(2012/11) Nov 2012

Hi elated, I just did a hpt.. Turn out to be not pregnant.. I'm devasted n sad.. Crying my heart out now.. How come after 3 tests of positive now tell me not pregnant.. Last yr I had dc cos of blighted ovum n now this.. I really want to have a baby.. But I feel with despair n devastation.. Maybe Im not meant to be a mother at all..

Karen: don't worry... There's nothing much u can do, keep your spirits up n whatever it is, its not your fault.

Wish u all the best.
Karen: If you have been trying for quite some times, u can see doc for help.
Don be sad. Stay positive
hi karen, take care.
I had miscarriage too last year around this time.
It was blighted ovum too... the sac was very big and i had all the symptoms but the baby was not even a feotus, it just stopped integrating into a cluster of balls. I removed it at around 10 weeks. The home pregnancy test i took was positive but my HCg was dropping by the time i realised something amiss. But never give up!!! I am yet to see the doc, fingers crossed.
<font color="aa00aa">Karen, don't be sad. The chances of having a false positive result (especially after 3 tests) is very rare though so i suspect its really a case of chemical pregnancy.

The term may sound very cruel but its actually mc at a very early stage. If you get ur AF within a week or 2, this is it. And i hearsay during the 3 months following a mc , you would be very fertile.

Like i share with the rest earlier, i've had a chemical pregnancy in jan, and before i knew it i got preggie again. So there's hopes, dun give up! </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Housewife: actually no leh....i tried for 1 year + close to 2 years before i conceive my #1 , tried for about 8 months before i conceive again but ended up mc. I was so devastated then...but we tried once following the mc and strike. So i think my hearsay quite true la.

This time round i visited the gynae early and depend on the hormone pills to an tai

I keep going to the toilet to pee.......any ladies experiencing the same?</font>
Thank you all mummies for the concern.. I will jia you n try again.. Just feel very down now.. Time will heal my wound once again.. Thank you once again..
Karen: sad to hear, wait for your blood test result. Be strong.

Ladies: can I ask which week did u see the heartbeat? Week 6? Or safer to wait till week 7?

Elated: not so much of toilet but I feel v v v sleepy!! Today I slept on the bus n almost missed my stop!!! Ma Lu.
Karen: Don't lose hope and don't ever think so negatively that you're not meant to be a mother ok! I'm sure you'll be blessed with a healthy baby when the time comes. If it's not this time, it might very well be the next. *hughugs*

Cindy: I saw the heartbeat at wk 6.

Elated: Yes.. toilet trips vv often. But it might also be because of my increase water intake for bb.

Please add me to the list:

Nick: cosi*bb
Age: 30
Gynae: HK Ho
Hospital: Mt A
EDD: 6 Nov 2012
(my gynae didn't tell me EDD, only say is 6 wks and usually will deliver early.. so this is based on online calculator)
Baby #: #1
Elated:my #1 was unplanned so i thought im pretty fertile.but after #1 was 1 yr,have been trying for #2. No luck until now.well...sometimes it really depends.do some good deeds and gain good karma.i already start to plan for full month celebration to get vegetarian food whereby not even 2 months yet.lol.
Hi mummies, my menses just came with cramping...... Cried in hb arms.. N he said we'll try again.. *sob..sob*
Everything just come in a day.. Haiz..
Elated, do u take any pu after ur menses? Do I need to do any mini comfirment? Does the menses last longer than usual..
Sorry mummies to use this thread for my sadness.. So sorry..
Karen: Don't be sorry. I'm sure all of us here understand. Cry your heart out and vent all you want. Tomorrow will be a better day! Please rest well and take care yah.

Clarisse: Yeah that is so cool. Maybe we might even be sharing the same room and become neighbours. Heh.
Karen, I feel u.. I had a chem preg jus last week too.. Like u, my only evidence of a +ve preg was the strips n digital kit, which ironically, all seemed like a dream to me now..

