(2012/06) Jun 2012

gripe water
please do not give that to your baby if there's no need to.. #1 was not drinking milk well and we thought gripe water can help to get rid of the wind in his tummy, but made him vomit like merlion, so i dun think it's a good idea to give it unless there's an obvious reason like colic..

Maternity Photoshoot: I had my photoshoot with PsIloveyouphotography. The maternity package is $168. Lady photographer. She just uploaded my pictures @
You can also see the rest of her portfolio in her website. But i think she would be going for a trip from May 26 to early June, so not sure if she would have any available slot. You can always check with her.
baby size
#1 was 3.2kg but with very big head, gynae say i can go for natural and that time he predicted baby to be 3.6kg de.. but he is right cuz my niece was 3.7kg and my sis is same size as me, delivered naturally..

this time baby head a lot smaller than #1, so i am pretty confident with natural again, haha just pray hard baby will engage, or else like #1, fully dilated but not engaged, suck out still never mind, if really go for emergency c-sect, i cry sia..
Hi ladies,

yeah the first EDD is early July. my baby weight slightly lower than avg but catching up. and gynae continue to ask me to continue durians. i try to eat a lot of healthy food but sometimes jus vomitted out the whole dinner then cannot eat liao. yeah guess if i continue my existing diet, the weight should catch up pretty soon. yeah some July mums to be also has smaller babies like me. yeah last time when i am born, mum say i only 2.3kg. so not sure is it genes. hehehe

oh so we can ignore the different date on the scan picture huh? i din noe oso leh. hehehe anyway i noe all these are estimates hehehe

praying for all to have a smooth pregnancy and delivery too. hehe Jia you!
hi ladies,

is your energy level high huh? i tink my energy level is pretty low hahaha

remember to pack the $450 gynse receipts into your hospital bag to claim from medisave.
Jolene:$300+ a bit off my budget, un intend to spend too much for maternity shots. Thanks for the info though.

Cassandra: I will email her to check out the pricing. Thanks

P/s: weather is so humid again tonight:/
Sunbelle: my energy level is definitely low,getting breathless and tired easily. Feel like taking mc and rest tmr loh. But cannot coz next Monday gynae visit gg to take already.
gripe water
mummies intendin to giv mus note the age mentioned in the box. Bb too young cant tak. Last time my pd doesnt encourage us to giv to bb.
gripe water
I didn't want to give at all. My PILs insisted on giving the gripe water to my son. They even asked my Pd whether could give him grip water. PD said ok. I am against giving it.

My MIL wants to come over and help out with #2. Now you have reminded me of all the differences I had with them.

Dunno what's wrong with me. Aircon is switched on, my chest is sweating buckets. Now need fan and aircon just to stop perspiring.

Then I was so frustrated for 1 hour when I could be doing my work. Needed to finish some work and submit them by tonight, but when I brought my lap top from the living room to my room, the wifi just died. Took me more than one hour to try to turn it back on. In the end plug in main power and shut down and switched on. Restarting didn't work.

I need to finish all my work by this week and prepare for handover. After that, next week, I still need to do prepare some more stuff. Hopefully I can rest after next week.

Exactly one more month to go!!
glass > jiayou! U mus b tired aftr wokin n nw stil hv to rush wk. Ya, we mummies always hv differences w our caregivers or helpers. For me, i also hv my own episode w my parents. Bt wat to do whn we nd their hlp?
glass, haha.. dealing with ILs is not always easy. Maybe if you have certain concerns and preferences, you can inform your Pd before your ILs see him? At least he can try to be on the same page as you..

Actually I think older folks have the misconception that the gripe water is some kind of miracle cure. The older generation have no idea and are sold on marketing, thinking this liquid can cure baby's cries, and they are usually worried about babies crying cos the more they cry, the more air they suck in.

It's already so late and you're still working? Why not have a good rest and then wake up early to do? Or go into office earlier to finish it? No point getting frus..
Wow, just finish reading all the posts today.

