(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hi mummies,

Had my first taste of insomnia last night... Awake from 130-5am

Butterwaffles, oh yes, gals got so much things to buy! Hair accessories, dresses, leggings, pretty shoes! Totally agree with u family support v impt. Thankfully my mum is helping me take care during weekdays. We only do weekends. Can't imagine how those who take care every night can handle plus work. I cant really rely on my mil as she is not the type can handle full time bb sitting one. Each time she feeds milk I have to follow up ensure she got close back the tin or cover the sterilizer back etc. And I dun like dat her cooking the more oily type and she uses more seasoning like soup flavoring powder or cubes etc. My own mum cooks the diligent way, chicken stock she uses chicken to make, fish soup she use fish bones, ikan bills etc.
catherine, then a nanny is more suitable for you guys. Infantcare or childcare centres can never work for you due to their strict timings. At least with a nanny, your baby's meals & baths are taken care of
Would be good if you can source around now, must look for one who lives as near to your place as possible, never mind if she is more expensive. Unless you drive daily.

gg_lee, wow so nice of your mum to take over weekdays for you
With #2 coming, is she able to cope with 2? It is not easy but somehow now my boy already 19 months old. It was tough at first, having to rush to fetch him in time, feed him, bathe him, play with him, put him to sleep. Mornings wake up earlier to prepare his dinner. When it rains, very headache, sometimes he will get drenched abit esp his legs as i carry him in my baby carrier and take bus. Felt heartpain for him, even now! When i send him to childcare centre and he's always the first one to arrive at 7am, sleepy and stoned...and he won't get to have his nap until 12.30pm. And i only get to reach his centre around 6pm plus to fetch him home. At nights when he sleeps, i always whisper to him that we love him and hopes he understands that mummy & daddy are trying our best. Now that weekdays we are staying at my parents', at least i dont have to rush to wash and dry his uniforms
And sometimes, he gets super yummy and nutritious soups to drink! Your boy is real lucky to have a capable grandma!
Hi Mummies,

Start thinking baby name? I feel bb girl name more easy...but boy name a bit headach...

Welcome bubbliciouslee!!

Not sure anyone wanted to buy USB ionic Air Purifier Ionizer, i found this from SMH BP thread, but just now know the supplier actual cost about S$5/pc but min order 15pcs.... i don't need so many pcs le. not sure anyone add on?
The thread selling at S$18/pc but actual cost only S$5/pc


Can be connected directly to a computer USB port
Production of negative ions.

- Remove odours and dust.
- Eliminate airborne allergens, pollen, smoke.
- Reduce static and EMI.
- Helps boost your energy and mood.

Green LED light indicates working.
Density of anion: 1 Million / cm3
Rated voltage: DC 5V
Rated power :< 0.3W
Hi all, I haven't posted in this thread for a while but have been diligently reading on all your updates. I've done my detailed scan last Fri &amp; this baby is a girl. My #1 who is 20 mths now is also a girl. Hee hee, so 2 girls for our family &amp; its going to be 3 against 1 (poor daddy) in future!

Hi Al, will you be placing orders directly with the supplier for the USD air purifier then? If so, I'd like to order 2 pcs. Let me know? Thanks!
Butterwaffle, reason y I dun want nanny is bcos my bb is likely to b the only child. I prefer little fellow to mix with kids in infant care and share his love. I also want infant centre to help me teach and discipline little fellow. I would have make sacrifices will rope in frens to help me bring little fellow back if needed.
Hi mummies, wanna ask something...before i was pregnant, i was told before that theres a special pillow for BB that has a hole in the middle, so that BB's head wont be flatten and stay round, round...Where to buy this pillow, anyone noes??
hi all, away last week to bangkok for meeting. went for detail scan today... my 2nd is a boy o_o'

when the sonographer told me is a boy (not playing attention to what she say cos busy with the screen), i was like, "Huh BOY" ask her to do another scan to confirm at the end of the scan she is nice to oblige guess she feels my disappointment.

didn't get to see my gynea cos he is away for delivery if not will ask him to triple confirm again. i was looking forward to a gal cos can do a lot shopping so now very free, no need to do any shopping liao.
Butterwaffles, my boy is coming to 2 and I intend to send him full time childcare when he is 2.5. He will be home with us every night by then as I think it's time we take over teaching him at night etc. My mum will take over no 2. Another way k thot was maid. But maid has its prob. I am not used to maid and I think it can b a prob as I stay with my mil. So far she seem to have complaints abt my sil maids. I think it's just a old folk problem. They tend to wan too much control over maid and how things ought to b done. Even my CL dat time she also got comments. But at least dat one just 1mth. Guess childcare at least the kid can learn something, better in a way. But I wan to put him only when he can talk better so can tell us wat happened in cc.

