(2013/01) Jan 2013

Morning, ladies!

Feeling slightly better today.. I think it's work stress... I haven't break my preg news to my office. My boss doesn't seem to be pro family kind... Always hinting that one child is good enough. Maybe becos of this, I have been worrying about how to break my preg news.. On top of this, been very weak. Headache, body aching, sore throat and feverish. No strength to play with my boy and I'm so guilty... I did not have MS for my no 1 and was full of energy... This time round so different so very down loh... But feeling better after telling u ladies... At least a place to let out my fears and frustration.

Thanks Angeliqueous, Hammiebao, Snowhopes. Yeah I think I will do the tests.

4season, century egg I guess better not take during 1st trimester, as embryo major organs are starting to form. I used to cook it in porridge with lean meat, taste better than eating without cooking.

Friends, most likely due to hormones change. Try to think positive, rest enough, & plan for things that u like to do to occupy time.

Cherry83, I've not done Blood test to check HCG level before. Do u have alot pregnancy-related symptoms, like nauseous, bloatedness, tiredness, etc?
<font color="ff0000">GOOD</font> <font color="0000ff">MORNING</font> <font color="ff6000">LADIES</font> <font color="aa00aa">!!!!</font> ;p

<font color="119911">fabbie, I think we should all meet up when it's 2nd trimster...
Easier oso since 1st trimster a lot of mummies all feeling oh so tired and lazy. I stay Bukit Merah area.

Itchy tummy: I am starting to scratch the sides of my tummy... gee! Time to buy the clarins oil! :p</font>
Hi ladies! Gd morning!

Snow: sorry to hear that. Hope that u r coping well. Am sure dr tseng will know what's gd for u. Have faith! I oso have itchy tummy, scratched till bleed.

Hey ladies, can we eat foie gras? Going for client lunch later and client wanna eat French food. I simply love foie GRAS but I think I should not be eating that during pregnancy. And i ate Lao ban tao Huey last evening.
Just finished my boy's cc drama today again ! Shorter then yest 40 mins &amp; he made me carry all his 3 bags plus himself 17kg so total of 18-20 kg exercise this am. Can't imagine what's gog to happen when my bump getting bigger n bigger

Diff preg diff symptoms de. My #1 no Symptoms at all except tailbone pain. This #2 so far also no but tailbone starting to hurt. Then worry this worry tt then emo &amp; tears just roll

Sure but I don't think have waterplay leh it's more of arty stuffs. Fr the Internet, I shortlisted a few activities to go more of using of recycled matl to do painting, Tangle performance which I heard they can be involved &amp; not sure abt the rest le
Waterplay u shd bring ur kids to zoo, birdpark Sentosa? They have great waterpark

I totally understand but at least ur boss still said 1 kid. My ex boss when I'm expecting #1 then was a old spinster &amp; don't even know wats family value. For tt I almost quit during my term &amp; my HR then very ' nice' haha asked me to endureeee till I claim my ml :p so I left afterwhich
<font color="aa00aa">FRIENDS: hugs don't think too much ba.. but i heard usually is like that? #1 and #2 will be different is it? my #1 i didn't have much MS. but now this time round seems to be more MS =( try to sleep early ya!

snow hopes: ya can can! i staying in Jurong ^^ working at tangoing pager

nlimm: i want to go sentosa! till now haven't been the new play area. haha I'm excited for my kid to go there LOL

Oh ya remember ladies to eat ya folic acid! lol i think soon our short term memory will be start kicking in.. haha </font>
Do update on festive village!
Take good care of urself and don't carry too heavy!! Not good! Sometimes I carry my 11kg I feel breathless...
purple rain: i take my folic acid and vits after breakfast every morning. i think after taking fruits is fine. as long as not empty stomach.
<font color="119911">canopyhaze, yes yes... after a night sleep, I feel better. And yes, I trust Dr tseng will do what's best for me.
tummy really itchy leh. dunno is it cos of the dress or what... but today I got some problem zipping up my work dresses (SHUCKS!!! looks like i gotta go dig out my old preggy clothes liao) Hb was still asking me what happen to all my maternity clothes. really can blow away the dust from the vaccum bag liao.

the part about eating foie gras is not very clear? I think if it's fully cooked should be ok? I dunno how well the French restuarant will cook it thou cos I no experience in eating Foie Gras. :p

"A listeria infection, or listeriosis, is the major concern associated with eating foie gras or any type of pate. These bacteria can be found in undercooked meats, soft cheeses and unpasteurized milk as well as in pate. A pregnant woman who eats listeria can pass the bacteria on to her baby, which can cause stillbirth or miscarriage. According for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, listeriosis causes flu-like symptoms at first. When it spreads, the infection causes confusion, headaches and convulsions. Antibiotics can treat the infection. p://www.livestrong.com/article/553322-is-seared-foie-gras-safe-to-eat-when-pregnant/

fabbie, thanks for reminding... haha i almost forgot. Cos I try to take it after breakfast... ;p

purple_rain, for my first preg I eat it first thing in the morning when i get off the bed with pre-natals (in 2nd trimster).

nlimm, yah dun carry so heavy lah... if possible get him to sit in a pram?</font>
snowhopes: i also realize i can't fit into my shorts yesterday night! i had to unbutton my button when i went for dinner. :p hahahaha if not it's like going to burst!
Count me in too hehe

Purple rain: Haha we shd change job. I stay jurongwest &amp; work yck( beside yishun:p)

I have no idea if can eat tt item u mentioned.

