(2012/06) Jun 2012

actually I'm a kiasu but lazy mum. So last time force myself to go for lessons with my son on weekends just to make sure he doesn't spend so much time on iPad. Then I just try to review at home. All these things I did only abt fifteen min a day.

Charmaine: try to figure out the reason why your boy is not speaking up much. Does he talk at home? Is he quiet outside? I figured out it was the Sch that was the problem, not him. Now my son is in a class with very small size, just six of them to two teachers, so he has a lot of attention.
Plus anyway, after some time, the child will just be able to speak coz they have just grown older. Some kids speak late because they want to be perfect and don't want to make mistakes. Just read that Einstein started speaking after 5 or 7 years old, but he spoke in complete sentences with extensive vocab. He had been absorbing everything before that.

I just took out my medela pumps today. The rubber tubing and other stuff look bad. Need to replace. When is the next baby fair?

Need to get descaling powder too.

Haven't had time to go and buy baby name book. I lost my old one. Need to think of a name soon!
Glass: Next baby fair is the Motherhood Fair 31 May - 3 June at Expo Hall 6B 11am-9pm

Adeline: Mine is purple clay IONA brand slow cooker. Bought it very cheap at Audio House (less than $50) and still working fine for a year plus. I think most brands are ok.
Nattan/Fleur: Thanks ladies! We bought Takahi instead today.

Just a quick question, is there such thing as maternity underwear? Am thinking if i need those as compared to normal underwears.

C-Sect Food items to avoid:
Food items to avoid for the 1st 12 days after C-section delivery:
-Beans, Chicken, 'Sheng Yu', Eggs
Adeline, yes, Mothercare sells maternity underwear. They either have a higher waistband to cover your tummy or go below your tummy. I didn't buy any... think they are not necessary.. I still wear my normal undies although they've been overly stretched.. haha. Thinking it will give me a valid reason to buy new lingerie after delivery ;)
Jolene: I tried internet, but I don't want to wade through all the African names. Me found my son's name in one particular book, and it is pretty unique, although one nurse at tmc told me her son's name was the same when I just gave birth. So far I know of 5 other people with his name, one is a reporter, one is a pri 6 gep boy, one should be in his 30s, and one more happened to be a boy slightly older than my son (at a trial class I attended with my son), and I suspect maybe his mother saw me write the name on this forum, and decided to use it.

Coz a lot of people I know are using similar names, and some are just spelling the same names slightly differently. I don't want my #2 to have too many people with the same name, or having to keep telling people how to spell his name.

So I am looking for that book I had.

Sigh, or maybe I should take a look at the names pasted on the shoe rack outside my son's school to get some ideas.

fleur fleur: thanks! I would be there for another seminar during that weekend, so I would steal time to go and get the stuff.
Nattan: I was thinking more along the lines of underwear that would be suitable for pads as in the centre of the underwear is wider to avoid leakage and more secure for the pad I guess.
Baby names, u can Google for specifics. Like I advance search Catholic names or saints names. Or u can search top 50 names chosen in a particular yr.

I won't go baby fair. Going Philips sales this sat. Tot of gv motherhood fair for goon diapers only.
Jolene: update, I decided to take your advice. I just downloaded 2 ebooks from the national library to see whether I can get any inspiration for names. Thanks!
Adeline, if you want to avoid leakage and stains, suggest you buy cheap undies or use disposables. The centre of the underwear is standard size. I've not heard or seen undies with a wider than normal base cos your crotch can't be wider than normal too right? Haha...
I plan to wear disposable undies from next wk onwards. Very tired and trouble to wash my undies now. Whole body aching now.. Can't really bend down now.

ESP my pelvis and groin area. Feel like breaking apart. I wonder is it normal? Or I walk too much?
me too! my pelvis and groin super painful! dun rem experiencing the same pain for #1 ehs!

i can pass u my kiddy card in tpy.. lemme know

haha.. i am a lazy mum too.. so dun even have the chance to do home revision =P
My cousin in law just gave birth. Thought of visiting her. Any old wives tale that doesn't allow? I thought this is not a celebration ma. Should be ok, i guess?
more pain for #2.. haha..
i don't remember #1 having bad menses cramp from 35wks all the way..
Only remember having obvious BH which lasted awhile..
This time my whole body is breaking apart from walking n stuffs.

Any #2 mummy went for Cold Storage Kids Run yesterday?
I went to the zoo on saturday. Damn tired... Then yesterday went Padang for kids run. Hb ran with #1. I was photographer and bag carrier.. haha
Morning all!

Oh I'm so so sleepy. How to work huh? I really have no mood to work at all now. Wanna get MC from gynae to rest, yet my next appt is on 31 May, which is 37.5 weeks. I could have popped by then? Shd I request to move up my appt?


