(2012/07) Jul 2012

liligal: thanks for the tip on asking the lactation consultant to check on the funnel size...i had a hard time pumping last time and regretably stopped BF after 2 mths plus

marie, storage bags are usually one time use only if i'm not mistaken. u can check the fine prints.

ourlovestory, longans heaty right? better ask our TCM guru BB. hahaha....
for the funnel, jus use the standard size that comes with it first. usually mums no prob. but mine super huge lah for my size. that's why after weaning my boy off, i was super happy that they strung! hahaha.
Marie: Do you know that starfruit is also very heaty? I just found out recently from one of my contractor and true enough, when I eat starfruit my throat will feel uneasy and soon I will get sore throat. Maybe I have a heaty prone body.
But I don't know why some people will advise to drink starfruit juice with salt added to sooth cough / sore throat. :-/
hey... let me share something that i wrote 1 mth after my #1 was out....see if it helps. but again ah, disclaimer, just my personal experience.

Key is to ensure the bottom gum/lip is latched farthest away from the nipple. Somehow the nipple part will go in smoothly and no pain. What I was trying to say is, do a off-center latch instead. (mine!)
Always... I repeat ALWAYS... use the nipple cream on your twin peaks after each breastfeeding session (courtesy - May)
To ensure milk flow and supply, make sure you drain out your breasts with a pump even after feeds. Your girls will somehow get the hint and the supply will be overflowing after 2 or 3 draining sessions. You might want to stop draining so much once the supply meets demands. (courtesy - Mad)
If your breasts are full (fat and round), before you nurse your baby, squeeze or pump out a bit of the milk first before you try latching the kid on. It will be easier. (courtesy - Mum-In-Law aka MIL)
Hang in there! Once the peaks are "seasoned", breastfeeding is surprisingly enjoyable. (mine again!)

"Pimples" or milia or milk rash or heat rash
Keeping a clean face helps. Use cool boiled water after every feed. (courtesy - everyone. Didn't work for me though)
Diaper cream works wonders. "What works for butt cheeks works for face cheeks".(courtesy - Jane)

Hiccups (not full-proof method)
Few sips of water with a spoon. Or a few suckle on your breast helps. (courtesy - confinement lady) Just make sure baby doesn't get hooked to the breast after that and refused to stop nursing. So water worked better for me.
If wet poo (due to breastfeeding), clean first with dry tissue paper before using the wet wipes. If dry poo (when kid is older), reverse the order. (courtesy - mum I met at Raffles City nursing room - 7 Oct 09)
Hi Laura
I see.. I thot u still feel ok to work.. btw, why dun u get hospitalization or mc fr doc Loh, he is willing to give n u can save ur ML later for bb.. take care..

Hi lili
But if we start use it at hospital.. Though only colostrum but still need sterilze the pump right? Then can we asks the hospital to sterilze for us or shd i bring along my sterilzer too?? @-@

Anyone has been taking white carrot cake pls?
Joanne: I've drained all my MC, thus now I am using my AL to cover my MC. I feel ok to work but my body, especially my legs, are giving way - not only swollen feet but water retention on my legs are quite bad too.
Anyway, I'll just take this opportunity to slowly gather my baby's stuff at home the way I want when I still can move about.
Not sure the inducing will be sucessful but just get myself prepared if I need to go through C-section. Do everything slow slow slowly.
Just glad that I still enjoy walking about and no extra aching here and there, but only my poor legs will swell more.
Liligal, so after a while, no need to feed / pump so often to maintain supply & there will still be supply?

BB, will look for alternatives to papaya..

Dunno why got blood in my stools just now tho there was no difficulty & only took 5min
Now keep having the poo-feeling even tho I cleared everything already..

Looks like really must bug hubby to get carseat.. what’s a good budget carseat brand?
jo, jus ask the hospital to sterilize lah... anything that goes into bb suggest sterilize first to be safe lor.

i also keen to know abt white carrot cake. i hv been drinking radish or white carrot soup and eating them too!
marie: i think storage bag is not too expensive and it is only for one time usage.

