(2013/04) April 2013

trinity, thumbs up to your mom!
indeed it's not easy at all! during pregnancy, we're merlions and after delivery, we're milk cows MOOOoooooo

Trinity, wow! We shld be on the same week now if ovulation is the same date too. lol

Well, on the CB conception indicator, it will tell u the period when conception actually happened. In the medical field, docs date the pregnancy according to when you had your period i.e. 1st day of your last period which is usually (but not always) 2 weeks from conception date. As it's not always the case, therefore, expected due date changes too as not everyone ovulates on day 14. If a person ovulates on day 21, the due date will be 1 week later even though she may have the same LMP as another person but that person ovulates on day 14. Hope this is not too confusing
I'm either week 5 today or 4weeks 5 days.

Why do u want to go to polyclinic? Blood test is only abt $30 at private GP and usually can get it in 2 days. Polyclinic min 3 days, if im not wrong. Also, the time to queue and go to consultation and then come out and then queue to do blood test. U r better of going to a private GP lor. Also, I'm not sure if the doc will let u take the test. Some polyclinic doctors not exactly friendly. Do you already have a gynae at KKH or u r getting referral fr polyclinic?
Macam glad to hear you are in good hands.

Congrats Trinity

Oceanblue, think you stop for time being and check with your gynae if you should continue.

I will deliver at Raffles Hospital because my gynae is under raffles and I had a very comfortable experience in RH for my #1.
Oceanblue you are welcome and thanks for the link. Is very informative.

My nausea gots better yesterday and today not nausea yet too. Should I be worried?
Sam, you can start shopping for nice and cheap maternity clothes at bkk! and if you are not supersitious, you can buy some baby clothes too. so exciting! lol...

Shirelle, you are going batam by ferry right? try to ask your gynae if there's any pill for the motion sickness that is suitable for preggies?

Trinity: YEAH, YOU R SO RIGHT! WE MUMMIES ARE THE BEST! When my mum was having me, she need to have hormones jabs almost everyday during her last trimester due to heavy bleeding. I cant imagine all the pains she'd went through after i'd my hormones jab few days ago.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi ladies,

Joining you in this thread. Just created another account cos lost my old one.

Like most of you, I'm waiting for my next scan too, went for the previous one and saw the sacs, but guess a lil early to hear the heartbeat. Doc gave me hormone pills and told me to see him in 2 weeks' time.</font>
trinity: ya, me too... not sure how true is it though. lol! mayb she just wanna make me feel guilty. hahaha... but nonetheless, mummmies are the greatest. felt so much better talking to all the mtb here. at least i know i'm not alone
Trinity, should be the same as me
I'm seeing the doc to do 1st u/s scan next Sat. I've to keep reminding myself not to give in to the temptation to bring forward the appt date as probability of seeing a heartbeat now is low. My GP also said see doc at 6 weeks. So, I gotta tahan lor even though Im anxious and it's affecting my sleep. lol

If u get a referral, u will be a subsidised patient. Can't choose doc. It'll be the same as what u went thru with your Number 1. Since u want to choose your own Consultant, u will need to call up the appt line, tell them who u want and get an appt date.
Congrats vanilla!

btw, my friend told me to keep all the consultation receipts etc so that we can claim from medisave. is this true? does it apply to everyone? even those that opted for private hosiptal like mount a?

If I am not wrong, the package for check up from 12 weeks until birth and 1 post natal visit is about $1,200 which also included urine test and vitamin.

For the hospital bill, last time it was around $5500 (included GST and before deducting CPF) for 3 days 2 nights, 2 bedded room, natural birth without using epidual.

yes, your friend is correct, you remember keep all the receipt, can bring it to hospital when u register baby bonus, they will do all the claims for u
ggchua, yes coz' it's a CPF ruling so it applies to all PRs and Singaporeans.

MH, the bill at KKH is definitely not cheap too. I didnt expect it to be that high.

Trinity, headaches are common for some MTBs. For me, nausea set in last week. But not to the point of puking yet (touch wood!). But, I'm hungry very fast! Keep eating. Woke up 2x last night due to hunger and having to go to the toilet.
<font color="aa00aa">ggchua: yup keep the receipts, will have a certain amount that you can subsidized from medisave.

ocean_blue: from the scan, we saw 2 sacs... but he wanna be duper sure till he hear 2 sets of heartbeats.

trinity: thanks for the welcome!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">ocean_blue: forgot to reply... based on calendar should be 7 weeks today... but I think +/- may be 6w++... cos I went for scan last week thinking it was 6wk+ and my gynae say 5+...</font>
Ocean blue, my next appt is next Friday, hopefully can hear heartbeat.

Thank you zenn and shirelle, today no bleeding as of now it comes and goes la.
Though I am a month plus my tummy loos like 4 months la! My jeans and pants all need to unbutton already, but it's ok means I can do more shopping!!

If i read correctly,Am I right to say that from the 1st visit to gynae till birth the receipts can claim from baby bonus thingie? Sorry ah quite ignorant about it.
I'm so tired wish I can rest but I'm working now. Must tahan!

I refer to the website, "Medisave may be used for maternity expenses. This includes expenses incurred during delivery and pre-delivery medical expenses such as consultations, ultrasounds, tests, medications, etc. Under the Medisave Maternity Package, up to $450 may be withdrawn for pre-delivery expenses when claimed together with delivery charges. All receipts for pre-delivery expenses must be submitted with the delivery charges for claims at the hospital."
<font color="aa00aa">If I don't remember wrongly... the amount 'claimable' from the medisave is up to a maximum of $450... meaning this will be reflected in your final bill, together with the delivery costs and all...'</font>
Trinity, no, no. haha.. Im expecting my 1st
Just that the amt looks a lot! haha..