Went for my gynae appt today. 37wk. Baby weigh 2.85kg. Gynae didn't mention anything abt weight, I guess is average. Did ctg also. My boy very active. Cannot catch his heartb in one position. But everything was fine, no sign of contraction yet.
Going for my gynae appt on Friday again, as my gynae is going on 1week leave. Hopefully, my baby pop when she back, if not will be delivered by another gynae.
These days been busy thinking of what to eat before I pop.. Hahaha
Last thurs had dim sum with colleagues.
Saturday went Sheraton for dinner buffet with friends.
Today, had dim sum lunch with hubby..
Now I thinking of what to have for lunch tomorrow already.. Haha.. Maybe subway...
Can't stop thinking of food... Huhuhuh
My hubby complain I snore very loud last night till he can't sleep.
Just now, he told be don't sleep so early. Let him sleep first, if not I snore again.. Haha...
Last nite so tired.. slp early at 10 yet morn can't wake up. I think baby dropped down already. Cause I breath btr poop alot yesterday. Bh strong last nite. But I'm starting to feel more aches in lower body. Feet swell more too.
my #1 was 2.75kg when born too.. average weight.. dun worry!

till nw i'm not sure wads BH... but definitely more aches in pelvic n groin area.. damn sian.. i wwanna deliver nw!!!

sure jul!
Hopecg: I also feel like delivering now! Haha... belly so heavy. Now sit also have to sit with legs wide open to accomodate the belly. This morning woke up to find both hands swollen with water retention. Barely managed to fit in my shoes. Already up one size for shoe since pregnancy. Hopefully don't up another size.

Looking forward to the gynea appointment this thurs. Can't wait to see my little boy on the screen.
my family shots are dated on 2nd June.. I don't wanna deliver before that date!

I hope my baby swims inside longer

Hopecg: BH is false contractions..
hi kadice, i shared the same sentiments cos getting less n less energy now. yeah dun feel like doing anything.

yeah pris, is a very good weight ..no worries. hehehe

xiao wei : last time i got a wierld thinking that if a scanning machine is not so expensive, a lot of preggie ladies esp the weathly type can jus buy one at home hehehe
hahaha they can see baby anytime hehee
wow petrina, i oso feel like taking some shots but afraid breatheless cos i get breatheless easily leh....hehee

anyone delivering in TMC huh? this year funny leh the lady say only collect deposit when you register. heheheh they do charge spouse food at $80 per day. so what do they provide huh? anyone can share huh?
Sunbelle: My hubby said that too!!! Esp in the 1st 2 trimesters when the checkups are scheduled once every 4 weeks, have to wait till neck long long.
Morning ladies!
Didn’t have a good night sleep at all – woke up 3x to pee. Last afternoon’s training ended so late around 8 plus according to my colleagues, luckily, I walked out at 7plus cos I was simply too tired already. Plus my legs were feeling very tingly from sitting too long. Realised both feet were kinda swollen when I reach home.
Ang Bao
For those with CL, do we need to give ang bao when she starts work? Like a small token sum?
I like chocolate! All things chocolate. But somehow my girl doesn’t really like it. Unless it’s really dark chocolate. Haha…
i gave CL a small token like $20 or $50 i think.. can't rem.. leaving that time also gave.. it's like a passage fee kinda

act i heard the ultrascans nt v good to scan too often? .. dunno where i hear it from also.. =/ when's ur edd? mine's 30th June!! last day of june lo! how early also not gonna be next 2 wks delivering.. haha

been having heartburns.. ahhhz... suffering.. =(
hopecg: same here..up till now im not too sure how does BH feels like. haha...is it some tightening pain

my feet really swell like feet trotters. no matter lie down, sit..whatever position also not comfortable.

just to check, most mummies took up the stemcord plan? anyone knows the difference btw stemcord and cordlife? there are 2 companies right?
Morning mummies, me on sick leave today...really had a hard time with BH yesterday and didn't rest well.

Asrias, hopecg, ya I also read that it's not good to scan the baby too often. U can get a Doppler if you just want to hear his heartbeat for reassurance.
hopecg: Ya I think scan too much also not good think is coz of the radiation? But eager to see baby... haha

Kadice: I intend to donate the cordblood. Meeting the staff on Thursday also, to run through details.