Joanne: i have been eating carrot cake as long as the egg is cooked! But i try to avoid any white radish soup...

I read the following from a web regarding white radish soup:
"Pregnant women and those menstruating should take caution as it may cause contractions if consumed in great amounts"

laura: starfruit is "liang" one so it works most of the time for sore throat.

liligal: thanks for all the tips on bf! although i have started reading on bf, but i still have no idea what is teh best position to have a deep latch... hm.. i think i will need a lot of help from the lactation consultant.. can i just bring the funnel to let them check if it is the right size? or it does matter with the suction of the pump too?
Hi laura,
I see.. Actually i just see him last wed n go see him yesterday again just to get hospitalisation leave which i think we r all entitle 60days.. So tt i can save my leave n ml.. Maybe u can consider hospitalisation leave if u need save ur leaves..;) just a suggestion...;)

Thks liligal..;)
Ya, seems like no one knows whether can eat carrot cake or not.. I better dun touch then..
But had start my first coconut drink last weekend.. Shiok n cooling..;)
waaah... so much interest in breastfeeding! i'll share what i can k? but but high disclaimer cos it's only based on my own experience. tho i really hope everyone can be on it cos it's REALLY good and convenient esp when u r out or traveling. not forgetting big saver on milk powder and best nutrients for bb.

sharing tips.... my own:
on funnel size
official site from medela : http://www.medela.com/IW/en/breastfeeding/good-to-know/right-size-of-breastshield.html

if u look at the pics, frankly and contrary to what the site says, i find the last 2nd pic i.e. 3rd pic from top most comfy for me i.e. when nipple is slightly more into the narrow straight tube part, not just at the rim like the 1st pic. it was painful for me when it was in the 1st pic.

key is also the funnel and ur breast must be like sealed i.e. no air or gap in between. so if ur body very dry, u can use some water to moisturize the area on ur breast abit before attaching the funnel.

nipple must move in and out of the tube freely when the pump is on... and with no pain. not even slight pain unless ur nipples are cracking or sore.

suction of pump i think is more or less standard. there's the power thingy to play with i.e. u can increase intensity or reduce until u reach comfort level.

milk supply
it's a demand and supply thing. once supply meets demand, then it's jus regular i.e. when the demand is there, the supply will give and bb can enjoy 2.5-3hrs until next feed.

but be careful dun over pump in the beginning, engorgement is terrible and very very painful.

massage or warming the breasts before u start helps. the massage kind of loosen the ducts in my perspective.

if u have engorgement, it will be hard like stone and very painful. try to release abit of the milk out but not all. then use the cold pack but do it slowly or gradually and not the hard frozen type immediately. somehow it made mine very rock hard when i immediately use the super cold pack and the engorgement lasted very long and later i had to massage like crazy to "loose" the ducts for pumping cos i can feel lumps for a long while that took quite long to loosen.

dun let the bb jus suckle the small nipple area or only a little beyond that. very painful. just shaft your breast in. i find the off center latch best. lower lip part is slightly further from the nipple vs the upper lip.

most importantly, tho it's cliche, it will take abt 1-2 mths or even a little bit more to get the hang of it including supply and demand. so persevere!
Hi ourlovestory
Hee.. Ya true.. As Laura n me having same gynea so i know he very generous to give us leave to rest..;p one of my friend under him rest two mths prior edd date too..;)

Hi lili
Thks for sharing ya..;)

Shit, i just tear some paper on my bed.. Is it ok? As i know no cutting but how abt tearing? Sadz.. Makes me worry again.. Hope bbies r ok..
ourlovestory, think i'll want to drink more white carrot soup then cos i want contractions and bb to come out soon!!! wahahaha...
Wow thread run so fast. After nap, pick up my girl, prepare dinner n here can't catch up now.

White radish can eat but if that day u r taking tonics/herbs, do not touch radish/carrot. Don't over consumed any food.