Initially when I started to bleed, I thot it was e unreliabiltity of those strips n tat my AF came but my cramps n bleedg came fast n furious.. I din really know I was miscarrying to b honest.. I still did my usual chores n ate alot of painkillers but they din help one bit.. It was so painful I cldnt walk upright..to top it off, my hb was overseas n I had to deal n grieve w the loss all by myself..for me. I bled so so so so much. I thot I died.. There was an awful amt of tissue n clots n I knew I was expelling it all out.. I dun noe how I survived those few days. I dun wish to scare u but it varies fr woman to woman.. Jus b mentally prepared.

I went to my gynae two days back n din go for any blood test whatsoever.. What's e pt? I know it's gone.. Fr my description, she agreed tt it may hv been a CP n said tt many women go thru it without knowing sometimes n told me not to lose heart.. She did prescribed me an antibiotic to prevent infection n to make sure my Fallopian tubes r cleared.. N told me not to test for preg too early. On e hindsight, yea, I was damn kay kiang n tested myself 4 days early..

O well, wat can I say.. I type w an extremely heavy heart but life goes on...I've done w my crying n sobbing alone. My mil knew abt it n she's been brewing tonic soups for me n I take chix essence twice daily.. On a lighter note, it is said tt women who go thru a miscarriage tend to b a little more fertile in e nx few cycles.. So let's see abt tat.

Take ur time to grieve n then chin up.. My hb said as a form of encouragement to me, if it's bad news, it's better tat we know it earlier..

New cycle, new hope ok...rest well n dun dwell too much. Our babies r in a happier place n we will see them when it's our time.

Hey twoormore mummy, do I need to go see a gynae regarding my this mc.. Like urs for medication or it's ok to just go n work?
Twoormore: u are a brave mommy. My heart cried reading your post. Jia you!

Karen: I think it's better to see a doctor to make sure everything's okay. Like what twoomore said, it's v impt to make sure everything is cleared so u have s fresh start to everything. Be strong, I'm sure good news will come your way soon!!
Thank Cindy, I agreed with u that twoormore is a brave mummy.. Do I have to call up the clinic or just go down w/o making appointment? Thanks..
<font color="aa00aa">Karen: Big Hug for you!Sorry to hear about this but be rest assured that this is very common ok. Like twoormore said, chemical pregnancy is a very common occurence, its just that some went through it without even knowing it because they did'nt test.

I went to KKH 24 hrs clinic when i mc and they prescribe me with antiniotics just to make sure there's no infection. no need for d&amp;c as i was expelling everything out myself. It lasted about a week + for me. I did'nt get my menses after that as i strike the next month already.

So dun lose hope ok!

As for confinement , my friends told me to do a mini confinement but i did'nt though.

Twooremore: Hugs for you too. Its not easy not to grieve but time will heal the pain.

Welcome cupiecake, maybe you can intro yourself and i can add you to the list

<table border=1><tr><td> S/N</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Age</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby # </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Yanyan1211</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>Dr.Dolly Wee</TD><TD></TD><TD>1-Nov</TD><TD>#2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>piangz</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>Dr. YC Goh</TD><TD></TD><TD>1-Nov</TD><TD>#2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Elated</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>Dr. Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1-Nov</TD><TD>#2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Juliana Lee</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>Dr. Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>2-Nov</TD><TD>#2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Housewifeagent</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD></TD><TD>4-Nov</TD><TD>#2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Cosi*bb</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>Dr. HK Ho</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>6-Nov</TD><TD>#1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Clarisse_mummy</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>Dr. Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>7-Nov</TD><TD>#2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Jingzer</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD></TD><TD>8-Nov</TD><TD>#1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Priya</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>Dr. Judy Wong</TD><TD></TD><TD>9-Nov</TD><TD>#1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Olivia</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD></TD><TD>11-Nov</TD><TD>#2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>yjzlilone</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>Dr.Lubna</TD><TD>Parkway East </TD><TD>11-Nov</TD><TD>#1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Bunbunmummy</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>Dr. Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD></TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>#1</td></tr></table>
Hi all, happen to read ur thread about chemical pregnancy. im from MTB Sep 12 thread. I juz want the mommies to know that its ok and the hope is still there. I had my chem preg in late Oct 11. My gynae said there might be some problem with the chromosomes. It was a down period for me. But i manage to conceive in late january, two mths after the chem preg. So dont give up hope

