(2013/06) June 2013

mabelths - at least u haf put on..i lost 5kg n haf yet to put on but maybe coz i put on weight jus before pregnancy n this is really my normal range..my dr even compared it to my wt when i was preg w my #1..it is 1kg more..but then again i was smaller pre #1 hahaa..oh well..

justcatcus - big coz of genes mah
cant help it..coz ur hubby of hubby's genes
Within this month I have put on 1.5kg, but dunno why feel that my tummy still looks small. Hopefully bb is growing well inside me.
mummync/ Kome: hehe...as long as baby growing well i guess it's ok. many times i know this logic but somehow just will tend to worry...keep telling myself dont worry...

i'm so tempted to head down to taka fair to take a look, but i think i'll only be able to do so after i am back from my trip..feeling so tired now..yet only mid-week and half the day has passed.

oh 1 qns...how many milk bottles in total should we get? i was refering to your threads and some of you have gotten quite a bit. I've got 6 now and i thought it should be enough? 2 small + 4 regular sized.

Also, for breastpumps, we dont have to bring it to hospital during delivery do we? i just took the parts out to sterilise during the weekend and my mum said i did it too early, so will have to sterilise again..haha
absentmama, each plastic bottles cost me $2 and the glass bottles are FOC from hospital... very heartpain to throw the plastic ones and i merely used them to store my EBM.. )= i think most prob i will keep it.. just sterilise it thoroughly ba...

any mummies gg taka babyfair today? tot of gg down during lunch time to check it out..

hmmm one qn, can lascal buggyboard fix onto combi pram?
Same as you. Know that as long as bb growing well is ok, but when never see gynae that few weeks will just keep wondering is bb doing ok or not.

I got 4 small and 5 260ml. Getting another 2 small and 3 260ml bottles from chewie. I need quite alot coz need to put a few at my mom's house also. I am lazy person, most probably will do the sterilise of the milk bottles once a day if possible. Need more bottles to last.
haha depends on how often u intend to wash..initially when got CL n all she will wash quite often i tink..n small amt they drink..so maybe 2 small enough..but now my child in CC...i haf 9!!!! big bottles..coz one day he drinks abt 4-5 times..lol so if lazy or no time to wash n wash all at night then i jus haf some back ups ;)

hapieger..did u try the lascal website..u can choose ur stroller brand n model n they will tell u if compatiable ..w the maxi or also w the mini...
MofMM, yes sure, can you PM me, we discuss where is good? Remaining 1 small, 2 normal (as 1 MTB cancelled her order).

PL, are you getting a new set? Freestyle comes with it's own tubing and tubing does not need to be sterilized so just 1 (or get 1 spare in case milk goes into tubing, but it's rare and easy to remove) is sufficient. FS uses only the spare parts kit I mentioned. Not the white membrane nor yellow valve

mabelths, yes you should sterilize just before you use it. I didn't bring it to hospital for #1 cos I think milk really comes in from Day 2-3 onwards. The first few days is colostrum only. I'm not sure if starting to pump so early will help? Any mummies can advise?

I used alot of bottles cos I didn't latch and exclusively pump only. So at least 8 for me...
Actual weight gain i not too sure, but for my #1 all the way till almost end of 2nd tri did not gained alot of weight. Once 3rd tri, shot up quite alot. In the end gained 10kg from my pre-pregnancy weight all the way with me till now. For #2, not alot think quite steady all the way till 3rd tri. Totall only gained about 5 to 6 kg only.

I will not bring the breastpump to hospital also. Coz the nurse will bring the bb to latch on every 2 to 3 hrs and like what Chewie said. Might not have milk so fast. When there is really a need than will ask hubby to bring over.
chewie n mabelths - no need to bring to hosp coz u are right..it wont come in so early..n if wanna promote milk production..better to get the consultants or nurses to help ur baby to latch..tt will stimulate n also their saliva will help to stimulate..go hm then start pumping..
The medela storage bottles can I ordered x 10. I've also managed to figure out how to use yr spree site n ordered some stuff.Do let me noe how to TFT u the sum..
hi mummies! just wondering if u ladies think it is smart to hv two bb bed one on the second floor and one on the first so I dun need to go up and down the stairs all the time.Since I will be hving c section
chewie/mummync/Kome: thanks for your advise! i won't bring my breast pump along then. Guess I have to re-sterilise it/ or get my mum to help when i am discharged from hosp. I'm trying to list down a things i have to do so i won't forget. am afraid will have alot to do nearer the date..hehe

hm..as for milk bottles, i think i'll leave as it is now then if need more, get hubby to go buy. Coz baby will be at home, so i think 1 set is sufficient, but being a first time mummy, really don't know how often will i get to sterilise milk bottles in the end.

