(2013/01) Jan 2013

@bdmummy: ya time passes fast. N thanks for yr advice.

Btw those mummies who fully bf, have u all started express out? I just started last week. Hopefully can still fully bf aftwr back work. But I find my ss getting low. As I too lazy to pump out after latch. Only pump twice a day. Can we still build up?

To prevent reflux, better to feed baby more often but less volume each time eg every 2 hrly.

To up supply will need to try to empty the breast each time and also to feed/express every 2-3 hourly for a period of time to increase supply. You can also try to lengthen the pumping time too.

Not yet. But I hv friends whose babies start teething from 4mths.
My elder son teething since 4 mths . Now bb 3 mths but I think start teething, he will droop and keep using teat to rub his gums
Went Kkh for bb's checkup at PCC. He is 7.5 kg 64 cm long all 90 percentile. Gd news is doc says his testicle came down but not totally yet, a bit high but eventually will go all down. Most likely don't need any operation.
I delivered on 8 Jan 2013. Can add me to fb as well? My email address is [email protected]

Recently my boy likes to feast his hand. Is it a sign of teething? He's gg for immunization vaccine (6-in-1) nx mon at polyclinic at 3mo.

I'm gg back wrk end of the mth. Hopefully still can presevere to pump.
That's great news! So happy for u and your boy!

My boy also likes his fists too! More a sign of them self soothing DIY (instead of sucking on pacifier), eater than due to teething. With teething they will usually get cranky and drop milk intake and also drool.
Jaslyn, he's slightly better now. We even went to see pd to see if there's anything wrong but pd said ok except tummy abit bloated so prescribed colic drop. He was able to drink more peacefully after that.

My boy also like to feast on his fist now and keeps drooling.
Hi Mummies,

My baby has a flat head on her right side cos she is prone to lie down and face the right side when she sleeps. pretty obvious. will putting her in yao lan helps with the re shaping? or is there any other solutions?

tried getting her to face the left side, using the dimple pillow.. but seems no use at all...

Playing with her tongue

Recently she is also very often playing with her tongue, sticking it out when we are communicating with her...

is that a sign of teething?

Time flies, am going back to work tomorrow (taking 3 mths maternity leave, leaving 1 month to spread throughout the year)

MIL will be taking care of her when we are at work. but somehow I am still very bothered by this cos I can't tolerate some of her kampung antics on taking care of baby.. (had some conflicts with her though I avoided confrontation, grumbling to hub at night)

can't imagine have to let her take care of baby till she is 18mths old for childcare..

praying that the next 16 months will fly by so that MIL need not take care of baby and move back to her own home (she is & will be staying with us till baby is 18mths)
bdmummy, my baby is only drinking 120ml every 3hrs. so i dont know if i should decrease the amt of milk further to feed her every 2hrs. cos she dont really cry for hunger nowadays. but luckily she has been putting on weight. so PD is not concern about the amt she is drinking

xycartx, i feed my baby ridwind too but she is still struggling. i guess i will have to ask the doctor whats wrong with her when she goes for jab. hopefully i can tahan till then.

Ctrus, my baby is feasting on her fists too. i asked the doctor if i should get her teaters but she says it is too early. not good for her.
Hi Aspialle,
Great news that ur boy dont need any op... what a healthy weight! very good...
hehe can't wait for the docs appt to find out how much DD has grown..
My boy also has flatter head one side coz he likes to look right. Shapewise not a prob (more aesthetic) but it is more impt to make sure that their neck muscles are developed ie can also turn head fully to the left side as well. One of my friends decided to put son in yao lan for this reason but I understand it is better for them to sleep on firm mattress. Haha she said boy next time do NS must shave head not nice if head is flat on 1 side.

Good that your baby is putting on weight well, then no worries about the milk volume, 120ml is ok, not too much for their little tummies.
My mil is helping to look after bb nw and when I return to wrk end of the mth, he'll move to pil's plc until he's 18mo for CC. As we dun own a car, hb and I will become wkn parents instead. Totally agree on the different upbringing of bb. I told her bb no need to drink water as BM can keep bb hydrated but she insisted to give.

My bb's head is also flat on one side. He'll auto turn to tt direction no matter hw to position him sideway or opposite. Although no need to drill holes on ceiling, the yaolan nwadays very bulky leh. Mil is worried if long term tt bb need yaolan/sarong to slp as might pose a prb if we're not at hm and/or travelling etc. I'm also concern abt the quality of his slp. We hv alr put 2 bean sprout pillows on him but he still get startled.

I'm also looking fwd to his chk-up at polyclinic to see hw much he has grown (weight/height). But also jittery abt hving fever due to jab.
Hi ladies, long time nvr come in.

My boy is 3 months old today
time flies.... Going back work in less than a month's time.

Re Flat head
At 2 months, pd mentioned my boy is flat on one side too. So make him sleep on other side.... Hopefully will be better.

Re sarong
Think will take put sarong and use for him pretty soon. He seems to wake up very easily recently.