I went to my gynae during her off peak time.. Wanted her to check me n get out of e clinic asap..I called her clinic up to make an appt .. Becz her clinic is always packed n I wasn't ready to wait w all e preggos.. ;(

For me, I've experienced intense pain n an aching back while my body was in e middle of hvg a natural miscarriage. I'm not sure how it will b Like for u but if it's unbearable, u might want to rest a day or two..I dun work so I rested at any possible time I had..actually some ppl dun even see a gynae for this.. But since u suspect, it's better to get so e antiB for it..
I'm thkful there's no need for a d&amp;c as tt will further thin out e uterine lining n plans to ttc must b shelved again!

Congrats to all those who hv conceived! When u mommies come to e point when all day sickness attack u n feel so miserable, pls know tt there is a mom like me who wld hv done anythg to b in ur position. Take care all!
Thanks all for ur words of encouragement! I really appreciate them n I'll always keep all of u in my prayers.. Imagine, by Xmas, u will hv a baby by ur side.. How sweet is tat? *pure bliss*;))))
<font color="aa00aa">nurisyardini : thank you for coming forth to share your experience. Now i know i'm not the only one who has experience a chemical pregnancy and conceive successfully within a month or two.

Twoormore, dun lost hope ok. Try again when you are ready. Most importantly , during this period you must rest more. Take care!</font>
Just came back fr the gynae.. Was given pain killer only. Doc took my blood test yesterday n base on the report I not at all pregnant. I told her abt chemical pregnancy she said it not as per report. But I pretty sure it's as wat twoormore describe. Heave flow n tissue n large clot coming out. I know wat I saw n Intuition tells me it's chemical pregnancy else explain abt my 3 hpt with +ve result. But gynae just dishes me with it's not pregnancy at all n ur blood flow will stops in a week or so.. Haiz.. Maybe after this I will go see tcm to tiao yang ba.. Thanks for all mummies encouragements.. Twoormore jia you too..
<font color="aa00aa">Karen based on my personal experience, to determine whether it is a chemical pregnancy, the doc will take 2 blood test to compare the results.

Anyway, she would'nt be able to get a positive test result since the bleeding started yesterday as well?

Trust your own instincts bah, rest well!</font>

I wldnt know how to feel if I were u... Elated is right, trust ur instincts.. My gynae was quick to say mayb I wasn't preg at all but it's rare to hv a false positive in e first place..n she finally agreed that perhaps conceptn did take place, jus tat it didnt implant itself well.. Plus I told her, I nearly bled myself dry! N that's not like a normal AF!

Anyway, jus eat some pu to replenish blood loss.. Cont w folic acid too..

Take care..
Twroomore, is v nice of u to share your experience. I m hoping to join this thread, mens due yest but not here yet. Tested negative
Karen, sorry to hear that yr menses came yesterday. Maybe u should c a tcm to tiao. I went thru western doc for some time b4 realizing it's not working for me. By coincident, I tag along with a fren to a tcm and was told my womb s cold. I listen to the sinseh faithfully, ie no cold drink, no preserved food, some food he said can't eat I avoided. Saw him the 2nd time he said I need 1 yr to tiao my body and conceive. Miracle happen, after seeing him 3-4 times I conceive naturally. What I did is listen faithfully, eat bai feng pills after my menses and ba zhen. To b honest I m not a diligent person. If I can make that effort to c the sinseh during lunch time and make that ba zhen soup, all of u can do it too. In fact I conceive my bb when I was most stress at work. I remembered clocking more than 60 hrs per week that mth. Really dun give up. I tried for more than 2 yrs, had lots of quarrels with hb, all these bring us closer when I conceive. Now armed with a 22 day old bb, I can tell u it's all worth gg thru. Life is not about work, holidays etc. I used to have that selfish thinking, now I think when is my next pump, my bb diaper is clean, where to get her the best doc. I lost a lot of work opportunities during my preg period. Worth it? Yes to hold her in yr arm is something $ can't buy. Cheer up.
Hi mommies, does any one has the following problem or friend has the following problem before.

