(2013/04) April 2013

Hang in there pepper. Based on the baby's length, which you said is 4 mm, you can roughly estimate the age. Maybe its due to late ovulation? I know a colleague who always h miscalculation for her kids, as she ovulated 2 weeks late. Hang in there.. Maybe should take chelz advice and do detailed scan or get second opinion.

Thoughts with you.

Pepper: *hugs* My heart sank when I read your post. Please be strong and hang in there. Hopefully a miracle will happen. I also agree that it's good to get a second opinion. Please don't give up ok? We'll be here to give you support.
Hi Pepper ,

Are you facing MS for these past weeks....sometime the baby is too small to be detected ......not to worry if not go for second option . Dun give up jia you

Angela ,

hahah ...so sweet of your gal
My boy slowly accepting the bb on the way too ...every evening he will sit beside me and pat my tummy and asked me is bb good today ???
And when i got cramps... he will try to massage my leg ....my sweet darling

Hi PeiFen ,

Hi ladies
Pepper stay strong and Tkecr, my mom when she had my brother he did not have hb until 6 months,
2 days back I got a shock, I was bleeding with thick slimy blood, rushed to the gynae and he gave me a jab, he asked is it carry heavy things but I have been resting at home. It could be the herbal chicken I took (which was a day ago) too heaty for me. But he can see the edge of placenta bleeding.
So now I'm back on utrogestran agn. I'm 11 weeks now.
Any mothers have similar experience? As I feel that 11 weeks is nearing 2nd trimester.
Jo: yes, it's always feels nice when the older child can be understanding towards our current situation. I'm more concerned about my gal accepting the younger sibling as she's a jealous pot. I also heard from several friends that, if the older child is a girl, they tend to be more bossy towards the younger sibling if it's a boy. I'm getting a bit worried about it.
Hi everyone, thanks for your well wishes. I feel really touched. I am going to see another doctor later, cos I really don't want to go for d&c unless I start to see bad signs like bleeding.
My gynae told me dont delay d&c for too long or else there will be infection.
But the guilt of cleaning the womb without mc signs is just too much for me to bear

Chelz: I have pm you already

Jo: I don't really have ms, my mom also said she didn't have ms when she was pregnant. I know ms is supposed to a be good sign of healthy pregnancy..

Oh and mtbs, hang in there, once past the shaky first trimester can heave a big sigh of relief
Macam ,

Olden days everything can ....but now if any MC got to be done before 5 mths if not it can be dangerous for the mummy .

Pepper ,

MS is a good sign of pregnancy ???..my first and now second no MS at all

Is good that you are going for second option ...keep us posted jia you
When my mom had her 3 rd one at 45 years she didn't go for Oscar cos she left it at the 'hands of god' but my sis turn out alright. But I think it's the older generation mindset ba.. If me I won't have the courage to do it
Hello mummies! Am a mom of 1 and expecting my #2 in April. Can I be added to the fb?

Nick: hinohana
EDD: 24.04.13
Baby: #2
Area: NW
Gynae: Dr Paul Tseng
Hospital: Thomson

My email add is [email protected]. Thanks
Alice- if you happen to have time...read my post in 2010.


One thing for sure, doc heng is one of the best. Must trust her, don't worry.

As for PEH. hopefully they improve over the year....btw, i did make a complaint to their management for all the unhappiness during her delivery.

Few dept head from that hospital did respond and apologies to us with a "fruit basket" but that does not make us feel better...so this time round will give them a miss...

Think the only thing we going to miss is DOC Heng..

The total cost is $12k b4 medi save. around 10k cash if i rem correctly...
Andy: Thanks for sharing your wife's birth story. May I kaypoh, why was she losing so much blood then? It sent shudders down my spine reading your post...
Sigh it makes me think that a smooth pregnancy is definitely not to be taken for granted... Right from day 1 to the day we deliver... A smooth day passed must always be cherished....
Angela: After you give birth to your bb, by right the uterus will auto contract and the blood will stop. But for some like my wife, who is having a "lazy uterus" refuse to contract on their own causing bleeding to flow non stop..
I read your 2010 post, glad ur wife is ok now. Omg tats very exp and bad service!! Maybe I should change to other hospital@@
June: that why my wife have a better relationship with my in law after giving birth...

