(2013/01) Jan 2013

hi aspialle! i am a sahm staying ard eunos area. thot of making some frens here who might b bored at home. my #1 attends full day childcare so its just me and #2 at home till late evening,

found this thread yday while i was pumping my milk n surfing the net at the same time.

My son also seems tol be temperamental now..
Sometimes can finish his milk in 10mins, sometimes can take up to 1hr to finish.

My son is also born on 29/1/13. But I'm living in the west.
brandon_mummy > i am living in the west too!

aspialle >thanks. i am hoping for the best, preparing for the worst.. yeah.. maids are hard to find nowadays..
my baby has been drinking lesser and keep playing with the remaining milk in her teat too. i doubt mine is teething too because she sucks her pacifier well too.

Hi Brandon_mummy,

I'm stay in bukit panjang too, my boy born on 18 dec, join this thread coz my edd was in 2nd of jan...
Hi mummies, if your baby managed to sleep thru the nite, can I just chk how many bottles do u feed ur baby a day and how many ml?

My boy's last feed is usu at 10-11pm and in the morn I usu will feed him at 6am while he's sleeping. But these 2 days he rather sleep than suck, so I'm thking if I shd stop the 6am feed and just wait for him to wake up
Hi tnghome,
I'm staying at Segar area.. U??
Both our baby are boy too.. Lolz..
He's your 1st baby?? Mine is 1st.

Envy your baby can sleep thru the night..
Mine this morning 3am wake up want to play..
hi xycartx, my boy's last feed is also about 11 (dreamfeed). and his first feed is about 7.30 when he wakes.

he takes a total of 5 feeds a day, including the 11 dreamfeed.
I stay at Senja road. Yes, he is my 1st baby..

And my boy also cannot sleep thru night yet, will wake up once at night to drink milk.
Today then remove the cradle cap on my son's newly shaven head. Put bb oil before bath, shower his head, v fast drop off liao
hi mummies,

long time din chat here liao.. haha.. how's everyone?

xycartx, my boy is drinking 5 feeds including a latch, in a day. each bottle of ebm is abt 150-180ml. and his last feed last night i latched him at 9pm. lasted him till 730am this morning. usually i give him bottle for his last feed ard 11-12am. and he lasted till 8-9am. but last night, i was to tired, so din give him another feed before i sleep.

i m wondering his total feed amount is too little anot. cos his weight seems to be climbing very slowly. till now he is oredi week 15 but he still havent double his birth weight. the doc at polyclinic said his weight is ok, when we went for his 3mths assessment and 5in1 jab. i thought by 3mths shld double his birth weight liao?

another question, mummies who are pumping exclusively, any idea how to increase letdowns during pumping? i find that my letdown is lesser and slower nowadays. and in order to pump out the amount enuff for my baby's feed, i m spending 1 hr at pump, with breaks in between. hoping to increase letdown and spend shorter time to pump.
thanks for all your inputs. i guess i have to continue to let him take his feed even while he's sleeping otherwise, he'll only have abt 4 feeds a day which i dun thk it'll be sufficient.

nickole, my boy only doubled his birth weight at 4 months but pd always assured me he's fine at every check up as he is already above average according to the chart.
Hi nickole, just wondering, what's your bb's birth weight? Is your bb already on the higher percentile when born, that's why not doubling his birth weight yet?

For 4-6mths old bb, milk intake per feed ranges 150ml-250ml. Perhaps you can aim 180ml per feed now.

From my own experience, drinking lots of water and increasing pump frequency helps increase total output. But lengthening pump duration doesn't quite help. My supply dropped drastically about 3 wks ago when I had mastisis and infection and was on antibiotics. I almost wanted to get fenugreek to boost my supply. Fortunately, was able to build back my supply after about 5 days.
they really look identical! my boy also taking around that qty every 4 hrs.

what is a good brand for stage 2 milk? i'm giving nan now and thking of changing brand when he reaches 6 months
My boy is 7.4kg @ 3 mths now..
Drinking 125ml of ebm per feeding only.. Per day abt 5 feeding + latching on at night.
He doesn't want to drink more than that.
Didi looks just like kor kor! Like a carbon copy, so cute!

Hi gal! Long time no hear from you! I pump exclusively 4x daily but recently 2 weeks volume has dropped too... So I try power pumping over sometimes an hr to get the same amount but am starting work so may try to pump more often and at shorter duration to try to increase supply and also hopefully be able to be more efficient in each pump session.

My boy does not want to drink more than 120ml each feed too! So he drinks every 3-4hrs and still not sleeping thru the nite, usually waking at 4-5am or feed. Doubt anything I can do about this but the night feeds are tiring!
Hi bdmummy,
Perhaps you can try dream feeding around 10-11, it should help your bb to sleep through the night. I did that for my #1 and am doing that for my #2 now. Personally find that it works very well.
Mummy_wen > My boy is 6kg at 3months too. But he is at 50th percentile.

Nickole > Hello.. I am fine. Experienced this for my #1. Per my own observation, letdown is due to stress/mood changes. When i am not stressed about how much I can pump out, letdown is faster. When I feel good/happy, letdown is faster too..
Before pumping, need to massage and massage.