16 Feb 2012 - pregnancy test neg. Did x-ray, CT scan
24 Feb 2012 - pregnancy test positive.
12 Mar 2012 - Doc say is 6weeks pregnant.

Question is X-ray and CT scan will effect bb?
Hi yan yan, tks for e info..

Hi Karen, sorry to hear abt Ur case.. Bt dun give up hope.. U may hav good news v v soon.. Take care..

Hi mommies, think body too heaty Toothache.. Bt I was told cannot drink herbal tea.. Any idea Wat can b taken to relieve body heatiness?
jus to share that you can collect a very beautiful baby journal at all NLB library in singapore .it comes with a lovely music CD for baby as welll...hehee
hi ladies, for those whom wish to do detailed scan pls book early cos they are very full.

besides if you are with TMC, you might wan to sign up for First Born Incentive memnbership. quite worth it ..cos they gave a goody bag that comes with 3 pareentcrat textbooks, 10% off all detailed scan and oscar scan, 5% on gynae delivery fees and PDs in future. when i receieved the goody bag, inside got a can of similac milk powder...so very worth it......

furthermore, if you have frens got memebership, can parner so that you all can get NTUC vouchers together....i co share with a lady on the NTUC vouchers too...

if anyone is interested in signing up for the FBI membership, maybe we can co-share the $30 NTUC vouchers.i will mail to you.
Hi all, My heart went out to the brave mummies who lost their babies.. u gals rock and pls dun give up..

Wow.. Just 3 days.. lotsa postings.. Cun keep track man.. I haven been to TMC Hospital tour but I read abt it when I surf TMC website. Sunbelle, I thinking to check it out this coming thurs so will decide after that. Any one redi cmpared the hospitals? I cun decide yet. Anyone can comment abt Dr Adrian Woodworth and TMC?

Also, thinking not to spend too much on maternity wear so prolly getting some hand-me downs or anythg big as I grow. I read some of u toking abt nursing bra now.. Dun we wear that after bb is here? U mean need to wear during pregnancy? lol as u can tell.. I really abt ptd ltd co. when it comes to such stuff..Hee...
Agnes,ur bust will get bigger as pregnancy proceeds,so pregnancy gives a more comfort fit?

I forgot to ask my gynae if i still could breastfeed now cos i really cant wean my girl off.

Any baby or maternity sale or fair coming up next?
Hi Agnes,

you can check out more details at the TMC recep counter for the membership and also more details. guess the 1st tin to decide is whether do u wan to give birth in TMC or Mt A or others heheh oh yes, the most impt tin is whether your gynae gave birth in a particular hospital or not hehee :0)
Housewife.. I just went to kkh o&amp;g.. Cos 2 days liao n tdy is quite a lot. Urine also becomes brown colour. Doc gave me pills to stabilise pregnancy.. He said it's not normal but there's nothing else to do if it ends up in mc.
now can only pray hard.
Thanks, Agnes and housewife. I just came back from kkh again, 2nd time tdy. Bcos after seeing them in the evening, I came back n started
bleeding fresh blood! It's just like menses.. I couldn't stop crying when I see the massive red. Now I'm using pad bcos panty liner all soaked. Scanned again, luckily doc say still can see hb.. But the bleeding needs to stop. Fast.
Hello all....woke up at 4am+ n couldn't sleep thereafter. Thus, decided to chk out the forum :p

I just tested positive using clear blue on 5th mar. It showed +. Couldn't believe it cos last time, used cheapo kit and it showed + n in the end, menses came. Consulted a few friends and they are quite sure that I am P
. So tested again the next day, which showed the same result! And finally, saw my little beanie on 9 mar! I am very happy as I have been trying for many years for my second one!

And I believe the 4 face Buddha in Thailand is very zhui!

But being P after so many years, I feel like a first time mummy
