loan for? can get it back if we don't want the maid anymore?
Xuan, for me, i myself don't close the door when i slp, so why shd the maid do so? I have one mommy from my #1 thread who caught her maid taking photos of her genitalia to send to her bf! so gross lah.. with the door open, they also don't dare to do anything! My maid don't slp with my kids. no matter, as a FTWM, my time with my kids already very limited. hence i insist on taking care of them at night myself. it is tiring but worth it when u see that ur kids still want u despite seeing them for less than an hr a day.

Third3timemum, SN, ya i agree. maid will change over time. hopefully they are sensible. i always tell them (this is my 2nd maid) that they are here for a reason so don't do something stupid. after all they spent so much $$ to come over. don't screw it up. think of their families at home. my first maid was very gd but she had a lot of family probs so we let her go after she completed her contract. this current maid is very experience, which means she tries and act smart lah. can be frustrating too... but no choice lor, she isn't too bad so i try to close one eye. I am very strict with them. for me, i never ever want to let them know that I am dependent on them. if they give me attitude, i immed ask them if they want to go back to Phil. i will nv send them back to the agent simply because my contract is with the maid, not the agency once the agency hands her over. i rather tough it out for a few mths than to let them have the upper hand. after all, the maid is gg to be there for 2 yrs.. if i m paying her salary and feeling unhappy everyday, why employ her then? if u are intending to leave the baby alone with the maid, do install cameras. i tell my maid if she does anything illegal, i won't just deport her, i will report her to the police and blacklist her so that she can never ever come back to Singapore to work. I usually say all these in front of the agent and ask the agent to witness and make sure the maid understands. If need be, i make the agent say it in Tagalog. Hahaha, i m quite bad hor.

SN, yes we can take honey. babies can't take honey because of the potential reaction to botulism and allergy it. but for us adults, it is ok to take.
like u say it will be processed by the time it gets to the foetus.
Dreamygal, ur gynae is hilarious! But seriously pls make it to the hospital in time hor hahahahhaha!

SN, i heard so many horror stories about maids that up till now hubby and I never had one. What we do is engage part time maids so even if the maid is bad, we can still change maids fast. Unless u are strict like fuzzybear, having a full time maid can be as stressful as having another kid.
SN> I know indo ones need to pay for them the maid loan, when I got my helper, we helped her pay the agency equivalent to 7 months of her pay, then we only pay her salary starting from 8th Month, but now, Employers have to pay that loan, and Indo maid can start getting salary from 1st month, not sure about other maids, because I renewed the WP with my helper on my own, get insurance, did not go through agency.

The maids are very smart, and get to know news from their friends, like last time that maid who got killed in the hotel room, my maid told me.

Ya, I have no idea why is it they have so much to talk on the hp, daytime also talk, night time also talk, almost everyday, but once a phone seller told me, cannot take away their hp, they will become crazy, if they cannot communicate with their friends/family

piggy> I know there are massages for pregnant women, but no idea how is it like though, that means we cannot face down on our tummy right?my breast/nipple still feels painful/sensitive when pressing onto something, hugging hubby/son
I m doing massage still. I normally have massage once a week bec of muscle cramps & discomfort. U can try pre natal massage later in preg as that's the proper recommendation.
For me, I did massage from day 1 till day I was due and there was no problems for both previous preg so am doing the same for this preg
but that's just me ..
actually me and my mom are very against having a maid. but my hb is always supportive of having one. i asked my mom if she can cope with #2 without a maid since #1 is in childcare, she said it's no problem. but then since i fell ill, i see my mom so tired, doing everything herself and sometimes the house also not very clean and i cannot really complain since she is not a maid. so i was thinking if i have maid, i can direct the maid to clean this and clean that. but i have also heard of horror stories of maid giving more problems than help.
Little beanie, this is the agency I get my PT maid from: http://www.jiajiacleaningservices.com/index.html
Not the cheapest in the market tho. But recommended from my friend, who also got it recommended from her friend, lol.

Based only on what I hear from my friend, think the Myanmese maids will give less trouble, just got to overcome language barrier. Also note, most of the Myanmese maids can understand Mandarin a little.

Usual disclaimer, I don't know the agency personally, don't benefit from recommending them etc etc. And yeah, will not be perfect one la. Even for my PT maid I also close one eye, but seriously I'm not going to be cleaning toilets right now.
fuzzybear mummy - i'm 7 week + now .. only taking folic acid from my gyane leh. is there any other vitamin i should take? moreover i dont eat Vegetables or fish...
Lynn, erm why aren't u eating those? i realised i don't really like veggies but still make myself take a bit. by right ur body has enough to give baby. it will reduce what goes to u and divert enough for baby. But ultimately eating a balanced diet is the best.
i m taking fish oil, Blackmore Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Gold and folic acid. On top of it, i have aspirin and progesterone pills to pop. a lot to swallow every morning..