Smilezz: I think I will give $50 first ba, if she is good when she leave I give another $50, if she is ok then $30, if she is bad then $10. I totally know how you feel about swollen feet =( Really like pig trotters lor. I started off with size 7, now size 8 liao.
Kadice, BH is like your whole tummy just squeezes till it's rock hard and you feel like you're having cramps, but it's nor like menstrual cramp or stomach ache, more of a very tight feeling like someone blew a balloon inside you and you cannot expand further.
i have both cordlife and stemcord.. cordlife for #1, stemcord for #2.. 2 diff companies.. each will have its pros.. prices abt the same, tho cordlife is slightly more ex.. i took up 2 diff ones so taht in case one cmi, i still have the other to bank on..

i think we wun want to know how BH feels like =P hahah! *winks at nattan*

jia you wor nattan!

i'm likely gonna be on cc leave tmr.. cos #1 keeps coughing.. gonna bring him to PD tmr.. anyone has quick home fix remedy for coughs? heatiness?
hopecg: cough remedy -
nanxing, beixing, white fungus, snow pear *xueli*, honey dates *mizao*, NO SUGAR.
boil together and drink water.

scanning baby
machine has radiation. overseas they only scan baby 3x throughout the whole pregnancy. other than that, they'll use doppler to check heartbeat and use physical feel to check positioning.

give a big angpao upon arrival. then upon leaving, give a small angpao.
nattan: BH sounds scary..my left side usually feels esp tight.

scanning too often is not good though doctors say no side effects. during our parents' days, they only scan nearing delivery. nowadays, everytime we go, they will scan.
Zzzz.. tired coz had a bad night & start to the day.

Trying to cheer myself up with a haircut during lunchtime later. Wanna get rid of the excess 'weight'. I just cut my hair in end0Mar some more. Why is it only during pregnancy that my hair grows so quickly? faint
Chris, the other Gap I know is at Wisma, but not sure if there's Fox Kids...maybe Ion has? Can check their online directory. Wisma has Cotton On Kids...cute stuff there also.
petrina >oh, thks! Paragon n centrepoint is gd for me too.
so difficult to surf the net w my nutty phone. :p cn only do tat whn i hv access to my laptop.
Jolene: Well had my first pre natal massage on last sat...somehow perhaps it was the lady who was doing the massage, no techniques, just felt like she was rubbing the oil all over me and it was all over before I could even start enjoying..

sigh that's why was hoping she will not be the one doing thepost natal massages..asked and she showed me a pic of group of aunties who are supposed to be experts in that area..so really wanted to check how you guys who took up baby bellies felt..
Ang Bao
Okay noted – cos I wasn’t sure how much to give.
Swollen Feet
My shoe size didn’t increase and hopefully, it won’t. The swelling is mostly the feet area only. Cos I have very boney/veiny feet where the bones and veins are very obvious type..now like both feet look more meaty. Don’t look like my own feet at all. Haha..
Aiyoh, your BH must be really bad. Get more rest since you are on MC today and maybe catch up on your sleep too.
Had Japanese bento takeaway for lunch + fruit juice. My engine can’t seem to get started at all today. Counting down to going back home this evening.
The ang bao tinggy is troublesome cos i engaged from PEM agency. guess to motivate a human being, 1st ang bao is impt, but the problem is we also din know whether the one we have on hand issit good. so is a matter of luck liao i guess...yeah ...to give a big ang bao is to motivate them when they come but if they no good means we have to get another ang bao for the second one that comes rite? $50 sounds reasonable leh...i know of frens whom gave $28,38 or 48 too..

We are already paying much more to the confinement lady for our dragon baby.

They are also not really particular with the amount of money in the ang Bao, according to mine and a friend's.

My CL told me They just want a "Yi Shi", as it is consider quite "xiong", not very lucky to be a CL. That's y they would want a red packet for luck.

I intend to give $28 for the first and of she is good more for the final Ang Bao.

Don't worry too much about it mommies.