Westzone 'mummies:
WAHHHH I love this thread more westzone mummies hehe the last time only 2. Todate be canopy, babbiee &amp; who else?snowhopes bt merah is south or central or west ?

Me too nvr been to tt waterplay at Sentosa yet, just seeing alot photos of 2009 kids outing there hehe. Look real fun .

Folic acid:
Oh I always take with milo coz if with water I tend to vomit out.

I'm trying nOT to carry him but since last wk he got so cranky this wk super sticky, even zzz also stick to me now
bath also don't wsn daddy insist to be with me everything me me &amp; me.
I be bring pram later hope he be cooperative &amp; sit on it lor. 1st outing out with him &amp; myself with other mummies&amp; kids

Sure update u tomm
<font color="119911">snowhopes: I THINK the part about eating foie gras is more of the nature of it being a liver and not the "doneness". Supposedly we cannot eat too much liver bec of the Vitamin A which is difficult to be broken down so will stay in body longer and too much of this is harmful to baby. This is what I thought la...</font>
Cherry, i did a blood tes on last thurs n sat, results increased by 2k.. No doubling.. He say as long got increase, it doesnt mean bad..Gynae is gg to do a scan 2ml as per scheduled...
<font color="aa00aa">nlimm: hahaha we shall go there when our kids grown up! LOL we target LOL where is the link? i wan to see

Folic Acid: as long ya stomach got abit thing should be okai to eat ba.. hmm maybe get bit biscuit should be alright =) just to be safe.

Snowhopes: haha no worries</font>
<font color="0077aa">missy, ^5. I have been unzipping/unbutton the jeans when I wear them. Usually still ok to wear in the AM, in the afternoon after lunch- unbotton only, then by the evening after dinner- unbutton and unzip. that time heng I was wearing a very long top... Now I only wear dresses. no more shorts/pants/jeans which is not convi when I have a toodler...
So really gotta dig out my maternity clothes le.

LDG, I also not sure about the vit contents cos I dun usually eat a lot of liver. i eat them more for iron - pig liver. But I know usually the stalls don't cook them through cos it will be super chewy. the bak chor mee stalls usually make them a little bloody lah. :p but I did read that excessive Vit A is actually bad for the unborn baby.
s_loh, I may not get cos I still have from my No. 1... So wasted! Never give away... else can shop for more... HAHAH!!!

fabbie, yah lor... but I also shopping around other websites. But in the end I may just buy from Spring Maternity those places so I get to try the comfort and all. Cos I realised some of their designs can be bought from China sites and having buy before I quite doubt the material sometimes. lolz.
<font color="aa00aa">snowhopes: hahaha i must ren ren.. save money.. lol ya buy from china better.. but depends on the luck like quality and the items is it correct anot lor. </font>
hi ladies. this is a sad post.

as some may know, monday i was spotting/ bleeding and sought some advice from the mummies here. i went to my gynae immediately during my lunch. he told me to head straight to thomson medical centre, did a V-ultrasound to see if i having ectopic pregnancy. i could see the sac and turned out im 4 weeks preg.

yesterday morning, tuesday, i woke up to a pool of blood in my pad plus a lump of "tissues". gynae appt was in evening, i told him abt the blood, the tissues that flow out, 99% MC. i shouldnt be bleeding for 2 days.

i had no symptons, no MS, no cramps, no giddy. i was feeling perfectly normal. and was given queen treatment at home.

wont be hanging around here anymore. thanks for the advice dear mummies. i wish you all the best! its a blessing to have the little one.
Hi FRIEND (Friend 78)
Hihi.. My EDD also on 2 Jan 2013 ! =p
BUt my LMD was 28 March..
Anyway.. i also wish that my bb born in the yr of snake.. and still a dragon bb =D
* Cheers!
<font color="aa00aa">Canny: oh no.. im so sorry to hear that.. sighz *hugs tight* do take good care will pray for you to be well and dont give up on trying another one ya! </font>
Hi Canny.. i'm not sure if you'll read this.. It;s really sad to hear that. Take good care of yourself. We're still young, there will be plenty of chance to get pregnant.. Take care for now and dun think too much..

I hereby hope that each and every mummy (inclusing myself) and our babies will be healthy throughout our few months to come..
<font color="0077aa">Hi canny, *Big Hugz* sorry to hear that. Do a mini confinement to bring ur body back to health. Take care!</font>
<font color="0077aa">nlimm, currently not a lover of liver...