Thanks! Hubs says he will get the Kiddy Palace card from his colleague tdy. If he forgets, I let you know? You live at Toa payoh area ah?


Wah u went MIA on Fri haha.

Seriously I have no idea abt these pantang stuff leh. Think u better ask someone more well-versed to advise you.
Jolene: don't go.. old wives tales say difference of minimum 3 mths delivery date then can visit in hospital or attend manyue.
in case our own baby "xiao qi"
Jolene, depends on your cousin in law la. my friend who jus gave birth last week dun allow me to go visit her cos pantang..say baby is jealous. so i jus respect her decision.
Oh!! Thanks thanks. Ok. Both of us won't mind. But just to respect the elders.

@prettiebride: I'm still pondering when I should start taking my ML. A week or 2 weeks before EDD? Some auntie say first child will be early some say late. My colleagues advised my just take a few days before EDD. But they can send me to KK anytime if it happens in the office.
Jolene: Which toilet U ended up going? We went back to the makan place to see if you went back there too. Nvm next time we make sure one of us have the contact then no lost mummies!

Also depends on whether anyone is pantang ... that is your parents or in laws or your friend.
yeah agreee with petrina and prettibride. maybe not a good timing to go now.

yo, petrina, ask you hor, for breastshield size, it only covers our aerola right ? not the entire breast rite? i check medela youtube video too. cos i am wondering whether to buy a bigger shield although got a L size of 27mm included in the box of freestyle pumps.

we need to sterillise the bottles and also the whole teat rite? hmhmm tinking thru the process as first mum, really blur over lots of tins hehehe

where to get the ru yi oil in box form huh? dun noe read somewhere that ru yi oil in box form is for baby and tin is for adults , true or not huh?
i am confused cos i tink what i saw outside are mostly tins leh
@jul Haiz Friday! I was so sad lo. Went to 2 toilets on the different floors, waiting at the escalator, went around Robinson to find the group. I must have missed a lot. Hope we'll have a gathering soon.

Hubby raised his eyebrow when I told him the mummies on the forum met. Hahaha
Jus wondering one question, if breech postion, is there still chance for preterm labour? for get to ask gynae lor...

yeah also for this week like 34 hor, seems to expeeiencing some slight menses cramps when i wake up in the morning, normal or not huh? i called gynae and the nurse told me the baby is growing so ligament pain lor....anyone has the same experience huh?

Hubs wants me to start quickly. I told him I was away sick for so long, got things to clear & handover mah. So he said try to make this Fri my last day. I also very sian liao. Tired & no mood.

Wanna take a break n sleep my days away before the baby comes. From experience, it'll be no day, no night for the next half yr of my life hahaha
do we really need to stock up so many packs of baby wipes now huh? cos i only have 3 big packts of pigeon and 3 tolly joy ones and 1 round tolly joy ones....cos i tot for new born like what WBB say better use cotton wool to clean backside huh?

hi mummies to be , can share how you all clean? i tot is to use cotton wool together with warm water and wipe their butts n areas....before putting on the cream and diapers.

Aiyoh.. how could we miss one another huh? One big group of whales waddling ard haha

But yeah, next time better get hp numbers first before we start wandering off to the toilet or what.


Yup, breech or not has nothing to do with possibility of pre-term.

I've been having the pelvic pain, menses cramp, for weeks & weeks liao

Sterilisation - yes sterilise everything

Shield size - make sure the nipples are not rubbing against the funnel when pumping. Can't be too big also.

it's up to you lor. If u r really darned tired in the middle of the night, u may just wanna use wet wipes. Maybe in the day, when u aren't so sleepy, u can use cotton wool & water?
Hi Jul,

thank you very much for your enlightment. i am blur over all these tins. esp worrying over the beginning to feel the menses cramps lor....at least now i know is normal to have this feeling leh......yeah paisheh another question pop up, do we sterlise 8 bottles at one go to be used later or sterlise one by one when we are to use them? i bought 8 bottles....actually wanted to put 4 bottles in nanny there later on. oso not sure how many bottles do we actually need hahah
I having pelvis pain for wks too.. Is getting bad to worse.
ESP when I trying to turn on bed/getting up..

U gals got this pain cos is ur #2? Mine only #1 Le..
Think I getting old. My bones are giving way.. Haha
I have no cramps or BH yet. Just alot of baby movements.
Went for physio and it helped my pelvic pain but the backache is perm there.

Suddenly realised i have quite a bit to clear and follow up by the next 2 weeks to be on safe side but i am so easily sleepy and exhausted to concentrate. Always worried i will forget to do something.