Frosted_Vanilla, how nice if it's twins!
Did u have symptoms early? What are u having now?
<font color="aa00aa">trinity, am very surprised by what we saw too... in fact, we didn't know how to react at that time! Haha... but it's all good. Count it as double blessings.

But you all can be quite sure if it's a pair of twins, factory's gonna be closed after this! =P </font>
<font color="aa00aa">ocean_blue, my symptoms are quite horrible but thank God no actual puking! Bloatedness, feeling nauseous, sides of the stomach pulling like stitches (gynae says it's gastric-related), I seemed to have pregnancy anaemia too, dizzy and all...and no appetite! Can't eat full portion meals... </font>
<font color="aa00aa">ggchua: praying for baby gal, cos #1 is a super duper active boy... I can't imagine 3 boys running around!

please sprinkle baby gal dust my way! so far, my family all boys!</font>

If I remembered correctly, I claimed for that using the package I signed up with gynae @20week. The claimable amount is too little compared to our gynae bills

i stopped being batang cos this is #3, i even handled my SIL babies last sunday. hehe. told my mom, my close frens about pregnancy 2wks back. even updated my boss ytd.
The govt just talked about low fertility, have they even considered how much the gynae is charging us? Even if we were to go to KKH, I doubt the charges are lower. And the baby bonus amount is just so pitiful, it barely covers for delivery charges. If most singaporeans dont have a comfy salary, Im convinced the fertility rate will be even lower
<font color="aa00aa">Sam,

I have a lot of comments for this low fertility issue! You're right that the baby bonus is little. Just look at the vaccination charges.

Haven't even tread on the point of horrendous and sky-high fees that a lot of childcare charges!

I'm convinced if the childcare fees keep rocketing, the fertility rate will be all time low.
<font color="aa00aa">Sam,

Ya ya, I believe not all gals are docile! Oh God, be very kind to me! But in a way or another, they will be influenced by their hyper gor gor...</font>
Frosted_vanilla congrats and is a twin. Wow. Good for you.

Child care fees is horrible. My sister has 2 and 1 more coming. So I know she has to scrimp &amp; save. Work non-stop in order to support the family. Very stressful hor.
congrats vanilla and welcome!

Trinitymummie, If i'm not wrong (not very sure though), kkh charges compared to private charges don't differ much if you wish to choose your own doctor. There are private gynae who charge on the low side. where are you staying around?

Just to share, my GP advised hb and I that we consider abortion because I was previously on contraceptive pills for a month during my work peak period (silly me!) But our visit to gynae the following day was a totally different experience. For my 1st pregnany, GP thought i was "too young" to be a mother, so when we visited him, he thought my nausea symptoms were caused by severe constipation and wanted to give me strong laxatives! Luckily we asked to take a pregnancy test.

sam, you're right
$450 is really miserable compared to gynae fees. If i'm not wrong, his package is about $2k now. but better than can't claim...
Trinity: I heard from many people the same thing too! eat meat to have boys and veges to have girls. but now i dont feel like eating anything.. hahaha..

Sam: I cant help not to be batang when everyone around me are very batang. they always warn me of this and that cannot la.. blah blah blah.. my hb also very batang
but i just cant wait to share my joy to everyone. haha..
Shirelle sometimes GP is just not as knowledgable. My GP prescribed me inappropriate medi for my gastric pain during my wedding day which cause fever. I found out when the hotel doctor came to give me a jab to bring my fever down so that I can go ahead with my wedding dinner. he asked why GP gave you this medi?

Then the same GP increased my dosage of thyroid coz I put on weigh due to fertility treatment. (my condition was stable then) He said to help with metabolism and he knows i am trying to concieve and in the end My thyroid just go hay-wired and till now I need to see specialist. My gynae always question why the GP suggest increase. I wonder if my GP is trying "harm" me in anyway. Hahaha

I loved beef and durians for my #2, turns out to be girl that weighs 3.515kg :p

Even after I learnt the gender, my bb continues to love beef, turns out she's the exact of hubby tastes, with the same blood type
Trinity: Wah! I'm aiming for 10 kg weight gain. lol! trying not to over eat. only eat healthy food.. i also scare to put on weight! ive gained 1.5 kg so far and i didnt eat much. sob sob
Hi all MTBs here,

I'm new here with #1. Just saw my gynae yesterday for scan(7th week now) and can see the foetus and heartbeat.It's amazing.

Btw, need to check with the experienced mummies here if the OSCAR test is necessary. The gynae ask me to decide on the next appt which is 3 weeks later.

poor you. all i can say is, follow their batang_ness lor, cos batang ppl are very quick to blame. shd anything go wrong, they will be the first to say "I told you so rite!"

oscar is detailed scan rite? i think its abit quick for that, cos oscar normally done around 20wk. you may wanna book after your first trimester
Hi Mtbs,

I juz tested postive &amp; im seeing my gynae tis fri. I shld be ard 5 wks + bah.

Recently i also crave for meat!! Dun tell me its a boy again coz my #1 is boy. I need some bb gal dust here.

Hi mummies

I just visited my gynae for assurance checks on my bb ... Everything well and hope spotting stops soon just gt progesterone jab keke he stress I must rest and rest ~

Ya the claim amt only $450 so no need to keep all receipts the one u sign package can Liao ...

Vanilla hiii saw that u gt twins! Congrats!

Anybody opting for glen eagles?