Yes yes, curry, laksa, yellowish n red color food. Carrot pumpkin, not even red n yellow peppers. I m a very veggy person n I feel so restricted on veggy now. Gold kiwi is my fav, but now can only eat green. This last month must control k?

Lili Gal, m mil makes 2 big trays of yam kuey, so much yam, mushroom n meat...but I only eat one small plate. Dare not eat too much.
I've bought the maternity disposable panties through Gmarket but it's still a bit small for me. Just hope that after I popped my tummy will shrink a bit so that it won't roll down. :p

For the past 3 days I had fried egg (sunny side up) + cheese + 2 slices of bread for breakfast. Is it too nourishing for me?

Bought the eggs from Farmart - 30 eggs @ $7.00
Grade AAA Chew's Egg. The biggest eggs we can find. I think NTUC is selling at $3+ for only 6 eggs.
Mrs C,
I was e same too. Gave bm to my #1 for ard 2mths n yes, I regretted it. Let's jia you this time round!

Thanks for sharing ur experience

Engorgement is real painful n I had it till it triggered fever. Hopefully this time round I can fare better.
Hi everyone,

just to advise about my bad experience with a confinement nanny:

BEWARE of this confinement nanny:

Chew Yong Ying from Ipoh. Also known as AH YONG. Ask to see her passport to verify it is her. Born in June.

She is about 55 years old. She is the replacement they sent because the other confinement nanny's father died halfway through the confinement period.

What she looks like:

She is very plump and is a bit hunched over. She burps very loudly too. Talks a lot. Can speak and understand English although not very well and she pretends that she does not understand. (She speaks to and teases my daughter in English all the time). If you need her picture, I am happy to send it to you.

What the living arrangement is:

We let her have the master room with ensuite and the baby in the room. The WHOLE sink and bathroom is full of her stuff - mostly creams and lotions and other beauty products. VERY messy and untidy. She also has a pot of our laundry detergent in there which she uses like it's free.

Basically, she is VERY lazy, very wasteful, complains A LOT, very untidy and has NO knowledge of the right herbs or foods for confinement, and does NOT know much about babies at all. In fact, I know more about babies than she does - and I am half her age, and not a confinement nanny.

These are a few examples of how bad she is. There are many more worse examples:

1) MOPPING - She drops hair (both head hair and pubic hair) all over our floor and refuses to sweep or mop the floor. My husband has blonde hair and my hair is long. And I have brazilian wax. So the black short hair and pubic hair on the floor can only be hers since we do not have other visitors. She says mopping or cleaning any part of the house is not her job.

She is supposedly from GPLS. The last nanny I got from GPLS was excellent and in fact swept the house every day without us asking! She picked up every hair as well. And she was 60 years old. She did not ask for more money and in fact mopping once a week is in the job description.

2) MORE MONEY - This nanny claims that to cook for my husband and wash his dishes, she should be paid extra. My husband eats the SAME food as I do, and uses only ONE plate per meal. All the other confinement nannies have no problem with this. Even the confinement nannies from agencies did not ask for extra money just for this.

3) WASHING BABY - She tried to shower my 14 month old daughter and every time, my daughter would scream very loudly for the whole shower. Finally one day I peeped to see why my daughter is screaming so much and I saw the woman was very rough and did not know how to shower children at all! She let all the soap run into my daughter's eyes and mouth and nose and inside the ears!

4) CHANGING BABY - Every time she changes or cleans the new born baby, the baby will also scream like crazy. So one time I ran in there to see, and saw her poking in my baby's nose with a tissue and she took so long to change a nappy that he got cold and so he was screaming every time she changed or washed him.

She does not know how to change nappy at all. The bed had to be changed 3 times in 1 week because she let shit and pee go all over the bed, even with a changing mat under the baby!

5) MINDING BABY - She complains a lot about the baby waking up all night and crying all the time. This is what babies do and the job of confinement nanny is to mind the baby 24 hours. This is why she is being paid more than a full-time maid. She complains that Singapore is so hot, the baby is so noisy, she is so tired, her throat is sore, her tummy is sort, etc etc.