No prob
We all learn from one another. U got book on babycare or attend antenatal classes? I was also super blur, but I could remember a BIT from my classes, then sometiems I go & check my book haha

U can sterilise all at one go. If u wanna open up & use, cap all the other bottles tightly & leave on the table. Will stay sterilised for 24 hours.

As for how many bottles, wah depends leh. If u pump, u definitely need more, & depends on how many times u pump. If u feed only FM, 8 is enough.

I also had these niggles with No1, just that worse with No2. Dunno sisit age, or body 'broken' after No1, or just that not enough rest & need to chase No1 ard.
thanks ros for the info.

i am feeling so tired and sleepy now. totally no energy to do any work. how i wish i can be resting at home...

last night kept waking up. though the aircon was on, i was still sweating. yet i cannot remove my blanket as i would catch a cold...hais
i read many mummies shared that confinement can still turn on aircon right?

jul: how many weeks are you now? my fren told me she used bottles initially to established her milk supply before buying any milk bags.. i think i would follow her suggestions. what are your views?
Kadice: Yes i read that aircon is better than fan coz its not moving air. So make sure your aircon vents are not swinging and keep the temp higher and not too cold.

Haha i did use aircon for No1, & intend to also use aircon for No2. I figure aircon is just for cooling air, vs fan when it really 'blows wind into your pores'? Anyway I intend to shower & wash hair lah

I'm gog to be 37 weeks this Fri liao. very, very close lor haha

Personally, I intend to use the milkbags for freezing excess. If feeding EBM, just put in the fridge in the bottles lor. Anyway I'm super KS. Bought 16 150ml & 4 240ml Medela bottles liao haha
Morning mummies, I also no mood to work. Slept at 1am coz din feel sleepy, then woke up at 630 cannot get back to sleep liao. Now then I feel tired. Sighz...

Kadice: I think should be ok. Even my mom ask me to turn on the air-con during confinement. She say juz keep it at 25-26 degrees but dun let the air-con blow directly at me, then should be fine. Its more to keep the room cool and bearable during the hot hot jun/jul
most mummies r ok with M size. i have big areola. also using M size. as long as when pumping, your areola isn't rubbing against funnel, it's ok. if too big, u might have problems getting a letdown.
if u find M too small still, can try L. M is standard size that comes with BN pump. So try out the size first before buying.

Jul: the milkbag is the Nanny Milkbags.

If we can consolidate many boxes, we shld be able to get a good price since Elaine approached me yesterday already.

Kadice: i use air con for confinement during #1. better than fan.
temperature is constant, no direct wind blowing to cause rheumatism.

Pre-term labour
no difference in baby's position. if breech then csec when u go into labour. if engaged, then normal delivery.

had them throughout the day since i hit 35wks. nvr really calculate timing and sequence. Don't think it hurt enough to be the real thing.
So should be uterus practicing.

Using Milkbags
first mth should be ok using bottles if u have enough. cause max pumping only 50-100ml for both sides. milkbag 250ml. abit waste $ to use n store if supply isn't stabilized yet. anyway confinement you'll probably latch more than pump excess to keep. so we can consider bulk purchase after mostly have delivered. then before meeting up with our babes, we can consolidate n order.
Morning ladies!
Hope everyone had a good weekend?
Coconut Water
Remember to start drinking!! The weather is so hot and humid. I have been drinking it twice a week since week 34 actually. Realised I don’t’ really like the taste of it. I actually gag after drinking it. Haha. Looks like nothing is better than ice cold water in this weather.
Red Dates/Longans
Both moms passed me the packages of red dates/longans to keep aside. Need to put in fridge?
Grocery shopping
Went to buy rice (I don’t have any at home!!), oil, sauces, etc so that the CL and my MIL can cook next month. I think I’m almost done with what I need to do.
Baby Bottles/Breastpump items
I haven’t washed or done with anything with them yet. Can wait till I get back from the hospital right?
Baby Fair
There’s a baby fair this weekend right? I think I won’t be going. My motto is to chill out and have slowed down my weekend activities other than to spend time with hubby and family now. Haha
smilezz: it is nice that you can still chill...i have tons of things not bought/done at home and my hubby still seems totally relaxed :/

jul: you can start your leave soon liao


Ok then. Anyway not ordering so early, so just keep us posted pls? Thanks much


Alamak I haven't stocked up on groceries yet. Hubs needs to talk to MIL abt whether she's helping me buy the herbs, or we need to buy ourselves etc.

Got baby fair meh? Thought it's next weekend?

Fenugreek - Your bottle has been wrapped up for weeks hehe. Do u still want?


Still need to talk to my boss also