1st trimester-worry of MC
2nd trimester-worry abt down test, detail scan
3nd trimester- worry abt giving birth, bb look....

too many thing too worry..just learn to take one step at a time...
Junebunny: I agree with you! When I was preggie with my gal, I told my hubby we are risking our lives just to carry the baby in our womb. And the responsibility towards the child lasts till the day we die.

Andy: Oh dear, that sounds awful! Hope that your wife will have a safe pregnancy and smooth delivery this time!
Alice: that is back in 2010 lar, maybe they are better now..one friend who had a smooth delivery for 2 time in that hospital dont have any bad exp...guess is just not my day..

But i still cant forgive them....lol...

can you imagine after my wife give birth, i have to stay outside the OT for 5 hours and looking at the close door hopelessly?

But really thankful that God is nice to me, at least he give me a gd gynas..
Btw, just curious is PEH still having alot of foreign nurse?

You mummy are the greatest... totally respect after what i saw my wife go thought...
Hinohana: thanks sis.. to play safe, we choose KKH this time round....

Saw my gynas last week in TPS and both me and my wife just miss DOC Heng...too bad she only deliver in PEH..
Andy: Haha thanks! Actually all we need is more TLC from our hubbies during this difficult time. I'm glad my hubby is a lot more sensible and caring towards me now that I'm expecting No. 2 and I'm really shaking legs doing nothing at home except to eat and sleep. =P
Anybody going for gynae visit tomorrow? It's the start of Week 10 for me. Hopefully I can hear my char siew bao's heart beat this time and see little arms and legs. =)
Angela: Now i know why my wife so happy when she found out that she is pregnant, Cos i will be officially taking over the mob, washing machine and my 19 months old gal for 1 year...
Anymore April 2013 EDD mummies want to join our fb group? Please PM me.

Kindly include EDD, Baby#, Gynae, Hospital and area that you are staying at.

Priority will be given to those who are active here or recommended by members who are already in the fb group.
Cloudily, just pmed you

Andy, that's great! Hope you and your wife will have a wonderful experience. My boy just turned 1 and we just found out we are pregnant again
my husband has been very nice to me too hee..

Angela, today was my first gynae visit and we discovered my baby's EDD and hear its heartbeat! So surreal... I've been Breastfeeding my boy so only realised that I might be pregnant when supply drop like mad... 9 weeks and 2 days already! So fast
So hot today mummies.... Having headache too... Anyone here the same?

Monday gynae appt... Hehe By then can know if bb is due end april or early may

But #2 usually earlier right? :-/
Is it? #2 usually earlier? Why is it so? Mine also number 2.. Have you gals book any jamu massage / confinement / buy any breast pump?
is it too early to say?

Lee.. I've PM you.. have you received?
#2 is earlier? My #1 was early man... I only know delivery for #2 tends to be faster than first

Haven't booked any confinement lady or massage yet... But think need to book the CL soon at least! Joycelyn, what breast pump are you looking at? I am using medela freestyle (yes am still pumping for my 1 year old but reduced to 1 pump a day)..

Hoping to join the fb soon! Here a bit quiet :p
Dunno just heard #2 faster.. But i think its the delivery ba.. For me is csect but just wondering if labour will come before scheduled date. Hope not...

Ya abit quiet here... Waiting to join fb too..

I'll be using my medela fr #1.. But have to see if still working ba..
Have to do csect
my #1 is now abt 16 mths.. So when #2 due he will be abt 2yo.. Dun wanna take any risk.. Will choose birth by appt again
Good morning mtbs!

I went for my gynae visit on Sat and saw my xiaolongbao's head, arms and legs! Baby did a sommersaut during the ultrasound too! Though it's my 2nd baby, I still tear when I saw it. So emo of me! Going for OSCAR on 3 Oct as gynae will be away for 2 weeks, so he suggested that I do early or else I will miss the window period. Can't wait for 3 oct to come quick!

junebunny: Re csect - I also had a csect for No. 1 and this time round I'm also going for csect, so gynae says it has to be scheduled on Week 38 to avoid any drama. I was hoping to have a taurus baby but no hopes liao. =( This means that I have to deliver 1st week of April. Anyway I accept his decision coz I want to avoid any drama too since I also nearly went through drama for No. 1.


I will be going my oscar on d 3 Oct too!! Hopefully will be a fast one coz my boy last time need to scan 3 times as d technician could nt have a gd measurement. So tiring siting there waiting & waiting.