6) BURPING BABY - She refuses to wind / burp my baby properly. He has a lot of wind and I recognise the cry because of wind. But she said "oh he is breast fed so he doesn't have wind." End up I have to burp him and care for him myself. She only washes him once a day.

7) COOKING - She does NOT know what to cook. So you have to plan the cooking and herbs yourself. She will say you can take everything.

8) EATING - She loves to eat. Every time I open the fridge, she will come to the kitchen to see what food I am making to eat, and ask me what I am eating. She even asked my mother to bring more pig trotters and vinegar soup for her because she likes to eat that soup! She thinks she is the queen or what?

She is very picky about food and asks us to bring her special white bread, special 3-in-1 Milo, etc etc. She wants to eat our cheese, our fruits, everything. We are ok with that IF she is a hard worker. But she is SO LAZY, we do not feel like giving her more food! She is not here to eat. She is here to cook confinement food and to mind the baby and she is not doing her job.

9) WASTING OUR STUFF - She uses our things like it's free. In 7 days that she's here, the laundry powder ran out. The toilet paper ran out. The kitchen paper ran out. Even the garbage bags ran out because she used a huge bag for a little thing and then threw the whole thing away. All these were NEW and replenished when she arrived. Even the mops were new when she arrived.

The garbage bin got flooded inside because she somehow made a hole in the garbage bag and the garbage fluids leaked through. I had to wash the garbage bin because it is not in her job description! The mop turned black because she did not wash the mop after using it.

10) In the 7 days that she's been here, she requested to go downstairs to have dinner with her son because it's her birthday. We allowed that without problem. Then she said she wants to end the confinement period early by 3 days because she wants to go and attend a wedding in Malaysia. No sense of responsibility at all! Very selfish and lazy and greedy.

11) She had the cheek to ask me to find her $3000 (28 days) jobs. She says that she heard some nannies get $3000 this year because it is dragon year. I said to her those nannies are very experienced and very hardworking. She did not get the hint. There are also nannies getting only $1800.

So she said, in her previous nanny assignments, she's always gotten very large ang pows - hundreds of dollars each. (I heard her mention only 1 or 2 other jobs that she's had.) And that if she worked for agency, she would get very large ang pows as well. She was trying to hint to me to give her very large ang pow! We gave her ang pow out of courtesy only as the ang pow was given to the original nanny and not supposed to give to the replacement nanny. And ang pow is based on performance - not on what the nanny demands.

12) She sleeps so much that my husband commented how come she sleeps more than the new born baby. She eats and sleeps most of the time. And tries to change everything in my house. She opens windows that are closed, and closes windows that are open. She folds our clothes haphazardly so that I have to refold them. I have to wash up a lot of dishes and clean up after her. She leaves garbage on top of the bin instead of pushing it down and into the bin. She drips garbage water on the floor and does not wipe it up. So basically I am not resting that much!

13) She asks me personal questions like what do I do, what does my husband do, how much money our furniture costs, how much our rent costs, how much we have to make to pay for all these. She even counts how many rooms and air conditioners we have and how much it costs. She even asks what my parents do, how much money they make, etc. She is basically trying to gauge how rich we are and then trying to spend our money by using up all our stuff, and then make us pay her more by giving her big ang pow! She keeps saying "oh go and buy more of this and more of that. Just go and buy!" Every day she is here, there is something to buy!

I have been very stressed in the 7 days that she has been here. But I cannot get a replacement as it is towards the end of my confinement period and no nanny will take up the remaining days on her behalf. As she is not from agency, I also cannot force her to find a replacement. even if she's with agency, I doubt they will find a replacement for such a short number of days left.

I do NOT feel safe with this woman at all. I would not leave her alone with any of my children and have to keep an eye on her all the time. She has no experience and is very lazy.

She claims she does not know why the baby is crying or why something is finished, etc. She has no sense of responsibility or urgency.