Karbear, I have seen him once before. Went to him to get morning after because I was afraid of getting preggy too soon. I personally find him a friendly gynae. If you were to google him, you will find lots of thread which talks about him. I would say majority of the comments on him are really good. But because he has packages, waiting time might be long. What you can do is fix an appt with him first, go see him. If u like then stick to him. If not, you can hop on to ur second choice.
but dun take too long to hop yah?</font>
Canny, take good care of yourself. Hugs!

Zoel, hi! hi! Mine has a high chance of delivering in Dec leh... cos my no 1 came out early; 3 days before EDD. Have u decided on the hospital already?

Supplements: I'm taking folic acid, fish oil, new obimin (wonder y it indicate the word new in it?) and calcium. All given by Gynae.. Obimin and calcium cannot be taken together. Must have one/two hr interval.. All the pills (except folic acid) r long type.. hard time swallowing...
Need helps from mummies here... I'm so loss now. Shd be at 5 1/2 weeks now and just saw the Gynae. I see only an empty sac, measuring 0.93 by 1.5cm. Gynae says it is a good sign and has no cause for concern. But I'm deeply worried. I juz had a miscarriage on CNY and is so worried that the same thing will happen again, despite the fact that i already had 2 successful pregnancies previously. Can mummies here advise what did u see at week 5 1/2? TIA.
<font color="0077aa">xaramama, come come let me share with you... I did a scan at 6 weeks 0 days (which means about 3-4 days later than urs). The print out also showed one empty sac... I only saw the fetal pole &amp; HB on scan at 6 weeks 4 days.

During the appt at 6wks 4 days, I asked him if it was normal that at Wk6, the scan pic only shows one empty sac. He told me it's normal because its still early in pregnancy.
When are you seeing gynae again? another week later? </font>
Snowhopes: thks. My next visit is 2 weeks later. Can't help but fear. The Jan nightmare was a killer. I can't help but fear tt the same fate will fall on me. How come ur next scan is only 4 days later? Did ur Gynae tell u y?
<font color="119911">*HUGZ to Canny*
And you shd really at least do a mini confinement like what snowhopes sugg to bring your body back to health. Take care!</font>
Hi hi,
Taking a peek here s was in seminar while day...
Dunno if canny will c this.. Take care n build up ur body to try again yea

Hai me juz join 'puking club' ytd. 6 times in all.. Today outside seminar tot nothing yet juz had 1st puke of day throwin gpart of lunch juz now.

Mymum shared w me that I made her puke till 6mth last time!! Hope my bb dun do this to me...
Canny : sorry to hear that! big big hugz!

Just back from client lunch, now at home studying, i didn't eat the foie gras in the end, ordered tiger prawn with caviar but guess what! It turned out to be a raw chop tiger prawn with raw egg &amp; caviar! Skipped my starter totally! Luckily my main course was gd, a seared rum of beef! Loved it but the portion was too small. Now feeling hungry!
Do u ladies onstantly feel hungry but cant eat much?

Maternity clothes
I am still wearing my normal clothes, still ok, cos my bump is not showing much, i think that is because i am big size, so no one can suspect that i am pregnant. I have told my boss and my team about my pregnancy. And was kinda sad that i couldn't go for my incentive trip to Milan in Jan13. My boss &amp; my co-workers are very supportive, am glad to have such a wonderful team.
hihi Nlimmm.. =)
I also wry might be early due cos.. norm is earlier than EDD de? Its my 1st time being a mummy. =p
Yea, my 1st visit to gynae was TMC choa chu kang Dr Adrian. Dun like him. No human touch at ALL. Less than 3 mins plus ultrasound, 200 bucks. and nvr say anything to me =(
So i went Malaysia.. JB. I am a malaysian (Spore PR) married to a SG hubby. I went to near pelangi de Century Medical. V near my hse though. =p I love it. Nurses gd, Gynae considerate. Will choose to deliver and consultation in Malaysia ;)
<font color="0077aa">xaramama, I can understand how you feel. Cos the first time i scan I oso forgot to ask him why only the sac. Then aft reading all the mummies here got HB at wk 6, i got really worried! Guess u feeling the same. Dun worry!

The reason why my scan was days later: I was suppose to see my gynae at wk 7. But at wk6, i got spotting so go see him - he gave me duphaston. Then so heng heng, that week I noticed abnormal discharge (i.e. light green?). Called the clinic and they told me to go see him. Other than the swap test, he did a scan for me... That's why my scan was at Wk 6 and wk 6, 4 days. See him until paiseh...</font>

Hi, snowhopes. Did your bleeding stop immediately after medication? Did you have menses-like cramp too?

I actually had bleeding on monday night and went to the gynae on Tuesday and was given duphaston.
Today bleeding seems to be increased and there is still pain. Yesterday the V scan, G sac grown and can see a very small fetus with no HB.

I'm worried. Praying hard and staying positive.