i'm not engaging CL as my mum offered to do confinement for me
mummync, i have tried searching the website but it dont have the combi urban.. anyway, any idea where to get lascal buggyboard?
Chewie: i'm from Jul 2013 thread. happen to see you are collating order for medela storage bottles? can i order 6 pieces? already pm you..
Qayn - for both kids I didn't gain weight until after 20 weeks. Then from there I gained 13kg for no.1 and 9kg for no.2.., its hard to say cos some ppl gain evenly throughout the months.

Cactus - our houses here not so big.. Lol. But yah you'll prob want to either have another place where bb can nap downstairs - perhaps a playpen as it folds very small and compactly when you no longer need it.
Or get a video monitor so you can assess whether there's a need to go up.

Can I still join the order for the medela storage bottles? Planning to get 4. Please let me know how to collect from you and make payment. Thanks a million!
hapieger..can get from toysrus..i got mine frm there but gonna return it..haha coz bought a dbl stroller so decided we will buy again when the time comes n we need it..
i just came back fr the taka baby fair. those who wondering whether to go, there r lots of playpens there by graco, babycraft, nuna n other brands. cots r from babyone, bonbebe n this other brand i cannot remember. cots range fr $299 to $599. the higher priced ones use harder woods (e.g. cherry wood instead of pine or rubberwood) n hv better sheets bundled together. then for clothings, pigeon, richgi n some other brand home clothes r 3 for $10. there r also a&a muslin swaddles (44x44) n sleeping bags. lots of exersaucers, car seats, strollers, gates, potties, high chairs also. but i didn't hv time to look at the prices. fisherprice, leapfrog, step2, little tikes r there if u want toys. medela, pigeon, avent, munchkin, combi n aprica etc r there too, if u want staples. n if u want the early bird goodie bags, go at 10am!

chewie, where r u ordering the medela bottles? can show me the site? n when is the spree closing?

qayn, for my #1, i gained 3 kg in the last trimester. overall weight gain was 11kg. baby was 3.9kg. but weight gain is not a good approximator of baby's weight. my friend who put on 0 kg actually gave birth to a 4.2kg baby, n we both don't have gestational diabetes. so i think trust the gynae n be happy! no weight gain means less effort needed to lose weight after pregnancy.
Hi Chewie, my friend is lending me her medela freestyle. She told me to get the parts to change for hygiene purpose. Dunno which are the ones to get. In this case, is the spare parts set u mentioned sufficient? Tks!
Hi ladies,

Can anyone advise if what type of nipples or any particular brands, shld i get that is closer to breast feeding?
thanks mummync.. will check it out soon..

och, what is the $ range like for the playpen? hows the crowd? i planned to go down tml during lunch time...
crowd is definitely better than in mothercare, but the atrium is big, so it takes time to navigate past the crowds. i was there at lunchtime too. q for cashier is perhaps 10-15min today. q for delivery is abt 10min. but if u want to speak to sales pple to understand a product, that can take some time. n of course, trying to find space to rummage for the 3 for $10 deal can take time cos everybody there has a big tummy or a big stroller.

i put a cot upstairs n used a LG playmat with haenim playyard downstairs for my #1. chose this setup cos it's flexible enough that it could grow with my #1 for a yr. the playyard is not strictly necessary, but it's good to hv if u r worried the baby will crawl around n get into danger around the house. but i must say this setup takes up quite a bit of space. to save hassle, put it in a part of the house that u can see clearly but doesn't obstruct normal workflow. i'm most likely repeating the same setup for my #2.
sorry, forgot to answer ur q on $range. there's a playpen fr a brand i cannot remember at $129 including mattress. it's basic, just a level for sleeping/playing, no changing mats. not sure if it's adjustable. that's the cheapest i noticed. graco has 1-2 models for less than $200, more or less like those in mothercare fair. if u want to see the range of graco playpens, go to http://aprisin.com.sg/store/index.php. they r the distributors in sg n they r the ones exhibiting in taka fair. there r some babycraft? playpens that r more ex, $200+ to $300+? then there's nuna that r $100+ onwards.