Lynn, u can get dat pillow in major shopping malls. Is white with pink words, off hand forgot the brand. I got use for no 1 for a while. Think costs around $40 if I recall correctly.
I have just given birth and have a unused bottle of clarins oil to sell to mommy-to-be for $50. Please PM me if interested
Hi all daddy and mummy,

i am selling my DSLR Nikon D90 with 18-105mm kit lens.

It is only 5020 shutter count, very very low.

it can take great picture or ur loved one and also video it down.
i selling at $1000.

sms : 97590605

email me : [email protected]
catherine, sincerely hope things work out for you
Hope your friends are able to help out too when your little one falls sick else you have to take urgent leave pretty often ^^ No need to think about #2 so early...i was super sure i won't have anymore after my boy. But after he turned 1, i saw him trying to play with the older kids and getting ignored of cos. It hurts....just when we are considering whether to try for #2, i got pregnant. Fwah...so words don't say too early, keke...My baby girl will go infantcare too, i've already put her name on the waiting list. Alot of challenges, if you have insufficient family support and yet have to work late but ensure you pick up your little one from the centre on time. And trust me, when the time comes, you will not want your little one to be the first to arrive at the centre everyday and yet the last one to be picked up as well! Super heartpain de....I was lucky to have found a superb infantcare centre when i was residing at Jurong. Till now, we miss the teachers very much. They really care for the babies. My boy really blossomed under them
If any mummies here are residing near Jurong West St.93 or 92 and your baby has to go infantcare, i recommend you visit PCF Sparkletots at blk 922 St.92.

gg_lee, means in another 5 months, your boy will turn 2.5 years old? If all along your mum is the main caregiver, the transition period will be tough. But he will adapt. I personally think its better to send him to centre earlier rather than later so he will not think that because meimei is coming, mummy doesn't want him anymore. It is true that for now, he might not be able to express him very well. But if you actually see him everyday, as in, really take charge of all his needs on a daily basis, you will be able to tell if something is wrong. My boy is now 19mths old, cannot express himself well either. But one look at him, his one gesture, i will know if something happened at the centre. But again, my boy is pretty much a 'complain king'!!! So your #2 will stay with your mum on weekdays? Your MIL not offended ah? You stay with her but your kids let your mum take care :p Getting a maid is pure luck. But for FTWMs like us, sometimes there is no choice if there is just no other form of help. I don't know how i'm going to cope as well. Just hope my parents will take pity on me and try to help out more, hah.

serene123, healthy &amp; normal can already :p Congrats!!!
Hi butterwaffles, thx. Somehow I have outsource many things to date eg housework, dinner. I dun think my 3 gd frens will say no to me to help me bring my kid home. My boss kid is always last to Pick up at child care and she is ok. No choice we can't do anything leh. On the bb falling ill, I have 2 great docs who I entrust to treat my bb. Infant care centre will also help me bring the kid to see doc if the kid is sick at infant care. I do agree a gd infant care centre is essential. I m also glad I found mine.
Butterwaffles, my mil dun dare complain la, dun think she wan to take care everyday type anyway. But if I put childcare maybe she can help send or fetch. But hor now the wait lost super long lor. Am thinking maybe have to put him in a cc near my mum plc first, like u say at least he get used to being in a cc rather than feel he is cast aside once bb comes. V funny yesterday show him a frens newborn pic, he says ' baby' then after dat keeps shaking his head!!
catherine, wow...your friends really jiang yi qi! The infantcare centre actually brings the baby to see the PD if he/she is not well?? Meaning if the baby is not well, you still can send the baby into the centre?? My boy's centre not so pro, at the slightest sign of flu, esp fever, cannot even step through the door ^^ Alot of times, i had to take urgent leave...its a pain sometimes but i know if other babies are not well and yet the centre still allow them in, i sure not happy lor. My girl will go to this infantcare centre below my parents' block. Now full already...i also not sure if April next year will have vacancy already. If no vacancy, i just to have take unpaid leave until they have space...