Can add me to FB group too? My email [email protected]
hi gals, I went back to work le... Took about 10 weeks of maternity and using the rest seperately within the one year.

Aspialle, u SAHM? As a first time mummy previously, I find it difficult to put my gal under MIL's care. But this time round, I am a bit more relaxed... Maybe cos there is no point protesting bah and I need to work. So having help le, cannot complain too much. :p
Yes , I resign to look after him. Can't bear to leave him to go to work. Same with my first son. I also don't know when I will return back to work force
Yesterday bb went for vaccination , this morning having slight fever. Taken 2 jab , one for 5 in 1 , one for the pneumoccocal
Hi mummies.. Been a silent reader all this while and learning from all the info shared. Great place to learn bbcare, I muz say.

My boy is 11wks 2days old today. Went from cot to yao lan at 3wks old cos he cldnt nap well in e day. Then became a full yao lan bb after a short while. In fact, he became so addicted to it, he cldnt really stay asleep without the yao
Had a hard time weaning him off (yao) 2wks ago. He's now on yao lan in e day (cos it's too hot) and cot in e night.

Can someone add me to fb group? [email protected]

Tks much.
hi mummies..

my baby (2months +) is feeding on bm, at ard 130ml at 3hrly time feed.. but i realise that sometimes, he can only drink 100ml or ard there and then he refuse to drink anymore... i have to wait a while, play with him etc... then he will continue to drink for mayb 10ml etc...

but sometimes, he can rapidly finish 130ml without me needing to coax him etc.

i am wondering why..

any mummies out there encounter this?
Hi mummies

How many times do u plan to pump at work?? How do u bring ur pump to work? In zip lock or container? I can only pump in office toilet so I'm still thinking hw many times shld I pump in office? Currently I pump 5 times at home. If I pump only once in office, I may hv to drop one pump session.. Kind of sad as I scare supply will drop.. This is my planning: pump at 4.30am coz currently my boy still wake up once at 4am... Then 12pm during lunch, 7pm after reaching home n 10pm before sleep.. Unless I slot in another session at 1am.. But scare l can't concentrate during day time.. Mummies, Can share with me ur pumping schedule?
My boy is like that too, he could take up to 120ml for a period of time at ard 2.5hr-3hr interval, but sometimes will only drink 100ml or even less than that. I will try to coax him to drink the rest within next 1.5hr otherwise hv to waste the precious ebm. Occasionally he super hungry will scream after I pull out the teat and can take another 30ml! Aiyoh sometimes when he refuses to drink anymore, will just keep smiling at me w the teat still in his mouth!

I have already moved from 5 pumps a day to 4 pumps a day so far supply still ok. But will need to stretch the timing interval for each pump an ensure empty fully to stimulate supply. Current schedule is 6am, 11am, 5pm, 10pm, +/- 1 hr or so. So will pump twice in office at 11am and 5pm when am back to work. My boy also wakes up at 4+am for milk, but I feel that if I pumped after that I have difficulty going back to sleep and after finally aleeping, will need to wake up at 6.30am to prepare for work - end up wil sleep for too few hrs so prefer to do first pump at 6am only.

yes yes.. you are correct... our boys are behaving the same way.. haha... hopefully, he is not underfed... =)

i packed my pumps in a plastic bag after sterilising at home.. then in office, before pumping i will rinse with hot water...
in office, i pump 3 times from 830am to 530pm..then at home, i will pump 4times from around 9pm to 630am... very tiring but no choice, so as to keep my supply ongoing...=)
Precious, do you latch? Currently I am pumping abt 2 times during working hours. I will go into office early and start pumping abt 8am. Working hours is 12pm and then again at around 4pm. Because my baby latches, I do not pump once I am home. I let baby latch when she reaches home and one more time ard 5-6.30am before she goes to my IL's place.

I am using Medela PISA - so i pack my pump parts into a plastic box tat can withstand heat. After pumping, I will wash the pump parts with tollyjoy soap and soat with boiling water in the container until the next pump.
Wow envy u gals can pump 2 or 3times in office.. I hope I can pump twice too!! Got to see how it goes..

Snowger.. I'm on exclusive pumping since bb's birth..

Bdmummy.. U r rite. Mayb I will start my first pump at 6am.. If I pump at 4.30am, by the time i finish its already 5+, can't get enough sleep .
Precious, if you do not wish to pump so many times in office, the first pump before u go office should be before you go out to work... draging for long hours may cause ss to drop... especially if u do not clean the breast of most of the milk.
Re: Expressing milk in office.

I plan to pump two times at the office. Bought a lock and lock container. Will sterilise it together with the pumps in the morning. Keep the pumps in the lock and lock for use in the office. After first pump, will put pumps into lock and lock and keep in fridge/freezer in pantry for second use later.