She can spend hours in the bathroom and in the kitchen. We can't go into the kitchen when she is in there as there're plates and vegetables (and meat!) all over the kitchen and we can't do anything in there as there is no space. We have to mind the baby when she is in the bathroom, so basically we are doing her job for her.

She even took pictures of my children without my permission. I am very dissatisfied and unhappy with this woman. She is wasting my time and money. And compared to my experience with other confinement nannies, she is VERY TERRIBLE and NOT recommended. We have been very forgiving and open-minded and have given her face by not telling her off. But she is one of those people who think that if you give her face, she must be right.

In summary, she is a very greedy, very lazy and very bad confinement nanny. She has no characteristics or skills that are essential to this job and she should not be doing this job. I do not feel safe or rested with her around.

Just to warn every one about this nanny. Engage her at your own peril. Especially if you have high standards or have experience with very good nannies, this nanny will make you very upset and unhappy.
oh btw, mummies, when u r BF-ing, watch your wrists. like seriously. make sure it's not always bent or in one particular position all the time. lotsa mummies don't watch it and then develop problems and had to bandage. then again, can't hold bb to BF anymore.

geeesh i think i'm becoming a breastfeeding nazi here!
laura, when u hold bb to BF, there's a high tendency to bend wrist to hold the bb's head to breast for that 30mins to 1hr. don't do that. make sure u quickly switch to a neutral position or get some pillows to help you prop up bb. or else u might develop carpal tunnel syndrome or other wrist injuries if prolonged.

i hv a few friends who had that and then have to bandage. then it's jus pumping and no more direct latching for them.

key is let's strive to direct latch or feed mostly cos later when traveling or going out to shop, all that is needed are diapers and change of clothes. food wise, jus bring urself. no need for bottles, thermal flasks, water, powder etc.
lili_gal: If that's the case I think I should invest on a nursing pillow, and I have a comfy armchair, this should work for me to avoid the wrist problem.
laura, jus be conscious and make sure u don't strain it lor. i use the comp alot at work and hence was very conscious of such stuff. if really need, normal pillow or cushion can liao.
lili_gal: You going which outlet? I should be going to Raffles City (basement).
Dunno if I need to bring my own disposable panty or not just in case they got no size for me. HA HA HA!
laura, wahahahhhahaha.... u meanie to hubby! i booked with vivo cos on fri i was supposed to go bk office for handover to another girl tho i already passed on to another guy but new boss wants another person to take over. but until now no sound no girl identified.

i tried the raffles city one and just walked in. super super full leh.. both outlets also cannot chap in.

btw, why need disposable panties? they are stripping u right? i thot go there, we remove, they strip, we put bk and pay?
Lili gal, heehee... Those trigger contraction r normally uncooked ones. U can eat white radish uncooked or raw celery but must eat a lot. Goodness, let ur baby choose the day to come lah.

CL. Gees, how can one tolerate such horrible CL for so long? Send her home at once. The first question I interviewed my CL was, "Do you know tonic n herbs? Bowl tonic soups?" then I tested her on how to mix herbs n she got them correct." My hb said I m always so careful, I interviewed my hair stylist (the salon boss) to decide if I want to let her rebond my hair. Same for my confinement massage package, i make a trip to Paragon salon, i asked to speak to the boss (change new boss after my #1), she called me the next day n explain to me the package, i told her send me a good masseur for first try if good i will take the package if no good I will pay for the one time massage. What I m saying is, u pay for a service n if you don't get the satisfaction, remove the service immediately.

Laura, when I pregnant #1, I eat one kampong egg every day. End up after delivery, I hv borderline high cholesterol which I had never had this problem with my annual medical check up before. So errr... Watch out k.