Piggie, i m sure the masseur will be able to recommend u what massages to take.

SN, getting a maid is like a lucky draw lor. both of u must match personality. if ur mom has direct contact with the maid, then maid and mom must also match.. there are horror stories, but there are also good stories. all luck haha..
re: maids
I think luck of the draw. I will prob get an indo maid bec I feel they seem to be more gentle but maybe get one with some experience.

I am getting massaged at one of the Javanese massage plces near my place. its abt $35 a session - okay lah. affordable

confinement nanny
I just checked with my sister's confinement nanny to see if she can do for me in NOV and she quoted $2800. is this the rate for year end? or is it because its Christmas surcharge?
P.T (pregopeg) - I got one quoted me $2400 and insist on first day and last day red packet. Is this normal. I think $2800 is very expensive, unless she is highly recommended and very good.
$2400 is not inclusive of red packets?

I don't know if confinement nanny is good but my sister said she is a great cook and can handle baby well (when her baby was having nasal issues nanny did a massage for her nightly & baby was better) but she is quite old so have to bear with slowness a little.

I might still scout around but quite clueless also
do i get all the rest of the vitamins from my gyane or should i go buy ? the smell of it makes me feel yucky lo...
scare not enough for baby..
P.T (pregopeg) - Ya, $2400 not inclusive of the red packets. Not sure how much to give also. I am still scouting around too! I feel 2800 is on the high side.

Lynn - You can ask your gynae for the vitamins. My friend also ask her gynae give her fish oil for baby brain development. I am around 10weeks and only taking folic acid.

My gynae's advice is to stop all supplements when preggy.. Only folic acid is compulsory.. If needed, then he will give other supplements in 2nd trimester..
Just follow ur gynae's advice. don't worry too much. u will have enough for ur baby.
for me, i take because i was breastfeeding all the way until last week. different people would have different requirements. don't worry too much abt it. after all if u eat and vomit, u are wasting money too.

P.T, wah, 2.8K is ex. 2.2-2.4K is like the market rate. the rate increases only during CNY as far as i know. but if she is highly recommended and u have seen her in action before then just do it. Yes, ang baos are abv and beyond this price. Last i heard, first day ang bao is $28. When she leaves, u also have to give an ang bao. that one will depend on her performance. if good u can give her more like $88.
i also heard tt CL rates are about 2.2-2.4k, excluding angbaos and the food ingredients that they need to cook for you. my mum keeps asking me to find a CL but i don't think i will get 1 cos i'm not a very obedient person when it comes to following traditional practices.. haha.. =P
actually i kept falling ill ever since i gave birth to #1. is it because i never do a "solid" confinement? that time i didnt really drink alot of longan tea cos really hated the taste. i bathed with herbs daily and also wash my hair. my mom did her best to cook whatever she knows about confinement food but i think maybe not as much variety as an experienced CL. besides falling ill with flu etc, i don't have any backache or pains. so maybe it's due to not enough sleep from parenting right?
SN, I also did not do proper confinement. Only bathed with herbs once, then showered nearly everyday in warm water instead. My food wasnt too heaty. No DOM, no vinegar pork, bit of ginger, food was quite bland actually. Did drink a lot of fish soup and red date tea, but more to keep up the BM. Breastfed one year, very sleep deprived year.

But till my daughter turned two my health was quite ok. Then she started N1 and brought all the colds and flu back, and both of us easily fell sick. Taking care of her also took a toll on me. This pattern continued until just before my gal turned five. I got my flu jab, drank less teh/kopi, and my gal's immunity strengthened naturally.

So I don't believe that an improper confinement will lead to lifelong aches and pains etc. More logical should be that a new mum should be well rested emotionally and physically, and not conform to illogical practices Iike not showering for 28 days when we can easily get clean hot water anytime.
Ankh, glad to know that. My rationale is that angmo countries also dont do confinement, they dont appear to b any weaker than chinese. Did u hire a CL that time?

My son started ifc at 1yr old, that's also how i kept catching all the viruses from him too. Think i will go for flu jab after i deliver #2.
SN, yeah, I did hire a CL. Good thing was she didn't pressure me to conform to traditional practice, and not prone to gossip. Looking back she had it easy. I kept the baby in my room to TBF, so she didn't need to do night feeds. Her night work mainly to help me change diapers lol.