promo brochure: http://www.sgrate.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=17366
<font color="119911">Medela storage bottles BP

Me 15
Jassie 10
PL 4
Joyce Kor 6
Esther 6
Tricia 10
Thiasy 6
Shan 4

19 more bottles to go</font>

I will order in 2 batches (40 bots each). For mummies ordering bottles, I can also add on a few pieces of other Medela items like Freestyle spare parts/ flanges/ membranes/ valves so pls let me know if you want? The shipping price does not increase when I add on a few (like 3 pieces) of those items. The price will be as per Amazon price for ANB Baby - http://www.amazon.com/gp/aag/main?ie=UTF8&amp;asin=&amp;isAmazonFulfilled=&amp;isCBA=&amp;marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER&amp;orderID=&amp;seller=AMQA1YX1U88ID Rate is 1.3. Pls let me know tonight as I will order the items at 9 pm.

For mummies in my Carters/ Drugstore spree, I will pass to you together. If you are only getting the bottles, pls either meet me at Harbourfront or opt for Taqbin ($5).

Alison, the storage bottle comes with bottle cap so to use for feeding baby, you just put on Medela collar and teats.

och, ordering direct from Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003DXX4DQ/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?ie=UTF8&amp;psc=1&amp;smid=AMQA1YX1U88ID

PL, you will need spare parts sets, flanges (the funnels that place directly over breast), and possibly tubing if the condition is no good. You can either get from Amazon or go to SMH Bulk Purchase section and get from megababystore
Tricia, I have not gotten your order. Did you click on the top right hand basket and went through all the checkout steps? You will get the email with payment details then
och, thanks for the info.. im looking for affordable playpen <$100 wo mattress cos i need two sets... The $129 deal seems good.. (=

for those mummies who went for mothercare fair, is there any affordable flat recline pram/stroller? my budget is <$150.. if no, then i will just go for the taka babyfair instead..

chewie, i dint order medela storage bottles but can i place order for medela spare parts like membranes/valves?
<font color="119911">Medela storage bottles BP

Me 15
Jassie 10
PL 4
Joyce Kor 6
Esther 6
Tricia 10
Thiasy 6
Shan 4
Alison 4
Jasmine 4

11 more bottles to go </font>

hapiger, if no one wants then sure! Cos they are actually paying for the shipping so I give them priority first. In any case, what items are you planning to get?
Hi just for info if you purchase 4 packs of newborn or small size huggies ultra diaper at taka baby fair, you will get two free 150ml medela storage milk bottles
Thanks chewie.. I need the parts like valves etc for mini electric pump.. btw whats the link to view the item? Let me know if i can tag along the order. .. thanks!!
Hi chewie
I am interested to get the Medela storage bottle. Are u still taking orders.
How much is it?
I am keen on abt 8

<font color="119911">Medela storage bottles BP

Me 10
Jassie 10*
PL 4
Joyce Kor 6*
Esther 6*
Tricia 10
Thiasy 6
Shan 4
Alison 4
Jasmine 4
ms E 4
Lilac 8
Chloe 4


For mummies with *, you have outstanding spree orders with me, so I will arrange with you. Don't need to enter separate order.

For mummies without *, can you pls submit a simple order through http://iwannaspree.com/spree/medela and enter $3.50 as the price and quantity as agreed here. Click on the basket in the top right corner to go through all the checkout steps and you will receive the bank account numbers for transfer. Items might be here next week if they use the same shipping method as my previous order. You may enter in your checkout comments if you want to meet at Harbourfront or courier. If courier, you can just add $5 when you do the transfer so you don't need to keep transferring.

I ordered some extra items yesterday:
- 1 set membranes (for PISA) - S$9
- 1 set valves (for PISA) - S$9
- 2 sets Freestyle spare parts - US$15.65 each = S$20.35
- 1 set breastpump accessories (comes with 3 collars, 3 discs, 3 lids, 3 caps) - S$9.80

hapiger, you can take the membranes and valves if you want? By the way, Latido playpen is only around $79 for the cheapest version (last year's price, not sure if went up)

PL, no additional shipping. Let me know if you want, I ordered 2

Tricia, did you click the top right basket, then the Checkout button and go through all the steps incl entering your address etc? Only after you complete all that then I will receive your order