Breastfeeding. It is not an easy task especially the beginning. One thing I learnt, forget about nonsense like bonding with ur baby lah. At night sleep well, pump ur milk out n let ur CL take care of the feeding. Day time direct breast feed to let baby suck to trigger more milk supply.
Hi mommies,
Can ask u all if it's ok to let my boy drink home boiled barley water at nite or evening? My boy jing fever n wanted to let him drink as notice his mouth is very red. Mil said cannot, barley water only can drink in day n noon. This is my first time I heard such thing! Or there is such theory? Thanks in advance.
BB: Well, I didn't eat those eggs intentionally but just suddenly see got big eggs I just try them and they're yummy! After these 3 days I will avoid eating them too often. :p
for night feeds, i find it easier jus to latch. and i torture my hubby. if bb cries at night, CL or him (after 1st mth) will wake up to change, clean diaper first and then pass to me for feeding. i jus zombie latch, set timer, close eyes and zombie for awhile. but i'm light sleeper so wun konk off totally. hehehe...

agree with the bonding bit. it doesn't have to be all the time n bb won't get insecure jus bcos we dun latch or feed at night.
Hmm...I'm communicating with my friend via whatsapp now and she said me having to sit up and burp out the gas inside my stomach in the middle of the night means that I'm almost there - bb arriving soon. No wonder gynea planned my big day to be next week.
Lili gal, I m not sure how to join the Facebook July mommy group but can add me [email protected]. Not high standard lah, I just like to research n read up.

Sterilization. Almost forget to talk about this. You can't use normal sterilizer to sterilizer tubes n other parts of the breast pump. Only sterilize parts which hv direct contact with the milk k? N cannot stetlize too long. Bottles can sterilize according to the timer but the parts where it touch the breast r easily damaged by steam. Only steam for 10 min n remove them first before continuing to sterilize the bottles. Read the instructions. Medela pump has instructions on how to sterilizer them.
Cherish, I heard about the barley thing. Don't drink too late or evening but I forget why. Normally fever I give my girl pearl powder (get the good grade one, see the pearl white pinky n shiny n witness the staff pound n grind into powder.) or a little ling yang (good grade one). Barley drink I only give my family in the day with lemon.
Ourlovestory, u mean the one on the hand, they poke and paste a sticker there? Yah that is super painful, esp when they cannot find vein, more jialat. Poke many many times aso cannot find. I got one time poke on the side of the hand below my thumb and is super painful lor.

Joy, yah lor so play mahjong will feel tense up and gan jiong. Hehe...

Joanne, ever since i preg, i ate carrot cake
i always crave for carrot cake esp black one. Hehe...
Qin: I kena one damn stupid nurse while I was about to perform my eggs collection. This nurse just poked into my left hand and darn! She poked it so shallow until I think the needle almost penetrates out from my skin and she can't find the flow, then in the end the anesthetist gotta do it himself. Those who knows how and dunno how I can feel the difference. Even though when the anesthetist poke again on my other hand I also can feel the pain but it's different.
Hi ladies,
Just want to share, I just went to STRIPS and got BW =) it's my first time. Feel proud of myself hehehe... I wonder What took me so long to go get it even before I'm pregnant...
Is it painful? While it's really at the moment, stingy pain is the best i can describe, lasted for a few seconds. Feels just like how our legs were being waxed. Totally encourage you gals to go =)
alyssa: Thanks. I feel more encouraged. Was still a bit skeptical.
So I guess it was done by a female?
We just lie there bottom naked?
How long does it take for you?
Which outlet you went?
lili_gal: Not virgin anymore. (HAHAHA...I know what you mean.)
Yup, first time doing and hope I won't get hooked to it.
Maybe after that hubby will prefer 白斩鸡? HAHAHAHA!

laura, hahahhaa... no wonder u want to bring disposable panties. no need lah.... it's literally go there, we remove, they strip, we put back and pay. hehehee...

quite painful one leh.. be prepared. now with our sensitive bodies and down there i'm not sure how it will be cos i nvr do before during pregnancy.

my hubby definitely prefer 白斩鸡!!!! in fact, i got so mad one time when he keep asking me to go for it again that i was thinking he should do it himself too! now that will be interesting. hahaha...

btw, i definitely like the feeling after. hehehehehe...