Yeah, angmo countries don't have confinement. But they do freeze their meals in advance, and some close relatives will usually drop by to help for initial weeks. Heh, I still think most important thing is for new mummy to be emotionally happy and well fed.
Hi all mummies!
I am also a mummy-to-be! First time mum! So i am alittle excited over everything!

Giddy & Nausea everyday.. Vomitting almost every morning after breakfast, lunch and just before i sleep... Enduring and hoping that my 2nd trimester will be better!

Nickname: Happie Tomato
Child #: 1
EDD: 07 Nov 2013
Doctor: Dr Roland Chieng
Hospital: Parkway East Shore Hospital
Gender: TBC
Hi mummies

I wonder whether there are anyone here who is above 35 yrs old. Besides the OSCAR test, is there any other test needed for pregnancy above 35 yrs old.
Morning mommies! Friday!!!

Winkle, yes we can use up to $450 from our Medisave for prenatal checks. this is usually done for u by ur gynae's clinic at 34 wks onwards because towards the end u will be seeing gynae more frequently. $450 isn't a lot if each visit is like $120 or so!
the nurse will use it to offset ur bill or may be hospitalisation bill depending on how ur gynae operates. for my #1, the nurses, just deducted $450 from my gynae prenatal package. for my #2 (changed gynae), they offset it from my hospital bill.

Ankh, SN, i also don't listen too much on those confinement things. my mom says i can bathe daily if i bathe with herbs so i just bathe daily with herbs lor.. and do a final rinse with warm water. i do try and eat properly because i'm bf-ing. super hungry all the time too. i catered confinement food for my #2 and will prob do the same with this baby. I can't take all those pu herbal concoctions cos they make me dizzy. :p

Wenny, i do hear some gynaes strongly advising moms >35 to do chorioncentitis.
fuzzybear, i'm thinking of ordering confinement meals too. any recommendations? most reviews i read says tt the food are too oily or doesnt taste nice.
the 1 that most pple feedbacked was too oily is the natalessentials lor.. do u feel that it's oily other than the smelly pig liver? my friend tried newbaby n she said it's good. ya i saw chilli padi has confinement meals now also.. will probably choose 1 among this 3. just have to decide which 1. haha..
yumz. i just went to see the menu. feel like eating confinement food now! especially my mom's sesame chicken mee sua with lots of ginger!

maybe i will order one meal a day instead of two. the other meal my mom will cook.
Re: victamins same as third3timemum, I take folic acid, neurogain fish oil and new obimin multi vitamin.

Re: Cater confinement food. I catered from Chillipadi for 2 weeks lunch only during my second time confinement. The food and portion was pretty good. However, the red dates drink was not alot.

I saw TMC confinement food can be catered and delivered http://www.thomsonmedical.com/thomson-confinement-food-nutritional-goodness-delivered-to-your-doorstep/ During my hospital stay at TMC, the confinement was good.
i heard from my colleague tat she cater confinement food for lunch onli. the portion is so big tat she can take it for both lunch and dinner. called natal essentials.

I m shortlisting this confinement lady from seremban. tat time my BIL's SIL hired her for RM3,000. she can cook and help to tidy up hse abit. my BIL's mother oso taught her to cook some confinement dishes despite her being a vegetarian.
If i were to hire her, i hav to pay foreign worker levy to govt and transport rite?
Xuan, i don't recall it being very oily. but i do rem that they use a lot of sesame oil. can smell the oil! i find the food pretty decent, so does my mom which is a big thing cos she is a very gd cook.

Yup Kitkat, the portions are huge. I only ordered lunch and usually can't finish it. But i m thinking of trying Chilli Padi this time around cos I am a nyonya at heart. haha..

Hrmmm dunno if it is my imagination or what, but i think i feel fluttering.. haha may be it is gas! i felt fluttering at 13-14 wks for my #1, 11 wks+ for #2..
ankh>I also don't believe in not bathing for the confinement month, I cannot believe some mothers told me, their mum told them even when they wash their hand , also have to use boiled water, and not tap water. Actually these believes are very simple, in olden china times, weather very cold, and they don't have water heater like now, so of course they need to boil their water to have warm water. I already washed my hair when I was in the hospital, bath with herbs. if you don't bath and keep your under there clean, then problem will come
fuzzybear: good to hear that! then i can consider natalessentials also.. hehe...

wat u mean by fluttering?

ending work in 45mins time.. happy! took half day leave to go home shake leg. hahaha... =P

Wenny Koh> I am 39years old now, Gynae told me I have 1% risk for down syndrome, so asked me to do the Oscar test at 12 weeks, also blood test. He did mentioned about another test, I think it's what fuzzybear shared, chorioncentitis 抽羊水, heard that this process has risk of miscarriage, not sure if its true.