gg_lee, wuhahahah, dare not complain! LOL. Last time when my boy was very young, both sides very possessive over him. Now both sides also bochap :p The novelty is gone liao, haha. Your boy so cute, so he doesnt want a baby lar? :p I do ask my boy to sayang my tummy, tell him his meimei is inside. He doesn't understand i think...i rem when i was young (i'm 2 years older than my brother), i don't quite rem my mum being preg and all. Out of the blue i had a brother and i only realised he is my brother when i was like near 3 years old....then the concept sank in.
I think my boy starting to comprehend as my mum been teaching him. He will sayang my belly when I ask where baby? Then v funny he also pull up his shirt sayang his belly! But maybe when he saw the bb pic it sank in a bit more. My mil probably a little jealous my boy v close to my mum. Even in front of her he will think and call out po po. How do u start searching for childcare huh? Am thinking convenience or really need brand school??
Hi mummies!

I also enroll in infant care and now on waiting list. My mum still wants to work and mil hands v weak and not safe to handle infant. As for me im a SAHM for quite sometime, was thinking to work after bb 4-6 months, and got vacancy in centre, I will go and work. I cannot stay at home for long.

But again, I dunno I bear to do it a not...we shall see...haha
KWXY, yesterday I was telling hubby actually SAHM like very nice, can really spend quality time with our kid. Yesteday I just like bring my boy down basketball court run around, watch the birds fly and see cars pass by the expressway feel very nice also, the bonding time. And now is really the time they can learn so much!

Any mummies here send their kid to schichida? Good or not? Any difference between springleaf and TPY branch?
Gg, my boss told me shishida will give kids nightmare. I also wish to b stay home mum but standard of living so high our hdb flat is so ex!!!! How to survive on 1 salary?

Kwxy, I book a slot at the infant care centre when my bb is 13 week old haha c how kiasu I m...

Butterwaffles, I have no intention to appoint a pd. Those r gp and they have kids / grandkids of their own. They r v well exp and kind doc. The infant care centre will bring my bb to one of the doc if bb suddenly fall ill. If bb fall ill at home I would have to take leave or find whoever who can look after. In a way I m v blessed to have frens who support me to have kids. But I cannot b too much la only to activate them on real emergency...
for those who enrol in infant care, how much are u all paying or goin to pay (nxt year)? i heard not very cheap izzit?

i will get a maid to help out cos #1 goes childcare for 1/2day and hope to have bonding time with #2 when she comes hm. but scare and dunno can trust maid anot. but my mom will help out on wkdays. *keeping my fingers crossed*
GG, yes...SAHM is really good...no stress and own time own target. I'm just preparing if I cannot cope with bb 24/7. So just on case for a infant care. That will be my last choice.

Catherine, that's very early! Haha
suggest that those who intend to get a place in infant care or even child care (18mths) apply now, cos the q is terrible.

My #1, i applied for infant care when i was 6 mths pregnant then, till now still no vacancy and he's already 26mths.

Childcare i applied when he's 6mths and only got a place when he's 18mths (not my first choice but no choice as want to prepare him for childcare and when #2 comes along).

For #2, i plan to register for cc in a couple of mths, cos the preferred one down my place is full till 2013!!!.
the waiting list is really ridiculously long.
Hi Mummies,

Ya..me too. planning my #1 go in fullday childcare next year Jan. but all around my house full &amp; waiting list don't know hv to wait how long...i'm so worry when #2 come out really no time to take my #1.

last time my #1 put in infant care was good, but sick alot. then about 2 year old i get a maid to take care her better. now i think can't let the maid take care 2 children le....

some ppl adv me to complain PAP not enough childcare center...everyone are full yet so many kids are in waiting list.... what you all think??
try to let #1 settle down in childcare a few months earlier before #2 pops. my boy took 6 months to settle down in childcare, and he falls sick so often in the 1st 3 mths that he might as well not be attending cc cos he was home most of the time recovering. by 4th mth, he started attending regularly half day and by 5 1/2 mths weeks, he's adapting to 3/4 day at cc. going to put him for full day (till 5pm) next month or so that he gets used to the routine, that way it relieves the stress of yrself and maid as the adjustment period already over and cc will be normal routine for him.

i dun think complain to MP or PAP is any use cos the centres are run privately unless yr area has pcf centres.
Hi mummies, as the news reported today it's difficult to retain preschool teachers and next year is dragon year.. Sure no place if u dun grab. Like the infant care that I book, they take in 11 bb and 7 r taken up. I quickly book the 8th seat. Not cheap leh... $980 per mth after subsidy!!!

