(2012/02) Feb 2012

Morning all!

Ice Cherry> I think Cheong Choon is cheaper. Service better too. I didn't get much help at Baby Kingdom, all grumpy grumpy one. But at Cheong Choon it's a family business and they have babies in the family so are very friendly and generous with advice and answering questions. The older auntie and the younger lady (daughter?) are very helpful. Only thing is, we went on a wkend and it was abit crowded. If you go during off peak hrs shld be better.

hi there

I understand that some of you mommies have already signed up for the prenatal/childbirth course taught by Wong Boi Boi. May I know how i can enrol for this? Where are the course held? Thanks much!
oh re: maid & prenatal course
is there some sort of refresher pre natal course that maid can attend? i think i also need a refresher course on how to hold/bathe bb :p
Jinglebell, u can register online at TMC website, parentcraft. The Prices have gone up. So those who enrolled earlier on benefitted
Ladies, I have decided to go for F1 tomorrow and Sunday.
I guess my bb wont be affected by the noise, i will just stay further away from the track.
Hello mummies! I went for my week 20 detailed scan yesterday & bb is a boy! When the radiographer told me, i couldnt believe my ears, and almost cried.
I even asked her if she was sure or not, shouldnt have doubt her, cos after that i saw her nametag 'senior radiographer'. Haha. Feels so blessed that God gave me everything that I asked for.
Finally can go shopping for blue stuff!
Hi mummies, do you have idea how much would it cost to employ a confinement nanny in Feb 2012? Thanks to share..
Joycelyn: Hi girl, no blood test required
. Its just a 1/2 hour scan, scan every part of baby, make sure everything is ok.
No problem de. And also to confirm gender if you havent know yours.
hi brink,

Just to share with you, i will be hiring CN in feb too, but no extra charger after 2feb2012.
my is $2150 for 28 days.
would it be possible that even during detailed scan we are unable to tell the gender due to baby position ?

or will they ensure that every single part is checked?
Hihi! been a silent reader all these while =) I'm currently in my 19th week and edd is 22 Feb 2012 (lotsa 2s!)

I have hired my confinement lady and its abt $2.1k for 28 days. but she pre-empted tat charges will be different if we hit the CNY. ie: abt $3k if its Day1-8 of CNY, $2k+ if its Day 9-15. i hope my baby will guai-guai come out after CNY and not anytime earlier =p
Congrat Rocco! finally our wish come true

my detail scan also took about 40min, then come back 2nd round for back bone scan.

ging3r> i think they can tell the bb gender ready...if still can't see they will ask you walk around 1st then come back scan again.

Welcome meifan! yr EDD 22Feb should be after CNY, my edd 2/2 sure end of Jan. I hired my CL $2.3K from 4th day of CNY. Consider cheap liao...
Thanks Rocco...wow, half an hour, then i dun think i can make it for the TMC hospital tour at 11am..

my last scan, gynae said it 80% boy...but i still have 20% chance tat it girl...haha..anyway, as long bb healthy n guai guai can already..
jinglebell> I saw another thread on Prenatal Yoga, you did asked her. maybe you can PM her for the classes she have. I will join next month at Simei, it's FOC for 4 lesson.
During my normal recent checkup (19 wks), gynae told me it's 99% confirm it's a boy. Is there a possibility might be a girl instead? Btw, I've not gone for detailed scan..
GT> during the scan do you see the screen? When I'm 16-17wks, my gynae scan can see my bb penis in the screen very clear and confirm its boy. If girl normally they just give 80% cos totally can't see anything.
KWXY, cannot eat half boil eggs? I have been eating still since I got pregnant.oops....

Shinely and AL, your CL rate very cheap leh! My friends gave me a total of 6 CL recommendation and 5 I called, all booked already for Feb. the last one, rate was $2300 post CNY, if CNY $3K! My hB said too ex, so still sourcing.
Jen, we cannot eat half boil egg. Pls stop taking it. I think uncooked egg hv some bacteria that's harmful. That's what my friends and gynae told me.

But I forgot we cannot touch thru out the pregnancy or only 1st tri.
Jen> i think Jan - Feb too many mummies give birth liao..fully book. try alternative source like catering for confinement food + Part time maid. or like for agency.