Presume you are back to work? Did you experience the slow letdown prior back to work?

Glad to see another old time mummy re-joining the forum! Hope there are more to come and keep this forum alive!

Brandon_mummy > I am in Jurong area..

Aspialle > Yesterday, I went back to hospital for hearing test.. passed it! Phew~ But nurse told me, despite passing, I still have to monitor baby's growth.. At least a relief for now :D
Liz > i guess, so long as they are having reasonable weight gain, all should be ok? What did doc say on this?
For me, nurse told me my boy is doing good as steady weight gain - 2kg in 2 months.

Haha his last feed is ard 11-12mn le, so j can only conclude he is lazy to drink more or his tummy is small
his night feed no consistent timing last night was 3am, sometimes 4am or 5am.

My boy was 6kg at 3m, pd also says 50th percentile. He was born smaller at 2.9kg and pd says good to hv put on 3kg in 3m. At 4kg was 6.7kg.
brandon_mummy > The test I did was the newborn hearing test, though bb is already 3.5months old. yours will pass too, don't worry..
Xin yue,
Mine fail 3 times including the newborn one..
This time round is 4th time. And a very accurate one according to the doc. Will just keep praying for him till the next test date.
So happy for u!!!

Brandon mummy
Don't worry he will pass


Ya lor like photocopy hehe but didi is bigger than kor kor
Finally my baby is sleeping through the night!!
Sleep at 10.30, wake up at 5.30..
Hope he can continue to do so.. Haha..
N it might be also due to the reason that he's not sleeping a lot in the day..
Mummies can try not letting baby sleep for long hrs during the day.
brandon_mummy > Great that your little one is sleeping through! As for mine, he doesnt sleep alot in the day, yet still wakes up for night feeds.. Felt that he seems rather tired when I see him at the end of the day.
My boy sleep 3-4 hrs during the day. He will look really tired if he didn't get enough sleep, like a toy running with low battery. lolz... cannot response well too.

May i know any mummy here wake your baby up from day nap?
Hihi Bdmummy, Xinyue

mummy_wen, my boy's birth weight is 3.43kg. He is also 6kg at 3mths. the nurses at polyclinic said he is at 50th percentile.

i told the nurse my baby sometimes last feed at 10-11pm, then sleep through till next morning 7-8am. she said timing too long, need to wake him up to feed. i asked if i could latch, she said cannot.. *faintz* i m thinking, when everyone is hoping for their babies to sleep through the night, here she is telling me to wake my baby up for feeding! which i din follow, cos i m thinking if i wake him, he might think that he is supposed to wake up at that timing, long term wise, might not be good cos he will be used to that timing to wake up! ok, part of me lazy to wake up at 3-4am to feed him too! lol.
i try to dreamfeed him before i sleep, ard 1-2am. at least shorten the interval.

Xinyue, yes i m back at work since last week. but the slow letdown was from 2nd month onwards. haiz! and yes, i massage and pump, massage and pump leh. i always no reaction whenever my baby cries beside me leh. cos ppl always said if hear baby cry, or see baby photo, can feel faster letdown, but no leh. it didnt happen to me.
Nickole >Hmm.. i do experience same issue for my #1.. also no solution.. like u, i can pump up to an hour but i was using electric pump.. so i do wonder is it due to the suction not strong enough?

Heehee.. my boy's birth weight was 2.8kg and he's 6kg at 3 months old, 50th percentile too.. Hmm, so long he is growing, normal and healthy, i am fine.. earlier on had a scare on his hearing.. hope all goes fine from now.
my bb's birth weight was 2.7kg, he's 6kg @ 3mths. glad to hear so that's actually 50th percentile. thanks!

hi tnqhome,
i will wake my bb gently from his day nap if he's slept too long. i think it's fine to do that, he's usually in light sleep anyway and would wake easily when i just call his name or stroke his face.

according to the babycenter website, at about 3mths, their total sleep a day should be approx 15hrs, 10hrs at night, 5hrs during the day (broken into 3 naps at least).

i try and follow that for both my #1 and #2.
hi nickole,
the nurse's recommendation is very strange. haha! i agree you should not wake your bb in the middle of the night for feeding. both my bbs sleep from about 9.30 till 7.30 at abt 3mths, with a dreamfeed around 11 and they are fine leh. i think what the nurse said might be more applicable for newborns when their tummy is still very small.
my bb birth weight was 3.1kg, he is 8.1kg @ 4 months. He is a 90 percentile baby.

Mummy_wen, bb take 3 naps within the day, and go bed around 830pm till 6am, with dreamfeed around 11-12am and 4am. Last night, he change his timing 10pm, 2am, 4am and 6am... Sign, I hope it last ONLY ONE day. It was too tiring.

mummies, my gal's birth weight 2.8 and 6.6kg at 15th weeks.. but i scared that she will become thinner because she is a latched on baby and i had just started work, and she rejected bottle. only drank 50ml at 4 hours interval...not really sucking but the milk dripped from the teats to her mouth one..

should i be worried?