Hi mei Shan, let me ask my boss tomolo
Hi mummies,

Taggies Toys and Blankies -- a "must have" nursery item for little. For well over a decade now, babies and children have been comforted by their tactile, soothing and safe taggies. Little ones love to rub and twiddle the satin tags on clothing, blankets and toys as a calming and reassuring comforter.


PM me for details.
Hi Al, I'm also sending my boy to cc this Dec alr, he's been taken care of by my maid since I went back to work, but now with #2 coming, dun think she can handle both. I also dun feel good abt it, cuz read last time that it's most ideal for boys to only be sent to school after 3 yo, but no choice now.

Catherine: have u and hubby sat down and plan your contingency plans in details when sending ur bb to infant care, esp when the child is discovered sick during the day? Cuz even though the centre might help bring ur bb to doctor, you'll still need to bring bb home after that, cuz they won't allow bb back to the centre. They'll also require you to sign form to authorize ppl who you allow to pick bb up in case you're not available, so this has to be planned carefully too. And be prepared that bb will be sick v v often for the first few months. Try to bf as much as u can to help bb build up immunity.

Anw, any mummy know when is the earliest we can register our bb for cc? I'm b worried abt dragon year also, even for my boy born in tiger year, finding cc was quite a journey alr.
I m stopping breast feeding and selling my breast pump.
Philips Avent Twin Electronic Breast Pump 
Local set with warranty till Mar 2013

Include manual pump conversion kit
Cd on guide to breast feeding
Bag for the pump including ice packsx4 n insulator bagsx2
A set of nipple protectors
Honey color 260ml avent bottle x2 used only to contain milk when pumping. Bpa free 
Honey color 125ml avent bottle x2 inclusive of teats. Brand new bpa free 
Translucent 125ml avent bottle x 1 inclusive of teats. Brand new. 
2x avent pacifier 3-6 mths bpa free

Got it at $599. Willing to let go at $450 as it is still under warranty. Will provide receipt. Warranty can change for brand new set in case of breakdown. But it is very new.

Self collect at Bedok area. Pls pm me if keen. Tnx
gg_lee, for me i take public transport. So distance is important. I shortlist centres that are within walking distance or those that have direct buses/LRTs from my place. Then i look at the fees. Too exp i will not consider. My boy attended PCF Sparkletots at jurong when he was 8 months old. I pay $577 every month after the $600 govt subsidy. I find it great because the teacher student ratio is very good. Maybe because the centre's location is abit ulu so not many parents are aware of this centre or can't travel, keke. For me quite ok, i walk 15mins can reach already. But if it rains, i will take the feeder bus with my boy. When i walk, i use my carrier. But after he turned 1, he can no longer fit the carrier so i just carry. Tired man but really train my arm muscles ^^ Now my boy is attending a pte childcare centre at Sengkang. I pay $650 every month after $300 govt subsidy. So as you can see, the fee difference between PCF and pte centres. For my #2, she is on the waiting list for My First Skool infantcare at my parents' block. Fees will be around $620+ after the $600 govt subsidy. She can't be attending the same centre as my #1 as the pte centre does not offer infantcare...

NC, the earliest a child can go childcare centre is when he turns 18 months. My boy is a tiger too. Really tough getting a cc for him. His current centre, i actually beg the principal to take him in earlier in August. She is actually only willing to take in newbies in June/Dec. If the child goes to infantcare, he will automatically be given a place at the childcare side when he turns 18 months. When my boy was in infantcare, i see quite a few parents doing that. They need a place in the PCF centre but its full. So very smart, they put their kids in the infantcare first. Quite a few joined my boy when they were already 15-16 mths. After they turn 18 months, they were 'promoted' to toddlers' class automatically. But this will only work if the centre offers infantcare and the infantcare has vacancies lar. When my boy was a year old and i knew i was moving to Sengkang, i started searching for a centre in Sengkang. It was terrible. Most of the PCF centres ask me to call them only when my boy turns 18 months because the centres are all full and if there is dropout, they will only call those who are already 18 months. So i put my boy on waiting list also no use. I ended up with 3 private childcare centres on my list, who are willing to chope a place for me if i place a deposit with them. So out of the 3, i decided on my boy's current cc. So far so good
My boy took around 3 weeks to adapt. Ok for him as he was in infantcare for quite long. But this centre is exp. If my girl also goes to this centre, wah....i don't know how, maybe need to buy toto more often.
GG Lee
my boy is now 26mths. he's coping well in cc now as in no longer crying and no longer fall sick every week or so.

it's so much easier for kids to adapt to cc when they have been in infant care, they are also more independent at a younger age. my friends whose kids are in infant care hit all the milestones earlier, such as turning over,crawling, walking, talking etc as compared to my boy who's taken care at home by myself. downside is that they fall ill more often, but then it's a matter of early start, stronger immunity, cos by the time they go cc, they dun fall sick so often either.
Butterwaffles, Tks. I checked with my first skool cc a few days ago and they told me waiting list 80! Private ones a lot r full also. My hubby prefers to send nearby us so we or mil can pick him back conveniently. Otherwise, as and when hubby out of town I will have problem as I dun drive.