Jocelyn> KKH price less then $100 for detail scan. cheaper

Lsntyl> i also like ramen, but i ask the egg fully cooked. scared might hv virus :p

GT> I trust my own eye, very clear picture show is boy. don't have to worry and i'm really happy to have a boy
Gee, Thanks KWXY, i will try to avoid then.

Hi AL, actually confinement catering and part-time maid wsa our initial plan but MIL (although she is not helping me at all for pregnancy!) kicked up a big fuss and psycho HB that its unhealthy to take confinement catering. Now HB listens to his mum and ask me to source for CL now. Sigh....
hey, can i ask if I can go for foot massage or body massage? I'm really aching all over after the flight but not sure if its okay for 2nd trimester?
Jen> normally near CNY seldom CL willing to do confinement. Good luck to u...hope u can get a good CL soon.
Body msaage- most of them don't do for pregnant women. you can look for prenatal massage (Malay)or go swimming to relax your muscles..
I think next year really got alot of babies arriving.. my gynae told me that looking at her next year jan & feb bookings, can see a spike compared to this yr..
Jen, no foot during pregnancy. Can trigger contractions! as for body massage, same thing also unless u get one skilled in prenatal massage.. But u will nv know for sure if the massage lady is skilled as she claims. Aches are part of pregnancy. U can swim to relief from 2nd tri. Or u csn use heat/cold pad to soothe the aches. The rest just hv to bear with it. U r not alone.
Hi there, i've got a few stuffs to let go asap as i'm clearing space.

1. Tollyjoy Disposable Breast pads (63pcs, so its 1box and some leftovers) - Selling @ $10

2. Farlin Milk Storage Bag (20 + 2pcs) - Selling @ $10

3. Preloved Blue Anti Slip Mat - Selling @ $3

4. Left over 3/4 of Sacred tea (RP: $38) - Selling off @ $28

5. Chicco Carrier - Selling @ $35

6. Similac Mum satchets ( 2x 36.5g Expiry: 091012) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet wipes

7. Similac Mum satchets ( 2x 50g Expiry: 031012 & 021212) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet wipes

8. Mamil MAMA ( 2x 48g Expiry: 060112 & 060612) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet wipes

9. Abbott Discount Voucher (2x Similac Mum Expiry: 311211 2x Similac Expiry: 300612) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet Wipes

10. Mamil MAMA Discount Voucher (1x Expiry: 311211) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet Wipes

Interedted parties, pls PM.

Anybody started decorating their future baby room?
We wanted to paint our wall n paste some stickers but my mum says no painting no pasting.. Sigh.. Pregnancy myths...
Good buy: if u want to buy dong Chong chao, Fu hua is having 20% discount. Range from 260 to 420 before discount. Each pack can cook 5-6 serving. So if cook alternate week with birdnest is still affordable. Like going for one restrauant meal. I bought 2 pack, the high end and low end one. Cost $500+. more than enough to last till confinement. If interested can go and take a look cos normal is only 5%.
Hi all,

Thanks for sharing the confinement nanny rates...my etd is 9 feb 2012 and the nanny quote me 2300 after 10th of cny and 2400 if before that...
Hi all,

Pink bumbo chair (with tray) for sale at S$50. Used only twice and tray is un-used.

Collection at sengkang MRT

PM me if interested.

Jinglebell & AL: u both going for yoga?? Im interested too! Can i join???

Jen: best not to take undercook stuff - undercook/halfboil eggs might haf samonella, a kind of virus, can cause serious food poisoning. Undercook meat - can haf parasite eg. Toxo - bad for bb. So tahan dont eat best
I've the following items for sale. 

1. Babysafe sling (used only once) dark blue colour $30
2. Baby Bjorn carrier synergy (dark blue) seldom use $150

Interested can PM me. 
I'm march 2010 mummy.
I still have a box of Dhaxtra Softgel fish oil (30 capsules) that purchased from my gyne at TMC to let go at $45/-. Expiry Jun 2013.
Self collection at tg pagar mrt station.

Pls PM me if you are keen. Thanks
