(2012/06) Jun 2012

nattan: i dun have.. i dun have bedside. only a box for remote controls that is on tv rack on the other end of the room. every night my hb will bring box to tv rack b4 bed.
our bed is against the wall and when we sit up, we watch tv in front of us.
we dun have stereo or radio in our room. all use hp or ipad. all electrical points r at tv rack.

70decibels r ok via my headphone. very soft niah.. so it shld be ok.

<font color="aa00aa">Try to avoid placing headphones directly on tummy. My colleague said his friend's baby hearing was "affected" (a bit deaf, I think) due to this. Maybe the volume was too loud. Coupled with sound magnification because of amniotic fluid, what baby hear may be louder.</font>
Super busy day trying to catch up with work coz I've been away for so long. Haha can't wait to meet up with the other mummies.


Thanks for the e-voucher link! $5 is quite a bit of discount.
So many to catch up...

Glass, ur post encourage me as my son not really speaking up.

Can't wait to meet u all to. So many errands to run!!
Just did my wax "p and cut my hair. Preparing myself up for csec next week.

Goanna collect my passport, huggies redemption next week too!
Jul: hope you saw the confinement herb list I posted up yesterday.

Fleur: How was ur checkup? Is he in a good mood? Hehe..

Enjoy the gathering ladies!!
Hihi Adeline
He seems good mood which makes me good mood. No good 3D coz baby face was too near the uterus so not enough amniotic fluid to take a good picture.
Baby's weight increased from 1.4 to 2.1 so i am happy with it. As long as she hits the 2kg mark i feel more assured.
He never do cervical check for me but i asked about my placenta he said moved up and ok for natural delivery. Amniotic fluid levels are fine. EDD no change.
Do U know that one of the nurse quit and the other is preggy? But i always don't remember their names. Do U?
Now they employed this auntie ... super blur and slow.
Tired. whole day out running errands. is the meet up still on, wil lik to rush dwn to meet u guys. Bt I cn only rch ard 7.30. Wil u guys still b ard?
Hmmm... think i will giv the meeting a miss bah. Legs r really aching. Hopefully ther will b anthr meet up again. Enjoy mummies!
Anyone has experience of fever during 3rd trimester?how long does it take the fever to break?we can only take normal panadol pills?
moi, how come eggs not allowed in the beginning? Some confinement tingkat like Natal Essentials include that in their menu...
The menu looks gd..
I think best to eat fish everyday. Either for lunch/dinner.
Definitely will be heathier than eating chicken/pork.
Get the gd fish from the wet market. That's the best.
For c sectm I ever heard, don't eat eggs for the first 2 to 3wks. I think will affect the wound.
For natural, I not sure..
Priscilla, er... then for those mummies who are planning to use Natal Essentials or other confinement tingkat better take note lo... cos they usually include eggs in their dishes (as a cheap form of protein).
Fleur: Just done with my appt. Baby's weight is at 2.159kg at 34w 5d. She is quite petite according to Dr Chan. Amniotic fluid, placenta n cord is all good. Her head remains down and her face has turned to my back so could not get a look at her face at all. Just saw her ears and hair!!

His younger 2 nurses are Ling and Eileen. Ling is expecting hence they employed a new nurse to assist when she goes for ML.
Hi hi Adeline: our baby weight very very close
hehe. What's your total weight gain?
Mine is 31 may. Yours? Haha mine is can only see more of mouth and nose
. I like his nurses ling and Eileen both very nice.
We may arrange a post delivery &amp; confinement gathering. Hope u can make it then

Petrina: waaaah u so early shop Liao ah. I just finished my massage now feel a lot better.
Hihi mummies...

Today is my spring cleaning and hospital bag packing day :p Finally getting down to it!

Adeline, looks like your baby is all ready to arrive! Congrats!

Petrina, wah... so early start shopping already... tsk... you sure you can survive on 1 income?? Haha... :p
Kadice: I only ordered 6 Medela storage bottles coz I want to establish my milk supply first and gauge if I need milk storage bags.

Today is a super hot and sunny day! Just had my weekly coconut. Can we drink coconut twice a week and if yes at which week?
so i guess no need to bag so soon?

nattan: playtex that you are using bought online?

fleur: I am in my 34th week and i have not started drinking yet. my mum told me dun drink too much...i am also not sure
Kadice, I bought my Playtex during the Taka sale. They have stock in their baby section.

Fleurfleur, I'm going to start drinking this week (I'm also 34 weeks now like Kadice) cos I ordered from Gmarket, so should be getting my delivery today. You can drink twice a week, but make sure you don't drink 2 servings at one go.. haha (per 500ML is 2 servings).
yay... finally did first load of baby laundry!! Hospital bag is 85% packed, missing the electronics and my pajamas.. I'm a bit lazy to pack make up now.. haha...
Posted on Saturday, May 19, 2012 - 2:09 pm:       
Fleur: Can't remember total weight gain. Will check during my next checkup. What's urs?

Nattan: Baby's position is very good for delivery but not engaged yet and no signs of early labor as he measured my cervix and it's 3.73cm from 4cm,3 weeks ago.

Kadice: I bought Lansinoh storage bags via a US website online, which costs abt SGD13 for 100 bags.

Fleur: Coconut drink, I was told to drink once a week starting from week 37. So I have not started, am still on birds nest, cordeceps and soya bean milk.
hi ladies,

how are you huh? been busy so din really log in. been reading on the past archives hehehe

Yo, the check up reveaved that baby is still heads up ..gynae say looks likely c-sec..hahaha...then my mind goes tinking as long as baby is well and safe i am okie although frankly i wan to try natural hahhaha ..then the next question is full GA or half GA. cos Full GA hubby cannot go in and witness the birth and cut umbellica cord ....but half GA mummy got to hear those noises from those intrusments and not knwoing what to expect next hehe jus tat i know that C-Sec recovery rate is not as fast as natural hehhehe and also think it will affect breastfeeding ..cos one of my frens c-sec, cannot breastfeed - latch on is painful ...yeah anyone can share your frens' experience on full GA or half body GA huh?

my gynae is saying that some ladies try natural but end of the day still ended up C-sec...so really depends on individual...

any of the ladies here plan to have C-sec huh? i know Sel has given birth. congrats to her. hehe

hi petrina, that time when c-sec, is breastfeeding tough esp latch on? cos baby might be pressing on the wound rite?
Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt.
I'm from April 2012 thread, have bought ameda manual pump (comes in full box)and used once but still prefer my avent pump. Im letting go at $70(neg). Pls pm me for pics of the pump if keen.
<font color="aa00aa">Just did a 4-hour shopping at Bugis area. Bought some herbs, baby clothes, cloth nappies &amp; towels from the wholesale shop, pyjamas &amp; toys for #1 from OG &amp; printer cartridge from Sim Lim Square. Don't think I can shop anymore as it's really tiring.</font>
Ssmilezz, got to calculate based on the size you buy la...

Petrina, I dunno, but seeing the number of good reviews from customers for their other products, I think should be ok. I just ordered a Plafarm baby storage trolley to put baby's bath items.
Chris: Yes it is much cheaper to get it from the US especially when there is offer and if you can get coupons for free shipping or if u have a friend visiting the US.
My friend ask me to avoid eating egg also. Her reason is egg is one of the food that may cause colic for ur baby.. That's what she google..
Well maybe eat in moderate lor, don't eat everyday la..

For my friend who c sect, her cl only cook egg after 3rd wk for her..
Anyone can lend me your kiddy palace card? Got 20% but for members only

Can meet ard toa payoh, newton, novena, orchard or sengkang area?