Bb making, Tks. Mine coming 2 and I think it's going to b tough when we send him to cc.
Nc, I dun intend to Bf after I go back to work. U try to smell the fragrance in my office toilet that turn u off!! Contingency plan... I think should b ok cos bb infant care is in between my frens, my hubby and my work place. The principal will isolate my bb once bb fall ill then we bring bb home after work. I m staying v positive now
Hey mummies. I was taking photo of my tummy today and realized that my right side is more protruding. So Is it the head?!? Haha...kinda funny though.
KWXY, mine is on the left side! haha maybe girls like left, boys like right side?

I'm contempleting whether to continue working after maternity leave because i feel like taking a break from my stressful job of many years and focus on kids and family....still thinking...
Morning mummies,

have you already started buying things for bb? Check with you gals, should i visit baby kingdom at ubi or Cheong choon store at upper cross street? Am deciding to go to either one of these places since i will be on leave next week...
babymaking> my place have few pcf centres but only 2-3 hours only. Cannot let my maid take care bb also fetch my girl 2 trip. end of Dec going to changed maid...i'm worry if let her fetch my girl she will lost her way back home

NC> My girl already 3 yrs old+ must let her go full day instead 2 hour school only...can't learn much le... praying she can go in Next year as all cc full accupied.

sweetcorn> if yr husband can support financial then go a head for SAHM.... I hope to be SAHM...but need $$$ for housewhole.

Yesterday detail scan...bb all ok
and he is under big size bb, 90% and now already 0.5kg
my doc tot i eat too much, actually I eat as normally but i like meat alot.
butterwaffle: ya can see the length parents are willing to go to get kids into cc. I signed my boy up at 3 months, still no news after a year plus. In the end we decided to venture further away from my neighborhood. But now fetching him will be more troublesome when hubby not around, cuz I can't drive. Think this one after birth straight away go sign up already, so scary!

Catherine: doesn't matter what's ur arrangement, as long as you've thought out in details the possible scenarios, things will slowly work our bah. Take heart!

Al: me also changing maid in nov. The current one is fantastic with my boy, v worried the next one can't keep up. Ur new maid is new or transfer?

Haha ur bb quite big leh! I can only see mine next week, can't wait to know gender!
NC> new maid is fresh one...as now all ex-s'pore maid very expensive. and not all have experience taking care new born bb. like my current maid she work in S'pore more then 9 year but don't know how to take care new born bb.I found this new maid she hv experience taking care new born in indonesia...so should be ok to take her.

Talk about maid...I have alot to share about current maid. she really too free, totally dif from 1st 6months she work in my house. do her own pedicure at home, eat more than us. she keep almost half of dishes for her own dinner, yet me my husband &amp; my girl eat about half of the dishes she put. only recently I notice it... but also cannot say anything since she need eat alot. Last time i did warning her attitude No respect n never help during CNY at my mother in law house. she very pride and not happy until bully my girl when working in the office, I saw it in CCTV. From that time I seldom bother her as long as she treat my girl good. Recently, I also notice she very smart in acting. 1day noontime I rest on my bed and is my girl napping time but girl is disturbing until I can’t tahan, I bring my girl go to her own bedroom ask her sleep now, then my maid ask my girl go toilet pee,I just say to my maid “why never bring her to sleep, she keep disturb me” while closing the curtains I did not face to her, when I turn back look at maid she open big eye said she is playing with Sir. Totally nonsense, my hubby also sleeping on the sofa. After that, go out from the house waiting lift, she cry to my husband said mum scolding her 很凶. End up my hubby believe her come n question me….i vomit blood! I only said “why never bring her to sleep, she keep disturb me” but never look at her cos I closing the curtains how can she said I scold her很凶. She worked with me more than a year I never scold her…. Only God knows. Since she very good in acting n play 挑破离间. I Really don’t want talk to her. She still have another 9months contract with me…but once new maid come, I will send her home immediately.