My boy's nose gets blocked very easily, so feeding him using a bottle more often lately than latching him on. He seems to have difficulty latching on with his blocked nose.
piyoz, I tried your method previously... But for some reason I find it hard to get a let down with cold funnels against my breast. :p

i still intend to get a more squarish high lock and lock container to soak my pump parts in boiling water...

Your boy got sensitive nose? My gal sneeze when she sleeps in dusty enviornment. Actually latching and drinking from bottle should be similar. But need more "suction" power for breast la...
hi ladies,
i've been a silent reader on this thread. i gave birth to my second boy on 23 jan. my first boy was also a jan baby, back in 2011. is there a Jan 2013 FB group i can join in? could anyone here kindly add me to the group if there is? [email protected]

many thanks! ;)
Snowger, my boy sensitive to cold env, I think. Bit of air con or strong wind from fan, his nose will block

Feed from bottle, can see that he needs to break for air earlier. So can remove bottle and let him rest. Also bottle can move with his face. If I try to latch him on, the pauses in between, the milk will squirt him everywhere
Sterilization in office:
Another option to be buy microwave sterilizer to use in office if the pantry has a microwave oven

I have friends who either soak pump parts in hot water to sterilize or place in fridge till next pump. So both methods should be fine and it's a matter of preference. I also did consider getting the pigeon portable sterilizer to office but need to sterilize 2x (pumps, then bottles) for each session.
Hi mummies

Time really flies. I'm going back to work next Tues. Delivered on 21 jan and taking 3 mths ML only.

My pump schedule shd be 6 am, 11 pm, 5 pm and 11 pm. On exclusive pumping too now. I'm lucky my office has a lactation room so it's pretty convenient. Kinda nervous abt coping with work, bb, my 2+ toddler and house chores. Now already sleep deprived,can't imagine later.
Precious > can you pump at your desk using nursing cover instead? It will be a cleaner alternative than the toilet. I use the cover too when i pump in the car.
Hi Mummies..

Been a while - very busy trying to get things settled at home. Yes, I am heading back to work as well, next Wed (decided on mid week so that the first week back is shorter). That leaves me with another almost 3 weeks of leave to be used during the year.

Mixed feelings about going back to work. One part of me is sad- the other part is glad.

Haiza - I think I may also follow your pump timing...currently i am only latching on twice a day. Other feeds are handled by my helper using EBM/ bottle.

Good weekend all.
Re pumping in office

I have not returned to work, but what I did previously for #1 was pump 2x in office. The first was usually before official start time ard 830 (coz my boy usually woke up for milk ard 4am which I will latch) and then ard 3pm again. If I can wake up to pump before going to work, then I will pump ard lunch time and again before I leave office. I actually bought 2 sets of breastshields and connectors so I just washed them after pumping and bring home to sterilize...
hi mummies may I check if u r feeding your bb with boiled water?
my bb is totally bf and i was pressurized by my mum to give bb boiled water.
Mummies can consider letting baby sleep on tummy cos until their neck strengthen they cant turn their head much. Then they would have time to rest the flatter side of the head. And hopefully it balances out. =]
Hi Sade,

From what I know during their generation doctors told them must feed babies water. This had been hardcored in them.

No harms done yet to mine lol few slips shld be fine. Just make sure it doesnt clash with your feeding cos it will fill up babies tummy too on empty calories as what doctors are telling us nowadays.
Hi Sade

I think no harm to feed bb a few sips of boiled water. For my #1, i did that too. For #2, currently i don't as she takes small , frequent milk feeds. Don't want her to fill up on water. But i intend to introduce water when she's abt 4-5 mths to prepare for solids introduction.
sade, i have quarrelled with my parents and inlaw about feeding water too. they love to feed baby water.

i think few sips are okay. especially after formula milk. but if i feed baby breastmilk, i will warn them not to feed baby water
Having right side flat as bb loves to sleep on the right. just like ur left breast will yeid more bm than right.

when in tummy, bb's face nearer to wall of womb. it's a security for them too.

u can let bb slp on the left by putting a small bolster behind or face , hands & legs toward one direction.

another method is latch more on the right if u r laying down.

massage gently can shape bb's features.

v normal for older gen to feed water after milk ( bm or fm) as they did that then.

fm then is also more heaty & lumpy and water helps. Plus they promote fm more than bm too. subconsciously they still believe.

Unless constipation, bb do nt need if tbf. u can drop a few drops if u want as bm contain 80% water.
thanks mummies for your reply. will probably give bb water during third month onwards.

sylvia may I know if its possible to massage my bb gal singke eyelid into double eyelid?
Haiza.. Tks for ur suggestion. Tik I will consider.. Where to buy nursing cover? Sorry to ask this qns as I nvr breastfeed outside.
hi mummies how do u ppl bring the brestpump and cooler bag to work? although my medela handbag looks fine but carrying two hangbag looks weird

Hi mummies, me popped in jan too. I'm pumping exclusively. May I ask what is the interval of time that u r pumping? I am trying to stretch from 3 to 4 hrs but facing let down unless I'm sleeping. need to prepare to start work liao
